

Oct 29th, 2020
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  1. „Fa­ther Sir, we then keep Chaos City, goes to Roe City?” Mag pre­pares food in kitchen, Amy moved a small back­less stool to sit in the kitchen en­trance, a to rub cat, looks at Mag to ask at the same time.
  2. „How Amy thinks?” Mag asked with a smile.
  3. Amy care­fully thinks say­ing: „Chaos City can they play with Elder Sis­ter Miya, but can also look for Jes­sica and Daphne they plays, must be fun than Roe City.”
  4. „In­deed is such.” Mag nods, Roe City ex­cept for eat­ing the thing pat­tern are more, re­gard­ing two chil­dren, is not fun.
  5. But is away from him to be able Saipan Tav­ern to let go com­pletely, but also misses one to hit the worker cred­i­bly.
  6. May at pre­sent be he of al­lied armies com­man­der-in-chief, re­ally does not have the time to man­age Saipan Tav­ern to be able, be­cause Boss puts the pi­geon, causes mat­ter that the guest trav­els.
  7. „But, can look at Young Lady Black Cat in Roe City, lit­tle elder sis­ter per­for­mance re­ally at­trac­tive, but also wants to look.” Amy honk the small mouth, is rub­bing the fat face of Ugly Duck­ling sin­gle-hand­edly, a lit­tle slightly in­ter­twines.
  8. At this time, out of the door re­sounded the knock.
  9. „I open the door!” Amy puts down Ugly Duck­ling, is step­ping the small short leg fast runs to­ward the en­trance, then stands on tip­toes tip of the toe some pull front doors of using en­ergy.
  10. Two big forms, stopped up in the en­trance.
  11. Amy raised the head, sees clearly came the per­son, the com­plex­ion changed, star­tled say/way: „Mas­ter, did this begin school?!”
  12. Comes per­son Cras­sus and Ju­lian.
  13. „Hehe, but, Lit­tle Amy should not be early anx­ious, we are test the school to test the school the re­cent stud­ies, after hav­ing a look to have a va­ca­tion, has to be loaf.” Cras­sus whole face gen­tle smil­ing.
  14. „Right.” Ju­lian nods.
  15. Amy is shriv­elled the small mouth, a face sad mum­bled: „Has a va­ca­tion should not eat, plays? Why can also try hard? I do not want to try hard......”
  16. Was say­ing to be say­ing, the eye socket was red, the tears spin its wheels in that big eyes, can prob­a­bly fall mo­men­tar­ily in gen­eral.
  17. „Eh......”
  18. Cras­sus and Ju­lian ex­pres­sion slightly one stiff, ob­vi­ously, is en­coun­ter­ing act­ing like a spoiled brat of lit­tle fel­low ras­cal, they have no okay means too as be­fore.
  19. „Do not cry not to cry, the mas­ter was not say­ing plays, we were too long have not seen Lit­tle Amy, there­fore wants to come to see you.” Cras­sus beck­ons with the hand hastily, but also held a Ju­lian elbow, „you said that Ju­lian.”
  20. „Un.” Ju­lian rubs se­cretly re­turned to an elbow, but nods.
  21. „Re­ally is this?” Amy looks up two peo­ple, shows the lov­able smile im­me­di­ately, lifts the small hand say­ing: „I also super think the mas­ter you! Re­ally.”
  22. Looks at the smile on young dis­ci­ple face, the face of Cras­sus and on Ju­lian can­not bear show the smile.
  23. Mag wel­comed from kitchen, looks at two hu­man­ity: „Two mas­ters came, hur­ries to sit, has not eaten meal, I am just prepar­ing food, might as well sit to eat to­gether.”
  24. „We eat......”
  25. „Yes, is so skill­ful, we have not eaten, words that eats to­gether, but also is re­ally a lit­tle em­bar­rassed.” Cras­sus was say­ing has sat down in the table.
  26. Ju­lian looked at his one eyes, knits the brows, sits down in the table.
  27. „That sits a meet­ing slightly, two veg­eta­bles/dishes have not com­pleted.” Mag pours water to them , to con­tinue kitchen cook­ing.
  28. These two al­ways as in­com­pat­i­bles as fire and water, call on at home today to­gether, has any­thing mostly.
  29. Mag is prepar­ing food, while cocks the ears to lis­ten to the out­side sound.
  30. „Here Lit­tle Amy, comes.” Cras­sus greeted Amy to come, draws her small hand to size up a meet­ing up and down, sat­is­fied nod, „, al­though seem­ingly had noth­ing pro­gres­sive, but the cheek was ac­tu­ally round sev­eral points, looked more lov­able.”
  31. Ju­lian rolled the eyes, stretched out one to point at se­lects gen­tly in the Amy's fore­head, snowflake bloomed in her fore­head, then turned into the ice crys­tal rapidly float.
  32. „Good, after a pe­riod of time, can use the true do­main.” Ju­lian re­ceives to reach be­hind the back, looks with that five-star ice crys­tal sat­is­fied nod.
  33. „My every day has the ef­fort to cul­ti­vate.” Amy is lis­ten­ing to two mas­ter work­ers' praises, say­ing of smil­ing.
  34. Mag also showed sev­eral points of happy ex­pres­sion in kitchen, al­though the lit­tle fel­low is glut­to­nously good to rest, but in­deed has the de­ter­mi­na­tion ef­fort to cul­ti­vate every day for 2-3 hours, com­pared with the same age small steamed stuffed buns, might be called the young model worker.
  35. Cras­sus is rain­bow fart, praised Amy hap­pily.
  36. „Lit­tle Amy, mas­ter here has sev­eral types of things to you, you must re­ceive quite.” Cras­sus took out a green spooky space bracelet, points at the light shell, to­gether Image Stone and thick books ap­pear on the table.
  37. Amy takes up that Image Stone to look, was car­ries that thick book to size up a meet­ing, asked: „Mas­ter, what is this?”
  38. „In this Image Stone is the mas­ter spe­cially to some magic courses that you record, this book is close com­bat magic that the mas­ter writes per­son­ally must record, in this world only this it­self/Ben.” Cras­sus in­tro­duced with a smile.
  39. „.” Amy nods, full is novel is siz­ing up that two kinds thing, but put down the thing in hand quickly, raised the head some being fright­ened looks at Cras­sus: „Mas­ter, didn't you want me?”
  40. In kitchen, Mag also stopped the move­ment of stir-fried dish.
  41. „How can, Lit­tle Amy be so lov­able, how the mas­ter will be will­ing not to want you.” Cras­sus shakes the head to say.
  42. „Why do you want to my these things, you not to teach Lit­tle Amy magic? Lit­tle Amy will be very dili­gent, do not give up Lit­tle Amy being good.” Amy some wor­ry­ing looks at Cras­sus, the tears has spun in the eye socket.
  43. „ It is not such Lit­tle Amy, Mas­ter, but must have one to go far from home, fears your in­suf­fi­cient ef­fort, there­fore leaves be­hind this two kinds thing.
  44. Hopes and other mas­ters come back, you have be­come more pow­er­ful, when the time comes the mas­ter must test you to have the ef­fort per­son­ally. ” Cras­sus touches the Amy's head to say with a smile.
  45. „Real?” Amy at­tracted the nose, some sus­pi­cions looks at Cras­sus.
  46. „.” Ju­lian lifted the hand, an ice blue ring ap­pears on the table, a snowflake shape ice crys­tal mir­ror.
  47. „Lit­tle Amy, this is I leaves your thing, you re­gard­ing the ice dis­ci­pline magic affin­ity, above me, fu­ture achieve­ment also in­evitably above me.” Ju­lian looks at Amy, com­pletely grat­i­fied smil­ing: „My this life, a done most sat­is­fied mat­ter, is the hand you for the dis­ci­ple.”
  48. „When that...... do that you come back?” Amy vis­its two peo­ple to ask.
  49. „Quick, per­haps waits for you to begin school, we come back.” Cras­sus said with a smile.
  50. Ju­lian fol­lows to nod.
  51. On the Amy's face showed the smile, earnest ig­nites tiny head say­ing: „Un, I very dili­gently very learn/study magic dili­gently, when you come back, cer­tainly will be star­tled.”
  52. „Good, we wait.” Cras­sus said with a smile.
  53. „Two mas­ters, gather rarely, might as well drink to­gether.” Mag is serv­ing food, took one bot­tle of Mao­tai from the wine chest, said with a smile.
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