

Nov 12th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. „This mat­ter I will arrange.” Dex­ter nod­ded, hes­i­tated, said: „In ad­di­tion, I have the in­ci­dent to re­port Sir Alex.”
  2. Mag vis­its him.
  3. „Last night under the At­lantis bot­tom pre­sented the change, Heaven Reach­ing Pil­lar shiv­ered fiercely a evening, has not ceased, this sit­u­a­tion in the At­lantis sev­eral thou­sand years his­tor­i­cal has never hap­pened, there­fore I wor­ried was whether re­lated with the devil.” Dex­ter said.
  4. „This mat­ter?” The Mag brow wrin­kles.
  5. When At­lantis from crashes into the seabed, even they do not talk clearly, why does not know the rea­son.
  6. How­ever at this kind of time, under the At­lantis bot­tom out­break changed, was in­deed un­usual.
  7. „This mat­ter I will go to in­ves­ti­gate.” Mag nods, he pre­pares a Chaos City trans­port­ing ar­tillery, it seems like must go to At­lantis while con­ve­nient.
  8. Then Mag brought Dex­ter to see Do­minic, now the front­line busi­ness is ba­si­cally under the charge to him, mak­ing him arrange the At­lantis per­son­nel to be nat­u­rally ap­pro­pri­ate.
  9. More­over At­lantis has not had the lo­gis­tics, needs Roth Em­pire to be re­spon­si­ble.
  10. ......
  11. After ar­rang­ing the busi­ness, Mag and Irina ride fly­ing mount to go south.
  12. „If the Great Old One break­through seal, that trou­bled again.” Irina lis­tened to Mag after nar­rat­ing, the fa­cial ex­pres­sion was also some­what dig­ni­fied.
  13. „Must have a look with own eyes, re­lates Dawn while con­ve­nient, has a look at her whether re­gard­ing this had un­der­stood.” Mag nods, trans­mit­ted a news to Dawn.
  14. Quick Mag then re­ceived the reply of Dawn:
  15. „Under At­lantis, what seal is the Cthulhu den ‚the R'lyeh city’, changes I to de­tect, I have re­turned Un­der­ground City, but has not fed back.”
  16. „R'lyeh city.” Mag deeply frowns, has not thought that the city in that leg­end ac­tu­ally re­ally ex­ists.
  17. In this case, some­what was ac­tu­ally trou­ble­some.
  18. Cthulhu as­sem­bles 1 mil­lion dead spirit reg­i­ments to plan to go south, at the same time, was pre­sented the change by the seal in seabed R'lyeh at this time, very dif­fi­cult this two not to link.
  19. „What in that has?” Mag sent a re­cent news.
  20. Crossed for a long time, Mag re­ceives the reply of Dawn:
  21. „ Be­fore Cthulhu by seal, out­side the R'lyeh city pre­sented the malaria bar­rier, is un­able to enter, the Cthulhu loyal ret­inues hide in the city. There­fore the older gen­er­a­tion can only sub­merge At­lantis, its deep­est oceanic trench of seal in End­less Sea.
  22. Elder Thing to pre­vent Star-Spawn comes out to de­stroy the seal, has drawn in Un­der­ground City it the in­nu­mer­able years ago, sep­a­rates com­pletely with Nolan con­ti­nent. How­ever often ap­pears from these years Star-Spawn in Un­der­ground City, per­haps they are also liv­ing. ”
  23. Mag looks silent, deeply frowns.
  24. „What's wrong?” Be­fore Irina gath­ers up, after look­ing at the news, is dig­ni­fied.
  25. „How do you plan to process?” Irina looks at Mag to ask.
  26. „This is not, Cthulhu and dead spirit of reg­i­ment north­ern bound­ary we can process has made var­i­ous races use all, if makes them know rear area at this mo­ment may en­counter the threat, the morale gives way in­evitably com­pletely.” Mag shakes the head.
  27. „There­fore?”
  28. „There­fore this pot must fling to Elder Thing.”
  29. Mag is star­ing at com­mu­ni­ca­tion in hand, pon­dered a meet­ing, trans­mit­ted a news to Dawn.
  30. ......
  31. The space­ship lounge, Dawn sits near the win­dow, looks on the vir­tual screen the just-re­ceived news, on the face of an­cient well with­out rip­ples, re­vealed for sev­eral points to in­ter­twine.
  32. Takes a bath, re­ceived in ex­change Vicke of black Lolita skirt to walk, looked at Dawn, swept the eye vir­tual screen sub­con­sciously.
  33. „Cthulhu can Star-Spawn also work loose the seal?” Vicke star­tled say/way.
  34. „The R'lyeh mu­ta­tion, Cthulhu sharply has not been mo­bi­liz­ing the dead spirit reg­i­ment to go south, pos­si­bly is this rea­son.” Dawn nods, by the Vicke sta­tus, this mat­ter does not need to hide the truth from him.
  35. Vicke look­ing pen­sive, said: „By the Nolan con­ti­nent strength, is Cthulhu and 1 mil­lion dead spirit reg­i­ments enough has only had a headache, there­fore he does fling the pot to us? To make us help them solve R'lyeh.”
  36. „He has not re­sulted in elects.” Dawn light say/way.
  37. Alex can in such a short time, orig­i­nally the fis­sion chaotic Nolan con­ti­nent var­i­ous races con­for­mity, and forms a scale to be huge, the strength con­sid­er­able al­lied armies, have made her hold in high es­teem.
  38. „Once Elder Thing was also Nolan con­ti­nent one, but R'lyeh in Un­der­ground City, this issue is solved by us now, why not?” Vicke looks at Dawn face earnest say­ing.
  39. „This is not the mat­ter that I can de­cide.” Dawn calm say/way.
  40. „I know that who can de­cide.” The Vicke point op­er­ates the hand link, links the bat­tle­ship net­work, then dials that two years had not di­aled the num­ber.
  41. Does not cal­cu­late that the long tele­phone con­ver­sa­tion, Vicke hung up the tele­phone on own ini­tia­tive, looks at Dawn say­ing: „Now you can reply him , please pass on to her for me, this is the thanks.”
  42. Dawn slightly nod­ded, looks that the Vicke vi­sion were ac­tu­ally many sev­eral points of dif­fer­ence, but fast trans­mit­ted a news to Mag.
  43. Sir Fer­di­nand com­plies com­pletely to solve the R'lyeh city, means that the threat from End­less Sea seabed has re­lieved.
  44. The Elder Thing sci­ence and tech­nol­ogy has not per­haps been able to solve the Cthulhu like this pow­er­ful in­truder, but if the ret­inue race in R'lyeh city is not even able to solve, that could not some­what be jus­ti­fied.
  45. ......
  46. Mag just under grif­fon, then re­ceived the mes­sage from Dawn.
  47. News suc­cinct as al­ways.
  48. „The R'lyeh threat re­lieves, this is by that thanks that you res­cue.”
  49. „That per­son that be­fore res­cued, prob­lem solve.” Mag with a smile and Irina said.
  50. „That looks like the sta­tus is not low.” Irina some­what is sur­prised the dif­fer­ent way.
  51. „Per­son who can con­trol the de­ci­sion-mak­ing strata.”
  52. The nod of Mag ap­proval, re­ally the me­di­a­tion good deed has the good re­port, made him re­lieve extra wor­ries di­rectly.
  53. „Please must as­sure the safety of At­lantis res­i­dent.” Mag re­ported the news, re­ceives com­mu­ni­ca­tion, en­ters City Lord's man­sion quickly.
  54. About R'lyeh mat­ter, Mag had not said with Michael, in­stalled the ar­tillery then to leave City Lord's man­sion.
  55. Mag and Irina went to a ice cream shop, but stood in the dis­tant place watched a meet­ing, saw that two chil­dren are sit­ting in the win­dow are eat­ing ice cream, is smil­ing hap­pily, de­par­ture that then felt re­lieved.
  56. Then Mag went to Peach Moun­tain of dragon race bound­ary.
  57. Ex­tends Peach Moun­tain that goes, over a thou­sand mu, had been felled fully at this mo­ment most prob­a­bly.
  58. All over is cut­ting trees down beast­man and elf, more­over sev­eral large-scale sol­dier Fac­tory, are step­ping up to make the peach wooden ar­rows and other weapons.
  59. The weapon that the man­u­fac­ture com­pletes, is re­spon­si­ble for trans­port­ing to the front­line by giant dragon, be­cause is on the way.
  60. „Ac­cord­ing to this ef­fi­ciency, should not use the issue that is wor­ried about un­der­armed.” Mag nods.
  61. Looks on giant dragon that often takes off piles up one on top of an­other hill the wooden crate, is quite grat­i­fied.
  62. ( This chap­ter ends)
  63. Previous Table of Contents
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