
bugs and exploits

Jul 3rd, 2019
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  1. lightning rod skill can make mobs invincible to guns, can be killed with melee weapons, will be considered as dead so the next round will spawn but they can still kill you
  2. guns disappearing, sometimes happen after you are revived, only way to get them back is with max ammo or ammo supply
  3. revive bug, when you have fast revive sometimes you cannot revive people or it takes the normal time (extremly dangerous bug, probably the most annoying one, only way to avoid it is to re-shift, can ruin games)
  4. guardian laser crash, if you are in 1.10+ guardians lasers will make your game crash
  5. hologram armor stand, sometimes after reviving people, if the person or the servers lags, some of the armor stands like "HOLD SNEAK .." can stay and makes shooting impossible if you are too close to the armor stand
  6. guardian laser crash, same as previous but due to the armor stands when a guardian shoot, that's why rounds 89 and 99 we have to change place, otherwise we would die
  7. slimes spawning in walls, in Alien Arcadium, sometimes slimes or magma cubes can spawn in a wall and can go out of the map
  8. bugged blazes dead end, quite often, in round 15 you will have "Mobs left 1" but 2 blazes alive, if you kill one blaze, it will kill the other one
  9. > a bug can also kill other mobs in the map (happened once in round 15 in rip difficulty, bombie and inferno were suddenly killed at the same time), we think its related to bugged zombie that kill other ones as the previous bug
  10. shooting bugs, at the beginning of the game sometimes shooting is impossible
  11. clip ammo bug, often happens in Alien Arcadium but also in other maps, after you are revived, you have to reload your weapon because you cannot shoot otherwise
  12. boss despawn, if you don't kill the boss, the boss will be killed after the usual time but the boss in itself will stay but will be bugged, they will not be able to move most of the time and only way to hit them is with melee weapons
  13. > on bad blood, if you don't go kill the wither, after "despawning", the body will stay and able to take knockback, can't hit you so you can walk the wither in other rooms, in endless we once had 3 withers in balcony
  14. invincible zombie, with lightning rod skill, but also can happen randomly if you hit it (too much) with knife or really randomly (happened in round 1 once)
  15. ores, the ores showing the mobs spawning locations can stay after the game has started
  16. fire blocks can appear when blazes shoot or inferno, can't be destroyed (must use a little glitch to remove them but you will lose perks), it's annoying since it ruins when you camping spot
  18. exploits:
  19. team machine gui, if you take the barrier block and the dragon egg then cut internet, you can exploit almost everywhere on the map with placing these blocks, i suggest replacing the 2 placable blocks by other items
  20. window glitch, if you right click a barrier block from a window while holding something, the barrier block can disappear and you can go in the window (almost invincible)
  21. the ores, you can go on some places you should not be able to, for example on the quick fire perk in bad blood
  22. with window glitch in bad blood you can go out of the map by passing in the window at your left when you spawn in the map, from there you can go out of the map
  23. by getting knocked down next to a closed door and if you are revived, you can get to the other side, it can result that the mobs will not be able to reach you and will be stuck at the other side
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