

May 26th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. now they will probably just a brain dump but thats how my life has gotten to be more and more. I am just not recently learning about hydroxyzine and memory loss issues only after having had been on the medication for what seems like as long as i can remember. Im 44 and feel like I have been complaining about memory loss more and more in the past years. I have been on that medicine for probably atleast 10 years if not 15.  It started from a VA mental health doctor giving it to me because I was not able to sleep very well at all and I felt like my brain never will shut up always putting me on a task or even singing a song in my head and sometimes out loud until my jaw hurts from all the mouth moving "yappin" and I would take it at night, 2 pills at 20mg a peace. After a while I started realizing that when I go to sleep at night having made ideas, plans, and checklists of things i want to get started doing the next day as one usually does and I wake up completely empty headed and really only realize those things much later on probably days later even. Now I have always been extremely ADHD and really I feel like more of my problems turn out to be that though i am now on Adderall and though it helps for a short period and you can feel it wear off and it doesn't give me total focus and attention to things. I also have had a brain surgery because of a subdural hematoma at age 33. And through the years both because of just being in a deep depression I felt like I can even think deeply like my brain even gets hot and i sweat alot even in a freezing room just because im trying hard to use my brain like an old computer with a big graphics card that your trying to push ai image generation through and its over heating and going very slow now.
  2. And i got to add also memory loss is going on right now it happens ALL THE TIME when im trying to communicate something some what complex and having to think hard while typing just the time that it takes to actually get the words out typing (and im not slow at typing either), i forget what exactly i was trying to say to the point so badly that I cant bring my brain to working at remembering or even trying to focus on rereading what i had just typed that is right in front of my face that I just give up and usually fail at whatever i was trying to accomplish whether it be telling someone something important or even giving information to another person online like what I'm doing now. I feel so far removed from what I was initially set out to say here that I am trying to freestyle and ending to my words. Well maybe a year ago I told my doctor that I was having unexplained anxiety and in turn he decided to get me to take more hydroxyzine which now i take 2 at night and sometimes one mid day if i feel anxious. I find myself atleast once a day, getting up from a position to go accomplish a goal elsewhere in my room usually and the time it takes me to stand and begin walking i already forgot what i wanted to go do and cant remember sometimes till a few hours later. And I am just not putting all of this together and its starting to sound like them meds are helping speed up whatever mental problems i will have but I know my age isn't shrinking as im creeping towards 50 right now and my bad ADHD can be causeing some issues not to mention the brain surgery and possible worsening the ADHD on top of that even still just makes me even more confused. Its just hard to think. That is why I have loved the help from first SIRI and reminding me when i need it as well as more so recently Ai and how much I can get its help at picking up the slack where my memory and brain capacity of thinking falls. Its all just so depressing to think about and just writing this post tonight about an hour after i first read google say :
  3. Yes, hydroxyzine (Atarax) can cause memory problems, including making thinking problems worse. Hydroxyzine is an antihistamine with anticholinergic properties, and some research suggests that long-term use of these medications may be linked to dementia, especially in older adults. Other side effects of hydroxyzine include confusion, trouble paying attention, drowsiness, dizziness, and lack of coordination. People with dementia may be at a higher risk of experiencing these side effects.
  4. To minimize adverse effects, the UCSF Memory and Aging Center recommends using anticholinergic medications like hydroxyzine at the lowest effective dose for the shortest duration possible. Doctors may also try to prescribe other treatments for people with dementia.
  5. Not a week or two longer before a friend mentioned it to me to mention to my doctor and then a possibe 15 years back that I have been on this drug did I decided I need to tell that doctor that I want to try other solutions and get off them meds for sure cause I have even told him about all memory issues before. Well, like I was saying before, i dont know where to live this at or how to finish what im trying to say but im sure the way I put it has been changed by ChatGPT because I have been having to get her help so much more and you should be able to understand what I am trying to say much better than the way I said it.
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