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- ReorderableList CreateList (SerializedObject obj, SerializedProperty prop)
- {
- ReorderableList list = new ReorderableList (obj, prop, true, true, true, true);
- list.drawHeaderCallback = rect => {
- EditorGUI.LabelField (rect, "Sprites");
- };
- List<float> heights = new List<float> (prop.arraySize);
- list.drawElementCallback = (rect, index, active, focused) => {
- SerializedProperty element = list.serializedProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex (index);
- Sprite s = (element.objectReferenceValue as Sprite);
- bool foldout = active;
- float height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 1.25f;
- if (foldout) {
- height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 5;
- }
- try {
- heights [index] = height;
- } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) {
- Debug.LogWarning (e.Message);
- } finally {
- float[] floats = heights.ToArray ();
- Array.Resize (ref floats, prop.arraySize);
- heights = floats.ToList ();
- }
- float margin = height / 10;
- rect.y += margin;
- rect.height = (height / 5) * 4;
- rect.width = rect.width / 2 - margin / 2;
- if (foldout) {
- if (s) {
- EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture (rect, s.texture);
- }
- }
- rect.x += rect.width + margin;
- EditorGUI.ObjectField (rect, element, GUIContent.none);
- };
- list.elementHeightCallback = (index) => {
- Repaint ();
- float height = 0;
- try {
- height = heights [index];
- } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) {
- Debug.LogWarning (e.Message);
- } finally {
- float[] floats = heights.ToArray ();
- Array.Resize (ref floats, prop.arraySize);
- heights = floats.ToList ();
- }
- return height;
- };
- list.drawElementBackgroundCallback = (rect, index, active, focused) => {
- rect.height = heights [index];
- Texture2D tex = new Texture2D (1, 1);
- tex.SetPixel (0, 0, new Color (0.33f, 0.66f, 1f, 0.66f));
- tex.Apply ();
- if (active)
- GUI.DrawTexture (rect, tex as Texture);
- };
- list.onAddDropdownCallback = (rect, li) => {
- var menu = new GenericMenu ();
- menu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Add Element"), false, () => {
- serializedObject.Update ();
- li.serializedProperty.arraySize++;
- serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties ();
- });
- menu.ShowAsContext ();
- float[] floats = heights.ToArray ();
- Array.Resize (ref floats, prop.arraySize);
- heights = floats.ToList ();
- };
- return list;
- }
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