
Fall of Cleveland: If Only It Were Traffic

Jul 30th, 2012
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  1. >You are a soldier in A Company, 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment.
  2. >Your unit is currently in Humvees travelling toward the city of Cleveland along Lake Erie on Ohio State Route 2.
  3. >Just about to reach the interchange with I-90, and there's not a soul on the roads.
  4. >You'll be meeting up with C Company, 2nd Battallion, 56th Stryker Brigade, a unit from the Pennsylvania National Guard.
  5. >They've been here for a while; their vehicles were required to help make a path for evacuees.
  6. >Clumps of fluffy ponies dot the roadside.
  7. >You've lost count of how many your vehicle's run over.
  8. >It's not long before you see the Strykers up ahead.
  9. >After coming to a halt and exchanging hellos, their company commander and yours start fleshing out details.
  10. >III Corps in Fort Hood, Texas, the final word in the field for this operation, issues orders.
  11. >They want your two units to determine how far light vehicles can penetrate into the city.
  12. >You're not even bothering with the theme park itself, it's overwhelmed.
  13. >”Pway?” a fluffy pony asks, waddling over.
  14. >“Why hooman fwuff wook funny?”
  15. >Kick that bastard clear off the bridge.
  16. >You hear a chorus of 'new fwiend!' and 'gif huggies!'
  17. >Mount up again and continue down I-90, Humvees leading the way.
  18. >The closer you get to Cleveland, the more fluffies begin choking the roads.
  19. >Pretty soon, you're driving through a living sea, screaming 'pwease move!' and 'fwuffy no can wun!'
  20. >”Damn it, it feels like ice!” the driver complains.
  21. >Fluffy pony gore defeats the traction of your tires.
  22. >He opens the door and looks down. Several fluffies try to hug him.
  23. >”Hey, Ramirez! Open up with the forty!”
  24. >The gunner, standing up in the back, acknowledges. Grenades begin pelting the fluffy ponies.
  25. >The explosives manage to dent the squirming fluffy glob, and the noise makes them scatter.
  26. >Scatter might be a generous term.
  27. >They waddle at top speed, which is approximately not very fast miles an hour.
  28. >You can move forward again, but you only reach Gordon Park before you get bogged down.
  29. >”Fuck me upside down on a pogo stick,” the driver exclaims. Fluffy ponies choke the landscape.
  30. >Untold hundreds are washing up on the shores of Lake Erie to your right.
  31. >”Charlie Company, bring up your Strykers and clear us a path, would you?”
  32. >The IFVs rumble past you, their sloped forward undersides shoving piles of the screaming creatures away.
  33. >They look like wakes of water, if they could talk, bleed, and cry.
  34. >Your Humvees fall in behind them and continue on
  35. >When you reach the East 55th Street bridge, there are so many ponies, their compressed corpses lift the Stryker's front ends up.
  36. >Not even their eighteen tons can squish the dead enough to press on.
  37. “I'm calling the Captain. Sir, we got to East 55th and I-90, but not even the Strykers can get any farther.”
  38. >You have to yell over the noise of fluffies begging for food, screaming in pain, and asking where Spaghetti Land is.
  39. >”Roger, I'll send it along to regimental HQ.”
  40. >”Man, we need a fucking Abrams,” the guy in the left rear seat says.
  41. “Now that you mention it, where the hell is Dealer Company?”
  42. >Before you can ask the Captain, you realize something.
  43. >Your vehicles are surrounded by fluffies, two and three deep.
  44. >They want hugs, and food, and directions.
  45. “Oh...shit.”
  46. >You try backing up, only for the pile of dead you create to lift up your rear tires.
  47. “Captain, we're stuck and surrounded!”
  48. >The Strykers have better luck.
  49. >Their infantry passengers emerge and start blasting fluffies with their M1014 shotguns.
  50. >The shots scatter enough grieving fluffies for the Humvees to start rolling.
  51. >”Why huwt fwuffy?!”
  52. >Fuck, do these things ever shut up?
  53. >Everyone but the drivers have to get out now, stomping and kicking and shooting fluffies so their vehicles can get going.
  54. >This oughta look real good in the regimental history. From Hemingway in France to slaughtering living kids' toys in Ohio.
  55. >More fluffies are coming in from behind you, half screaming about that damn theme park.
  56. >Others are crying about a 'big wooshy munsta'.
  57. >You look up. Thank fuck, an M1A2 is coming.
  58. >Its sixty-eight ton bulk flattens the little bastards into bloody puddles.
  59. >It pulls up to the rear of your procession, does a pivot turn, and plows a path back.
  60. >After a lot of three point turns, you fall in behind it.
  61. >The fluffies waddle away from the turbine noise, so you have much better luck getting back to the interchange.
  62. >Now the ruined theme park is off to your right.
  63. >The best way you can describe the sight surrounding it is a pile of fluffies.
  64. >Once you get back, your company checks in and gets the word from other companies that have attempted to reach Cleveland.
  65. >Sounds like those west of the city have fared a little better than you, as they were going with the fuzzy flow.
  66. >Fluffies continue to accost you, begging for help in reaching the 'big sgettis'.
  67. >You kick them. Some of the other soldiers turn them into bloody poofs with a shotgun shell.
  68. >The company commander is already talking about artillery and air support.
  69. >He also remarks about reports of people still in the city, but they're on their own.
  70. >III Corps will have to take the fluffy problem a bit more seriously now.
  71. >You continue to kick fluffies that waddle up to you.
  72. >You're not shooting them, yet.
  73. >Probably will on your way back to the camp at Lost Nation Municipal Airport.
  74. >If these fluffy little bastards haven't overrun it by now.
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