
Where’s the even ? Can’t see any ties anywhere ?

Jan 2nd, 2024
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  1. everyday i go to sleep and everyday i wake up no ones told me anything so no one will so they can keep getting away without me knowing whats going on to stop it
  3. But ill sacrifice myself and document them to death with it
  4. Who else would do this and what other reason would they have if my life wasnt ruin or my time wasnt wasted whats the problem right >? Seems like no no seems to listen so that means i need different people to speak to
  • s1337668
    175 days
    # text 2.45 KB | 0 0
    1. ODSP
    2. Social life
    3. Early life
    4. - child trafficking victim
    5. - countless therapy and meditation sessions
    6. High school
    7. - inability to start relationships due to home-life
    8. - Social assistance during highschool focusing on education and employment
    9. - Inability to start relationship due to time management and financial / Living status
    10. - All friends and acquaintances knew of my situations publicly professed status to teachers and friends
    11. - Emotionally Capable Physically capable Mentally Capable Financially limited
    12. Adult life
    13. Pre Burlington
    14. Post Burlington
    16. Emotional intelligence
    17. Keys to the VIP
    18. Teen Vogue
    19. Cosmopolitan
    21. I already had all the tools to be in a relationship I cant focus on being in one when I always have to deal with bullshit trying to make it seem like im the reason why ive never been in a relationship so if they’re going to keep trying to make it seem like theres been an issue i obviously will threaten them with my life since its not being taken into consideration why the fuck would i care about whatever the fuck they offer me. A chance to be with someone while they give me problems while im poor to make it seem like having problems when you have money is any different ? Wont resolve any problems just makes them go away and expects me to forget or get tired LMFAOOOO keep it up idgaf and you’ll wish you did when it gets tied back to these goofs
    23. The emoji project showed i was capable to having and keeping friends in good standings
    25. Why get into a relationship when you have problems to deal with so they give me basic problems and make it seem like it shouldn’t be an issue and i should ignore it and start a relationship ? But prove anything while problems from my past that weren’t addressed start to come back into my life as I predicted and expected obviously nothing special about dealing with people who have experience I gave them the blueprint so i could make fun of them and embarrass them for being so capable and so insignificant where it matters
    27. Resolve all my problems so i dont make these issues problems for someone else to deal with. And if so me just stockpiling readdressing constantly bringing back up ill wear the poster and walk around in hamilton thinking the problems solved because im in a different city
    29. Trying to buy me off with sex after already ruining my life but not going far enough to kill me is how ill show them why i keep having these same goofy fuc*ing problems ive solved at the root
  • s1337668
    175 days
    # text 0.25 KB | 0 0
    1. Money cant even be an issue becaue i create and stick to systems so well spending less than $10 on sandwiches every 2-3 days is saving money but im supposed to look like im bad with money so theyll be stealing food causing problems to make me spend more when
  • s1337668
    175 days
    # text 0.55 KB | 0 0
    1. Basically limiting my ability to make money by constantly making me deal with problems that from the outside look normal but are only capable of happening in certain enviroments
    3. So he had to make the weirdo pretend i was gay with him so that the guy who used his daughter as a pawn could continue to look like someone he isnt in the public
    4. While using word of mouth and gossip
    6. It’s going to get worse since the more people the more people know about how you selected child trafficking survivors as targets to be used in money making schemes 🤣
  • s1337668
    175 days
    # text 0.12 KB | 0 0
    1. Trying to be scary to the right one since ive been killing pedos online graduated 🥳 you look just right said papa bear
  • s1337668
    175 days
    # text 0.24 KB | 0 0
    1. The problem is they didnt think there was any good in me LOL just assumed i was bad doesnt matter how bad what matters is im so too good to be true sacrificing myself buries them for life im bout it to the ends and back fuck you talkin bout
  • s1337668
    175 days
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    1. Can’t work hard enough and never seen me working hard 🤣 your more disadvantaged than you are misinformed since knowing im THIS academic wouldnt even help you
  • s1337668
    175 days
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    1. 4 hours of sleep seems fake and not real until you losing sleep over trying to prove something now its compounded more and more over time and i can keep turning and shifting documenting adding to what was already stated
  • s1337668
    175 days
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  • s1337668
    175 days
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    1. Can’t take back the hindsight you’ll feel knowing how much time you wasted if you were tryna help me that feeling should start to overcome you as time goes on legit its 2016 again LOL
  • s1337668
    175 days
    # text 1.06 KB | 0 0
    1. Don’t nobody make any jokes in private pedophiles like to listen and set you up thinking your serious even if all you do is work on your own job everyday Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Keep showing no remorse Only way we know you deserve waht we give you
  • s1337668
    175 days
    # text 0.74 KB | 0 0
    1. Ohhh because i can maintain complete composure while writing about things that get people killed especially those other 3 guys they’re expecting me to be so emotional or so cold I either too hot ruin everything forced to settle with something that kills my souls from lack on interest or so cold i dont care about anything 🤣 tried to fight me gave too much heat to the cold and froze the hot boy. No chance of any affiliation since i was talking to women and trying for a relationship this goof fucked it up by trying to claim im gay with him to save him from court exlpains why he stole the phone i was using to talk to the person who filed charges against me its all to help the guy who cant get away since i documented better than he could keep track
  • s1337668
    175 days
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    1. “I can’t say for certain im not going to lie by saying it was one thing or the other “ yeah i exposed the secret book i read from a documentary LMFAO
  • s1337668
    175 days
    # text 0.13 KB | 0 0
    1. sharks in the desert: the founding fathers and current kings of las vegas john l. smith 10 points for the boys on the griffins list
  • s1337668
    175 days
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  • s1337668
    175 days
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    1. victoria coren mitchell poker star ✨
  • s1337668
    175 days
    # text 0.26 KB | 0 0
    1. being gay isnt a big deal you need me to make a big deal about something so you can keep triggering and build up a major reaction but not homophobic got over it as a kid your just a child stalker who got caught trying to mentally damage kids to make them into sales men
  • s1337668
    175 days
    # text 0.86 KB | 0 0
    1. Yeah now im far enough for you not to worry about anxiety or proximity but wait if it was a problem that means you knew more about the situation than you let on so me being here means something in an argument or topic of discussion but if you never had anything to worry about i made you make a big stink about something you originally misdiagnosed with your friends so its you just goofing away your life with anxiety and too much responsibility and impact on people who have never done anything warranting this level of a response my ability to meet you at this elevation means nothing but show i should of had more courtesy but since i wasnt we get to benefit from the mistakes and over reactions of those who are supposed to be more composed and coherent LMFAO mans just acting like a child with power not knowing its all documented and neatly formatted for ease of digesting
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