
Human Studies (Mature Themes: MLP)

Dec 10th, 2013
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  1. ====
  2. Day 1
  3. ====
  4. >Today was the day, Sparkle!
  5. >After three long, long months...
  6. >Anon was finally going to let you...'study' him, without interruption for the next few days.
  7. >A pleasurable pressure built up deep inside whenever you were near him.
  8. >His natural scent was intoxicating to you.
  9. >Just, every time you got close to him, he would wander off to do some dangerous thing or another.
  10. >Like exploring the Everfree Forest 'just because', or taunting a Manticore.
  11. >He was lucky that Manticore liked Fluttershy, otherwise it would have undoubtedly killed him.
  12. >Today was dual-purposed, though.
  13. >You knew so little of human anatomy, so today was going to be a learning experience too.
  14. >The human appeared to be a mammal, though you weren't even sure if he had a traditional penis.
  15. >He might have an ovipositor for all you knew.
  16. >Wouldn't that make him technically a female then, though?
  17. >Still...the thought of carrying his eggs wasn't all that bad either...
  18. >That warmth in your nethers started again.
  19. >Focus, Sparkle!
  20. >You had an assignment from Princess Celestia herself!
  21. > addition to having a few personal reasons.
  22. >A knock on the door to the library sounded the human's arrival.
  23. ---
  24. >Why on Earth were you doing this, again?
  25. >Oh, right.
  26. >Because you were broke.
  27. >'Twilight Sparkle', the purple unicorn, was paying you for your time.
  28. >Money for you was in short supply, especially when most of these ponies wouldn't hire you for anything.
  29. >No 'cutie mark' meant no talent, supposedly.
  30. >These 'bits' were the currency, and your dirty 'paper' money was worthless.
  31. >One pony, the very same that found you, wanted to study you.
  32. >Twilight Sparkle was willing to pay you quite a bit for two to three hours of study/talk time.
  33. >She was one of the six ponies that had found you in the wilderness.
  34. >Twilight seemed to be the only one, aside from the butter-yellow pegasus, that maintained frequent contact.
  35. >Fluttershy, you think her name was.
  36. >Regardless, Twilight's Library/Home combo was in reach.
  37. >Swallowing any last dregs of pride you had, you knocked on the door.
  38. >A purple aura surrounded the door, and it swung open.
  39. "That's...not creepy at all." You muttered, stepping inside.
  40. >"Oh, hi Anon!" Came the cheery greeting.
  41. "Uh, hi?" You replied to the empty foyer. "Where are you?"
  42. >"Upstairs, Anon. I'm taking the interview up here, the stairs are on your left!" She chirped.
  43. >"Oh, I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait!"
  44. >Rolling your eyes, you walked up the shallow stairway to the second floor.
  45. >True to her word was a couch, like one you'd find at a psychiatrist's office.
  46. >She was already seated on her bed, so you assumed that's where you'd be sitting.
  47. >Taking a seat on the couch, you looked around.
  48. >The unicorn was staring at you with barely contained glee, a wide grin plastered on her face.
  49. >"Oh, this is so exciting! Getting to know a foreign species, and in person!"
  50. >The lavender pony nearly started hopping on her bed, before she cleared her throat and tried to remain professional.
  51. >Your opinion of her professional abilities had already been shattered into a million tiny pieces.
  52. >"For record's sake, your name?"
  53. "Anonymous."
  54. >"Good. Average height and weight for your species?"
  55. "Roughly one hundred and eighty pounds or eighty-one kilograms, and about five feet ten inches or one and seven-tenths of a meter." You replied.
  56. >Twilight arched an eyebrow.
  57. >"Why two measurements?"
  58. "Different parts of my world use different measurements. I went with the two most common."
  59. >If this is all it was going to be, then this would be easy.
  60. >"Stand up, please."
  61. >Arching an eyebrow, you did.
  62. >"Strip, please."
  63. "Uh..."
  64. >"I need sketches, Anon. No scientific entry of a new species is complete without them."
  65. >Sound enough logic for you, you supposed.
  66. >You did so, but kept your boxers on.
  67. >So far the strangest interview you had ever been at, but at the same time it made sense.
  68. >She was doing a study of humans. You weren't the best subject, but seeing as you were the ONLY subject, you'd have to do.
  69. >Twilight's quill was moving so fast you swore it was going to light the pad on fire.
  70. >"Significant muscular structure in the abdomen and thighs, with thigh muscles appearing to be largest in the body..."
  71. >A small purple light lit her horn, and a bolt flew into your left arm.
  72. "OW!"
  73. >It felt like you had been tazed and you jumped, rubbing the impact area.
  74. >"Reaction times are less than one-half second, very good for a creature his size..."
  75. >This was starting to feel like a bad idea.
  76. --
  77. >So far, you had been sitting on the couch in just your boxers for three hours.
  78. >You had kept your legs defiantly crossed, despite the pony's multiple attempts to get you to take them off.
  79. >Twilight had even tried to take them off herself, which you stopped by grabbing the source - Her horn.
  80. >You kept that noted: Grabbing a unicorn's horn immediately sapped them of their power.
  81. >"Anon, I-I need to s-see a human's...reproductive drawings won't be com-complete without th-them..."
  82. "No, Twilight." You stubbornly refused. "Would describing them work?"
  83. >"I-no, my sketches need visual co-confirmation..."
  84. >An idea struck you, finally fed up with the stubborn mare.
  85. >A childish, schoolyard idea, but an idea nonetheless.
  86. "You first."
  87. >Twilight grew very quiet, very quickly as an enormous blush crossed her face.
  88. >"Wh-what...?"
  89. "You show me yours, I show you mine."
  90. >""
  91. >She suddenly whined, and the smell of lilacs filled the air.
  92. >It was a rather pleasant smell, though why it popped up now of all times was strange.
  93. >Twilight's face had twisted up too, and her legs had given out on her.
  94. >What was up with her?
  95. "Uh, Twilight, are you okay?"
  96. >"N-nooooo..." She hissed as her eyes rolled back.
  97. "Should...should I get a doctor?"
  98. >"N-n-no, just l-leave, please..." She half-moaned.
  99. "If you're sure..."
  100. >You got dressed and left without further fanfare, though you did feel a slight twinge of regret.
  102. ====
  103. Day 2
  104. ====
  106. >Twilight was better today, so you were going back for another session.
  107. >Like yesterday, she made you strip.
  108. >Apparently she hadn't gotten enough sketches.
  109. >Also like yesterday, you defiantly kept your boxers on.
  110. >She huffed, and kept her tail clamped to her backside.
  111. >This was different from yesterday, as yesterday she had allowed it to do whatever it did on its own.
  112. >Today was human history day.
  113. >"As much as you remember, from as far back as you remember."
  114. "Erm, not sure if that's a good idea."
  115. >"Why?" She questioned, arching an eyebrow.
  116. "Because human history is awful violent?"
  117. >Twilight scoffed.
  118. >"Just go on."
  119. --
  120. >The moon was rising, you had been in Twilight's Library for over twelve hours.
  121. >Not that you minded, of course. It felt good to be able to finally talk to someone.
  122. >You managed to get to the Mongol hordes, before she stopped you.
  123. >"So they...were within five feet of their horses at all times?"
  124. "As the stories go."
  125. >"And some had...intercourse with their horses?"
  126. "Again, as far as we know...probably. They were that close with them." You replied with a second shrug of your shoulders.
  127. >Twilight furrowed her eyebrows for a second.
  128. >"So...let's pretend we're part of the Mongol Hordes."
  129. "Huh?" You dimly asked after a moment, arching an eyebrow.
  130. >"You're one of the Mongols, I'm your horse. What do you do?"
  131. "Probably lie down, snuggle with you." You replied with a shrug.
  132. >Twilight was silent for a moment.
  133. >"Would you demonstrate?" She asked with just the hint of a nervous grin.
  134. "I guess...?" You replied, confusion evident in your tone.
  135. >You curled up next to her, but did little else for the next few minutes.
  136. "See? Nothing...big..."
  137. >You slowed down when you noticed Twilight's eyes had rolled back again and she had grabbed your left arm with both forehooves.
  138. >The scent of lilacs again filled the air, and Twilight squealed quietly.
  139. >If it wasn't otherwise silent in the treebrary, you'd have missed it.
  140. "Are you okay?"
  141. >"More th-than okay..."
  142. >You weren't convinced.
  143. >You let her go and stood up.
  144. >"A-anon, wait..."
  145. >You stopped, eyebrow raised.
  146. "Twilight, what's going on?"
  147. >You were expecting an excuse to keep you still for the guards.
  148. >Attempted rape or whatever she wanted to call this.
  149. >Your thought processes crashed completely when the mare shakily stood up...
  150. >Then spun and lifted her tail, arching it over her back.
  151. >"Y-you said I should sh-show first, r-r-right?" Twilight stammered.
  152. >Her labia was actually quivering, and her clit was swollen from being unattended to.
  153. >She was also actively cumming, a fresh wave of lilac-scented fluids leaving her every minute like clockwork.
  154. >Despite the species gap, you had to admit: Her nethers were near-human enough to turn you on.
  155. >Not wide like an Earth-Horse, quite tight like a human's...
  156. >You were already sporting a semi, which you tactfully hid with your hand.
  157. >"Do you see what you do to me...?" Twilight quietly asked, tears of shame running down her face as she looked back at you.
  158. >"I shouldn't feel this way about you...but you smell like the perfect mate to me..."
  159. >You were still stunned.
  160. "T-twilight, hold on."
  161. >She wailed in shame, burying her head into the pillow.
  162. >Her tail was still raised, and she was giving you one hell of a half-unintentional show.
  163. >"You're going to reject me, aren't you...?" She asked solemnly.
  164. >"I can't control myself anymore, I've had to invent several different spells to please myself..." The mare continued.
  165. >"Even if we don't have sex, me, so I can sate my curiosity..." Twilight begged.
  166. >You weren't sure what to do at this point.
  167. >You could indeed show the mare, but that wouldn't solve the issue of Twilight being turned on every time you met.
  168. >You couldn't exactly wash this natural scent off either.
  169. >Instead, you pushed her tail down, which got a groan from the mare.
  170. >Simple physical contact was too much for her right now.
  171. "Twilight..."
  172. >"What..." The unicorn replied, self-disgust filling her tone.
  173. "Usually, I take my dates out to dinner before sex."
  174. >She jerked her head up, staring at you with wide, shimmering amethyst eyes.
  175. "If I take you out, do you think you can...take care of your 'problem'?" You asked, gesturing to the soaked sheets.
  176. >"I-I'll try!" Twilight said, perking up a great deal.
  177. >She wrapped you into a grateful and happy hug, and you could feel her physically resisting the urge to kiss you.
  178. >"When do we go out...?"
  179. "Give me an hour to get dressed and showered, and I'll take you wherever you wanna go."
  180. >She squeed and charged into her bathroom, slamming the door shut.
  181. >You likewise left, but not before hearing a loud moan come from behind the bathroom door.
  182. >Shaking your head with a grin, you left to get prepped for dinner.
  183. >This mare, man.
  184. >This mare.
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