Not a member of Pastebin yet?
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it unlocks many cool features!
- Game.LoadMod("", () => {
- define("logs", ["require", "exports"], function (require, exports) {
- "use strict";
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
- exports.Logger = void 0;
- exports.boot = boot;
- exports.welcome = welcome;
- exports.init = init;
- exports.log = log;
- function boot(id) {
- console.log(`%cbooting %c${id}%c...`, "color: #d9b99b;", "color: #fff0db;", "color: #d9b99b;");
- }
- function welcome() {
- console.log("%cmacadamia has booted!\n%cif you're a modder, read the docs here:\n", "color: #d9b99b; font-weight: 700; font-size: 1.5em;", "color: #fff0db;");
- }
- function init() {
- console.log(`%cš„ macadamia %cby redbigz\n%cv${window.Macadamia.Version} | main | CC v${window.VERSION}`, "color: #d9b99b; font-size: 2em;", "font-weight: 700;", "color: #fff0db;");
- }
- function log(from, msg) {
- console.log(`%c[${from}] %c${msg}`, "color: #d9b99b;", "color: #fff0db;");
- }
- class Logger {
- from;
- constructor(from) {
- this.from = from;
- }
- log(msg) {
- log(this.from, msg);
- }
- }
- exports.Logger = Logger;
- });
- define("cleaner", ["require", "exports", "logs"], function (require, exports, logs_1) {
- "use strict";
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
- exports.clean = clean;
- function clean() {
- const logger = new logs_1.Logger("macadamia::cleaner");
- logger.log("cleaning up localStorage...");
- let macadamiaUnusedSaves = Object.keys(localStorage).filter(key => key.startsWith("macadamia_"));
- for (var key of macadamiaUnusedSaves) {
- localStorage.removeItem(key);
- }
- logger.log(`cleaned up ${macadamiaUnusedSaves.length} unused save${macadamiaUnusedSaves.length == 1 ? "" : "s"}.`);
- }
- });
- define("raisin", ["require", "exports"], function (require, exports) {
- "use strict";
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
- exports.ModRaisin = exports.Raisin = void 0;
- //
- var STRIP_COMMENTS = /(\/\/.*$)|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)|(\s*=[^,\)]*(('(?:\\'|[^'\r\n])*')|("(?:\\"|[^"\r\n])*"))|(\s*=[^,\)]*))/mg;
- var ARGUMENT_NAMES = /([^\s,]+)/g;
- function getParamNames(func) {
- var fnStr = func.toString().replace(STRIP_COMMENTS, '');
- var result = fnStr.slice(fnStr.indexOf('(') + 1, fnStr.indexOf(')')).match(ARGUMENT_NAMES);
- if (result === null)
- return [];
- return result;
- }
- function getFunctionBody(func) {
- var fnStr = func.toString();
- if (fnStr.indexOf('{') == -1) {
- return fnStr.split("=>")[1].trim();
- }
- var start = fnStr.indexOf('{') + 1;
- var end = fnStr.lastIndexOf('}');
- return fnStr.substring(start, end).trim();
- }
- window.RaisinUUIDs = {};
- class Raisin {
- body;
- params;
- /**
- * Initialises a new Raisin.
- *
- * @param {function} func - The function.
- */
- constructor(func) {
- this.body = getFunctionBody(func).split("\n");
- this.params = getParamNames(func);
- }
- /**
- * Inserts the specified code at the given line.
- *
- * @param {number} line - The line number to insert the code.
- * @param {string|function} code - The code to insert. If a function, a decorator is added.
- * @param {boolean} [replace=false] - Whether to replace the existing code at the line.
- * @return {this}
- */
- insert(line, code, replace = false) {
- if (line < 0) {
- line = this.body.length + 1 + line;
- }
- if (typeof code === "string") {
- var inject = code;
- }
- else {
- var codeParams = getParamNames(code).join(",");
- var inject = `([${codeParams}] = ((${codeParams}) => {${getFunctionBody(code)};return [${codeParams}]}).call(this, ${codeParams}));`;
- }
- // console.log(inject)
- this.body.splice(line, replace ? 1 : 0, inject);
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Inserts the specified code at the given line, based on a signature match.
- *
- * @param {string} signature - The signature to match in the code.
- * @param {string|function} code - The code to insert. If a function, a decorator is added.
- * @param {boolean} [entireLine=true] - Whether to replace the entire line or just the matched signature.
- * @param {boolean} [replaceLine=false] - Whether to replace the existing code at the line.
- * @return {this}
- */
- insertPerSignature(signature, code, entireLine = true, replaceLine = false) {
- for (var i in this.body) {
- if (this.body[i].match(signature)) {
- if (entireLine)
- this.insert(i + replaceLine ? 0 : 1, code, replaceLine);
- else
- this.body[i] = this.body[i].replaceAll(signature, code);
- }
- }
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Runs the function code through a transpiler.
- *
- * @param {function} transpiler - The transpiler function to use.
- * @return {this}
- */
- transpile(transpiler) {
- this.body = transpiler(this.body);
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Compiles the function body and parameters into a new function.
- *
- * @return {function} The compiled function.
- */
- compile() {
- return new Function(...this.params, this.body.join("\n"));
- }
- }
- exports.Raisin = Raisin;
- class ModRaisin extends Raisin {
- modID;
- constructor(modID, func) {
- super(func);
- this.modID = modID;
- }
- insert(line, code, replace) {
- if (line < 0) {
- line = this.body.length + 1 + line;
- }
- if (typeof code === "string") {
- var inject = code;
- }
- else {
- var codeParams = getParamNames(code).join(",");
- var inject = `if (window.MacadamiaModList['${this.modID}'].enabled) ([${codeParams}] = ((${codeParams}) => {${getFunctionBody(code)};return [${codeParams}]}).call(this, ${codeParams}));`;
- }
- // console.log(inject)
- this.body.splice(line, replace ? 1 : 0, inject);
- return this;
- }
- transpile(transpiler) {
- this.body = ["if (window.MacadamiaModList['" + this.modID + "'].enabled) {", ...transpiler(this.body), "} else {", ...this.body, "}"];
- return this;
- }
- }
- exports.ModRaisin = ModRaisin;
- });
- define("hooks", ["require", "exports"], function (require, exports) {
- "use strict";
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
- exports.Hooks = exports.HookList = void 0;
- exports.buildHooks = buildHooks;
- class Hook {
- id;
- subscribers;
- enabled = true;
- constructor(id) {
- = id;
- this.subscribers = [];
- }
- subscribe(callback) {
- this.subscribers.push(callback);
- }
- publish(message) {
- if (!this.enabled)
- return;
- for (var i in this.subscribers) {
- this.subscribers[i](message);
- }
- }
- feed(message) {
- let output = message;
- for (var i in this.subscribers) {
- output = this.subscribers[i](output);
- }
- return output;
- }
- }
- class HookList {
- hooks;
- #enabled = true;
- constructor() {
- this.hooks = {};
- }
- addHook(hook) {
- this.hooks[] = hook;
- return hook;
- }
- hook(id) {
- return this.hooks[id];
- }
- get enabled() {
- return this.#enabled;
- }
- set enabled(value) {
- this.#enabled = value;
- for (var i in this.hooks) {
- this.hooks[i].enabled = value;
- }
- }
- }
- exports.HookList = HookList;
- var VanillaHooks;
- (function (VanillaHooks) {
- VanillaHooks["Draw"] = "vanilla/draw";
- VanillaHooks["Logic"] = "vanilla/logic";
- VanillaHooks["CPS"] = "vanilla/cps";
- })(VanillaHooks || (VanillaHooks = {}));
- exports.Hooks = {
- Vanilla: VanillaHooks,
- };
- function buildHooks() {
- let hooks = new HookList();
- // Create hooks
- let drawHook = hooks.addHook(new Hook(exports.Hooks.Vanilla.Draw));
- let logicHook = hooks.addHook(new Hook(exports.Hooks.Vanilla.Logic));
- let cpsHook = hooks.addHook(new Hook(exports.Hooks.Vanilla.CPS));
- // Implement vanilla hooks
- Game.registerHook("draw", () => drawHook.publish({}));
- Game.registerHook("logic", () => logicHook.publish({}));
- Game.registerHook("cps", (cps) => cpsHook.feed({ cps }).cps);
- return hooks;
- }
- });
- define("core/modManager", ["require", "exports", "logs"], function (require, exports, logs_2) {
- "use strict";
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
- exports.loadModManager = loadModManager;
- let pages = {
- mods() {
- function buildContainer(mods) {
- return => {
- let disabler = `<a class="option${mod.enabled ? "" : " warning"}" style="font-size: 8pt; padding: 4px; float: right;" onclick="this.className = this.className == 'option warning' ? 'option' : 'option warning'; this.innerHTML = this.innerHTML == 'ā disabled' ? 'ā enabled' : 'ā disabled'; window.Macadamia.toggleMod('${mod.manifest.uuid}')">${mod.enabled ? "ā enabled" : "ā disabled"}</a>`;
- return `<div style="display: block; height: 48px;">
- <img src="${mod.manifest.icon || "favicon.ico"}" style="image-rendering: pixelated; float: left; padding-right: 15px; overflow: hidden;" height="48px">
- <div style="text-align: left;">
- <span style='font-size: 12pt; font-weight: 700; position: relative;'>${}</span>
- <small>${mod.manifest.version}</small><br>
- by ${}<br>
- ${mod.manifest.uuid != "macadamia" ? disabler : ""}
- </div>
- </div>`;
- });
- }
- return `${[...buildContainer(Object.values(window.MacadamiaModList))].join("<br>")}`;
- },
- settings() {
- return `<a class="option${localStorage.getItem("streamerMode") !== "true" ? " warning" : ""}" onclick="window.Macadamia.toggleStreamerMode(); this.innerHTML = this.innerHTML == 'ā Streamer Mode' ? 'ā Streamer Mode' : 'ā Streamer Mode'; this.className = this.className == 'option warning' ? 'option' : 'option warning';">${localStorage.getItem("streamerMode") !== "true" ? "ā Streamer Mode" : "ā Streamer Mode"}</a><br><small>regenerates your peer id every time you restart the game.</small><br>For changes to take effect, restart the game.`;
- },
- about() {
- return `<img src="" style="image-rendering: pixelated; width: 32px; height: 32px; vertical-align: middle;"><b>Macadamia</b><br>by RedBigz<br><small>${window.MacadamiaModList.macadamia.manifest.version}</small>`;
- }
- };
- function generateLinks(links, current) {
- return Object.values(links).map((key) => {
- return `${key == current ? "<b>" : ""}<a href="javascript:window.ShowModManager('${key}')">${key}</a>${key == current ? "</b>" : ""}`;
- }).join(" | ");
- }
- async function loadModManager() {
- const logger = new logs_2.Logger("macadamia::modManager");
- logger.log("loading mod manager...");
- window.ShowModManager = (page) => {
- Game.Prompt(`<h3>Macadamia</h3><br>${generateLinks(["mods", "settings", "about"], page)}<br><div class=block style="position: relative; top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px;">${pages[page]()}</div>`, []);
- };
- logger.log("mod manager loaded.");
- }
- });
- define("util", ["require", "exports"], function (require, exports) {
- "use strict";
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
- exports.injectCSS = injectCSS;
- function injectCSS(css) {
- const style = document.createElement("style");
- style.textContent = css;
- document.head.appendChild(style);
- }
- });
- define("core/multiplayer", ["require", "exports", "logs", "raisin", "util"], function (require, exports, logs_3, raisin_1, util_1) {
- "use strict";
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
- exports.SharedVariable = exports.RPC = void 0;
- exports.loadMultiplayer = loadMultiplayer;
- var metadata = {
- name: "Unnamed",
- };
- const logger = new logs_3.Logger("macadamia::multiplayer");
- let connections = [];
- window.connectedPlayers = [];
- let rpcFunctions = {};
- let netcodeSettings = {
- syncPeriod: 60000,
- hosting: true,
- host: ""
- };
- window.netcodeSettingsExport = netcodeSettings;
- window.inGame = false;
- var alreadyLoadedSave = false
- function loadPeerJS() {
- return new Promise((resolve) => {
- Game.LoadMod("", () => {
- resolve();
- });
- });
- }
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- var playerListElement = document.createElement("div");
- = "position: fixed; top: 40px; left: 10px; color: yellow; text-shadow: black 0 0 5px; font-family: Tahoma; z-index: 9999;";
- = "playerList";
- document.body.appendChild(playerListElement);
- window.ShowInvitePrompt = () => {
- Game.Prompt(`<h3>Invite Friends</h3><br><div class=block><b>Peer ID</b><br><code style='font-family: monospace; user-select: text;'>${}</code></div><span style='color:#e33;font-weight:700;'><br>Your IP address is visible to those who join you/know your peer id! DO NOT HAND IT TO ANYONE THAT YOU DO NOT TRUST.</span><br>`, []);
- };
- var saveToOld = Game.SaveTo;
- window.CloseConnection = () => {
- for (var connection in connections) {
- connections[connection].close();
- }
- Game.SaveTo = saveToOld;
- Game.LoadSave();
- localStorage.removeItem(Game.SaveTo);
- };
- window.JoinGame = () => {
- Game.Prompt("<h3>Join Game</h3><br>Macadamia uses a P2P system for playing multiplayer. <b>Your IP address will be shared with users in your lobby due to how the networking is managed.</b><br><br><input id=peeridinput class=block placeholder='Peer ID' style='text-align:center;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0);color:white;width:120px;margin-bottom:10px;'>", [["Join", "window.StartJoinGame(document.getElementById('peeridinput').value)"]]);
- };
- window.StartJoinGame = (peerID) => {
- Game.ClosePrompt();
- if (peerID == {
- Game.Prompt("You can't join yourself!", []);
- return;
- }
- if (peerID == "") {
- Game.Prompt("Invalid peer ID!", []);
- return;
- }
- for (var connection in connections) {
- connections[connection].close();
- }
- connections.splice(0, Infinity);
- Game.SaveTo = peerID;
- window.CreateConnection(peerID);
- if (MacadamiaModList.mouse) { MacadamiaModList.mouse.mod.initMouses([peerID]); setTimeout(() => { window.MacadamiaModList.mouse.mod.newMouseRPC.send({ uuid:, x: Game.mouseX, y: Game.mouseY }); }, 5000); }
- if (MacadamiaModList.tduuid) { MacadamiaModList.tduuid.mod.constructDisplayList([peerID]); setTimeout(() => { MacadamiaModList.tduuid.mod.newRowRPC.send({ id: }); }, 5000); }
- };
- window.setUsername = (name) => {
- localStorage.setItem('macadamiaUsername', name);
- sendDataToPeers({ type: "newName", data: name });
- = name;
- rebuildPlayerList();
- };
- window.ChangeUsername = () => {
- Game.Prompt("<h3>Change Username</h3><br>Choose a username:<br><br><input id=nameinput class=block placeholder='Username' style='text-align:center;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0);color:white;width:120px;margin-bottom:10px;'>", [["Change", "window.setUsername(document.getElementById('nameinput').value); Game.ClosePrompt();"]]);
- };
- function rebuildPlayerList() {
- let output = `${} (you)`;
- for (var connection in connections) {
- output += `\n${connections[connection].macaName}`;
- }
- playerListElement.innerText = output;
- var menuArea = "";
- menuArea += "<a class='option' onclick='window.ShowModManager(\"mods\")'>ā° Mods & Settings</a>";
- if (connections.length == 0)
- = true;
- if (! {
- if (connections.length > 0)
- menuArea += "<a class='option' onclick='window.CloseConnection()'>ā Leave</a>";
- }
- if ( {
- menuArea += "<a class='option' onclick='window.ShowInvitePrompt()'>ā Invite</a>";
- menuArea += "<a class='option' onclick='window.JoinGame()'>ā® Join Game</a>";
- }
- menuArea += "<a class='option' onclick='window.ChangeUsername()'>ā</a>";
- playerListElement.innerHTML = menuArea + "<br><br>" + playerListElement.innerHTML;
- }
- async function loadMultiplayer() {
- logger.log("loading multiplayer...");
- if (localStorage.getItem("multiplayerID") == null || localStorage.getItem("streamerMode") == "true")
- localStorage.setItem("multiplayerID", crypto.randomUUID());
- if (localStorage.getItem("macadamiaUsername") !== null) {
- = localStorage.getItem("macadamiaUsername");
- }
- // load peerjs
- logger.log("waiting for peerjs...");
- await loadPeerJS();
- logger.log("peerjs loaded successfully!");
- var peer = new window.Peer(`macadamia_${localStorage.getItem("multiplayerID")}`);
- logger.log("created peer");
- window.peer = peer;
- logger.log("loading player list...");
- (0, util_1.injectCSS)("#playerList { pointer-events: none; } #playerList > * { pointer-events: auto; }");
- rebuildPlayerList();
- console.log(`%cmacadamia::multiplayer\n%cš network\n%cpeer id: %c${}\n\n%c/!\\ warning\n%cyour IP address is visible to those who join you/know your peer id!\nDO NOT HAND IT TO ANYONE THAT YOU DO NOT TRUST.`, "font-size: 0.5rem;", "color: #7289da; font-size: 1rem;", "color: #d9b99b;", "color: #fff0db;", "color: #e22; font-size: 1rem; font-weight: 700; text-shadow: #F00 1px 0 3px;", "color: #e22");
- let onConnection = (connection, connectionFromNewPeer) => {
- connection.macaName = "Unnamed";
- connection.on("open", () => {
- if (connections.length >= 4) {
- connection.close();
- logger.log(`received connection from ${connection.peer}, but kicked because server is full`);
- return;
- }
- if (connection.peer != {
- logger.log(`received connection from ${connection.peer}`);
- }
- if (!connectionFromNewPeer && {
- // sendDataToPeers({ type: "newPeer", peer: connection.peer })
- for (var otherConnection in connections) {
- connection.send({ type: "newPeer", data: connections[otherConnection].peer });
- }
- }
- connections.push(connection); // add connection to connections array
- connection.send({ type: "newName", data: });
- rebuildPlayerList();
- if ( {
- connection.send({ type: "saveData", data: Game.WriteSave(1) });
- }
- connection.on("data", (data) => {
- // console.log(data)
- if (!data.type || !
- return;
- switch (data.type) {
- case "macadamiaSync":
- // handle cookies
- if (connection.peer !=
- return;
- if (!
- return;
- //Game.LoadSave(;
- // Game.cookies = data.cookies;
- break;
- case "rpc":
- // handle rpc
- if (!
- return;
- if (!
- return;
- if (!rpcFunctions[])
- return;
- if (!rpcFunctions[][])
- return;
- if (window.MacadamiaModList[].enabled == false)
- return;
- if (
- rpcFunctions[][](;
- else
- rpcFunctions[][]();
- break;
- case "saveData":
- if ( && !alreadyLoadedSave && ! && connection.peer == {
- Game.LoadSave(;
- alreadyLoadedSave = true;
- }
- break;
- case "newPeer":
- if ( && typeof === "string" && connections.length < 4) {
- var conn = peer.connect(;
- onConnection(conn, true);
- }
- break;
- case "newName":
- if ( && typeof === "string") {
- connection.macaName =;
- rebuildPlayerList();
- }
- default:
- return;
- }
- });
- connection.on("close", () => {
- connections.splice(connections.indexOf(connection), 1);
- rebuildPlayerList();
- });
- });
- };
- peer.on("connection", (conn) => onConnection(conn, false));
- window.CreateConnection = (id) => { onConnection(peer.connect(id), true); = id; = false; alreadyLoadedSave = false; };
- // establish hooks
- // On click cookie
- var clickRPC = new RPC("macadamia", "clickCookie");
- clickRPC.setCallback(() => {
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true; Game.ClickCookie(); window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- var bigCookie = document.querySelector("button#bigCookie");
- // @ts-ignore
- bigCookie.removeEventListener("click", Game.ClickCookie);
- bigCookie.onclick = (event) => {
- clickRPC.rpc();
- };
- window.upgradeRPC = new RPC("macadamia", "upgradePurchased");
- window.upgradeRPC.setCallback((data) => {
- var upgrade = Game.UpgradesById[];
- if (!upgrade)
- return;
- if (!upgrade.vanilla)
- return;
- if (upgrade.bought)
- return;
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- = new raisin_1.Raisin(
- .insert(0, function () {
- if (!this.vanilla)
- return;
- window.upgradeRPC.send({ id: });
- })
- .compile();
- // On upgrade purchased
- for (var objectID in Game.ObjectsById) {
- var object = Game.ObjectsById[objectID];
- // On building purchased
- window.buildingRPC = new RPC("macadamia", "buildingPurchased");
- window.buildingRPC.setCallback((data) => {
- if (!data.amount)
- return;
- var building = Game.ObjectsById[];
- if (!building)
- return;
- if (!building.vanilla)
- return;
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true; // TODO: Find a better way to do this
- var oldBuyMode = Game.buyMode;
- Game.buyMode = 1;
- Game.buyMode = oldBuyMode;
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- = new raisin_1.Raisin(
- .insert(0, function () {
- if (!this.vanilla)
- return [];
- if (Game.buyMode == -1)
- return []; // sell mode
- window.buildingRPC.send({ id:, amount: Game.buyBulk });
- })
- .compile();
- // On building sold
- window.buildingSellRPC = new RPC("macadamia", "buildingSold");
- window.buildingSellRPC.setCallback((data) => {
- if (!data.amount)
- return;
- var building = Game.ObjectsById[];
- if (!building)
- return;
- if (!building.vanilla)
- return;
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- building.sell(data.amount, undefined);
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- object.sell = new raisin_1.Raisin(object.sell)
- .insert(0, function () {
- if (!this.vanilla)
- return [];
- window.buildingSellRPC.send({ id:, amount: Game.buyBulk });
- })
- .compile();
- // On building upgrade
- window.buildingUpgradeRPC = new RPC("macadamia", "buildingUpgrade");
- window.buildingUpgradeRPC.setCallback((data) => {
- if (!
- return;
- var building = Game.ObjectsById[];
- if (!building)
- return;
- if (!building.vanilla)
- return;
- var oldLumps = Game.prefs.askLumps;
- Game.prefs.askLumps = false;
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- building.levelUp();
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- Game.prefs.askLumps = oldLumps;
- });
- object.levelUp = new raisin_1.Raisin(object.levelUp)
- .insert(0, function () {
- if (!this.vanilla)
- return [];
- window.buildingUpgradeRPC.send({ id: });
- })
- .insertPerSignature(/(?<!Ga)(?<!miniga)me\./g, `Game.ObjectsById[${}].`, false)
- .compile();
- }
- }
- function sendDataToPeers(data) {
- for (var connection in connections) {
- connections[connection].send(data);
- }
- }
- ;
- class RPC {
- modID;
- name;
- constructor(modID, name) {
- this.modID = modID;
- = name;
- }
- execute(payload) {
- if (payload) {
- rpcFunctions[this.modID][](payload);
- } else {
- rpcFunctions[this.modID][]();
- }
- }
- send(payload) {
- if (window.DO_NOT_RPC)
- return;
- sendDataToPeers({
- type: "rpc",
- data: {
- modID: this.modID,
- name:,
- payload: payload
- }
- });
- }
- rpc(payload) {
- if (window.DO_NOT_RPC)
- return;
- this.send(payload);
- if (payload)
- rpcFunctions[this.modID][](payload);
- else
- rpcFunctions[this.modID][]();
- }
- setCallback(callback) {
- rpcFunctions[this.modID] = rpcFunctions[this.modID] || {};
- rpcFunctions[this.modID][] = callback;
- return this;
- }
- }
- exports.RPC = RPC;
- class SharedVariable extends RPC {
- #value;
- settings;
- subscribers = [];
- constructor(modID, name, settings) {
- super(modID, name);
- this.#value = settings.defaultValue;
- this.settings = settings;
- this.setCallback((payload) => {
- if (payload) {
- this.value = payload;
- }
- for (var subscriber in this.subscribers) {
- this.subscribers[subscriber](this.value);
- }
- });
- }
- default() {
- this.value = this.settings.defaultValue;
- }
- get value() {
- return this.#value;
- }
- set value(val) {
- if (this.settings.sanitizer) {
- if (!this.settings.sanitizer(val))
- return;
- }
- this.#value = val;
- this.send(val);
- }
- subscribe(callback) {
- this.subscribers.push(callback);
- return this;
- }
- }
- exports.SharedVariable = SharedVariable;
- setInterval(() => {
- if (
- sendDataToPeers({
- type: "macadamiaSync",
- data: Game.WriteSave(1)
- });
- }, netcodeSettings.syncPeriod);
- });
- define("core/core", ["require", "exports", "logs", "core/modManager", "core/multiplayer"], function (require, exports, logs_4, modManager_1, multiplayer_1) {
- "use strict";
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
- exports.loadCore = loadCore;
- const logger = new logs_4.Logger("macadamia::core");
- async function loadCore() {
- logger.log("loading core features...");
- await (0, multiplayer_1.loadMultiplayer)(); // multiplayer
- await (0, modManager_1.loadModManager)(); // mod manager
- logger.log("core loaded successfully!");
- }
- });
- define("mod", ["require", "exports", "core/multiplayer", "hooks", "logs", "raisin"], function (require, exports, multiplayer_2, hooks_1, logs_5, raisin_2) {
- "use strict";
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
- exports.Mod = void 0;
- class Mod {
- uuid;
- logger;
- hooks;
- constructor(uuid) {
- this.uuid = uuid;
- this.logger = new logs_5.Logger(this.uuid);
- this.hooks = (0, hooks_1.buildHooks)();
- }
- async awake() { }
- async sleep() { }
- async hookBuilder() { }
- async rpcBuilder() { }
- // Helper utils
- createSharedVariable(name, settings) {
- return new multiplayer_2.SharedVariable(this.uuid, name, settings);
- }
- createRPC(name) {
- return new multiplayer_2.RPC(this.uuid, name);
- }
- createRaisin(func) {
- return new raisin_2.ModRaisin(this.uuid, func);
- }
- }
- exports.Mod = Mod;
- });
- define("index", ["require", "exports", "cleaner", "core/core", "logs", "mod"], function (require, exports, cleaner_1, core_1, logs_6, mod_1) {
- "use strict";
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
- window.Macadamia = {
- Version: "1.0.0beta",
- Defaults: {
- // Defaults for Macadamia will go here.
- },
- Mod: mod_1.Mod,
- async register(mod, manifest) {
- var currMod = new mod(manifest.uuid);
- window.MacadamiaModList[manifest.uuid] = {
- mod: currMod,
- manifest: manifest,
- enabled: true
- };
- await currMod.rpcBuilder();
- await currMod.awake();
- await currMod.hookBuilder();
- (0, logs_6.log)("macadamia", `registered ${manifest.uuid}.`);
- },
- async disableMod(uuid) {
- if (uuid == "macadamia")
- return;
- var mod = window.MacadamiaModList[uuid];
- if (!mod) {
- (0, logs_6.log)("macadamia", `mod ${uuid} not found.`);
- return;
- }
- mod.enabled = false;
- mod.mod.hooks.enabled = false;
- await mod.mod.sleep();
- (0, logs_6.log)("macadamia", `disabled ${uuid}.`);
- },
- enableMod(uuid) {
- if (uuid == "macadamia")
- return;
- var mod = window.MacadamiaModList[uuid];
- if (!mod) {
- (0, logs_6.log)("macadamia", `mod ${uuid} not found.`);
- return;
- }
- mod.enabled = true;
- mod.mod.hooks.enabled = true;
- (0, logs_6.log)("macadamia", `enabled ${uuid}.`);
- },
- toggleMod(uuid) {
- if (window.MacadamiaModList[uuid].enabled) {
- window.Macadamia.disableMod(uuid);
- }
- else {
- window.Macadamia.enableMod(uuid);
- }
- },
- toggleStreamerMode() {
- if (localStorage.getItem("streamerMode") === "true") {
- localStorage.setItem("streamerMode", "false");
- }
- else {
- localStorage.setItem("streamerMode", "true");
- }
- }
- };
- window.MacadamiaModList = { macadamia: { mod: null, manifest: {
- uuid: "macadamia",
- name: "Macadamia",
- description: "Macadamia",
- author: "RedBigz",
- version: window.Macadamia.Version,
- icon: ""
- }, enabled: true } }; // { [key: string]: { mod: Mod, manifest: { uuid: string; }, enabled: boolean } }
- async function main() {
- (0, cleaner_1.clean)();
- (0, logs_6.init)();
- await (0, core_1.loadCore)();
- (0, logs_6.welcome)();
- }
- main();
- });
- require(["index"]);
- });
- var cssList = '';
- var availableChars = '1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM-=[]\\{}|;\'":,./<>+_?!@#$%^&*()`~'.split('').concat(' ').concat(' ');
- var colorList = ['#ffffff', '#a8ffbf'];
- var previousContents = {};
- class charRow {
- constructor(uuid) {
- = uuid;
- previousContents[uuid] = this;
- this.l = window.createTypingDisplay(uuid, colorList[Object.keys(previousContents).length]);
- this.c = [];
- }
- removeL() {
- this.l.remove();
- }
- }
- class char {
- constructor(content, color, parent) {
- this.c = content;
- = 15 * Game.fps;
- this.mtFulllengthMax = 14 * Game.fps;
- this.t =;
- this.l = null;
- this.parentL = parent;
- this.margins = 1;
- this.color = color;
- this.createL();
- }
- createL() {
- var div = document.createElement('span');
- div.classList.add('character');
- div.innerText = this.c;
- = this.color;
- = this.margins;
- this.l = div;
- this.parentL.appendChild(this.l);
- }
- removeL() {
- this.l.remove();
- }
- scale() {
- return Math.min(this.t / ( - this.mtFulllengthMax), 1)*100;
- }
- }
- function createTypingDisplayMod() {
- window.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { if (e.key == ' ') { e.preventDefault(); } });
- window.createTypingDisplay = function(peerid, color) {
- var div = document.createElement('div');
- div.classList.add('typingDisplayContainer');
- = 'typingDisplayContainer';
- = color;
- l('typingDisplayMaster').appendChild(div);
- return div;
- }
- let mdiv = document.createElement('div');
- mdiv.classList.add('typingDisplayMaster');
- = 'typingDisplayMaster';
- l('game').appendChild(mdiv);
- function injectCSS(str) {
- cssList += str + '\n';
- }
- injectCSS('.typingDisplayContainer { transform: translate(-50%, 0%); padding: 5px; border-radius: 5px; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); }');
- injectCSS('.typingDisplayMaster { position: absolute; z-index: 1000; left: 50%; bottom: 10%; pointer-events: none; }')
- injectCSS('.character { display: inline-block; margin: 1px; font-size: 15px; }');
- let allStyles = document.createElement('style');
- allStyles.textContent = cssList;
- cssList = '';
- l('game').appendChild(allStyles);
- addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
- if (!event.ctrlKey && availableChars.includes(event.key)) { MacadamiaModList.tduuid.mod.addChar(event.key); }
- });
- Game.registerHook('logic', function() {
- for (let i in previousContents) {
- let c = previousContents[i];
- if (!c.c.length) { = 'none'; } else { = ''; }
- for (let i = 0; i < c.c.length; i++) {
- var me = c.c[i];
- me.t--;
- if (me.t <= 0) { me.removeL(); c.c.shift(); i--; continue; }
- = 'scaleX(' + me.scale() + '%)';
- }
- }
- })
- class TypingDisplay extends Macadamia.Mod {
- async hookBuilder() {
- }
- async rpcBuilder() {
- this.charRPC = this.createRPC("char");
- this.charRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- const ch = new char(arg.char, arg.color, previousContents[].l);
- if (arg.char == ' ') { ch.margins = 2; }
- previousContents[].c.push(ch);
- });
- this.newRowRPC = this.createRPC('newRow');
- this.newRowRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- new charRow(;
- //Game.Notify('new row! ', '', 0);
- //console.log('new row ';
- });
- setTimeout(function() { new charRow(; }, 100);
- }
- constructDisplayList(connected) {
- for (let i in previousContents) {
- previousContents[i].removeL();
- }
- previousContents = {};
- new charRow(;
- for (let i in connected) {
- new charRow(connected[i]);
- }
- }
- async awake() {
- }
- async sleep() {
- // When your mod is disabled this is called. If you use any other modding APIs make sure you destroy any changes created with them here.
- }
- addChar(key) {
- this.charRPC.send({ id:, char: key });
- this.charRPC.execute({ id:, char: key });
- }
- }
- Macadamia.register(TypingDisplay, {
- uuid: "tduuid",
- name: "TypingDisplay",
- description: "Displays what you typed onto the screen for all connected players.",
- author: "CursedSliver",
- version: "1.0.0"
- });
- }
- class mouse {
- constructor(uuid) {
- let ele = document.createElement('div');
- = 'url(, url(img/heraldFlag.png)';
- = 'contain';
- = 'no-repeat';
- = '512px';
- = '512px';
- = 'scale(0.1)';
- = 'absolute';
- = '0px';
- = '0px';
- = 10000000000;
- this.l = ele;
- this.uuid = uuid;
- this.x = 0;
- this.y = 0;
- l('mouseDisplay').appendChild(this.l);
- }
- updatePosition(x, y) {
- this.x = x;
- = this.x * l('game').offsetWidth + 'px';
- this.y = y;
- = this.y * l('game').offsetHeight + 'px';
- }
- }
- function createMouseDisplay() {
- let mouseDisplayLayer = document.createElement('div');
- = 'position: absolute; left: -48px; top: 0px; filter:drop-shadow(0px 4px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.75)); -webkit-filter:drop-shadow(0px 4px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.75)) z-index: 100000000000;';
- = 'mouseDisplay';
- l('game').appendChild(mouseDisplayLayer);
- window.mouseList = {};
- AddEvent(document, 'mousemove', (e) => {
- window.MacadamiaModList.mouse.mod.newPosRPC.send({ uuid:, x: Game.mouseX / l('game').offsetWidth, y: Game.mouseY / l('game').offsetHeight });
- });
- class mouseDisplayMod extends Macadamia.Mod {
- async awake() {
- }
- async rpcBuilder() {
- this.newPosRPC = this.createRPC('mousePosUpdate');
- this.newPosRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- if (window.mouseList[arg.uuid]) { window.mouseList[arg.uuid].updatePosition(arg.x, arg.y); }
- });
- this.newMouseRPC = this.createRPC('newMouse');
- this.newMouseRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- window.MacadamiaModList.mouse.mod.addMouse(arg.uuid, arg.x, arg.y);
- });
- }
- initMouses(peerIds) {
- window.mouseList = {};
- for (let i in peerIds) {
- window.mouseList[peerIds[i]] = new mouse(peerIds[i]);
- }
- this.newMouseRPC.send({ uuid:, x: Game.mouseX / l('game').offsetWidth, y: Game.mouseY / l('game').offsetHeight });
- }
- addMouse(peerId, x, y) {
- window.mouseList[peerId] = new mouse(peerId);
- if (typeof x === 'number' && typeof y === 'number') {
- window.mouseList[peerId].updatePosition(x, y);
- }
- }
- }
- Macadamia.register(mouseDisplayMod, {
- uuid: "mouse",
- name: "Mouse display",
- description: "Displays the mouses of all other connected players",
- author: "CursedSliver",
- version: "1.0.0"
- });
- }
- var isHost = true;
- function createGCSyncer() {
- Game.registerHook('logic', () => {
- for (let i in Game.shimmers) {
- if (!Game.shimmers[i].sent) {
- Game.shimmers[i].sent = true;
- }
- }
- }); //obligatory one frame delay yay!!!
- //screw raisins those suck so much
- class GCSyncer extends Macadamia.Mod {
- async hookBuilder() {
- eval('Game.updateShimmers='+Game.updateShimmers.toString().replace('//cookie storm!', `if (! { return; } //cookie storm!`));
- Game.shimmer.prototype.getForceObjString = function() {
- //gets a string representation for rpc purposes
- //honestly idk what forceobj is used for so I just left it blank
- let str = '';
- return str;
- }
- Game.shimmer.prototype.modifyPayload = function(obj) {
- if (this.type == 'golden') {
- obj.wrath = this.wrath;
- }
- obj.dur = this.dur;
- obj.spawnLead = this.spawnLead;
- }
- window.sendShimmerRPC = function() {
- let obj = {
- x: this.x,
- y: this.y,
- id:,
- force: this.force,
- type: this.type,
- noCount: this.noCount,
- backgroundImage:,
- forceObj: this.getForceObjString()
- };
- this.modifyPayload(obj);
- MacadamiaModList.gcsy.mod.shimmerSpawnRPC.send(obj);
- };
- Game.shimmer.prototype.pop = this.createRaisin(Game.shimmer.prototype.pop).insert(0, () => { window.MacadamiaModList.gcsy.mod.shimmerPopRPC.send({ id: }); }).compile();
- Game.killShimmers = this.createRaisin(Game.killShimmers).insert(0, () => { window.MacadamiaModList.gcsy.mod.killShimmersRPC.send(); }).compile();
- Game.Popup = this.createRaisin(Game.Popup).insert(0, (text, x, y) => { if (Game.popups) { window.MacadamiaModList.gcsy.mod.popupRPC.send({ text: text, x: x, y: y }); } }).compile();
- Game.gainBuff = this.createRaisin(Game.gainBuff).insert(0, (type, time, arg1, arg2, arg3) => { window.MacadamiaModList.gcsy.mod.gainBuffRPC.send({ type: type, time: time, arg1: arg1, arg2: arg2, arg3: arg3 }); }).compile();
- Game.killBuff = this.createRaisin(Game.killBuff).insert(0, (what) => { window.MacadamiaModList.gcsy.mod.killBuffRPC.send({ buff: what }); }).compile();
- Game.killBuffs = this.createRaisin(Game.killBuffs).insert(0, () => { window.MacadamiaModList.gcsy.mod.killBuffsRPC.send(); }).compile();
- Game.Earn = this.createRaisin(Game.Earn).insert(0, (howmuch) => { window.MacadamiaModList.gcsy.mod.earnRPC.send({ n: parseInt(howmuch) }); }).compile();
- Game.Notify = this.createRaisin(Game.Notify).insert(0, (title, desc, pic, quick, noLog) => { if (Game.popups) { window.MacadamiaModList.gcsy.mod.notifRPC.send({ title: title, text: desc, iconX: Array.isArray(pic)?pic[0]:null, iconY: pic[1], iconPic: pic[2], quick: quick, noLog: noLog }); } }).compile();
- //make it so that non-hosts cant generate achievement or game saved notifs
- AddEvent(l('prefsButton'),'click',function(){ window.MacadamiaModList.gcsy.mod.openMenuRPC.send({ menu: 'prefs' }); });
- AddEvent(l('statsButton'),'click',function(){ window.MacadamiaModList.gcsy.mod.openMenuRPC.send({ menu: 'stats' }); });
- AddEvent(l('logButton'),'click',function(){ window.MacadamiaModList.gcsy.mod.openMenuRPC.send({ menu: 'log' }); });
- Game.ClosePrompt = this.createRaisin(Game.ClosePrompt).insert(0, () => { window.MacadamiaModList.gcsy.mod.closePromptRPC.send(); }).compile();
- Game.Prompt = this.createRaisin(Game.Prompt).insert(0, (content, options, updateFunc, style ) => { window.MacadamiaModList.gcsy.mod.promptRPC.send({ content: content, options: options, updateFunc: (updateFunc?updateFunc.toString():''), style: style }); }).compile();
- AddEvent(l('commentsText1'),'click',function() { window.MacadamiaModList.gcsy.mod.tickerRPC.send(); });
- Game.ToggleSpecialMenu = this.createRaisin(Game.ToggleSpecialMenu).insert(0, (on) => { window.MacadamiaModList.gcsy.mod.toggleSpecialRPC.send({ on: on, tab: Game.specialTab }); }).compile();
- eval('Game.SelectDragonAura='+Game.SelectDragonAura.toString().replace(`(slot==0?'Game.dragonAura':'Game.dragonAura2')+'=Game.SelectingDragonAura;'`, `(slot==0?'Game.dragonAura':'Game.dragonAura2')+'=Game.SelectingDragonAura; window.MacadamiaModList.gcsy.mod.confirmAuraRPC.send({ slot: '+slot+', aura: Game.SelectingDragonAura });'`));
- Game.SelectDragonAura = this.createRaisin(Game.SelectDragonAura).insert(0, (slot) => { window.MacadamiaModList.gcsy.mod.selectAuraRPC.send({ slot: slot }); }).compile();
- Game.SetDragonAura = this.createRaisin(Game.SetDragonAura).insert(0, (aura, slot) => { window.MacadamiaModList.gcsy.mod.setAuraRPC.send({ aura: aura, slot: slot }); }).compile();
- for (let i in Game.Objects) {
- eval('Game.Objects["'+i+'"].buyFree='+Game.Objects[i].buyFree.toString().replace('>=price', '>=this.price'));
- Game.Objects[i].buyFree = this.createRaisin(Game.Objects[i].buyFree).insert(0, (amount) => { window.MacadamiaModList.gcsy.mod.buyFreeRPC.send({ amount: amount, building: }); }).compile();
- Game.Objects[i].sacrifice = this.createRaisin(Game.Objects[i].sacrifice).insert(0, (amount) => { window.MacadamiaModList.gcsy.mod.sacrificeBuildingRPC.send({ amount: amount, building: }); }).compile();
- }
- }
- async rpcBuilder() {
- this.shimmerSpawnRPC = this.createRPC('shimmerSpawn');
- this.shimmerSpawnRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- //arg format: x, y, type, id, force, noCount, backgroundImage, forceObj (from getString), other stuff from modifyPayload
- let s = new Game.shimmer(arg.type, null, arg.noCount);
- s.x = arg.x;
- s.y = arg.y;
- =;
- s.force = arg.force;
- = arg.backgroundImage;
- if (arg.spawnLead) { s.spawnLead = arg.spawnLead; }
- s.dur = arg.dur;
- = Math.ceil(arg.dur * Game.fps);
- if (s.type == 'golden') { s.wrath = arg.wrath; }
- s.sent = true;
- });
- this.shimmerPopRPC = this.createRPC('shimmerPop')
- this.shimmerPopRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- for (let i in Game.shimmers) {
- if (Game.shimmers[i].id == {
- Game.shimmers[i].die();
- break;
- }
- }
- });
- this.killShimmersRPC = this.createRPC('killShimmers');
- this.killShimmersRPC.setCallback(() => {
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- Game.killShimmers();
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- this.popupRPC = this.createRPC('popup');
- this.popupRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- Game.textParticlesAdd(arg.text,0,arg.x,arg.y);
- });
- this.gainBuffRPC = this.createRPC('gainBuff');
- this.gainBuffRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- Game.gainBuff(arg.type, arg.time, arg.arg1, arg.arg2, arg.arg3);
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- this.killBuffRPC = this.createRPC('killBuff');
- this.killBuffRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- Game.killBuff(arg.buff);
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- this.killBuffsRPC = this.createRPC('killBuffs');
- this.killBuffsRPC.setCallback(() => {
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- Game.killBuffs();
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- this.earnRPC = this.createRPC('earn');
- this.earnRPC.setCallback((howmuch) => {
- Game.cookies += howmuch.n;
- Game.cookiesEarned += howmuch.n;
- });
- this.notifRPC = this.createRPC('notifs');
- this.notifRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- let arr = [arg.iconX, arg.iconY];
- if (arg.iconPic) { arr.push(arg.iconPic); }
- if (typeof arg.iconX === 'undefined') { arr = 0; }
- Game.Notify(arg.title, arg.text, arr, arg.quick, arg.noLog);
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- this.openMenuRPC = this.createRPC('openMenu');
- this.openMenuRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- Game.ShowMenu(;
- });
- this.closePromptRPC = this.createRPC('closePrompt');
- this.closePromptRPC.setCallback(() => {
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- Game.ClosePrompt();
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- this.promptRPC = this.createRPC('prompt');
- this.promptRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- Game.Prompt(arg.content, arg.options, arg.updateFunc?(new Function('let hhhhhh = ' + arg.updateFunc + ' hhhhhh(); ')):0,;
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- this.tickerRPC = this.createRPC('ticker');
- this.tickerRPC.setCallback(() => {
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- l('commentsText1').click();
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- this.toggleSpecialRPC = this.createRPC('toggleSpecial');
- this.toggleSpecialRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- Game.specialTab =;
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- Game.ToggleSpecialMenu(arg.on);
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- this.selectAuraRPC = this.createRPC('selectAura');
- this.selectAuraRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- Game.SelectDragonAura(arg.slot, 0);
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- this.setAuraRPC = this.createRPC('setAura');
- this.setAuraRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- Game.SelectingDragonAura = arg.aura;
- //Game.Notify('Aura set: '+arg.aura, '', 0);
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- Game.SelectDragonAura(arg.slot,1);
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- //Game.Notify('Current aura: '+Game.SelectingDragonAura, '', 0);
- });
- this.confirmAuraRPC = this.createRPC('confirmAura');
- this.confirmAuraRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- if (arg.slot == 0) {
- Game.dragonAura = arg.aura;
- } else {
- Game.dragonAura2 = arg.aura;
- }
- //Game.Notify('Aura confirmed: '+Game.SelectingDragonAura, '', 0);
- });
- this.buyFreeRPC = this.createRPC('buyFree');
- this.buyFreeRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- Game.Objects[arg.building].buyFree(arg.amount);
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- this.sacrificeBuildingRPC = this.createRPC('sacrificeBuilding');
- this.sacrificeBuildingRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- Game.Objects[arg.building].sacrifice(arg.amount);
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- }
- }
- Macadamia.register(GCSyncer, {
- uuid: "gcsy",
- name: "Shimmer integration",
- description: "Syncs golden cookie behaviors across all current players... alongside some other things",
- author: "CursedSliver",
- version: "1.0.0"
- });
- }
- function createMinigameSyncer() {
- class minigameSyncer extends Macadamia.Mod {
- async hookBuilder() {
- this.syncGarden();
- this.syncStocks();
- this.syncPantheon();
- this.syncGrimoire();
- }
- syncGarden() {
- if (!Game.Objects.Farm.minigameLoaded) { setTimeout(function() { MacadamiaModList.minigames.mod.syncGarden(); }, 20); return; }
- let M = Game.Objects['Farm'].minigame;
- eval('M.clickTile='+M.clickTile.toString().replace('//', 'MacadamiaModList.minigames.mod.clickTileRPC.send({ x: x, y: y, shift: Game.keys[16], seedHolding: M.seedSelected }) //'));
- M.buildPlot();
- eval('M.buildPanel='+M.buildPanel.toString().replace('if (/* !M.freeze && */G', 'MacadamiaModList.minigames.mod.clickSeedRPC.send({ id: }); if (/* !M.freeze && */G').replace('', 'MacadamiaModList.minigames.mod.soilRPC.send({ id: });'));
- eval('''PlaySound', 'MacadamiaModList.minigames.mod.harvestAllRPC.send(); PlaySound'));
- eval('''//if (!M.freeze && M.nextFreeze> return false;', 'MacadamiaModList.minigames.mod.freezeRPC.send(); //if (!M.freeze && M.nextFreeze> return false;'));
- eval('M.convert='+M.convert.toString().replace('M.harvestAll();', 'MacadamiaModList.minigames.mod.sacrificeRPC.send(); M.harvestAll();'));
- M.buildPanel();
- eval('M.logic='+M.logic.toString().replace('M.computeBoostPlot();', 'if (! { return; } M.computeBoostPlot();').replace('if (M.toCompute) M.computeEffs(); if ( { MacadamiaModList.minigames.mod.plotSyncRPC.send({ code: M.exportPlot() }); }'));
- M.exportPlot = function() {
- let str = '';
- for (var y = 0; y < 6; y++) {
- for (var x = 0; x < 6; x++) {
- str += parseInt(M.plot[y][x][0]) + ':' + parseInt(M.plot[y][x][1]) + ':';
- }
- }
- return str;
- }
- M.importPlot = function(str) {
- let plot = str.split(':');
- var n = 0;
- for (var y = 0; y < 6; y++) {
- for (var x = 0; x < 6; x++) {
- M.plot[y][x] = [parseInt(plot[n]), parseInt(plot[n + 1])];
- n += 2;
- }
- }
- M.buildPlot();
- M.buildPanel();
- }
- AddEvent(M.lumpRefill, 'click', function() { MacadamiaModList.minigames.mod.gardenRefillRPC.send(); });
- }
- syncStocks() {
- if (!Game.Objects.Bank.minigameLoaded) { setTimeout(function() { MacadamiaModList.minigames.mod.syncStocks(); }, 20); return; }
- //only gonna sync the loans
- let M = Game.Objects['Bank'].minigame;
- for (let i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
- AddEvent(l('bankLoan'+i), 'click', function() { MacadamiaModList.minigames.mod.loanRPC.send({ id: i, interest: 0 }); });
- }
- Game.takeLoan = M.takeLoan;
- }
- syncPantheon() {
- if (!Game.Objects.Temple.minigameLoaded) { setTimeout(function() { MacadamiaModList.minigames.mod.syncPantheon(); }, 20); return; }
- //only gonna sync god slotting and unslotting
- let M = Game.Objects['Temple'].minigame;
- eval('M.dropGod='+M.dropGod.toString().replace('var div', 'MacadamiaModList.minigames.mod.dropGodRPC.send({ dragging: M.dragging, slotHovered: M.slotHovered }); var div'));
- AddEvent(M.lumpRefill, 'click', function() { MacadamiaModList.minigames.mod.pantheonRefillRPC.send(); });
- }
- syncGrimoire() {
- if (!Game.Objects['Wizard tower'].minigameLoaded) { setTimeout(function() { MacadamiaModList.minigames.mod.syncGrimoire(); }, 20); return; }
- let M = Game.Objects['Wizard tower'].minigame;
- eval('M.castSpell='+M.castSpell.toString().replace('M.magic=Math.max(0,M.magic);', 'M.magic=Math.max(0,M.magic); MacadamiaModList.minigames.mod.syncMagicRPC.send({ magic: M.magic }); MacadamiaModList.minigames.mod.castSpellRPC.send({ passthrough: (spell.passthrough || obj.passthrough) });'));
- eval('M.logic='+M.logic.toString().replace('M.magic+=M.magicPS;', 'if ( { M.magic+=M.magicPS; MacadamiaModList.minigames.mod.syncMagicRPC.send({ magic: M.magic }); }'))
- eval('M.spells["stretch time"].win='+M.spells['stretch time'].win.toString().replace('var changed=0;', 'var changed=0; MacadamiaModList.minigames.mod.stSuccessRPC.send();'));
- eval('M.spells["stretch time"].fail='+M.spells['stretch time'].fail.toString().replace('var changed=0;', 'var changed=0; MacadamiaModList.minigames.mod.stBackfireRPC.send();'));
- AddEvent(M.lumpRefill, 'click', function() { MacadamiaModList.minigames.mod.grimoireRefillRPC.send(); });
- }
- async rpcBuilder() {
- this.clickTileRPC = this.createRPC('clickTile');
- this.clickTileRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- let prevShift = Game.keys[16];
- if (arg.shift) { Game.keys[16] = 1; }
- Game.Objects.Farm.minigame.seedHolding = arg.seedHolding;
- Game.Objects.Farm.minigame.clickTile(arg.x, arg.y);
- if (prevShift) { Game.keys[16] = prevShift; }
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- this.clickSeedRPC = this.createRPC('clickSeed');
- this.clickSeedRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- l('gardenSeed-';
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- this.harvestAllRPC = this.createRPC('harvestAll');
- this.harvestAllRPC.setCallback(() => {
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- l('gardenTool-1').click();
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- this.freezeRPC = this.createRPC('freeze');
- this.freezeRPC.setCallback(() => {
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- l('gardenTool-2').click();
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- this.sacrificeRPC = this.createRPC('sacrifice');
- this.sacrificeRPC.setCallback(() => {
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- Game.Objects.Farm.minigame.convert();
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- this.soilRPC = this.createRPC('soil');
- this.soilRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- l('gardenSoil-';
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- this.plotSyncRPC = this.createRPC('plotSync');
- this.plotSyncRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- console.log(arg.code);
- Game.Objects.Farm.minigame.importPlot(arg.code);
- });
- this.loanRPC = this.createRPC('loan');
- this.loanRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- Game.Objects.Bank.minigame.takeLoan(, arg.interest);
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- this.syncMagicRPC = this.createRPC('syncMagic');
- this.syncMagicRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- Game.Objects['Wizard tower'].minigame.magic = arg.magic;
- });
- this.stSuccessRPC = this.createRPC('stSuccess');
- this.stSuccessRPC.setCallback(() => {
- for (var i in Game.buffs)
- {
- var me=Game.buffs[i];
- var gain=Math.min(Game.fps*60*5,me.maxTime*0.1);
- me.maxTime+=gain;
- me.time+=gain;
- }
- });
- this.stBackfireRPC = this.createRPC('stBackfire');
- this.stBackfireRPC.setCallback(() => {
- for (var i in Game.buffs)
- {
- var me=Game.buffs[i];
- var loss=Math.min(Game.fps*60*10,me.time*0.2);
- me.time-=loss;
- me.time=Math.max(me.time,0);
- }
- });
- this.castSpellRPC = this.createRPC('castSpell');
- this.castSpellRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- if (!arg.passthrough) {
- Game.Objects['Wizard tower'].minigame.spellsCast++;
- Game.Objects['Wizard tower'].minigame.spellsCastTotal++;
- }
- });
- this.dropGodRPC = this.createRPC('dropGod');
- this.dropGodRPC.setCallback((arg) => {
- let M = Game.Objects.Temple.minigame;
- Game.Objects.Temple.minigame.slot=[Game.Objects.Temple.minigame.slot[0],Game.Objects.Temple.minigame.slot[1],Game.Objects.Temple.minigame.slot[2]];
- const prevDrag = M.dragging;
- const prevSlotHovered = M.slotHovered;
- M.dragging = arg.dragging;
- M.slotHovered = arg.slotHovered;
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- M.dropGod();
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- M.dragging = prevDrag;
- M.slotHovered = prevSlotHovered;
- });
- this.gardenRefillRPC = this.createRPC('gardenRefill');
- this.gardenRefillRPC.setCallback(() => {
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- this.pantheonRefillRPC = this.createRPC('pantheonRefill');
- this.pantheonRefillRPC.setCallback(() => {
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- this.grimoireRefillRPC = this.createRPC('grimoireRefill');
- this.grimoireRefillRPC.setCallback(() => {
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = true;
- Game.Objects['Wizard tower'];
- window.DO_NOT_RPC = false;
- });
- }
- }
- Macadamia.register(minigameSyncer, {
- uuid: "minigames",
- name: "Minigame integration",
- description: "Syncs all minigame behavior.",
- author: "CursedSliver",
- version: "1.0.0"
- });
- }
- var intervaltest = setInterval(function() {
- if (typeof MacadamiaModList === 'object' && MacadamiaModList.macadamia) {
- createTypingDisplayMod();
- createMouseDisplay();
- createGCSyncer();
- createMinigameSyncer();
- if (typeof toLoad666 != 'undefined' && toLoad666) { setTimeout(function() { Game.LoadMod(""); }, 2000); }
- clearInterval(intervaltest);
- }
- }, 10);
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