

Jul 24th, 2018
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  1. command /Vexpack [<text>]:
  2. aliases: Vex
  3. trigger:
  4. if arg 1 is not set:
  5. if player is op:
  6. send "&8&m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  7. send "&b歩くスピードと飛ぶスピードを変更します。 &a&o/speed &e(player) &8(&dwalk&8/&cfly&8) &9(number(1~5)"
  8. send "&bフライができます。 &a&o/fly &e(player)"
  9. send "&bプレイヤーをミュートすることができます。 &a&o/mute &e(player)"
  10. send "&bミュートを解除することができます。 &a&o/unmute &e(player)"
  11. send "&bプレイヤーが違反したときに報告できます。 &a&o/report &e(player) &8(reson)"
  12. send "&b/reportのログを確認することができます。 &a&o/clogs"
  13. send "&b/clogsのログを消すことができます。 &a&o/resetlogs"
  14. send "&bプレイヤーの入力したコマンドが表示されます。 &a&o/cmd &8(&don&8/&coff)"
  15. send "&bプレイヤーのIPアドレスを確認することができます。 &a&o/aip &e(player)"
  16. send "&bプレイヤーを動きを封じます。 &a&o/freeze &e(player) &8(reson)"
  17. send "&b/freezeで動きを封じたプレイヤーを解除します。 &a&o/unfreeze &e(player) &8(reson)"
  18. send "&bプレイヤーを飛ばすことができます。 &a&o/push &8(&dx&8/&cy&8/&5z&8) &e(player) &9(number)"
  19. send "&bプレイヤーがハックを検知します。(落下ダメージの検知) &a&o/nofall &e(player)"
  20. send "&d2ページに進む。 &a&o/Vexpack &92"
  21. send "&8&m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  22. else:
  23. if player is an op:
  24. send "&8&m----------------------------"
  25. send "&bプレイヤーが違反したときに報告できます。 &a&o/report &e(player) &8(reson)"
  26. send "&8&m----------------------------"
  27. if arg 1 is "2":
  28. send "&8&m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  29. send "&b自分の場所に他のプレイヤーを全員TPさせます。 &a&o/tpall"
  30. send "&b手に持ってるアイテムを頭に装備します。 &a&o/hat"
  31. send "&8&m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  33. command /gp [<player>] [<text>]:
  34. permission: admin.command.cmd
  35. trigger:
  36. if arg-1 is not set:
  37. message "&5================"
  38. message "&7/gp player Permission"
  39. message "&5================"
  40. message "&d↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓"
  41. message "&7Permission types"
  42. message "&bFly"
  43. message "&aworldedit"
  44. if arg 2 is "worldedit":
  45. execute console command "/pex user %arg 1% add worldedit.*"
  46. execute console command "/pex user %arg 1% remove worldedit.superpickaxe"
  47. message "&e%arg 1%にワールドエディットの権限を渡しました"
  48. message "&e%player%からワールドエディットの権限をもらいました"
  49. command /speed [<player>] [<text>] [<number>]:
  50. Executable by: players
  51. Permission:
  52. permission message: &cYou don't have permission.
  53. trigger:
  54. if arg 1 is not set:
  55. execute player command "/playsound player %player% ~ ~ ~ 100 0"
  56. send "&8&m----------------------------"
  57. send "&a&oPlease use &8(&aplayer) &7fly&8/&7walk &8(&enumber&8)"
  58. send "&7Available speed for fly and walk&8:"
  59. send "&e1/2 and 3 4 5"
  60. send "&8&m----------------------------"
  61. else:
  62. if arg 2 is "walk":
  63. if arg 3 is set:
  64. execute player command "/playsound player %player% ~ ~ ~ 100 1"
  65. if arg 3 is not set:
  66. send "&a&oPlease use&8: &7/speed walk (number)"
  67. if arg 3 is 1:
  68. set the player's walk speed to 0.2
  69. message "&7Walking set back to normal."
  70. if arg 3 is 2:
  71. set the player's walk speed to 2
  72. message "&7Walking speed set to 2."
  73. if arg 3 is 3:
  74. set the player's walk speed to 3
  75. message "&7Walking speed set to 3."
  76. if arg 3 is 4:
  77. set the player's walk speed to 4
  78. message "&7Walking speed set to 4."
  79. if arg 3 is 5:
  80. set the player's walk speed to 5
  81. message "&7Walking speed set to 5."
  82. if arg 2 is "fly":
  83. if arg 3 is not set:
  84. send "&a&oPlease use&8: &7/speed fly (number)"
  85. if arg 3 is 1:
  86. set the player's fly speed to 0.1
  87. message "&7Fly speed set back to normal."
  88. if arg 3 is 2:
  89. set the player's fly speed to 2
  90. message "&7Fly speed set to 2"
  91. if arg 3 is 3:
  92. set the player's fly speed to 3
  93. message "&7Fly speed set to 3"
  94. if arg 3 is 4:
  95. set the player's fly speed to 4
  96. message "&7Fly speed set to 4"
  97. if arg 3 is 5:
  98. set the player's fly speed to 5
  99. message "&7Fly speed set to 5"
  100. command /fly [<player>]:
  101. aliases: /f
  102. trigger:
  103. if arg 1 is not set:
  104. if {fly.%player%} is false:
  105. set {fly.%player%} to true
  106. message "&7Fly to &aEnable&7"
  107. play sound "block.note.pling" at player
  108. set player's flight mode to true
  109. else:
  110. if arg 1 is not set:
  111. if {fly.%player%} is true:
  112. message "&7Fly to &cDisble&7"
  113. play sound "block.piston.contract" at player
  114. set {fly.%player%} to false
  115. set player's flight mode to false
  116. if arg 1 is set:
  117. if {fly.%arg 1%} is false:
  118. set {fly.%arg 1%} to true
  119. message "&7Fly to &aEnable&7"
  120. play sound "block.note.pling" at arg 1
  121. set arg 1's flight mode to true
  122. else:
  123. if {fly.%arg 1%} is true:
  124. set {fly.%arg 1%} to false
  125. message "&7Fly to &cDisble&7"
  126. play sound "block.piston.contract" at arg 1
  127. set arg 1's flight mode to false
  128. command /help_mute:
  129. permission:skript.admin
  130. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  131. trigger:
  132. execute player command "/playsound player %player% ~ ~ ~ 100 1"
  133. send "&a-----Mute Skript Version 1.0-----"
  134. send "&e/mute [Player] &4指定したプレイヤーをミュートにすることができます。"
  135. send "&e/unmute [Player] &4指定したプレイヤーのミュートを解除することができます。"
  136. send "&a--------------------------------"
  137. command /mute <player>:
  138. permission: skript.admin
  139. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  140. trigger:
  141. set {mute.%arg-1%} to true
  142. broadcast "&9&e%player%&9により、&c%arg-1%&9がMuteになりました。"
  143. play sound "entity.blaze.death" at player
  144. command /unmute <player>:
  145. permission: skript.admin
  146. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  147. trigger:
  148. set {mute.%arg-1%} to false
  149. broadcast "&e%player%&9により、&c%arg-1%&9のMuteが解除されました。"
  150. play sound "entity.cow.ambient" at player
  151. on chat:
  152. if {mute.%player%} is true:
  153. cancel event
  154. send "&0You are muted"
  155. play sound "entity.blaze.hurt" at player
  156. command /report [<player>] [<text>]:
  157. aliases: /rp
  158. trigger:
  159. if arg 1 is not set:
  160. message "&8&m----------------------------"
  161. message "/rp &c(player) &9(reson)"
  162. message "&8&m----------------------------"
  163. if arg 2 is not set:
  164. message "&8&m----------------------------"
  165. message "/rp &c(player) &9(reson)"
  166. message "&8&m----------------------------"
  167. add 1 to {log.hensuu}
  168. set {log::%{log.hensuu}%} to "%player%が報告 &c%arg 1% &9%arg 2%"
  169. play sound "entity.villager.ambient" at player
  170. loop all players:
  171. if loop-player is op:
  172. message "%player%が報告 &c%arg 1% &9%arg 2%"
  173. command /clogs:
  174. permission: skript.admin
  175. trigger:
  176. set {c.logs} to 1
  177. loop {log.hensuu} times:
  178. message "%{log::%{c.logs}%}%"
  179. add 1 to {c.logs}
  180. play sound "" at player
  181. command /resetlogs:
  182. permission: skript.admin
  183. trigger:
  184. message "&cリセットしました。"
  185. set {log.hensuu} to 0
  186. play sound "" at player
  187. on death of player:
  188. force respawn player
  189. options:
  190. prefix: &8[CMD]#CommandLOGのPrefixの変更#default: &8[CMD]#
  191. on command:
  192. loop all players:
  193. if loop-player has permission "sk.admin":
  194. if {logs.%loop-player%} is not set:
  195. set {logs.%loop-player%} to true
  196. if {logs.%loop-player%} is true:
  197. if player is not set:
  198. stop
  199. message " {@prefix} &7%player%: /%full command%" to loop-player
  200. command /cmd [<text>]:#Logの表示のON/OFFの切り替え#
  201. permission: skript.admin
  202. trigger:
  203. if arg-1 is set:
  204. if arg-1 is "on":
  205. set {logs.%player%} to true
  206. message " {@prefix}&7Log表示を&aon&7にしました。"
  207. stop
  208. if arg-1 is "off":
  209. set {logs.%player%} to false
  210. message " {@prefix}&7Log表示を&coff&7にしました。"
  211. stop
  212. else:
  213. message "{@prefix}&7/cmd <on,off>"
  214. command /aip [<offline player>]:
  215. permission: Command.IP
  216. permission message: &cパーミッションがありません。
  217. trigger:
  218. if arg is not set:
  219. message "&a[IP-log]&ePlayer名を記入してください。"
  220. stop
  221. if arg is "all":
  222. loop all players:
  223. set {ip::%loop-player%} to ip of loop-player
  224. message "&a[IP-log]&b---------------------------------------------"
  225. message "&a[IP-log]&e%loop-player%'sIP&a: &6%{ip::%loop-player%}%" to player
  226. loop {ip::*}:
  227. if {ip::%loop-index%} is {ip::%loop-player%}:
  228. message "&a[IP-log]&e同じIPを使用しているPlayer&a: &6%loop-index%"
  229. else:
  230. set {ip::%arg%} to ip of argument
  231. message "&a[IP-log]&e%arg%'sIP&a: &6%{ip::%arg%}%"
  232. loop {ip::*}:
  233. if {ip::%loop-index%} is {ip::%arg%}:
  234. message "&a[IP-log]&e同じIPを使用しているPlayer&a: &6%loop-index%"
  235. on join:
  236. set {ip::%player%} to ip of player
  237. loop all players:
  238. if loop-player has permission "sk.admin":
  239. if {logs.%loop-player%} is true:
  240. message "&a[IP-log]&e%player%'sIP&a: &6%{ip::%player%}%" to loop-player
  241. loop {ip::*}:
  242. if {ip::%loop-index%} is {ip::%player%}:
  243. message "&a[IP-log]&e同じIPを使用しているPlayer&a: &6%loop-index%" to loop-player
  244. options:
  245. spm: &7[&dfreeze system!!]&r
  246. command /freeze [<player>] [<text>]:
  247. permission: skript.spmfreeze
  248. permission message: &c skript.spmfreeze が必要です。
  249. trigger:
  250. if arg 1 is not set:
  251. send "{@spm} &bエラー: &cプレイヤー名などが記入されていません。"
  252. send "{@spm} Usage: /sfreeze <プレイヤー> <理由>"
  253. if arg 1 is set:
  254. broadcast "{@spm} &c%arg 1% は %arg 2% という理由で動きを止められた。"
  255. set {spm.freeze.%arg 1%} to true
  256. play sound "entity.wither.ambient" at arg 1
  257. command /unfreeze [<player>] [<text>]:
  258. permission: skript.spmunfreeze
  259. permission message: &c skript.spmunfreeze が必要です。
  260. trigger:
  261. if arg 1 is not set:
  262. send "{@spm} &bエラー: &cプレイヤー名などが記入されていません。"
  263. send "{@spm} Usage: /sunfreeze <プレイヤー> <理由>"
  264. if arg 2 is not set:
  265. send "{@spm} &bエラー: &c理由などが記入されていません。"
  266. send "{@spm} Usage: /sunfreeze <プレイヤー> <理由>"
  267. if arg 1 is set:
  268. if arg 2 is set:
  269. broadcast " &a%arg 1% は %arg 2% という理由で Freeze を解除された!"
  270. set {spm.freeze.%arg 1%} to false
  271. play sound "entity.wither.death" at arg 1
  273. on any movement:
  274. if {spm.freeze.%player%} is true:
  275. cancel event
  276. message " &cあなたはfreezeされています!"
  278. on break:
  279. if {spm.freeze.%player%} is true:
  280. cancel event
  281. message " &cあなたはfreezeされています!"
  283. on place:
  284. if {spm.freeze.%player%} is true:
  285. cancel event
  286. message " &cあなたはfreezeされています!"
  287. command /push <text> <player> [<number>] [<number>]:
  288. permission: skript.admin
  289. trigger:
  290. if arg 1 is not set:
  291. message "&0Please used /push &ax&7/&ey&7/&5z &bplayer &9number"
  292. if arg 3 is not set:
  293. set {_pushPowerLow} to 0.3
  294. else:
  295. set {_pushPowerLow} to arg 3
  296. if arg 4 is not set:
  297. set {_pushPowerHigh} to 1.5
  298. else:
  299. set {_pushPowerHigh} to arg 4
  300. set {_pushPower} to random number between {_pushPowerLow} to {_pushPowerHigh}
  301. if arg 1 is "x":
  302. push arg-2 east at speed {_pushPower}
  303. if arg 1 is "y":
  304. push arg-2 upwards at speed {_pushPower}
  305. if arg 1 is "z":
  306. push arg-2 south at speed {_pushPower}
  307. command /nofall [<player>]:
  308. permission: skript.admin
  309. trigger:
  310. if arg 1 is not set:
  311. message "&eプレイヤーを指定してください。"
  312. message "&6(※必ず平地な場所で6マス上にブロックがない状態でさらにコマンドで落下ダメージを消してる場合それを解除しないと誤検知します)"
  313. message "&6(※インベントリに入ってるものやポーションの効果などはすべて消えます)"
  314. execute console command "/clear %arg 1%"
  315. execute console command "/effect %arg 1% clear"
  316. execute console command "/gamemode 2 %arg 1%"
  317. heal the player by 20 hearts
  318. execute console command "/tp %arg 1% ~ ~5 ~"
  319. wait 22 tick
  320. if arg 1 do not have permission "sk.admin":
  321. if arg 1's health is 10:
  322. kick the arg 1
  323. if player is op:
  324. loop all players:
  325. if loop-player has permission "sk.admin":
  326. message "&e%arg 1% is &cHACK &9(NoFall)" to loop-player
  327. if arg 1 is op:
  328. if arg 1's health is 10:
  329. message "&6nofall &c(ADMIN Message)" to arg 1
  330. command /tpall [<player>]:
  331. permission:op
  332. permission message:&fUnknown commands. Type "/help" for help.
  333. trigger:
  334. if arg 1 is not set:
  335. loop all players:
  336. if loop-player is not player:
  337. teleport loop-player to player
  338. send "&6全てのプレイヤーをあなたの場所にテレポートしています...。"
  339. command /hat:
  340. aliases: head
  341. trigger:
  342. if player is holding air:
  343. send "&c手にアイテムを持っていません"
  344. stop
  345. if player is not holding air:
  346. set {_hat1} to player's helmet
  347. wait 1 tick
  348. set {_hat2} to 1 of player's tool
  349. remove {_hat2} from player's inventory
  350. equip player with {_hat2}
  351. give {_hat1} to player
  352. message "&6帽子を装備しました"
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