
TIFU by accidentally canceling 25 customer orders

May 2nd, 2020
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  1. It was a Saturday night, I was out for dinner and drinks with a friend when I get a call...I suspected it was a customer. Now normally I have a policy I don't take work calls after hours. I especially don't take calls when drinking. But I was not yet drunk, and decided to take the call.
  3. The call did not go well, I was under a lot of pressure at the time and it was a customer notifying me that he was canceling his order he just put in with me. He acted like a bit of a dick to me on the phone and it put me in a bad mood...but that's the life of a sales rep right?
  5. Well about 3 hours later he texted reminding me I was to cancel his order first thing Monday morning and that if I don't he's going complain. This really rubbed me the wrong way, its like 11 at night on a Saturday and here you are texting me saying I better do what you say or else?
  7. I started drinking heavily, very heavily.
  9. Around 2ish AM I got home, very drunk, and decided that having another drink was a good idea. I had some vodka and OJ in the fridge so I poured myself a nice strong stiff drink and as I was having my drink I thought to myself "You know what...fuck this I'm going cancel this guys order RIGHT NOW that way on Monday I don't gotta put up with his shit"
  11. That's the last thing I remember.
  13. On Monday I stroll into the office and get pulled into my managers office "PJ why the hell did you cancel 25 customer orders and they are all getting refunds?"
  15. I'm confused, now some clarification
  17. When you order from us, if you cancel after you placed the order there is a cancelation penalty if the order has been canceled after we started working on it. However, if we cancel the order at our decision for whatever reason you obviously get a full refund. Also a few years prior to this my company invested heavily in automating our workflow...when meant depending on what option I selected as the cancellation reason the order would be canceled automatically and the issue refund automatically.
  19. So I'm sitting there, staring at my boss and went "25 of my customers canceled?" he goes "Yes 25 of your customers canceled" and I go "Why?"
  21. I had no idea what was going on, he looks up and says "The reason you put in was "Unable to complete order" (We sometimes have supply chain issues, and can't fulfill a customers order in that case its a full refund) and I said "And who the fuck did that? That's awfully stupid, did Karen screw up again?"
  23. My boss looks and goes " was you" and I go "Me? Why would I cancel 25 orders?" he looks and says "Says it happened at 3 AM on Sunday" and I go "OOOOOOOOO...fuck....." it dawned on me
  25. I drunk canceled enmass 25 customer orders which just so happens to be the number of customers that show up on one page in the system we use.
  27. My boss goes "PJ...were you drunk?" I go "Yes...and mad" that's when I explained what happened to which he said "Good news is, you did cancel your customer order...bad news is you now have 24 pissed off confused customers wondering what the hell is going on"
  29. I spent that day working on contacting all 24 customers. Some of them I was honest and told them the truth and nothing but the truth . Some of them I said "we had a system error" or "A sales admin screwed up and I apologize but can I have your business back?"
  31. 6 did not reorder. Which meant instead of having 1 canceled order I had 7 :)
  33. P.S i'm the reason its not impossible to cancel orders enmass. If you select more then one customer check box the option to cancel is grayed out.
  35. TL:DR in black out drunken rage I canceled 25 of my customers orders
  37. ---------------------------------
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