
Feb 18th, 2017
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  1. Deal or no deal is a game based on luck and fun. first, you have 11 numbered boxes containing cash values e.i 0,1,10,100,.... divided on the boxes randomly then you have to choose one of these boxes to be your own. After that you start playing by opening the other 10 boxes one by one discovering the values inside it and the opened box will removed from the game. Every 3 turns of opening the boxes you get a bank call that offering to you to exchange your box with one of the other boxes and you can make the deal or refuse it, if you said DEAL so you exchange it and if said NO DEAL you keep your box. The decision of making the deal or not depends on the open boxes and the values inside it weither it was high or low. Finally, after all 10 boxes are open, the value in your box will be revealed.
  4. download full from here  :
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