
Proofread NS 05: Opening Talk

Apr 8th, 2013
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  1. C: Everyone, are you ready? Well then, here we go. Namassuka...
  2. All: Sunday!
  3. C: Thank you very much. Today's a special episode of the familiar, elusive live broadcast that brings you new discoveries on Sunday afternoons, Namassuka Sunday. For the Namassuka Special, everyone from 765 Pro takes on a diverse set of challenges. Here I, Kisaragi Chihaya, and
  4. Y: Hagiwara Yukiho will bring you part five, the final installment of this broadcast. Everyone, please support us to the very end.
  5. Y: Ufufu, then let's go straight to the opening song...
  6. Y: Hiya, I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?
  7. C: Hagiwara-san, um, maybe everyone in the audience wants to hear you talk more?
  8. Y: Ah, thank you very much.
  9. C: So Hagiwara-san, let's hear an interesting opening talk.
  10. Y: Eeh. I can't say anything interesting on my own.
  11. Y: Chihaya-chan, let's talk together.
  12. C: Eh? Me, too?
  13. C: Well then, I'll talk about something too... But, what am I supposed to talk about?
  14. Y: Uhm, what about something funny that happened recently?
  15. C: Something funny? Hagiwara-san, what do you mean, specifically?
  16. Y: Specifically? Ah, I remember something that happened yesterday. After finishing work, I came to the office. And there I met Ami-chan and Mami-chan who'd stayed behind. Ufufu, just remembering this makes me laugh again.
  17. C: It seems fine to raise our expectations. Hagiwara-san, please continue.
  18. Y: Yes. Both Ami-chan and Mami-chan looked bored, so I suggested making tea. Then they said, "today it's our turn to make tea for Yukipyon."
  19. C: And then?
  20. Y: And then, the two of them asked what tea I'd like and I answered whether it's green tea or black tea, anything would be fine. After I waited a while, they brought a teacup over to me, containing a novelty that you get as an extra with candy. Then they said, "Here, this is Ami's special novel-tea." Ufufu, it was so funny. Hahaha. Huh, did I screw up and say something wrong?
  21. C: Hmm, I think it was a funny story, but Hagiwara-san, you gave away the punchline early, so...
  22. Y: Eeh, that's because I lack skill at public speaking... Chihaya-chan, at this rate, I'm going to end up digging a hole in the studio floor.
  23. C: If you dig a hole in the floor, it's going to be a mess to clean up. Ah, Hagiwara-san, I just remembered a funny thing that happened to me.
  24. Y: Really?
  25. C: Yes. Uhm, yesterday, while I was on my way to a lesson, I waited at a traffic light before the station. At that time, a dove was sitting on top of the traffic light.
  26. Y: Uh-huh.
  27. C: And then, the moment the light turned green, the dove suddenly flew away.
  28. Y: Uh-huh. And then what happened?
  29. C: Um, well, that's the end.
  30. Y: Eeh.
  31. C: Ah, I'm sorry. It was expecting too much when I said it'd be a funny story.
  32. Y: It's not like that, Chihaya-chan. It was very funny, so... hm, everyone in the audience, it was funny, right?
  33. C: Hagiwara-san, it's possible that being the main hosts is too difficult a burden for us.
  34. Y: It's all right, Chihaya-chan. I screw up all the time but if you don't give up, it always works out in the end.
  35. Y: So I'm sure things will work out today.
  36. Y: Maybe.
  37. C: Ufufu. Hagiwara-san, I'm going to believe that it will somehow work out in the end. So to accomplish something, let's convey our feelings for this program not only with our opening talk, but also through our songs.
  38. Y: Yeah. Um, everyone, is it okay now to go to the opening song?
  39. Y: Thank you very much.
  40. C: Then please listen to Kisaragi Chihaya and
  41. Y: Hagiwara Yukiho in
  42. All: "Little Match Girl".
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