
KidAnonXRarityXColts, Pt 1

Dec 28th, 2015
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  1. >She didn't look like your mom at all
  2. >But she was giving you candy, and that's good enough for you
  3. >You reach out your little hands, holding it out towards the lollipop she was offering
  4. >It's floating, gripped by her magic
  5. >And she lowers it into you hands
  6. >You swipe it and start sucking on it
  7. >It tastes like cherries, mixed with something sweet you can't identify
  8. >"Do you want more, Anon?"
  9. >You nod vigorously and hold out your hand
  10. >She holds in gently in her magic
  11. >And it tickles on your palm as she takes you away
  12. >You look back to your real mom behind you
  13. >She's talking to someone
  14. >Very angrily
  15. >Maybe she'd just get more angry if you bothered her
  16. >You're sure you'll be back soon anyways
  17. >"Come, now, Anon, I have a lot more for you."
  18. >Her eyes look a little weird, like the one mommy makes with dad
  19. >But she's giving you candy!
  20. >You follow her
  21. >And she takes you across ponyville
  22. >You don't know where you're going
  23. >She's taking you through streets you didn't know about
  24. "Uhhm..."
  25. >Your lollipop has dwindled to nothing but a stick
  26. >You hold it out
  27. >She pats you on the head, giggling
  28. >"Don't worry, dear, there's much more where that came from"
  29. "Where are we going?"
  30. >"You'll see, darling."
  31. "I miss my mommy."
  32. >She stops walking, and holds you into an embrace
  33. >Brushing your hair with her hoof
  34. >"Oh, Anon, I'm your mommy now."
  35. >You shake your head stubbornly and point a hand back where you came from
  36. "That's my mommy!"
  37. >She squeezes you a little tighter
  38. >It's getting a little hard to breathe
  39. >And she digs her muzzle into your hair
  40. >Sniffing and nuzzling against it
  41. >"I'm the only mommy you need, Anon."
  42. >She smells really sweet
  43. >It's nothing like your real mommy
  44. >But it smells better
  45. >"Tell you what, I'll take you back after you get some more candy. Okay?"
  46. >That's good enough for you!
  47. >"Okay!"
  48. >She's smiling
  49. >It's nice when ponies are happy
  50. >And she starts leading you somewhere again
  52. >You come to a dead end
  53. >Which is weird because she promised you candy
  54. "Where are we going?"
  55. >"We're staying right here, my dear anon."
  56. >Her hooves are on your shoulders
  57. >Drawing you into another hug
  58. >You look out behind her
  59. >The alley looks really deep
  60. "I want my mommy."
  61. >She holds you against her scented fur
  62. >And starts moving her hooves over your body
  63. >It feels really uncomfortably and weird
  64. >And you use your hands to push against her
  65. >But she's much stronger than you and she has her magic to help hold you
  66. >You feel her tugging at your clothes
  67. >This feels really wrong
  68. >Where's your mommy?
  69. >You start breathing heavily
  70. >Rarity lays you down on the ground
  71. >"Momma's here, Anon. I'll take good care of my little darling."
  72. >You try really hard to hold onto your pants
  73. >But she slips them off anyways
  74. >Revealing your little pair of boxers
  75. >And she slides you underneath her
  76. >Straight into...
  77. >...that place, where momma told you not to touch
  78. >You feel her against you, like soft balloons
  79. >And feel something start to drip on you
  80. >"Come on, Anon, don't you want to drink from your mommy?"
  81. >You try to say no
  82. >But when you open your mouth, she brings her teat into it
  83. >Stifling your speech
  84. >And forcing you to drink
  85. >It's warmish, it's thin, and it feels really wrong
  86. >She rubs your body against her
  87. >And you feel a hoof touch your private place
  88. >You can't breathe
  89. >Your breaths only suck in her teat more
  90. >And draw in more liquid
  91. >Your hands flail, and your body thrashes
  92. >While she holds you down
  93. >You feel a tingling sensation, and try to pull your hips back away from her
  94. >You're screaming with the last amount of oxygen you have
  95. >Her breasts vibrate with your voice
  96. >Your supply runs out, your struggle weakens
  97. >Her hoof no longer faces any resistance when she strokes you
  98. >Your eyes start closing, seeing darkness cloud the edges of your vision
  99. >You feel really sleepy for some reason
  100. >And close your eyes, feeling your body go limp as you faint
  102. >You wake up to some shaking on your body
  103. >And you start immediately screaming
  104. >It's dark, there's a faint light in the corner, flickering, some fire or candle
  105. >And the face that greets you isn't your mom
  106. "MOOOOM"
  107. >"Shh, shh!"
  108. "MOO-"
  109. >You feel a hoof on your mouth
  110. >It's not Rarity's
  111. >It smells different
  112. >Tastes salty, metallic, dirty
  113. >Your vision adjusts to the darkness and you see some colt
  114. >You recognize him from school
  115. >Ms. Cheerilee said he wouldn't be going to school anymore
  116. >But they never told you why
  117. >His coat is grey and he has violet eyes
  118. >You don't remember his name
  119. >He holds a hoof to his lips
  120. >"Shh! She'll hear you!"
  121. "Mpfh?"
  122. >"The lady that took us."
  123. >You shiver at the memory
  124. >"Please don't scream, okay?"
  125. >You nod
  126. >And he removes his hoof
  127. >And you take really loud deep breaths
  128. >He sits back on his haunches, a worried look on his face
  129. >When your breaths settle, it's then that you notice other bodies around you
  130. >All huddled to the side
  131. >Some shivering
  132. >Some asleep
  133. >You remember most of them
  134. >All the colts that have disappeared from school
  135. >The colt that shook you awake pulls you to your feet
  136. >You stand a head taller than him, and the ceiling scrapes against the top of your head
  137. >You look up, and see openings
  138. >It's a cage
  139. >Your eyes widen when you trace the surroundings and see that it's all a cage you're in
  140. >"I'm Rumble."
  141. >You're still stunned, looking around
  142. >There's a little stairway that leads to a big door
  143. >And a candle in the corner
  144. >And a big mattress in the center of the room
  145. >The sheets are all messed up
  146. >And there's little metal things on the side of the bed
  147. >It's hard to see in the darkness
  148. >"Hello?"
  149. "A-anon. What's going on?"
  150. >He looks down
  151. >"The lady took all of us. Did she take you too?"
  152. >You nod your head really hard
  153. >As the realization sinks in
  154. >Where was your mommy?
  155. >Your dad?
  156. >Weren't they supposed to keep you safe?
  157. >You feel fear well up inside you
  158. >And they manifest under your eyes
  159. >In the shape of tears
  161. >Rumble just stands there, looking lost
  162. >But you hear some of the other colts start crying too
  163. >But when they hear the thump from above, everyone gets silent
  164. >You try really hard to stifle your sobs
  165. >And you get them down to little sniffles
  166. >That wrack your body still
  167. >The large door at the end of the stairway opens
  168. >And the light that floods in hurts your eyes a little
  169. >You squint and close them
  170. >Until the door slams closed again
  171. >And down walks Rarity, walking down with a small smile on her lips
  172. >Her horn casts a gentle glow on the room
  173. >The blue is a lot nicer than the reddish orange of the candle
  174. >But the other colts start shuffling away from her
  175. >Towards the corner of the room
  176. >Two walls of the cage were simple stone wall
  177. >Resting at the corner of the room
  178. >You follow there lead and start scrambling back
  179. >You feel warm fur press against you, matted with sweat and...something else
  180. >"Please don't be afraid, my little darlings."
  181. >She walks up to the edge of the cage
  182. >And holds her hooves on it
  183. >Smiling as her horn lifts up a heavy keyring
  184. >"Momma's here."
  185. "You're not my Mommy!"
  186. >You scream loudly
  187. >And it sends a wave of silence across the room
  188. >Some of the other colts looked stunned, some of them bury their heads in their hooves
  189. >Rarity steps back, eyes wide, mouth agape
  190. >"Who DARED?"
  191. >You shirk back, feeling a lot smaller than before
  192. >And feel the shivering of the masses behind you
  193. >Teeth clattering
  194. >You smell the scent of pee
  195. >And feel almost ready to go yourself
  196. >She opens the cage with a slam
  197. >"YOU!"
  198. >She points directly at you
  199. >"Out, now!"
  200. >You hesitate
  201. >Too long
  202. >You feel the familiar tingling of her magic wrap around you body
  203. >And pull you with a force that squeezes your bladder
  204. >Forcing you to go
  205. >And you start feeling the waterworks go ahead
  206. >She takes you out of the cage, and throws you onto the bed
  207. >The bouncy mattress and soft blankets give you no comfort
  208. >And you start sobbing again
  210. >You feel your hands forcefully go to your sides
  211. >And feel your legs being pulled by her magic
  212. >"This."
  213. >Rarity motions her hooves towards you in a dramatic wave
  214. >Her head faces towards the cage
  215. >"This is what happens when colts get naughty."
  216. >The faint glow of her magic rises from the edges of the bed
  217. >And you hear the clattering of metal
  218. >They're chains
  219. >Manacles
  220. >She keeps you pinned down while they slink over across the bed
  221. >You scream loudly when the cold metal clasps around your wrists and ankles
  222. >Your struggle only sends the chains clattering even more
  223. >The tingling sensation of her magic wraps around your lips, pulling them closed
  224. >Rarity gets closer to you
  225. >She's breathing hard
  226. >But then she lifts up her head
  227. >And gives a hmpfh
  228. >"But I suppose you are rather new, dear."
  229. >She seems like a completely pony than before
  230. >This scares you very very much
  231. >When she smiles you know if your bladder were full you'd pee again
  232. >"Don't worry. Mommy will teach you."
  233. >Her hoof rubs over your cheek
  234. >And you sob through your sealed lips
  235. >She gets on the bed, putting a leg first and climbing over
  236. >The bed bounces with her weight and each step she takes on her way to you
  237. >She crawls on top of your small form
  238. >Hoof on either side of your head
  239. >You twist your head
  240. >And shake your body
  241. >Trying to get out
  242. >Her butt falls settles down on your stomach
  243. >Leaving her breasts in full view
  244. >"Now, now, dear. There's no need to struggle."
  245. >You keep struggling
  246. >Her voice gets hard
  247. >And you feel her hoof lash against your face
  248. >"I SAID, there's no need to struggle."
  249. >The smack echoed through the chamber and it burns
  250. >Your body is still wracked by sobs but you stop moving too much
  251. >You don't want to get hit again
  252. >Her hoof moves to your hair
  253. >Stroking it
  254. >"Good little boy."
  255. >She giggles
  256. >And starts rubbing herself for some reason on your stomach
  257. >You try to look away but her hard hooves on the side of your face force you to look at her
  258. >And see her breasts drag across your shirt
  260. >You feel really weird sensations in your body
  261. >Especially in your private place when you look at her
  262. >Your shirt starts getting wet
  263. >But you don't see the milk drip from her teats
  264. >And it's really confusing
  265. >"Now, don't scream, darling, or you know what happens."
  266. >Her eyes look half-lidded, as she leans over
  267. >Pressing her breasts into you
  268. >You nod
  269. >And feel her magic release from your lips
  270. "W-why?"
  271. >It's barely a question, just a choking sob with some semblance of words mixed in
  272. >"Why what, love?"
  273. "Why are you doing this?"
  274. >"Oh, Anon, it's because I care for you."
  275. >Her hoof gently strokes against your side as she slides down
  276. >You feel her nipples run against your shirt
  277. >As she pulls far enough to reach your boxers
  278. >She brings herself back
  279. >Hooking the hem of your shirt with her teats
  280. >And pulling it up, so that her breasts rub against your raw skin
  281. >"This is what ponies who love each other do."
  282. >You've never heard of this before
  283. >But mommy did seem like she didn't like to talk about it
  284. "But why did my mommy-"
  285. >You feel a slap on your cheek, sending your vision swirling
  286. >And you pant loudly, your cheek resting against the soft sheets underneath, the other side stinging
  287. >"I'm your mommy, now, dear."
  288. >Her voice is soft, gentle
  289. >Not at all like mommy when she gets mad
  290. >Her hooves grip your head and turn you back
  291. >"Say it with me, Anon."
  292. >She scoots her body so that your shirt is pulled past your armpits
  293. >"I love you, mommy."
  294. >She pats you on the cheek
  295. >And smiles
  296. "I-I..."
  297. >She raises her hoof, eyes narrowing slightly
  298. "I love you, mommy."
  299. >Her eyes and hoof relaxes
  300. >And she slides down across your bare chest
  301. >"See? That wasn't so hard, was it?"
  302. >You weakly nod
  303. >"Now, my little boy gets a nice reward."
  304. >You feel the chains slacken on your wrists
  305. >Giving you more mobility
  306. >Except she still grips your hands tightly in her magic
  307. >And brings it in front of you, forcing them to cup her breasts
  308. >"Squeeze, dearie."
  310. >Your hands slowly cup her mounds
  311. >And you give a gentle squeeze, before letting go, looking back up at her
  312. >She strokes your hair really gently with her hoof
  313. >And leans down
  314. >"Good job, mommy is very proud of you."
  315. >She smiles at you, bringing her muzzle in front of your nose
  316. >Nuzzling against your nose slightly
  317. >"Now, keep doing it, okay?"
  318. >You obediently follow her
  319. >Squeezing her and letting go
  320. >Repeating the motion
  321. >It's like squeezing a water balloon
  322. >And it feels really nice for some reason
  323. >You feel your nose wet
  324. >And your body stiffens as you look at her
  325. >She pulls back, tongue still out
  326. >And giggles
  327. >"Do you want to make mommy really happy?"
  328. >You don't know what she means
  329. "H-how?"
  330. >You feel a slight tugging force on your boxers
  331. >And they start pulling down
  332. >Leaving your private spots bare to the air
  333. >You start nervously wriggling
  334. >But she pushes down on your with her weight
  335. >And you can't really do anything
  336. >"Mommy will teach you, love."
  337. >Her hoof gives a gentle stroke on your cheek
  338. >And it traces down the center of your chest
  339. >Her flank rises slightly as she traces the hoof down past your stomach
  340. >Towards your navel
  341. >And you feel really nervous and hot and wrong when you see your...thing
  342. >You try to turn away, but she holds your head facing forward with her magic
  343. >And she touches a really warm hoof against you in that private place
  344. >You don't want to think about it
  345. >And you squeeze your eyes close
  346. >"Uh uh, Anon. Don't you want to learn how to make your mommy happy?"
  347. >You breathe heavily
  348. >And open an eye
  349. >She's rubbing the hoof against the tip of it
  350. >And it feels good but not good at the same time
  351. >She giggles
  352. >And lowers her head
  353. >And sticks her tongue out
  354. >And your hips buckle when you feel her wet and smooth tongue against yourself
  355. >You feel yourself struggle involuntarily from the sensations
  356. >Your eyes are wide open
  357. >And she pulls back
  358. >Licking her lips
  359. >"Oooh, you're a sensitive little boy, aren't you?"
  361. >You don't know what that means
  362. >But you find yourself nodding
  363. >And she grips it in her hoof
  364. >And starts to do something that you've never thought of before
  365. >She slides it up and down and you feel your head getting very light
  366. >And you feel your breaths get shorter, and your thing get longer and bigger
  367. >The top part of it, the really sensitive, starts pushing out from your skin
  368. >Her hoof pulls that part of the skin back
  369. >And the sensations drive you crazy
  370. >There's that pinkish part that feels really funny to touch
  371. >And she brings her head down
  372. >And licks against it again
  373. >The feeling electrifies you
  374. >And you feel yourself jolting in her grasp
  375. >She releases
  376. >And smiles at you
  377. >"No one ever did this to you before, did they?"
  378. >You think back to your real mom
  379. >And your body shudders a bit at imagining her do it
  380. >You shake your head
  381. >"Only ponies who love each other do it, dear."
  382. >What?
  383. >"Maybe no pony..."
  384. >She leans down
  385. >Exhaling against your privates
  386. >Looking sideways at you
  387. >"...ever really loved you, Anon."
  388. >That's not true
  389. >She brings her head up, keeping her hoof stroking
  390. >Sending pleasure though your body
  391. >That's what it is
  392. >It feels really good
  393. >It doesn't feel too weird anymore
  394. >But
  395. >"Mommy loves you, dearest. And that's why she does this."
  396. >She leans down this time
  397. >But instead of licking it
  398. >She takes it in her mouth
  399. >And you gasp really loudly as you feel the warmth envelop you
  400. >It's soft, it's smooth, it's wet, it's slippery
  401. >And it feels REALLY good
  402. >Her tongue flicks against you
  403. >And you can't help but moan a little
  404. >Her eyes look up at you while she suckles on you
  405. >And you feel less afraid
  406. >Maybe she really did love you?
  407. >Mommy was angry a lot of the time
  408. >And dad didn't really do much about it when she yelled at you
  409. >And she never did any of this
  410. >Maybe...
  411. >Maybe Rarity really is a better mommy
  412. >You shudder as you feel her pull off with a pop
  413. >You see her lick her lips a bit, and wipe her mouth with a hoof
  414. >And scoot upwards
  416. >Her breasts wrap around your stick
  417. >Covering them and keeping them really warm
  418. >You find yourself rubbing against her
  419. >And she giggles, sending vibrations to you through her breasts
  420. >"Eager little boy, aren't you?"
  421. >She holds her breasts in her hooves
  422. >And squeezes them against your thing
  423. >It feels really tight
  424. >And really nice
  425. >She rubs them up and down, in sync at first
  426. >But then she alternates, and it feels like she's massaging you really well
  427. >You see milk squeeze out from her teats again
  428. >And it falls down onto your skin
  429. >Pooling on your bare hairless body
  430. >The liquid is thick, and looks really creamy
  431. >But then you shudder as memories of before flood through your mind
  432. >"Something wrong, darling?"
  433. >You remember when she choked you on those orbs
  434. >And how it was getting really hard to breathe
  435. >"Anon?"
  436. >And how she took you away from your mommy
  437. >And how much you actually really miss your mommy
  438. >And you start feeling tears well up again
  439. >"Oh, Anon..."
  440. >She lets go, leaning over, bringing a hoof to your face
  441. >And wraps it around you
  442. >Pressing you inwards
  443. >"Shh, shh, it's alright."
  444. >You're afraid to tell her
  445. >Because you don't want to get hit again
  446. >But your parents always told you not to lie
  447. >"Just let mommy help you, okay?"
  448. >You feel her fur slide against your body
  449. >And magic wrap around your stick, bending it upwards
  450. >What's going on?
  451. >You're still crying, sobbing
  452. >But you feel your slightly freed arms hold against her
  453. >Against her soft fur
  454. >And warm body
  455. >Even if she hurt you before
  456. >It still feels safe
  457. >Suddenly, your body receives another wave of pleasure when you feel something REALLY warm press against your tip
  458. "Wh-wh-"
  459. >"Shh, Anon. It's okay. Let mommy help you."
  460. >You squeeze her body in your embrace
  461. >And push your face into her fur
  462. >Crying softly as she lowers herself onto you
  463. >You moan out into her fur as warmness wraps around you, everywhere at once
  464. >She holds you tightly
  465. >And gives a long exhale
  466. >The breath runs through your hair, tickling you
  468. >You feel whatever was around your little shaft squeeze on you
  469. >But you concentrate on her
  470. >On her fur
  471. >On her scent
  472. >On your new mommy
  473. >And shudder as you feel the warm flesh rub against you
  474. >Moving in a sliding motion, along with her body
  475. >Rarity breathes harder, and you feel her body shake
  476. >You're not really sure what's going on
  477. "A-are you okay?"
  478. >She slows down, laughing
  479. >Your tight hug loosens a bit in confusion
  480. >"Y-yes, dearest, mommy is a-alright."
  481. >She turns her head downwards
  482. >And gives you a kiss on the forehead
  483. >As you snuggle into her
  484. >She keeps giving you that warm feeling
  485. >And you feel her body accelerate
  486. >Her breaths get ragged, short
  487. >She grips you tightly
  488. >And you feel your stick get squeezed by her
  489. >Her body moves really fast, and her back arches, as she gives a loud gasp
  490. >Suddenly, your stick is even wetter than before
  491. >You feel something drip down to your skin
  492. >Something really sticky, and it feels really uncomfortable on your skin
  493. >She gives you a kiss on the forehead
  494. >"You did a really good job, little boy."
  495. >And she collapses on you, nuzzling you into her
  496. >You feel really good
  497. >But you feel like something's missing
  498. >That it built up and built up
  499. >And your hips start slightly thrusting
  500. >While she giggles
  501. >"What's this? Little nonny wants to cum?"
  502. >You don't know what that means
  503. >But you nod anyways
  504. >"Oh, you're just adorable."
  505. >And you feel the warmth moving again
  506. >Sliding up and down
  507. >You feel yourself going through the same motions she did
  508. >But
  509. >You feel like you're about to pee
  510. >And you look up at her, worried, mouth open, eyes furrowed
  511. >But she strokes your hair
  512. >"Do what feels right, my dear."
  513. "But it feels like I need to-"
  514. >"Ah ah - just do it, cum for mommy."
  515. >You hold her body, grip it as tightly as you can
  516. >And release
  517. >You feel something shoot out
  518. >It's not pee, but it feels like you're peeing
  519. >But it feels really good
  520. >And you shoot it inside of her
  521. >Gasping, eyes wide
  522. >One burst, and soon you feel really tired
  524. >She gently unshackles you
  525. >The warmth leaves you as she gets up
  526. >You see something whitish and clear drip out of her
  527. >And you feel your body gently lifted by the tingling sensation of magic
  528. >She gets off onto the floor, standing on all fours
  529. >"Mommy loves you, nonny."
  530. >She giggles, and lands you a series of kisses on your face, and floats you back to the dark cell
  531. >The other colts were watching, some shivering, some cowing away
  532. >She brings you to a clear spot, and you lay down against the hard floor
  533. >But you're tired, and you feel really sleepy
  534. >"Now, who's next for Mommy?"
  535. >You yawn
  536. >And the last thing you see is a struggling shape being floated out of the cell
  538. >The shrieking wakes you up
  539. >It's blurry
  540. >You're groggy
  541. >There's the sound of snoring from various colts around you
  542. >And you get up, stetching a bit
  543. >It feels really cold and you look down to realize you don't have pants
  544. >Suddenly everything floods back to you
  545. >What happened
  546. >Rarity
  547. >Mommy
  548. >You see her on the bed
  549. >On top of another colt
  550. >Sliding her back up and down in a furious motion
  551. >You hear grunts and moans from the pair of them
  552. >You stand up to the bar
  553. >And the sight fascinates you
  554. >His is long and mottled, much different than yours
  555. >And you clearly see Rarity's privates
  556. >That must be where you were before
  557. >You look down and find yourself already hard for some reason
  558. >And look back at the scene before you
  559. >There's patches of grey and caked white on Rarity's once pristine fur, especially around her privates
  560. >You're the only boy in the cell still awake, you notice
  561. >"Yes! Keep rutting mommy!"
  562. >She grabs your attention again and you see her tail bobbing up and down
  563. >Her behind slams onto the colt, sending waves of motion throughout the bed
  564. >It looks really different from here
  565. >You bring a hand to your stick
  566. >Rubbing it like Rarity did earlier
  567. >And it feels really nice
  569. >"Oh, yes!"
  570. >You hear the squirt and simultaneous moans of the two bodies before you, and she leans down
  571. >Whispering something you don't hear into his ears
  572. >His body shudders and she gets up
  573. >As his thing slips out of her, you notice white liquid falling out of her
  574. >She does the same thing she did with you, getting off on the bed, giving him plenty of kisses
  575. >And walking towards the cell
  576. >Her eyes light up as she sees you watching, stroking
  577. >Her magic opens the cage and she settles the already snoring colt onto the ground
  578. >"Already want more of mommy's love, nonny?"
  579. >You don't even get to respond before she pulls you out of the cell and locks it behind you
  580. >She pulls you into a hug
  581. >And her fur feels really weird
  582. >There's parts where it's hard, and parts where it's sticky
  583. >This close, you see a lot of her fur is covered in the white fluids you saw earlier
  584. >But you let her hug you for the moment
  585. >She finally pulls away
  586. >"Do you want to do something special for mommy?"
  587. >She pinches your cheeks with her magic, laughing
  588. >"Of course you do."
  589. >She brings you to the bed again
  590. >But instead of plopping you on top of it, she places you on a wooden platform near it you hadn't noticed before
  591. >You're now taller than her
  592. >"Look at you, all big and strong."
  593. >You laugh
  594. >It feels nice to be bigger than an adult
  595. >She turns around
  596. >And flicks her tail aside
  597. >You feel your private part twitch and throb
  598. >And she pushes herself back into you
  599. >Your breaths get a little shorter, and your hands instinctively reach out to her flanks
  600. >"Now, just do what comes natural, nonny dear. Let your body tell you what to do."
  601. >Your tip rubs against her wet and sticky slit
  602. >And you feel yourself wanting to push it in, push it in as far as you can
  603. >You look at her
  604. "Can I go in?"
  605. >Her magic ruffles your hair
  606. >"What a polite one you are; of course you may, love."
  607. >And you slide in
  609. >It's the same feeling as before
  610. >The warmth
  611. >The wetness
  612. >But this time
  613. >There's the feeling of something already there
  614. >And a lot of it
  615. >It's like you're pushing through thick syrup
  616. >And it's very sticky
  617. >But the warmth is still there
  618. >And you slide yourself all the way in
  619. >So this was what happened
  620. >You were inside her earlier
  621. >It feels really nice
  622. >Very, very nice
  623. >"Why don't you try moving, dear?"
  624. >You knew exactly what she meant
  625. >And started rocking your body back and forth into her
  626. >She bobs her butt into you
  627. >And you see it squeeze and bounce with each thrust
  628. >Her moans start to follow
  629. >And soon yours joins her
  630. >You've never done this before
  631. >This is really fun
  632. >And it feels so good
  633. >She squeezes you
  634. >And you throb against her
  635. >You see the white liquid fall out of her, running down her legs, with each thrust
  636. >Like you're shoveling out the liquid
  637. >It feels thick against your thing, and weird
  638. >But everything else still feels good
  639. >Your thrusts get faster into her
  640. >You close your eyes as she clenches onto you
  641. >Once again that fire inside rises
  642. >And you feel that edge nearing
  643. >And you cross it
  644. >Your eyes widen out once more and you gasp loudly
  645. >As you add another piece of your fluids into her
  646. >She screams loudly and you feel warm liquid squirt out from her, coating you
  647. >And you collapse on her, panting
  648. >You don't feel as sleepy this time
  649. >You just slept
  650. >Her head turns around to you, and she smiles
  651. >"I think mommy found a new favorite."
  652. >it's a whisper
  653. >"Why don't I let you be mommy's first and last?"
  654. >She giggles and you lean over to hug her
  655. >She strokes your back
  656. >"Mommy has to go now, but she'll be back soon."
  657. >She pecks you on the lips
  658. >And levitates you back to the cell
  659. >But you're grinning
  660. >And happy
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