

Aug 27th, 2018
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  1. Name: Alice Abigael
  3. Gender: Female
  5. Height 5'7"
  7. Appearance: Alice is a somewhat slender woman, wearing a white dress that ends in red towards the edges. Her eyes are a dark green. She has earings shaped like that of a rose, and wore an amulet around her neck. This amulet has a sapphire jewel in the center, and is made of silver and gold. Expensive stuff.
  9. Bio:
  11. Her parents, were a King and Queen, daughter of King David and Queen Mary of the Kingdom of Velross. She was an only child, and had no other family relations other than her parents. She grew up as a rather normal Princess, somewhat spoiled and was rather rich and lavish of course.
  12. They also taught her that she must control her anger. She kept these things to her heart, and adhered to them for her whole life, though she became obsessed with some other kingdom's prince, the Kingdom of Marcade. Prince Steven. Alice and Steven fell in love for a time, however the prince cheated on her with someone else from his kingdom. Even though she tried to be loving she sometimes would lash out on him and fight with him, she was too lustful for him, and he decided to end the relationship and start a new one with someone else. She was severely broken by this. She were obsessed with that moment and sought off to murder who the prince fell in love with, unfortunately for her she didn't succeed and the prince was forced to kill her because she was too hellbent on getting to his new love, wanting to eradicate her from existence, he too was rather broken by this and bound her soul to the amulet she would suffer the loss forever.
  13. Many years after this happened, the amulet was locked away in storage for a great while, by that time Steven and his love of Jane Prespol had succeeded the throne after his parents death, and the incidents that happened were more or less forgotten about over time, fading into obscurity. Alice was 'missing' and was never found by the royal guards. King David and Queen Mary were greatly saddened, though not much could be done.
  14. The amulet was locked away until the room was found years later, and cleared out, at the time the castle was being renovated and redone. It was found by a guard who was overseeing the renovation of this room. He took it from the chest it was kept in, that's when he felt a presence within it. He didn't know what it was, and kept it with him the following days. Little did he know, Alice was inside the amulet, feeding off of his strength and will. Because of this, he began to be looked down upon by his fellow guardsmen as a coward, and he was cast out because he seemed to be losing his strength, and courage which were among the things required to be a guard in this kingdom. He found out the cause, was the amulet.
  16. The rest is history, as the amulet was eventually circulated from person to person over several decades, slowly gathering enough energy so she could be free once again...
  17. Abilities:
  18. Her powers deal with the phases of the moon, the fuller the moon the stronger her abilities and powers and vice versa. Supermoon is when she reaches her maximum power level.
  20. Energy draining - She's able to drain energy over long periods of time. It's very slight and subtle, probably not even noticeable if you weren't paying attention.
  22. Telepathic Communication - Many have reported that the amulet speaks to them mentally, often holding conversations within the minds of it's wear. This was looked down upon by others, and those who claimed it were said to be heretic or insane.
  24. Thought reading - Alice was able to read the thoughts of the wearer, not all of the thoughts, just the general emotions, large thoughts they were feeling at the time. Perhaps she enjoyed it when people got weaker and she got stronger. Who knows.
  25. Visions or rather - appearing infront of one's eyes - She can do this at a cost of her power, though on full supermoon nights, or blood lunar eclipses she can do it with no cost at all. She rarely does this, and only a few cases have been reported.
  27. Mind/will power - She can force her will over others over periods of time, influence them to do certain actions. It's subtle, as if it's a subtle want or need to do something, that gradually grows over time.
  29. Concept sensing - is able to get a general sense of around her, conceptually.
  31. Aura - has an aura that can draw people to the amulet, though only if it could be seen from a certain distance.
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