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Regarding JackGriffin

a guest
Mar 7th, 2019
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  1. Let me introduce myself first, I've been modding UT99 for over a decade and always been thankful for the resources that had to offer, I made many modifications - yet I decided not to go here and post them in public and rather stay kinda encapsulated with the small community on my server.
  3. However, there is one thing that usually ruins any good modding conversation on this board, let me name it... JackGriffin  :roll:
  5. You can see theres a lot of people interested in creating mods for this wonderful game even after such a long time.. but JackGriffin kinda destroys the flavour here, let me explain why:
  7. In any new topic, no matter how unique and 'different' the idea/question of the thread-creator is, JackGriffin will stumble upon the thread and will begin to repeat the same nonsense that he always posts
  8. [quote]
  9. Hey, I am JackGriffin I am very good at coding!!11, yet however I can't post anything in public because I can't actually code for gods sake (psst don't let the UT99 community know) , so would you please PM me your code or send me an e-mail so I can tell you that I am unable to fix this and you should try to ask on OldUnreal?
  10. Thanks! [/quote]
  12. I've had to kind of conversation with him before, he acts like he's some kind of super-brain in public and when you speak to him in private he barely knows anything about modding.
  14. Then theres the other kind of replies by JackGriffin , I call it the 'hey-cool-idea-but-i actually-had-a-much-better-idea-2-years-ago'  .. he stumbles on a thread with a really good idea - tells the person that he had the same idea many years ago and that he either didnt finish it , lost it or simply didn't even start it
  15. and then he expects some attention towards him. (yet never posts a proof or anything worthful for the thread )
  17. Oh and lets not forget one of the most important topics for him, BRUT - a modification he ripped together from other mods without permission of the author (the most) + copy & paste instructions from oldunreal threads where he asked for help, then claims its his work in the final product - I don't see any credits for the people that solved all your issues  :noidea
  20. He'll mention his BRUT mod in any topic, regardless of how different it is from his mod, he just needs to talk about his shit because he's so frustrated that no one actually played it and he's craving for some extra attention towards him
  21. (he even mentions it everytime he mentions it "hey im cool with it no one gave a shit about it but i mod for myself!!11 thats why i keep mentioning it because i dont care if anyone knows about it!!11"
  25. I know this post will probably get deleted by one of the forum moderators he sucked into but be aware that it is NOT ONLY ME that is pissed of by JackGriffins post in this forum.
  27. (heres a backup link to my text, just in case - - >
  29. Thank you for your attention  :tu:
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