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emoose DQXIS Engine.ini v4a (lighting fix++)

a guest
Jun 9th, 2021
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  1. ; Improved graphics INI by emoose (Havoc)
  2. ; Adjusted for lighting fix (0.0.6) by mike9k1 --
  3. ; Integrated & edited by Tim Allahn Snackbarr --
  4. ; Note that after running the game with these settings, all the nice comments below will disappear!
  5. ; But don't worry, the online version will always have the comments available to read :)
  7. ; DIRECTIONS: Download and place this file in "Documents\My Games\DRAGON QUEST XI S\Steam\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Engine.ini"
  9. [Core.System]
  10. Paths=../../../Engine/Content
  11. Paths=%GAMEDIR%Content
  12. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/SQEX/OSDKModule/Content
  13. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/2D/Paper2D/Content
  14. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Media/MediaCompositing/Content
  15. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Runtime/CriWare/CriWare/CriWare/Content
  16. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/UnrealEnginePython/Content
  18. [SystemSettings]
  21. ; default value is 5000 in DQXI-S, recommended 12000 (DQXI OG) or more
  22. r.JackLoadReduction.HiddenThresholdDistance=15000
  24. ; How much MB to dedicate to the texture streaming system, i'd set to half of your GPUs VRAM.
  25. r.Streaming.PoolSize=3072 ; game default = 1500
  26. r.Streaming.MaxTempMemoryAllowed=128 ; game default = 50, lets increase it a little
  28. ; Allows you to increase the render resolution, as the game doesn't seem to support DSR @ 4k (for me at least)...
  29. ; THIS CAN BE VERY PERFORMANCE-HEAVY (if you run the game at very high resolutions), feel free to increase/decrease it as you like (150 is my choice)
  30. ; !!! PLEASE READ !!!
  31. ; IF YOU RUN @ 1440p or 4K, set to 100 or 125 at the most
  32. ; IF YOU RUN @ 1080p or lower, set to 150 or higher
  33. r.ScreenPercentage=150 ; game default = 100
  35. ; Makes the game try to fully load textures as soon as the map is loaded, instead of loading them as you play
  36. ; (note: minor slowdown/blurry textures for first couple of seconds after map loads, but then after that no more texture load slowdown!)
  37. ;r.Streaming.FullyLoadUsedTextures=1 ; game default = 0 -- commented out due to multiple reports of slowdown, no perceptible benefit
  38. r.Streaming.FramesForFullUpdate=3 ; game default = 5 -- 1 updates *every frame* but is very CPU intensive, changed to 3
  39. ;r.Streaming.HLODStrategy=2 ; forces all LOD mips to be loaded rather than streamed. game default = 0 -- commented out (same as above)
  41. r.UseShaderCaching=1 ; game default = 0
  42. r.UseShaderPredraw=1 ; game default = 0
  44. ; a.URO seems to be used to optimize animations so that they aren't so taxing
  45. ; apparently it has interpolation support though, so we'll enable it to try and help improve the 30FPS anims
  46. a.URO.ForceInterpolation=1 ; game default = 0
  47. a.URO.ForceAnimRate=2 ; 1 = 30fps, 2 = 60fps? game default = 0
  49. r.MipMapLODBias = -3 ; more texture detail, game default = 0
  50. r.LandscapeLODBias = -3 ; more landscape detail, game default = 0
  51. r.SkeletalMeshLODBias=-2 ; increase character LODs. game default = 0
  52. r.LightMaxDrawDistanceScale = 2.5 ; increases light distance? game default = 1 (increased to 2.5)
  53. r.JackMonsterViewDistanceScale = 2 ; game default = 1
  55. r.ViewDistanceScale=5 ; game default is 5!? no need to change it, just set it here so nothing can override it
  56. r.StaticMeshLODDistanceScale=0.25 ; similarly, game default is 0.25, seems good enough as is
  58. ; foliage settings - added MinVertsToSplitNode (set to UE4 default), density scale, LOD distance scale
  59. foliage.LODDistanceScale=5 ; increase grass LOD distance, not much perf impact. game default = 1
  60. foliage.MinInstancesPerOcclusionQuery=1024 ; game default = 256, but UE4 recommended is 1024-65536...
  61. foliage.MinVertsToSplitNode=16384 ; default 4096
  62. foliage.DensityScale=7
  63. foliage.LODDistanceScale=15
  65. r.DefaultFeature.AntiAliasing=2 ; game default = 1
  66. r.PostProcessAAQuality=6 ; game default = 6
  67. r.TemporalAASamples=32 ; game default = 8
  68. r.TemporalAAPauseCorrect=1 ; game default = 1
  69. r.TemporalAACurrentFrameWeight=0.08 ; game default = 0.04
  70. r.TemporalAAFilterSize=0.6 ; game default = 1
  72. r.MaxAnisotropy=16 ; game default = 8
  74. ; Lighting fix - refraction & reflection quality
  75. r.RefractionQuality=3 ; default 2
  76. r.ReflectionEnvironmentScale=1 ; default 0.5
  78. ; Improved Depth of Field Quality
  79. r.DepthOfFieldQuality=4 ; default 1 -- set to "0" if Depth of Field bothers you! (i.e. if you get motion sickness easily, etc)
  80. r.DepthOfField.MaxSize=100
  81. r.DepthOfFieldNearBlurSizeThreshold=0.005
  83. ; SSR & SSS effects
  84. r.SSR.Quality=4
  85. ;r.SSR.Cone=1 -- matter of personal taste, I prefer cone off (default) but leaving commented out
  86. r.SSS.Filter=1
  87. r.SSS.SampleSet=2
  88. r.SSS.Quality=1
  89. r.SSS.HalfRes=0 ; Full resolution reflections, HIGH performance impact! SET TO "1" if floor reflections are "slow"
  91. ; Volumetric fog
  92. r.VolumetricFog=1
  93. r.VolumetricFog.GridPixelSize=8
  94. r.VolumetricFog.GridSizeZ=128
  95. r.VolumetricFog.HistoryMissSupersampleCount=4
  97. ; Motion blur quality
  98. r.MotionBlurQuality=4
  99. r.MotionBlur.Amount=0.47
  100. r.MotionBlur.Max=0.85
  101. r.MotionBlur.Scale=1
  102. r.MotionBlurScatter=1
  103. r.MotionBlurSeparable=1
  104. r.FastBlurThreshold=100
  106. ; game culls lights based on their size on the screen, lower the culling size so that more lights can stay onscreen.
  107. r.MinScreenRadiusForLights=0.015 ; game default = 0.03
  108. r.MinScreenRadiusForSmallLights=0.005 ; game default = 0.01
  110. ; Shadow fixes, seems to help with shadow fade-in
  111. ; Additional changes made with lighting fix (increased shadow detail)
  112. r.Shadow.MaxResolution=8192 ; increase overall max supported resolution of shadows
  113. r.Shadow.MaxCSMResolution=4096 ; game default = 2048
  114. r.Shadow.CSMDepthBias=10 ; game default = 20
  115. r.MinScreenRadiusForCSMDepth=0.0 ; always enable CSM Depth
  116. r.Shadow.CSM.MaxCascades=16
  117. r.Shadow.TexelsPerPixel=10
  118. r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold=0.0
  119. r.Shadow.CSM.TransitionScale=2
  120. r.Shadow.SpotLightTransitionScale=512
  121. r.Shadow.DistanceScale=1.7 ; when used with CSMDepthBias change above this actually seems to work nicely?, game default = 1
  123. ; Disable some S-edition "optimizations" that weren't in original DQXI, likely just ugly things up
  124. r.JackLoadReduction.DisableAnimUpdateRateOptimization=1 ; default = 0
  125. ;r.JackLoadReduction.DisableDitherHidden=1 ; default = 0 -- commented out (leaving dithering on)
  126. ;r.JackLoadReduction.DisableMovementModeOptimization=1 ; default = 0 -- -- commented out (issue causing NPCs to float)
  128. ; ----------------------------------
  132. ; ----------------------------------
  133. ; Experimental changes!
  134. ; If you notice any weird artifacts feel free to remove these!
  135. r.PostProcessingColorFormat = 1 ; better quality color format, game default = 0
  136. r.PostProcessing.PropagateAlpha = 1 ; "scene alpha channel support in the post processing", game default = 0
  137. r.HZBOcclusion = 1 ; "Use HZB occlusion system (less GPU and CPU cost, more conservative results)", game default = 0
  138. r.GBufferFormat = 4 ; higher-precision GBuffer, game default = 1
  139. r.Filter.SizeScale = 2 ; scale up sample count for bloom/DOF, game default = 1
  140. r.EmitterSpawnRateScale = 2 ; double the emitter/particle count, game default = 1
  141. r.DFFullResolution = 1 ; "full resolution distance field shadowing", game default = 0
  142. r.SceneColorFormat = 4 ; game default = 4, lets keep it that way
  143. r.SceneColorFringeQuality = 0 ; game default = 1, doesn't seem used though, disable for possible perf boost?
  144. r.CreateShadersOnLoad = 1 ; "create shaders on load, which can reduce hitching, but use more memory", game default = 0, unsure if this has any effect but maybe can help
  146. ; ---------------------------------------------------
  147. ; ---------------------------------------------------
  149. [ConsoleVariables]
  151. ; !!! NOTE FOR NVIDIA USERS !!!
  152. ; !!! Make SURE you have DISABLED "Digital Vibrance" !!!
  153. ; !!! And any other graphics distorting features in the NVIDIA Control Panel !!!
  155. ; Adjustments for lighting fix - added lens flare & eye adaptation, particle light quality
  156. r.Tonemapper.Sharpen=0.5 ; game default = 0
  157. r.LightFunctionQuality=3 ; game default = 1 (adjusted to 3)
  158. r.LensFlareQuality=3 ; default 2
  159. r.ParticleLightQuality = 2 ; Simple+HQ lights, game default = 1 (only simple lights)
  162. r.EyeAdaptation.MethodOveride=2 ; set basic eye adaptation (the histogram-based method does not work correctly in DQXI and will result in overexposure in certain spots!)
  163. r.EyeAdaptationQuality=3 ; creates an auto-exposure effect when going from a dark environment to bright or vice-versa (default 0, set in Scalability) -- this can cause an "overexposure" issue in certain spots! SET TO "0" if bloom is too strong! (usually for NVIDIA users who ignore the note above)
  165. r.BloomReduceFlicking=0 ; Improves a number of (mostly particle) effects -- SET TO "1" to tone down bloom on configurations where it is too strong! (usually for NVIDIA users who ignore the note above)
  167. ; Render Target Buffer
  168. r.RenderTargetInitializeBufferSizeX=2560 ; default 1600 x 900
  169. r.RenderTargetInitializeBufferSizeY=1440 ; changed to 2560x1440
  171. ; Light Propagation Volume
  172. r.LightPropagationVolume=1 ; default 0
  174. ; SSAO
  175. r.AmbientOcclusionRadiusSkin=10 ; default 5 in DE, 10 in OG
  176. r.AmbientOcclusionRadiusScale=0.8 ; slight scaling of general model AO radius
  177. r.AmbientOcclusionSampleSetQuality=1 ; improve quality of ambient occlusion
  178. r.AmbientOcclusionStaticFraction=1 ; same with this
  179. r.AmbientOcclusionMaxQuality=-100 ; fixed to (negative) 100 (overrides postprocessvolume setting)
  180. r.AmbientOcclusionLevels=2
  181. r.AmbientOcclusionMipLevelFactor=0 ; 0 will always use the highest mip level regardless of postprocessing (set in Scalability), but may cause cache to be wasted (less RAM efficient), default 0.5
  183. ; Bloom
  184. r.BloomReverseStages=1
  185. r.BloomQuality=5 ; default 3, 5 is highest quality
  186. r.Bloom.Cross=-0.7 ; strengthen bloom effect
  188. ; Distance Fields Atlas Texture Size
  189. r.DistanceFields.FixedSizeAtlasTexture=0 ; default 1 -- dynamic size for atlas texture
  190. r.DistanceFields.AtlasSizeZ=1024 ; default 512, changed by devs from 1024 (UE4 default)
  192. ; Distance Fields Shadow Light Tiles
  193. r.DFShadowFixedLightTiles=256 ; default 128
  195. ; Enable planar reflection
  196. r.AllowGlobalClipPlane=1
  198. ; HDR for 2D Rendering -- improves 2D render quality, but SOME PERFORMANCE IMPACT *comment these out if you experience frame drops in menus*
  199. ; r.TextureRenderTarget2DDefaultHDR=1 ; default 0 -- commented out (no real improvement, possible performance hit)
  200. r.TextureRenderTarget2DScale=1.5 ; 1.5x scale for 2D renders (UI, etc) -- SET TO "1" if you experience frame drops!
  202. ; Tonemapper Settings
  203. r.TonemapperGamma=1.5 ; enable tonemapper gamma (improved s-curve to linear gamma by default), default 2.0 / 0-(reverts to linear gamma)
  204. r.Color.Mid=0.7 ; added to counteract a slightly lower tonemappergamma value, improves colors (less "washed-out"), default 0.5
  206. ; Translucency Lighting Volume
  207. r.EnableAsyncComputeTranslucencyLightingVolumeClear=1 ; disabled by the devs due to issues w/ the PS4 version
  209. ; Cache Scene Shadows (more RAM heavy - performance tradeoff)
  210. r.Shadow.CacheWholeSceneShadows=1
  212. ; AO Distance Field Properties
  213. r.AOGlobalDistanceField=1 ; default 0
  214. r.AOHeightfieldOcclusion=1 ; default 0
  215. r.HeightfieldGlobalIllumination=1 ; default 0
  217. ; Shadow sizes (improved shadow detail w/ larger size, more VRAM use)
  218. r.Shadow.MinWholeSceneShadowMapSizeX=6144 ; default 3072 in DE, set to OG value
  219. r.Shadow.MinWholeSceneShadowMapSizeY=2048 ; default 1024 in DE, set to OG value
  220. r.Shadow.MinPointLightShadowResolution=128 ; adjusted in 0.0.2 (32 -> 128)
  221. r.Shadow.MaxPointLightShadowResolution=2048 ; adjusted in 0.0.2 (1024 -> 2048)
  223. ; Higher reflection quality
  224. r.MinNumReflectionCaptures=200
  226. ; Enable jittering for TAA (UE4 default, devs set to 2 for FXAA only)
  227. r.Jittering=1
  229. ; Enable tiled deferred shading
  230. r.TiledDeferredShading=1 ; "false" by default, 1 is UE4 default -- "no 80 point lights are placed", so devs turned off
  • MarcoAx
    1 year
    # text 0.11 KB | 0 0
    1. Hello, there is an error on line 85 "r.SSR.Cone=1". There is a ; at the beginning, and I guess it shouldn't be there.
    • # text 0.39 KB | 0 0
      1. @Marcoax: That is NOT an error. The line is meant to be commented out- it even says "leaving commented out" because most people prefer having r.ssr.cone OFF.
      3. The idea is that the semicolon can simply be removed if someone wants to turn r.ssr.cone ON.
      5. See the INI Tuning Assistant here for more information --
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