
Copypasta: If you time travel in Animal Crossing just unfollow me now. [Full version]

Apr 30th, 2020
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  1. If you time travel in Animal Crossing just unfollow me now. You're a fuck-up who doesn't play the game right and quite frankly I don't think you deserve experiencing the game at all. What the fuck are you dipshits racing to see? "Ooh, I bought 8,000 turnips and now I have 10,000,000+ bells!" Great, what 'game' is there left, you fuck-up cunt? You don't have to work for anything anymore. There's no reason to catch anything or plant/harvest trees. Congrats. This is how Rich People do. Time Travelers think they're better than people who don't. This is also how Rich People do. Time travelers can't just fucking enjoy a game that's only meant to be played a little each day as a way to get away from the hell of real life. They made it competitive. FUCK OFF. Time Travelers are, have always been, and WILL always be the cancer that ruins Animal Crossing. Because they can't stop themselves from ruining things for other people. "Let people play how they want"? Go fuck yourself. Play it right or don't play at all. Fucking cunts. The "We should let time travelers play too!" crowd are the same who'd defend people aimbotting in FPS games. "No, let the cheaters play too! They also paid money for the game! They should get to ruin it for everyone else!" And hey, if you're NOT a time traveler, but you RT people who ARE, you are ALSO part of the fucking problem here. No one likes a fucking braggart. No one likes people who spoil the experience for others. And yet here TTers are, whining about being treated like shit. Wonder why! They LITERALLY had to remove seasonal events from #ACNH - only adding them back in via patches - because time travelers couldn't fucking sit still and play the game at the correct pace. And even then, there's instantly posts after a patch going "HERE'S WHAT'S BEING ADDED!" There were TTers on Gamefaqs flooding the ACNH board immediately after the Earth Day patch dropped explaining when Leif would show up, how Redd worked, and then the flood of forgery-vs-real came in so people couldn't figure things out on their own. And they weren't just making topics like [Here's what's been added (spoilers)]. No, that would require thought. It was just spoilers in the thread titles. Because Animal Crossing time travelers are cunts. Either play Animal Crossing correctly as a day-to-day relaxation game or don't play it at all. Literally no one needs spoilers on upcoming shit in a game that's all about discovering things as they happen. Time travelers in AC games are absolute fucking scum.
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