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- //This code displays the data collected from existing grid(span or not) then displays it on a series of lcd
- //panels with the same name "Profile LCD Panel" or variations of that. Just some basic stats. Qon donated the
- //span code.
- //######################################################################
- //configuration variables:
- const string pbName = "Programmable block profiler"; //block that runs the script.
- const string LCDdisplays = "Profile LCD Panel"; //real names of panels: Profile LCD Panel 1, Profile LCD Panel 2,...
- //names are like that for sorting purposes, or else data is randomly displayed.
- const int displayChars = 800; //number of characters to put on the panel
- const int rowWidth = 30; //number of chars per row
- //the two const values there make a chunk of text 800 long and 30ish wide.
- //the number of lines in the text depends on the actual text length.
- void Main()
- {
- bool spanConnected = true; //span grids, no span = no pistons or rotors.
- IMyTerminalBlock progBlock = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(pbName);
- var gridSize = progBlock.CubeGrid; //only check same size blocks
- StringBuilder tester = new StringBuilder();
- Dictionary<String,int> collate = new Dictionary<String, int>();
- List<String> Names = new List<String>();
- List<IMyTerminalBlock> allBlocks = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
- GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType<IMyTerminalBlock>(allBlocks); //capture all blocks
- for (int i = 0; i<allBlocks.Count; i++) { //count through the blocks
- if (allBlocks[i].CubeGrid == progBlock.CubeGrid || spanConnected) { //look ma, one less instruction!
- String BlockName = allBlocks[i].BlockDefinition.ToString(); //Gather Block info
- if (allBlocks[i].CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum == gridSize.GridSizeEnum) {
- int count = 1;
- int Amount = 0;
- if (collate.TryGetValue(BlockName, out Amount))
- {
- Amount += count;
- collate[BlockName] = Amount;
- } else {
- collate.Add(BlockName, count);
- Names.Add(BlockName); //use this list for key retrieval, no other way.
- }
- }//if Contains
- }//if CubeGrid
- } //format data to text
- tester.Append(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Block Profile\n");
- for (int i = 0; i < Names.Count; i++) {
- var truncIndex = Names[i].IndexOf('/') + 1;
- var formatName = Names[i].Remove(0,truncIndex);
- var newstring = formatName + ": " + collate[Names[i]].ToString().PadLeft(rowWidth - formatName.Length, '_') + "\n"; //good match or
- if (formatName.Length < 5) {//not enough data ?
- truncIndex = Names[i].IndexOf('_') + 1;
- formatName = Names[i].Remove(0,truncIndex);
- newstring = ": " + collate[Names[i]].ToString().PadLeft(rowWidth - formatName.Length + 1, '_') + "\n";
- truncIndex = formatName.IndexOf('/');
- newstring = formatName.Remove(truncIndex) + newstring;
- }//if
- tester.Append(newstring);
- }//for
- //code segment below displays text in multiple lcds, no text it shows the graphic selected instead
- List<IMyTerminalBlock> lcd = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
- GridTerminalSystem.SearchBlocksOfName(LCDdisplays, lcd); //display(s)
- lcd = BlockSort(lcd);//sort by name.
- int startIndex = 0; //keep track of where we left off
- for (int i = 0; i < lcd.Count; i++) { //break up the text, chunklet style
- var Display = lcd[i] as IMyTextPanel;
- if (startIndex < tester.Length-1) { // is the limit less than the data?
- var textBreak = startIndex + displayChars; //start at the limit and go over :)
- for (int j = textBreak; j < tester.Length; j++) { //possible to exceed the string length with the line above.
- textBreak = j; //set it to current count
- if (tester[j] == '\n') {break;}
- }//for
- if (textBreak > tester.Length) textBreak = tester.Length - 1; //this can happen with the loop entry.
- Display.WritePublicText(tester.ToString(startIndex,textBreak-startIndex));
- startIndex = textBreak+1; //advance
- Display.ShowTextureOnScreen();
- Display.ShowPublicTextOnScreen();
- } else {
- Display.ShowTextureOnScreen(); //display selected texture instead of data
- }// if startIndex
- }//for
- }//main
- List<IMyTerminalBlock> BlockSort (List<IMyTerminalBlock> blocks)
- {
- List<IMyTerminalBlock> ListSort = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
- List<string> blockNames = new List<string>();
- for (int i = 0; i < blocks.Count; i++)
- {
- blockNames.Add(blocks[i].DisplayNameText.ToString());
- }
- blockNames.Sort();
- for (int i = 0; i < blockNames.Count; i++)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < blocks.Count; j++)
- {
- if (blockNames[i] == blocks[j].DisplayNameText.ToString() && !ListSort.Contains(blocks[j]))
- {
- ListSort.Add(blocks[j]);
- }
- }
- }
- return ListSort;
- }
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