
Tunnel split emails had to be deleted on remote viewer slacked

Dec 6th, 2023
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  1. Don’t forget taxes will have to wait until after i update my ODSP and do the review since should have had diagnosis from the jump arguing maximum allotted amount due to negligence on my own mom is evident thanks to me filing a human rights claim against her.
  3. $78,000k.00 being how much they took in cash and withdrew asap is non of my business and if so suicide so hard they change rules for everyone fucking with a socio not a psycho upper echelon means ill wait till you figure out how badly these people tried to fuck me up more patient and calculated but i have to deal with idiots thinking i would affiliate and waste my intelligence on some fuck shit goofy fuck ass frauds or lies when i can do a project that’ll get traction which is going to become more painfully obvious its not painfully obvious yet just basic obvious but im so calculated and cold you know im upset and still cant get anything out of me and im steady working towards the funny goal
  • s1337668
    203 days
    # text 1.45 KB | 0 0
    1. Keep running until you exhaust yourself thinking you can plan ahead when its just another scam since im not falling for it it means the longer i wait the better before tax season since who cares i have better reasons to wait than to file and they were hoping my curcumstance would causes me to be blind and only think about money instead of correcting everything they thought would get in my way im going to make it so bad there wont ever be another black entrepreneur since theyll have PTSD and enslave thier own people harder just so no one gets out and is able to become something since thats the reality
    3. Let them join and give a slice or they throw a tantrum deleting work
    5. I want to burn everything anyway and you close enough to burn with me since how else would you have gotten close anyway knowing how long i was onto the basement patirot means all them idiots have been cataloged being online with packet issues is just cat and mouse and i play on the cat team since this idiot thought he could leave a back door to fuck me over if i didnt let him into my company LMFAOOO im steady laughing knowing how he has to think since he needs all the good publicity he can get in regards to business since all his shit ends up currpted by his own people trying to cut a break thank god everything is already online and im ready to burn what i have and use the framework since just like that tiger seal its all been research
    7. Delete all the notes i have chatGPT πŸ€·πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈ
  • s1337668
    203 days
    # text 0.14 KB | 0 0
    1. Worse is knowing but not knowing which project since ill be sprinkling so many bait trap ideas out there so drunk on koolaid its fucking gross
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