
Mcreator error

Apr 16th, 2023
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  1. > Task :compileJava FAILED
  2. /home/wrastood/MCreatorWorkspaces/sculky/src/main/java/net/mcreator/sculky/init/ error: cannot find symbol
  3. public static final RegistryObject<EntityType<TestEntity>> TEST = register("test",
  4. ^
  5. symbol: class TestEntity
  6. location: class SculkyModEntities
  7. /home/wrastood/MCreatorWorkspaces/sculky/src/main/java/net/mcreator/sculky/init/ error: cannot find symbol
  8. EntityType.Builder.<TestEntity>of(TestEntity::new, MobCategory.MONSTER).setShouldReceiveVelocityUpdates(true).setTrackingRange(64).setUpdateInterval(3).setCustomClientFactory(TestEntity::new)
  9. ^
  10. symbol: class TestEntity
  11. location: class SculkyModEntities
  12. /home/wrastood/MCreatorWorkspaces/sculky/src/main/java/net/mcreator/sculky/init/ error: cannot find symbol
  13. EntityType.Builder.<TestEntity>of(TestEntity::new, MobCategory.MONSTER).setShouldReceiveVelocityUpdates(true).setTrackingRange(64).setUpdateInterval(3).setCustomClientFactory(TestEntity::new)
  14. ^
  15. symbol: class TestEntity
  16. location: class SculkyModEntities
  17. /home/wrastood/MCreatorWorkspaces/sculky/src/main/java/net/mcreator/sculky/init/ error: cannot find symbol
  18. EntityType.Builder.<TestEntity>of(TestEntity::new, MobCategory.MONSTER).setShouldReceiveVelocityUpdates(true).setTrackingRange(64).setUpdateInterval(3).setCustomClientFactory(TestEntity::new)
  19. ^
  20. symbol: class TestEntity
  21. location: class SculkyModEntities
  22. /home/wrastood/MCreatorWorkspaces/sculky/src/main/java/net/mcreator/sculky/init/ error: cannot find symbol
  23. TestEntity.init();
  24. ^
  25. symbol: variable TestEntity
  26. location: class SculkyModEntities
  27. /home/wrastood/MCreatorWorkspaces/sculky/src/main/java/net/mcreator/sculky/init/ error: cannot find symbol
  28. event.put(TEST.get(), TestEntity.createAttributes().build());
  29. ^
  30. symbol: variable TestEntity
  31. location: class SculkyModEntities
  32. /home/wrastood/MCreatorWorkspaces/sculky/src/main/java/net/mcreator/sculky/init/ error: cannot find symbol
  33. event.registerEntityRenderer(SculkyModEntities.TEST.get(), TestRenderer::new);
  34. ^
  35. symbol: class TestRenderer
  36. location: class SculkyModEntityRenderers
  37. 7 errors
  38. FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
  39. * What went wrong:
  40. Execution failed for task ':compileJava'.
  41. > Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.
  42. * Try:
  43. > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
  44. > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
  45. > Run with --scan to get full insights.
  46. * Get more help at
  47. BUILD FAILED in 3s
  48. 1 actionable task: 1 executed
  51. Task completed in 20 minutes and 27 seconds
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