
An unlikely friendship (RP Hinawa & Rascal)

Dec 15th, 2019
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  1. Shurian02.12.2019
  2. Hinawa would just sit on the inside of the ship, rather casual at a table, probably kinda nice to see that bulky mouse a bit relaxed for once, dipping a lil feather that ain't the collar decoration in ink and then writing with it in front of her while humming silently a lil melody to herself while wagging her tail a bit
  4. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  5. Oh. Rascal LOVED the sound of that humming and honestly?? Needed some freshness in his life! He'd met all these others who'd known Sailas for so long and, heck, he hadn't spoken properly to any single one of them. He'd pop up from behind Hinawa, wayyy too suddenly for any normal person to do, bouncing up. "Whatcha doin'?? Are you writin' poetryy and humming a tune to yourself there? I didn't think any one else in your lot loved that kind of stuff!"
  7. Shurian02.12.2019
  8. the mouse would just casually continue with dipping the feather into ink and writing about and scratching a lot of names while actually not that badly surprised by that bard looking over her shoulder responding in the most chill sort of manner
  9. "Nah, just writing my shitlist and scratching names outta my kill-list."
  11. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  12. Gulp. Oh. OH. Oh no. That kinda stuff isn't really okay with Rascal, for sure. He got shivers immediately. He felt like he was, welp, interrupting a murderer..! Oh golly, uhm, "Is--is that really, uh. Why on earth do you need a kill-list..? Have you not tried.. talking it out with anyone on there? M, maybe I can help??? It can be a.." dramatic pause, oh and dramatic paws, too. "Make-up list! Yeah??"
  14. Shurian02.12.2019
  15. she'd giggle for a moment at the thought, it's kinda concerning how calm she's about this, didn't really joke when she said she's a revenge driven asshole and turn her head a bit nicely to the shoulder side Rascal would talk over and whisper a bit joyful in his direction
  16. "For the people I have a grudge against~
  17. Have some people who didn't stop bugging me for 17 years and now even 2 years~
  18. And don't need a make-up list, a few chosen ones get to survive if they talk nicely, see?"
  19. with that last part of the sentence she'd nudge the part where "Sol" stands, crossed out but yeah his name is on there
  21. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  22. "I--, you were really going to kill Sailas..? That's why you grabbed him like that?!" RASCAL LOOKED HORRIFIED! His companion over the last few years would have been gone, just like that. "M, maybe going in with the intent to kill will cloud your judgement, though, would it not? Making-up, or something things out would work, like. -So- much better!:sparkles:" There was a faint little bit of magic in his words when he spoke, but he hadn't casted anything. Just a bard trying to be persuasive, to let his words have a little fey sprinkle on them, for, y'know, the safety of others! This seems to be just kind of how he speaks.
  24. Shurian02.12.2019
  25. she'd look for a moment down at her new brooch, it glowing a little bit and would begin to calmly laugh, exactly like one of those calm serial killers in horror movies ans grabs rascal by both cheeks with one hand to shut him up and takes a short breather for her next words
  26. "I don't go with the immediate intent to kill people that still have a chance."
  27. While she's talking she'd stand up, a bit higher than the minchino (or however the hell you write that english pokemon name) still holding onto those cheeks and looking down with all of a sudden quite the menacing glare
  28. "So bard, we haven't been properly introduced yet, my name is Hinawa Sylivan, daughter of Geodus Sylivan, magical researcher.
  29. I am more a combat genius, but I know exactly when a bard whispers sweet words into my ear."
  30. with that she'd release those two strong fingers pressing the cheeks together to tower in front of the lil bard now, awaiting a proper explanation without magic.
  32. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  33. Blinked a few times over. Like, what. Just. Happened. He looked a little shook. Dusted himself off and pulled himself together before TOO LONG and then-- "Sorry, it's like, a default?:sparkles: Haha. It doesn't do much besides make me sound sweeter, I believe. Which, I trust wouldn't.. change much! I've been doing it so long, it's like an accent, ya know??:sparkles::sparkles:" He doesn't seem to be a liar, but it was quite the bizarre way to talk, wasn't it? He sounded like he was pretty much always wearing a smile. From his short time knowing Hinawa, he'd dropped it plenty already, but that, er, 'accent', as it were, would always remain. "Innn any case..! My name is Rascal!:sparkles: I'm a bard, I rrreally love telling and listening to stories, and music and the like, so, uh-- Not, really a whole, combat genius. Or anything like that. BUT I DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY A FEW INTRUSMENTS!:sparkling_heart:"
  35. Shurian02.12.2019
  36. for someone who just tried to whisper magic into the ears of a "murderer" that kinda felt awkward how cheery he was.... but nothing too concerning because.... she'd recognize if there would be proper arcane speech so... nothing to be concerned about so she'd drop the sudden guard she built, she's actually talking to a child
  37. "An accent? Quite committed to sounding sweet when you call magic already an accent ain't 'cha?" she seems near instantly changed, not really ready to strike someone down or her cheery "murder" mood from writing her list, now this has turned into more of a casual conversation for her
  39. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  40. Clapped his lil paws together, and tilted his head. "Is it weird?? I hope it's not too weird." Didn't want to get on anyone of Sailas's friends nerves. Fall seemed easier to speak to than this one, that's for sure. He'd known a brutish kinda person who wielded an axe in the past, but she was never quite as strong as the girl before him was. Gosh, though. Girls who could kill him easily are kinda attractive. He wouldn't say that out loud, though! "I believe, uh, that Faulkner person with you is not too different from me, considering our circumstances. Drowned and whatnot. Sailas told me lots about your group! Usually he was moping and brooding for the good first year we knew eachother." Makes a visible gag motion. Seems he wasn't too fond of that kind of behaviour.
  42. Shurian02.12.2019
  43. she'd lean her shoulder against her legs and her cheek against her fist listening to this actually quite curiously giving a near immediatly response, typical snappiness of Hinawa, neither slow in combat nor talking
  44. "Well no wonder, that fucker got tortured most of the time with stupid pranks and being called an idiot, I mean, he casted psychic magic spells on teammates and had the worst self-esteem ever, no wonders."
  45. she'd raise her head again to sound less muffled and actually quite honest with an ear perk in her voice
  46. "He's quite useful though, saved me once from paralysis and fainting multiple times, his healing word's quite useful, even kissed him once and had a feeling like I should repay him......... by now let's just say that repayment is not killing him for his mistakes from 2 years ago."
  47. she'd nervously laugh and scratch her head at that end
  49. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  50. "I'm pretty sure if I hadn't been around to save him, he'd have drowned. In the water, or over the guilt from all that.." Twiddled his little paws together, nervous as he continued to speak, "I probably shouldn't be saying this, but.. I'm pretty sure he'd have thrown himself off of that floating island. He's got a lot more conviction now..! I swear, he's changed, and stuff!:sparkles:" Rascal's eyes sparkled as he insisted on that last bit. He was kind of just, sparkly in general. He was quite the contrast put up right beside Hinawa. But he just seemed so especially passionate when talking about his boyfriend! It was kinda cute, but he was obviously, OBVIOUSLY biased.
  52. Shurian02.12.2019
  53. she'd turn around again to her list while talking, not even looking at the fella anymore while beginning to write again
  54. "Would hope so, that guy has an entire drowned world on his shoulders, he has quite the backlog of people to make it up to."
  55. and with that, she'd dip the feather into the ink again to get back to writing, done with the kill-list now onto the shitlist, actually thinking what she's gonna write
  56. "Hm......"
  58. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  59. "I don't really get the point of a s--.. the other list, though! Like, do folks really bother you a lot? You seem to be pretty okay outside of the, uh, lifting and threatening of my boyfriend earlier.." Nervous laughter followed that. He was trying to push it out of mind, but it was clearly quite bothering him. Was willing to act if it was going to happen again, but, that shouldn't be the case. Wouldn't harm Hinawa, though. Rascal would easily lose a fight with her!
  60. But, a bit of magical persuation in a crisis is his way of doing things, and he wasn't against using that to avoid any further conflict. "Oh! Uhm--Also, please lemme know if I'm bothering you, ever, or anything??"
  62. Shurian02.12.2019
  63. she'd continue writing, completly concentrated on her writing, not even moving her head in direction of rascal, gosh she likes writing her shitlist
  64. "Oh that list? It's just a collection of opinions on people, I write that kinda daily to get my thoughts about them out of the head, sometimes I can be quite......" she'd wave her hand around searching for the word
  65. "Blunt, so sometimes it's just smart to not tell people what I really think of them and just write it down every evening...... and don't worry, you're not a bother, you're strong stance against killing is a bit surprising though considering you're an adventurer, would assume that comes with the job."
  67. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  68. "You, don't HAVE to kill while adventuring.. Besides, dying sucks!" Rascal put a LOT of emphasis on that last word. Knows from experience, after all, so why wouldn't he? "Especially with there being lots--lots lots lots, LOTS of people already drowned cuz of all this stuff..! Adding more bodies to the pile seems--well, b..barbaric!" Remembered who he was speaking to on that last word. Awh, jeez, didn't wanna give any opportunities to say, well good thing I'm a barbarian or the like. At least, he judged her for a barbarian considering his own experiences. "Just, uh, if anyones giving you trouble, and you wanna kill 'em, gimme a ring and I'll try and stop it, maybe? We can be like. A team!:sparkles:"
  70. Shurian02.12.2019
  71. she'd continue writing as calm as he has the entire time, getting to the part of writing her opinion of rascal and just... smiling a little bit for her next response
  72. "Apologies can't do, the people that remain on my kill-list must die, no ifs or buts. Even if it's a bit barbaric, they deserve it believe me."
  74. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  75. "Uhm, uh.. Who's, even.. on your list? How are you sure they can't be reasoned with?" Rascal was behind her one second, and then SITTING ON THE DESK right beside her list the next. Like, what the heck? How does he spring over into wherever so fast. What the bugger.
  77. Shurian02.12.2019
  78. she'd give rascal the kill-list and it has a loooooot of names on it, a lot of them being inquisitor name, some of them being angels, one of them being the queen of the inquisition herself, hey two familiar names, shark and cc as well
  79. "Everyone with a scoring of -5 or below is a definite kill, everyone else I accept an argument with."
  81. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  82. The lil guy was like, REAL confused going through the list cuz he had NO idea who any of these people are. He's from a whole other time, just, like. What the sugarheck, no clue here. "Yeah, I'm, uh! Gonna need an explanation here?? I recognise Shark and Constant Companion from Sailas's moping, but those aside.. uh.. nothin' else."
  84. Shurian02.12.2019
  85. She was surprised, he's not ripping the list apart, so he's trying to talk it out of her but still in a nice way.... naive little boy........ wait is she... beginning to actually like him?
  86. "Most of these are inquisitors, only fey holy inquisitors are not on my shitlist, for example faust is on there somewhere, pretty sure he has a score of -3 at the moment...... maybe you'll recognize adelina crossed out somewhere as well, she had a -2 if I remember correctly, we actually talked a lot and somewhat made up."
  88. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  89. "Oh that's nice! I remember being told about her, she's the lich girl! You didn't touch Faust, even though he's riiight here, though! Like, present. Y, you're not gonna like, hold him up the same way, right??" He sounded SO worried and concerned. Didn't want to press too much about anything and piss her off, but well, if she's lifted up Sailas, and all that, why hadn't Faust gotten that treatment? Did the point difference between them actually be so wide apart?
  91. Shurian02.12.2019
  92. she needs to actually think for an answer for a moment and then just tilts her head leaning the feather against a cheek of hers
  93. "It's more a difference of circumstance, in Sol's case I wanted immediate answers the moment I found him, deciding to put him down or keep him on, faust and my circumstance at the moment is, I'll kill him the moment he's not useful to me anymore but he's still in the grace of saving that he could become enough of a saint to get completly off the killing list, he tried to poison me in the past, but he gave me an amulet against rotgrubs and my new seeker stone so...... you could call it a really weird love hate relationship?
  94. We benefit off each other and the moment the benefit from the other stops we'd go at each other's throat."
  96. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  97. Everything seemed to go fine with Rascal except the whole kill him the moment he's not useful part. It sent shivers through him. Was kind of a unfortunate reminder of his own current circumstances. "Uhm. So. Has Faulkner.. does he know? Like. Does he know what happens, when all this is sorted and fixed? To him? To myself? ..Do you know?" For once, that chipper little sparkle to his words seemed to fall flat, or just, not be there. Seems he just dropped it whenever he needed to bring up a..
  98. unfavourable topic.
  100. Shurian02.12.2019
  101. she'd continue to write with a bit of distracted, sound, despite her fully listening she didn't really take it with that much concern and would just spout out what she'd think.
  102. "The world of the dead would probably try to pull you back, but honestly, if we grow strong enough to kill Constant Companion anyways, how would the grasps of the underworld be strong enough to pull you back in? Considering he's able to break the barrier as well."
  103. she decides to actually leave out half of Rascal's space on the paper and moves onto the next one, Sol! Beginning to write her opinion on him down.
  105. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  106. "I, don't.. know if I'll be able to manage that. I'm not really.. strong?" The idea that if he was more powerful that an awful fate could be avoided made him feel, uh, kinda worse, actually! Maybe Faulkner could manage it. He seems really strong. Like, super strong, and from what Rascal knows, he's an amazing sniper at that, too. But Rascal was.. and -is- just, kind of. Finnicky. He was supportive, assists folks, but never anything more. Not anymore, anyways. ..Not that he was ever good with aiming with his light crossbow. But that was down in the ocean somewhere now.
  108. Shurian02.12.2019
  109. she's giggle for a moment, not really taking the sad tone that serious with a quite confident response
  110. "Well I am sure Sol wouldn't let you return into whatever hell you belong, he's an idiot, but a stubborn idiot, drowned the world for a vendetta he didn't even know himself he wants to pull off."
  112. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  113. "He's not the brightest, but then, neither am I, really," was doing the MOST adorable little paw-twiddling and leggy kicking while seated there now. "I don't think I'd be super appreciative of that, wouldn't want him coming with me if it came to that, ya know?? I'm content to help folks out. You included!:sparkles: But. I'm not expecting a happy ending. I've already been given a happy epilogue I didn't deserve."
  115. Shurian02.12.2019
  116. she'd actually stop writing with that for a moment, dropping her voice to quite a serious one for a single sentence
  117. "Same kiddo."
  119. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  120. "What? You're not on borrowed time, right? Did you drown, too?? Or, do you mean, not expecting a happy ending.." This poor little chinchilla boy looked SO WORRIED ACTUALLY for someone he'd only met this very day. Who'd threatened his boyfriend. He sure didn't hold grudges. "You deserve a big, smiley happy ending with your sister:sparkles:! You'll find her, and--andandandandannnnd, you'll cuddle, and there'll be this beautiful sunset to go with it, with clear skies as the stormy world dissipates around you both and returns to normal:sparkles::sparkling_heart:!" Behaving so naively, but so genuine. He genuinely does wish for that for Hinawa!
  122. Shurian02.12.2019
  123. she'd dip the feather again, this time rather slowly compared to before, keeping up the same voice she just had, not even raising her head while talking
  124. "The happy end, I don't know if Ciel's alive and I only live for revenge, as soon as my revenge is performed..... is there anything else left for me to do?
  125. I've built a house and everything on the island I've stranded on last year. But with the powerful forces I go up against in my revenge spree....... I don't really expect that I return there."
  127. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  128. "Wellll, that's part of the reason I'm here, I'd liketa think! To make sure you can return, or-or, OR OR OR find something new! Maybe Ciel has built a lil house?? You can be plenty happy, even with revenge all done and sorted, or not! You've got family!" WISHED he could use Sending, like really bad. Well, he can, but like, for someone he doesn't really know. It'd come SUPER in handy during the last two years, and right now. He just wanted at the very least for Hinawa to know Ciel is OK. But he wouldn't tell a fib.
  130. Shurian02.12.2019
  131. finishing off her list she'd raise her head and lean back in exhaustion, she has no clue how to react to that, ciel might be alive for all she knows but.... how could she know for certain?
  132. "Eh nah she's more the magician sort of type, leave the house building to me."
  134. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  135. "Oh, pshht! I helped build some stuff for Sailas and I! . . . 'Til he just magically spawned a cabin for awhile, maybe Ciel can do that, too?" HAD NO IDEA how all the types of spellcasters work. Wasn't super familiar with sorcerers, or wizards, or warlocks, or whatever!
  137. Shurian02.12.2019
  138. that lil fella would get a light giggle out of her with that, impressed by someone who knows less about magic than her, she at least knew the basic princibles of all of them.... or maybe she actually knew more than she thought.
  140. "Sorry nah, wizards are the really offensive kinds of magic users.
  142. They make big explosions, gigantic fires, huge thunderstorms and all that."
  144. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  145. Rascal took some notes in a lil notebook of his own, scribblescribble. THE THINGS YOU CAN MEET AND GET TO KNOW WHEN YOU'RE NOT DEAD! "Gotcha!:sparkles: You seem like you know a lot, though, huh! You. Owe me a story, sometime.:sparkles: Your whoooole life story, if you please! Sailas really didn't know you too well, but you remind me of one of my old party members." There was another pause, not for dramatic effect this time, "Uh. Is that weird??"
  147. Shurian02.12.2019
  148. with a bit of a sarcastic and cheerful voice
  149. "What, a revenge driven sociopath with the desire to kill two gods for their own sake and telling themselves "it is for the world"? Pfffff"
  151. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  152. "Oh, she reallyyy hated a lot of wizards, and really wanted to kill the lot of them, and a dragon, that was her thing. ..Are you really telling yourself it is for the world if you're aware that you're.. telling yourself that??"
  154. Shurian02.12.2019
  155. she'd sigh for a moment and then straighten herself back up to look at rascal
  156. "Eh, actually that's not entirely wrong, killing CC would be revenge for all the drowned people, maybe even put the world back into its previous state.
  157. The queen of the inquisition? Would stop the mage hunts across the world, problem is both would have horrible repurcussions as well and I am just so selfish that I am telling myself. "Fuck those repurcussions", is that more understandable?"
  158. geez those were a lot of words for that mouse.
  160. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  161. Rascal was super positive that was a bit of a fiddly and weird response. He waved his paw around, and shook his head, refusing that answer, in a way? "Fix the world, beat Constant Companion. I'll help with that, but I can't promise I'll actually be a part of that battle. I know a few tricks to help folks stay mobile in combat, and some other neat stuff!:sparkles:" But the Mage hunting stuff, he has no idea what that's about. Not anything Rascal understood outside of some tangents about Faust and hiding Adelina. "For the other thing, heck 'em! I say bring a mage right to 'em and MAKE them make up! It'd be a whole lot more satisfying of an ending, trust, trust-trust!"
  163. Shurian02.12.2019
  164. .....she'd just suddenly place her hand on the head of that minchino........ and ruffles "Oh believe me that woman is far beyond saving."
  166. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  167. He's so so so soft to pat. Like, adorably soft. He was ALMOST like a plush doll, but knowing how it feels to pat and touch Ciel is enough to clarify that's not the case. He's just MEGA FLUFFY. "I, uh. Dunno if I can helllp with that one, though. 'Specially if I'm, uh. If this is after Constant Companion Sharky stuff.."
  169. Shurian02.12.2019
  170. "Oh yeah definitly, she'd be the lesser priority in this, especially considering I don't wanna drag anyone uninvolved into that one aaaaand I am pretty sure she's too strong for me at this point in time."
  172. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  173. "WELL, if you have any way to write, lemme know how it goes..?:sparkles:" Good luck with murder after I'm dead! Didn't know how else to phrase it.
  175. Shurian02.12.2019
  176. "Will doooo~" and with that mouse straightens herself, looking curiously at the lil one, resting her cheek on her fist
  177. ....."Soooo, how did you drown?"
  179. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  180. "Oh. Friend died fighting a dragon. Turned invisible, went after the body. Dragon could still see me. Knocked down, and then I lost all my air underwater. REAL unlucky!"
  182. Shurian02.12.2019
  183. .....the mouse would look surprisingly dissapointed at the little bard
  185. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  186. "I KNOW it's not some impactful meaningful super cool battle or way to go, but, that's, how it went down. I even answered honestly..!" KIND of wish he hadn't, though.
  188. Shurian02.12.2019
  189. "That's not my problem, I am kinda astonished how me killing people causes such emotional turmoil within you and you just drop that as if that's nothing"
  191. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  192. "Sailas asked me about it a good few times over while I was on the floating island. I'm used to it." His voice was strained just a little bit on that last part. Kinda seemed like he was doing his best to pretend it didn't bother him too much. REALLY WANTED TO MAKE A GOOD IMPRESSION. Or seem like he was.. especially weak, either.
  194. Shurian02.12.2019
  195. she'd perk her ears at that last bit, this ain't her first conversation and she's rather good at finding weaknesses but eeeeh... let's not press at that
  196. "Ya know you're a stupid softy, but you sol pulled himself a good lad with you."
  197. with that he'd ruffle that head again
  199. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  200. "I'm still open to more guys and girls!:sparkles:" Oh no, he'd started flirting. He gave a little soft nudge, and then--a gentle huff followed, "Feels pretty unfair, though. Like. Getting together with someone while you're terminally ill. Cuz, I guess I am! Should I, keep things going? I mean, asking opinions here."
  202. Shurian02.12.2019
  203. pffffhahahaha, oh gosh Hinawa doesn't like flirting, but she actually had her attitude raised by that lil fuck quite a bit so let's actually talk along and not just tell him to fuck off
  204. "Eh, you'd need to fight your way past quite some people to get me."
  205. And then she'd think for a moment about the next thing, love really ain't her best thing, she just does what feels natural to her....
  206. "I mean, yeah? Enjoy your possibly last months on the material plane?"
  208. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  209. "Been tryin' my best to!:sparkles:" Put on the biggest, most cheery smile he could! Wanted to show aplenty of enthusiasm with that. That was no fib either. You only live once, and yet, he's gotten a second go. He's not squandering it, that's for sure. He's kissing cute boys instead. "DO tell me about your life and such sometime soon, though, right?:sparkles: I think you'd have a pretty good tale woven about you, and a tune to boot, haha!" Oh no he's hiring a muse.
  211. Shurian02.12.2019
  212. "Another day, today's been an exciting day, I crashed a boat!"
  214. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  215. "Ohhhkay. BUT YOU OWE ME!:sparkles:"
  217. Shurian02.12.2019
  218. she'd lean forward with the most lax attitude and give the lil fella a promise
  219. "I'd even follow you to hell to pay that back okay?"
  221. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  222. "Woah, no reason to go that far for lil me..! Just have someone use sending. MIGHT WORK." Probably not though.
  224. Shurian02.12.2019
  225. "Eh, going down there sounds like more fun." she'd cackle as if that would be no problem
  227. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  228. "I thoroughly do not recommend taking unnecessary risks when it puts Ciel at risk of being left all alone!"
  230. Shurian02.12.2019
  231. "Fair point!" she'd raise a finger to point at him as well with those words
  232. "Well, I'll catch some fresh air now, I am done writing, so gonna only bother with that tomorrow again." with that she'd stand up and streeetch for one short moment, getting some cracks out of herself, gosh she's been sitting forever. And begins picking up her stuff to put it into her bag.
  234. chill ✨🎲02.12.2019
  235. Would SNEAKILY leave that note he'd taken earlier into her back and bounce off happily! Waves her goodbye and everything. Nice lad. Definitely didn't do anything STEALTHILY. "Cya later, Hinawa!:sparkles:"
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