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- Last updated: 11/7 - see change log at the bottom for details
- Boss 1 - Ketuduke
- TR North HM South
- Spring Crystals: Bubbles start on their side
- Blowing Bubbles:
- Adds: TR N cw/HM W ccw, melees swap, color match
- Angry Seas: HM W/TR E, Supp north for spreads, HR take bubble across, TM take middle tower, KB resist if stack first
- Adding 2 plans for Bubbles and Adds that go a lil more in detail (strats are the same):
- Bubbles:
- Adds:
- Boss 2 - Lala
- All strats:
- Surge uptime melee positioning:
- Boss 3 - Statice
- Dartboard 1: H green, T blue, DPS red - Melee flex
- Present Box 1 (downtime mech):
- Dartboard 2:
- Presents 2: If stack second, stack middle if safe or center of the largest safe spot
- Boss 1 - Ketuduke
- Spring Crystals: TR North/HM South, bubbles start in 2s, roots start in 2 for spread and 1 for stack. START on your side N/S (bubble get pushed to the opposite side)
- To identify safe spots: Find the crystal in the middle and make an H using it looking at the long side. The 4 ends of the H are your safe squares.
- Blowing Bubbles: TR North/HM South, stay within your half of the room the whole mech
- Stack > Spread - Start middle, dodge to safe corner for stack, ranged stays for spread, melees runs far
- Spread > Stack - Start in the two safe squares on your half of the room, pre-position in the quadrant you want
- (raidplan for visuals, slides 6/7 are mislabeled should be stack->spread) pf uses the uptime stack/spread on slides 5/6)
- Strewn Bubbles: TR North/HM South
- Adds: Snake prio and color match add to safe spot, TR N cw/HM W ccw, TM swap if duplicate bubble/root in pair
- Angry Seas: HM W/TR E, Supp north for spreads, ranged take bubble across, melee take middle tower
- if stack first use kb resist for melee uptime
- Raidplan:
- Second Adds -
- Boss 2 - Lala
- All strats:
- Surge uptime melee positioning:
- Individual strat pics:
- Planar Tactics:
- Spacial Tactics:
- Symmetric Surge:
- Boss 3 - Statice
- Dartboard 1: Healer on green, Tank on blue, DPS on red - Melee flex if both dps have a dart
- Present Box 1 (downtime mech):The tip of the safe triangle is new north. There are 2 patterns to look out for. Note that the chains need to start middle as the proximity break is vicious.
- Stacked triangles: Enum N, Chains E/W opposite your rocket
- Overlapping triangles: Both of the below are THE SAME STRAT, just 2 different ways to find the safe spots
- Bomb/donut overlap - Chains approx N/S (will be rotated slightly), Enums S towards the intercard opposite the bomb on the donut overlap.
- Color match - Place waymarks on the intercards (purple NW/SE, yellow NE/SW). Chains will break N/S on the color waymark closest to rel N. Enums will stack south on the oppo color waymark.
- Bomb patterns -
- Dartboard 2:
- 1. Identify the color the orb is on.
- 2. Look for the line AoE starting on the 2 colors along the outer ring of the arena not covered by the orb. This is new north.
- 3. Preposition slightly E/W (dps w and sup e). Check if you and your role partner have darts.
- 4. Chains spread E/W (dps w and sup e), if you have a dart take a step south.
- 5. Enums go north leaning slightly E/W. If both you and your role partner have darts, flex to the other side.
- Present Box 2:
- Order of mechanics resolving is
- Stack/spread > Forced March 1 + Pizza slice > Forced March 2 + Bombs + Spread/stack
- 1. 1st forced marches resolve right before pizza slice resolves.
- 2. 2nd forced marches resolve right before bombs + stack/spread resolve.
- Change log:
- 11/1 - Adds prio swapped (TR N), updating dartboard flex to melee, symmetric surge role positions adjusted to match boss 1 prio, adding detailed info for boss 3 strats
- 11/2 - Added clarification for Spring Crystal start positions, updated a few images for boss 3, updated dart2 to RMTH conga prio, images converted to imgur
- 11/2 PM - Clarified box 1 chain break prio (AWAY from your rocket), added Spring Crystals image to identify safe spots (H strat), adding tentative new dart2 strat and raidplan (will test tonight and update bin if it proves superior to current conga)
- 11/3 - Angry Seas TR E due to feedback and for caster uptime, new dart2 strat, clarified wording on spring crystals
- 11/3 PM - new raidplan for darts2 (same strat just more concise, og plan is in the new one if you prefer the extra examples)
- new raidplan for boss 1 (better reflecting updated strats)
- update blowing bubbles to be pre-position for spread first (pf doesnt seem to be following any strict prio)
- moving the day 1 text guide to a new bin to avoid confusion on the outdated strats (
- 11/4 - Updating present box 1 strat (stacked triangle is the same, new safer strat for overlapping triangles)
- Adding new pics for Lala (no strat changes, just combining strats into one image and adding uptime pic for surge)
- 11/5 - Angry seas bubble prio changing to ranged cross over (melee can keep full uptime)
- adding another raidplan and explanation for box1 overlapping pattern (SAME STRAT, just different way to think about finding safe spots)
- updating H strat pic for boss 1
- 11/5 PM - adding raidplan for blowing bubbles (no strat change just a nice visual of the movements, slide 5/6 for pf uptime)
- 11/6 - cleaned up the bin a bit, no strat changes
- 11/7 - updated 2nd adds pic to be a bit more clear
- Sil'dihn Bin -
- Rokkon Bin -
- Hey, thanks for writing this all out! For Boss 1, I'm a bit confused on the current description for Blowing Bubbles when it's spread > stack. Specifically, "melees N/S and ranged E/W" since TR and HM are already split north/south, so I'm not sure how this clarifies quadrants. Perhaps something like "supports W/DPS E" better helps clarify who goes where (this also matches the spread quadrants shown on slide 3 in the raidplan). I believe that both north or south people can also get the stack, so a TM flex is needed like on adds.
- Finally, super minor nitpick, but the full text description for boss 1 adds and the PF strats at the top have different prios for adds. The PF strats has TR N CW / HM W CCW, while the description has HM N CW / TR W CCW. Needlessly pedantic, but the description's prio probably makes a bit more sense since TR take W anyway for Angry Seas.
- I've also updated the boss one raidplan here to better reflect the strats in the pastebin. Feel free to steal:
- Answering my own questions 1 day later:
- Re: Blowing Bubbles - I believe the author's intention on Blowing Bubbles (spread > stack) is to have melees take the northmost and southmost initial safe tiles, (see the above raid plan I made). Depending on the exaflare pattern, these northmost and southmost safe tiles might be in either corner. So on some pulls the tank, for instance, would be NW if that's where the northmost safe tile is. On other pulls, they could be NE. This does make sense for melee uptime as melee players will then circle back through the boss's hitbox rather than along the edge of the arena. That said, some early PF groups are just ignoring this part of the pastebin and doing static corners (i.e. tank always NW).
- Re: adds priority - As the author noted above the day 1 explanations, they're not updated, hence why the prios are different. Again some PFs do it flipped but easiest at this point just to stick to what's at the top of the pastebin.
- hihi, sos orry just learning pastebin has comments so seeing this now, yeah the bottom section is out of date bc it was too much for me to keep track of all the changes on both parts, im gonna shift it to a different bin to avoid any confusion
- ty for the new raidplan this looks great! for blowing bubbles i didnt intend any prio for spread first, ive just seen people prepositioning on the side they want
- Boss 3 dartboard 2
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- Raidplan linked for dartboard 2 does not accurately reflect the logic of the pastebin, this is a revised raidplan that follows the same logic of the pastebin and strat of the original but condensed.
- thanks! I tried to simplify the wording from the plan into the bin but guess a bit got lost in translation, this is super clean now, really appreciate it!
- Uptime Spring Crystals with macros: Extremely consistent.
- Updated the graphic for the "H" strat safe zones here. Feel free to use:
- tyty!
- Alternate uptime strat for blowing bubbles - Right now it seems that PF is doing downtime by running to the opposite quadrant and having the melee chase the bottom row instead so this can be an alternative.
- A downtime example is included in the raidplan.
- Most groups I've seen have been doing the uptime dodge, but this is a great visual. I've had a bunch of people ask about the movements so happy to have this to share!
- ALSO thank you for compiling all these strats! I think they are all of the best versions!
- Leaving this here for anyone that is struggling with the rotating arrow for Planar Tactics in Boss 2
- This was a big help for me when my friend told me about this
- One last thing I'd change: the adds 2 image is incorrect. Tanks should drag the third add to SE, not SW. See this updated image:
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- Hey, can you look into using this raidplan for spring bubbles 1? I feel like it'd be really beneficial for pf since it simplifies the mechanic a lot
- There isn't much reason to change this late in the game, pfs pretty set. The raidplan is interesting but imo more complicated than having a set prio of which 2 quads to stand in
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