
The 60 Day Fix Diet PDF Book Download

Dec 24th, 2016
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  1. The 60 Day Fix Diet PDF book download. It was a joyous day, filled with much celebration– The day my brother married the love of his life. It was also the day I discovered that I was the heaviest that I had ever been in my life.
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  5. 278 lbs.
  7. I hated weighing myself. I stayed far away from the scale, choosing to live in denial and, in turn, had become incredibly unhealthy.
  9. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2008. Having bipolar means that I’ve been on dozens of medications that cause weight gain, one of them being depakote. Gaining 100 lbs in 3 months while on that medication was the beginning of the struggle with my weight.
  11. Nearing the 300 mark made me panic. Not only was I teetering on the edge of becoming diabetic, it was incredibly difficult to walk up and down the stairs. I was lethargic, mostly due to the amount of flesh on my body. I was sleeping 3 or 4 times during the day, taking naps as often as possible and it seemed impossible to control my appetite. I stuffed my face whenever possible. If I was bored, I ate. If I was upset, I ate. I was drowning in terrible habits and I had no idea where or how to begin digging myself out.
  13. But I knew I had to do something about it. I was determined to do something about. It was slow at first, but I began my journey of self-discovery.
  15. The last two years have been incredibly enlightening. I began doing a plethora of research, trying to find what worked, what didn’t work. I began to realize that in order to test these theories, I would have to actually try them.
  17. One of the most important, most vital “findings” in my research is that EVERYONE’S BODY is different. What works wonders for some people will NOT for others. It’s all about finding what works for you.
  19. But, if I really think about it, THE single most important factor to my success has been *consistency*. Consistency is everything. If you can maintain a level of consistency in any kind of healthy eating lifestyle, you WILL see results.
  21. It’s as simple as that.
  23. But that’s exactly what it is– a lifestyle change.
  25. If you go into it thinking, “This is a diet,” you will fail. I don’t mean to sound like a pessimist, but it’s the truth. You may lose weight, but if you revert back to your old lifestyle (the reason for your initial weight gain), you’ll gain the weight back. Makes sense, right? Sadly, not everyone “gets” that. They lose the weight and then when they reach their goal weight, they think, “Oh! Now I can eat the way I want!” Wrong. Consistency is everything, especially in *maintaining* that success. I’ve read horror stories about people who have lost hundreds of pounds and then gained it all back because they fell back into bad habits.
  27. What really started my journey was discovering My Fitness Pal.
  29. The idea of logging everything I put in my body seemed overwhelming at first.
  31. At 278, I ate… A. LOT. Probably 3-4 thousand calories a day, if not more. I just wasn’t aware of how many calories I was ingesting. Between the dozens of cups of soda and juice and TONS of sugar & creamer in my coffee… Then add in all the processed foods, canned foods with LOADS of sodium and fat… Seeing it all written down, I realized I was destroying my body and contaminating it with such terrible decisions.
  33. Cutting out soda and juice came first.
  35. I eventually started taking my medications with water.
  37. Soon, I incorporated more veggies into my diet. I learned how to check labels when at the store. My research showed that too much sodium caused water weight. Lowering my sodium allowed me to drop the weight at an awesome rate. I looked for nutrition rather than flavor. When I was out at restaurants, I ordered vegetables with no sauce or salads with light or no dressing.
  39. The more weight I lost, the more determined I was to become more healthy. It was like a snowball effect. Once I got going, I didn’t want to stop. I could feel my lifestyle being altered completely.
  41. Something very important I want to point out is progression.
  43. It would have been impossible for me (or anyone, I think) to go from a 4,000 calorie diet to a 1,200 calorie diet. I cut it back slowly, allowing myself to transition. I’m almost certain that’s much healthier. It’s also why I’ve succeeded in losing weight.
  45. I see a lot of people making deep cuts in their calories and while that’s very admirable, they’re incredibly miserable. It takes time for the body (and mind) to adjust. You have to TRAIN your body to enjoy less. Allow yourself time to adjust. It’s a shock to the system to begin with. It helps so much to ease into it. Just like exercise.
  47. I tried to be as active as I could. But being almost 300 pounds, it was VERY difficult to move. I was athletic in school before gaining the massive amount of weight, but I had completely lost all of my stamina. I was starting from ground zero.
  49. I began with buying an exercise bike. I was so big that I felt very uncomfortable going to the gym, so I bought a fairly cheap bike. I started out slow, by pushing myself to do 10 mph intervals for 10 minutes. Because of my huge weight, I was exhausted. I did some light weight lifting, too. But because I was sitting down, it was much easier to start exercising this way. I pushed myself until I could do 30 minute intervals at 15 miles/hour with a lot of resistance. I wanted to get to a point where I could walk more easily.
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  53. After the biking, I started to incorporate Leslie Sansone “Walk At Home” DVDs. Her awesome enthusiasm and positive attitude encouraged me to do the best I could. Her light cardio workouts allowed me to start slow and work up. Which I did. The weight began falling off as I slowly lowered the calorie intake and increased my workouts. I couldn’t believe that I was actually doing this!
  55. Eventually, I got to the point where I started taking L-Carnitine (as suggested by a dietician). I also began taking Coconut Oil, which helped to boost my metabolism and biotin, as well. I also began taking a women’s multi-vitamin along with vitamin C.
  57. There were times that I experienced “stalls” or “plateaus”. After more research, I discovered that cutting back 200 or so calories and increasing exercise allows one to continue in weight loss. It’s so exciting to be able to test these theories! I feel like a scientist. Our bodies are like an equation. If you add in unhealthy foods + zero nutrition/zero exercise, you’re going to get a certain result (read here: obesity). But if you add in a balanced diet + an active lifestyle, you’re going to get an entirely different result (read here: a healthy body and weight loss).
  59. A key factor I ran across in the My Fitness Pal forums was this: Eat right to lose weight and exercise to gain muscle.
  61. I’ve found this to be tremendously accurate. If you cut your calories and watch your sodium intake, you’re guaranteed to lose weight. But if you exercise and lift weights, there’s a very good change that you’ll gain muscle, which also means you gain “weight”, being that muscle weighs more than fat. Muscle is very good, though! But so is balance.
  63. Drinking enough water is very important as well. Often when we think we are hungry, we’re actually thirsty. My research indicated that half your body weight in water ounces was what was recommended. Too little water is dangerous, but also too much water is dangerous, as well.
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  67. Again, I want to stress that consistency is the KEY. I would see friends write about “cheat days” or being a little looser on holidays, which I refuse to do. I understand the concept behind it… But it honestly doesn’t help to take 2 steps forward and then 5 steps back. If you really, truly want results, you have to cut those “cheat days” out. Entirely. This is a lifestyle change. That means EVERYTHING changes. It’s good to do it slowly and adjust but in my opinion, “cheat days” are not wise.
  69. I’m so excited to be on this journey. I honestly never thought I’d be below 200, ever again… But here I am at 198.4, with 78 to go! It feels very possible. I try desperately to make every day count, to take advantage of the moment. I don’t want to eat badly now and think “Oh, I’ll eat better tomorrow.” No, eat better NOW.
  71. This year, 2017, I challenge all of you to make your dreams come true.
  73. I know it seems like a tall order. A lot of us have wild, crazy dreams… But if I can lose 80 lbs through the course of less than a year, I KNOW that all of you are capable of reaching your dreams.
  75. A very merry Christmas season to you all and a joyous New Year, knowing that impossible is nothing.
  77. If you want it, you can have it. You just have to fight for it.
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  81. Thanks!
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