
Davvorik T'ran Backstory

Feb 25th, 2020
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  1. Davvorik T’ran began with rather humble origins, considering the life he lives now. Taking the first chance he got, the devaronian made his way off of Devaron to seek his fortune amongst the stars. Unfortunately for him, few were willing to set loose with such a fresh-faced devaronian, and those who were already established had little in the way of desire to lend aid lest they lose their own comfortable setting.
  3. And so, Davvorik’s great adventure into the greater unknown of the galaxy ends pre-maturely with him working in the one place willing to hire him, since it requires the least amount of face-to-face interaction: A system analyst and freelance programmer. Stuck in a tiny working space, with naught to look forward to but the next grueling day of monotonous work, Davvorik sought other means to entertain himself. Expanding on what his job required of him, the ambitious devaronian would be constantly reprimanded by his superiors for often going above and beyond what was required of him in any instance, though his efforts to do good are often steered towards himself. Borderline malicious programs capable of extracting a person’s online preference based on their interactions across the Holonet, upheaving company competitors by locking them out of their own databanks, cutting corners to shave expenses while still keeping other analysts believing they are using the same amount of money so that there is ‘free’ money floating.
  5. Davvorik’s work garnered him some attention, though not from some bigwig who happened to notice his talent, but likely the only person at the company who could keep track of all his antics and still benefit from them. A female chiss by the name of Srest'vot'perra, or Srerra to the company since they couldn’t be bothered to say the full thing, cornered Davvorik and laid him with an ultimatum. Either teamup with her and do something greater than crunch numbers and be a holo-menace to the company and everyone around him, or team up with her and start doing something great and earning some actual money.
  6. Seeing this as his chance, Davvorik leapt at the opportunity to make a name for himself in all the right circles, tired of living the boring life of a wage-slave. Even Srerra’s plan didn’t dissuade him from the path, the audacity and scope of it only serving to encourage him more. Srerra planned to rob a planetary governor’s vault on the local planet, diverting it through automatic transactions and deliveries until it eventually trickled down and ended up in their pockets. Of course, the pair didn’t immediately throw themselves into the fire, first slowly making them accustomed to Imperial Net Procedures. Since they controlled the Holonet, it’d be all the harder to trick into thinking everything was alright. A ghost signal here, a fabricated order there, a change in protocol where none was scheduled. Davvorik and Srerra’s endeavors became more and more daring until they finally felt themselves ready to make the big move.
  8. Fate would see to it that things would turn out other than they were planned, and the plan ultimately failed. Davvorik hadn’t the faintest clue, but the Imperials had caught wind of his footsteps eventually and were not at hesitant in the slightest to bring the foot down atop the would be slicer-extraordinaire. Despite still using their day jobs as covers, Davvorik and Srerra were both approached individually by people claiming to be higher-ups from their overseeing office, come to ask them questions about their work and what was being done at the branch office. Srerra, falling back on her roots, remained cool and aloof of what was happening. Davvorik, on the other hand, hadn’t the faintest clue as to why he was being called out. However, when they started laying blame, it didn’t take Davvorik long to crumble. And as before, he was given an ultimatum: Work for the Empire as a freelance and highly expendable body to do their dirty work or rot in prison. He asked after Srerra, wondering if she was given this same offer. He was never given an answer, and while he was left to his own devices for the time being while Srerra disappeared, Davvorik is still plying his own personal trade on the side whilst remaining vigilant as he slowly, steadily creeps through Imperial prison records for any sign of Srerra’s internment, not at all believing her to be dead. Of course, now that he has an Imperial Captain as his indirect overseer, Davvorik isn’t sure that he wants this kind of notoriety.
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