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- // the problem is in the SubMenu_List(key id) function
- // This menu worked before I started to add another if/else
- // the function was like:
- // function()
- // some settings
- // some stuff
- // show dialog box
- // I am trying to re-use the function for multiple menus (so it will run this function for one main menu button, which would populate a submenu, run it again for another main menu button, which would populate a second submenu...etc - and I need it to NOT run that function when the main menu is showing
- // so I changed the SubMenu_List(key id) function like this:
- // function()
- // some settings
- // if(this is the main menu)
- // {
- // do some stuff
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // some stuff
- // }
- // show dialog box
- float MENU_TIMEOUT = 25; // Time in seconds before menu times out & listener is removed
- // Menu parameters
- integer menu_channel ;
- integer options_channel;
- integer menu_handler;
- integer options_handler;
- //list Menu_00 = ["INFO/About","Admin","Close Menu"];
- string Menu_00_Caption = "Select a Category";
- list Menu_00 = ["INFO/About","Admin","Close Menu","Ground","Horizon","Sky","Sun/Moon","Underground","Themes"];
- list Menu_NAV_butt = ["<==","Themes","==>"];
- list Menu_THM = ["These","are","dummy","theme","names"," - ","Don't","click","these"];
- // !!!!!!!!
- // TEMP specifying this - THE ACTUAL CODE WOULD USE THIS
- // to flag which type of Items we're listing
- integer Menu_Sub_ID = 0;
- list Menu_Sub_Names = ["Main Menu","Ground","Horizon","Sky","Sun/Moon","Underground","Themes"];
- string Menu_Sub_Caption = "Main Menu";
- // CHANGE THIS: When a SubMenu is selected, set this flag
- //Misc parameters
- string aviname;
- integer Item_CountPointer = 0;
- integer Item_CountCurrentPos = 0;
- integer Item_Total; // number of sounds in the prim's inventory
- float sound_volume = 1.0;
- string lastsound;
- remove_listens()
- {
- llSetTimerEvent(0.0);
- llListenRemove(menu_handler);
- llListenRemove(options_handler);
- }
- // opens menu channel and displays dialog
- SubMenu_List(key id)
- {
- remove_listens();
- menu_channel = -(integer) (llFrand(100000000) + 100000);
- options_channel = menu_channel + 1;
- menu_handler = llListen(menu_channel, "", NULL_KEY, "");
- options_handler = llListen(options_channel,"",NULL_KEY,"");
- llSetTimerEvent(MENU_TIMEOUT);
- //-SKIP Listing SubMenus~BEG//
- // if this is the main menu...
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------2FIX this 'if' section
- if ((Menu_Sub_Names(Menu_Sub_ID)) == 0)
- {
- // ...then display the main menu
- Menu_Sub_Caption = Menu_00_Caption;
- Menu_Sub = Menu_00;
- }
- // ...and skip the SubMenus Listing
- // Otherwise, List SubMenus
- else
- {
- list Menu_Sub = [];
- // count the Items in the prim to see if we need pages
- Item_Total = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE);
- if (Item_Total < 9)
- {
- for (Item_CountPointer = 0; Item_CountPointer < Item_Total; Item_CountPointer++)
- {
- Menu_Sub += llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, Item_CountPointer);
- }
- Menu_Sub = Menu_00 + Menu_NAV_butt + Menu_Sub;
- }
- else
- {
- for (Item_CountPointer = 6 * Item_CountCurrentPos; Item_CountPointer < (6 + (6 * Item_CountCurrentPos)) ; Item_CountPointer++)
- {
- // check to make sure name <= 24, or else the menu will not work.
- string Item_Name = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, Item_CountPointer);
- if ( llStringLength(Item_Name) >24)
- {
- llOwnerSay("NOTICE");
- llOwnerSay("Item Name: " + Item_Name + " is too long. Item Names can not be longer than 24 characters");
- }
- else
- {
- if (Item_CountPointer < Item_Total)
- {
- Menu_Sub += Item_Name;
- }
- }
- }
- Menu_Sub = Menu_00 + Menu_NAV_butt + Menu_Sub;
- }
- // }
- Menu_Sub_Caption = "Select a " + llList2String(Menu_Sub_Names, Menu_Sub_ID) + " Item";
- llDialog(id, Menu_Sub_Caption, Menu_Sub, menu_channel);
- //-SKIP Listing SubMenus~END//
- }
- }
- //---GET SUB LIST END--//
- default
- {
- state_entry()
- {
- }
- on_rez(integer num)
- {
- llResetScript();
- }
- timer()
- {
- llSetTimerEvent(0.0);
- remove_listens();
- }
- touch_start(integer total_number)
- {
- aviname = llDetectedName(0);
- Item_CountCurrentPos = 0;
- // display the dialog
- SubMenu_List(llDetectedKey(0));
- }
- listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
- {
- // THIS WILL BE NEEDING TO CHANGE TO A FLAG when you select WHICH menu you're talking to/about
- Menu_Sub_ID = 1;
- llSay(0,llList2String(Menu_Sub_Names, Menu_Sub_ID));
- if (channel == menu_channel)
- {
- if (message == "==>")
- {
- if(Item_CountCurrentPos < (llRound((float)Item_Total/6)) ) Item_CountCurrentPos ++;
- SubMenu_List(id);
- }
- else if (message == "<==")
- {
- Item_CountCurrentPos--;
- if (Item_CountCurrentPos < 0) Item_CountCurrentPos = 0;
- SubMenu_List(id);
- }
- else if (message == "Themes")
- {
- llSetTimerEvent(MENU_TIMEOUT);
- Menu_Sub_Caption = "Select a " + llList2String(Menu_Sub_Names, Menu_Sub_ID) + " Item";
- llDialog(id, Menu_Sub_Caption, Menu_THM, options_channel);
- }
- else
- {
- llPlaySound(message, sound_volume); // Play the sound
- lastsound = message;
- SubMenu_List(id);
- }
- }
- if (channel == options_channel)
- {
- if(message == "Main Menu") // no entry in options menu for this so it is currently not used
- {
- Item_CountCurrentPos = 0;
- SubMenu_List(id);
- }
- else if(message == "Admin")
- {
- llSetTimerEvent(MENU_TIMEOUT);
- llTextBox(id,"Enter Sound Volume\nMinimum = 0.0\nMaximum = 1.0",options_channel);
- }
- else // sound volume setting
- {
- sound_volume = (float)message;
- if (sound_volume > 1.0) sound_volume = 1.0;
- if (sound_volume < 0.0) sound_volume = 0.0;
- Item_CountCurrentPos = 0;
- SubMenu_List(id);
- }
- }
- }
- }
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