
OoT NTSC-1.0 file select ram watches

Dec 15th, 2019
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  1. SystemID N64
  2. 020100 d h 1 RDRAM ret runs every frame in game
  3. 0CE0F0 d h 1 RDRAM write previous heap pointer to 0x000C -- set to AC8261F8 to disable cright check
  4. 0F7AD8 d h 1 RDRAM kokiri tunic colour
  5. 1A4E94 d h 1 RDRAM filename 8000 name entry
  6. 1C6E60 d h 1 RDRAM static context
  7. 1C8470 d h 1 RDRAM global context
  8. 1C84A4 d h 1 RDRAM game state update, C6C2 entry
  9. 1C84A8 d h 1 RDRAM game state deconstructor
  10. 1DCE94 d h 1 RDRAM filename 0 char index 8000
  11. 1DCFF0 d h 1 RDRAM not written on load of file start
  12. 1DD064 d h 1 RDRAM payload prologue
  13. 1DD068 d h 1 RDRAM payload here
  14. 1DD4FC d h 1 RDRAM not written on load of file end
  15. 1E46A4 d h 1 RDRAM filename FF02 name entry
  16. 1E4E94 d h 1 RDRAM filename 0 name entry
  17. 1E4E98 d h 1 RDRAM filename 0 name entry cont.
  18. 1E4E9C d h 1 RDRAM filename 1 name entry
  19. 1E4EA0 d h 1 RDRAM filename 1 name entry cont.
  20. 1E4EA4 d h 1 RDRAM filename 2 name entry
  21. 1E4EA8 d h 1 RDRAM filename 2 name entry cont.
  22. 1E4ECA w h 1 RDRAM file index (file 2 char 0026)
  23. 1E4ED0 w h 1 RDRAM index to function call (current title screen action) - A/B to copy (file 7 char 4)
  24. 1E4ED8 w h 1 RDRAM copy file from (file 7 char C)
  25. 1E4EE2 w h 1 RDRAM some countdown, must be >0 to not softlock on enter copy mode
  26. 1E4EF0 w h 1 RDRAM copy file to (file 7 char 24)
  27. 1E4F64 w h 1 RDRAM character index (file 1A char 0)
  28. 1E4F70 d h 1 RDRAM
  29. 1ECEA0 d h 1 RDRAM filename 2 char index 7FFF
  30. 2246A4 d h 1 RDRAM filename 7F02 name entry
  31. 29FA34 d h 1 RDRAM where to copy filename from (file 0 copied)
  32. 2A0E84 d h 1 RDRAM where to copy filename from (file 1 copied)
  33. 2A22D4 d h 1 RDRAM where to copy filename from (file 2 copied)
  34. 2A3724 d h 1 RDRAM where to copy filename from (file 3 copied)
  35. 2A4B74 d h 1 RDRAM where to copy filename from (file 4 copied)
  36. 2A5FC4 d h 1 RDRAM where to copy filename from (file 5 copied)
  37. 38AF46 w h 1 RDRAM actor spawned by slingshot
  38. 394620 d h 1 RDRAM function 8000 ptr
  39. 3A5090 d h 1 RDRAM start of name entry overlay?
  40. 3A509C d h 1 RDRAM
  41. 3AA9EA w h 1 RDRAM actor spawned by bombs
  42. 3AB288 d h 1 RDRAM cright check
  43. 3B4620 d h 1 RDRAM function 0000 ptr
  44. 3D461C d h 1 RDRAM function 7FFF ptr
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