

Apr 14th, 2018
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  1. Saitoka Saito had been walking along the castle courtyards for a few hours, making sure his guards were at attention, that none of the castle walls needed repairs or anything of the sort. But mostly he wanted to enjoy the peace and quiet. His hands were behind him as he walked and his tail hovered barely an inch above the ground. His long black hair was tied back into a high ponytail and he wore just a black suit along with his crown that sat upon his head. Sai paused as he looked out towards the village, dark clouds were building up on the horizon and it looked like a storm was starting to come upon them. He scrunched his nose and pushed the door open the impish servants moved out of the way immediately. Saito didn’t even bother to look at them, instead he walked over to the library to shuffle through some books he didn’t have a chance to read, maybe he would even rearrange some of his brother’s stache or potions and experiment concoctions for fun.
  2. DaoVeroStar Dao was reading her book upside down on the fireplace, her hair long and often seeming to be in danger of burning, a few whisps of smoke wandering through the strands. She was unperturbed, and seemed deep in her book, when she heard the stirrings of servants that signified King Sais arrival. OF course she had shadows set about the castle to warn her before others knew, but she liked to keep that to herself, more information she gathered that was her own, the better. In fact, she had even gathered a secret or two among the villagers and servants, that she might use at another time. Setting the book aside, she slid backwards off the shelf of the fireplace, turning in the air to land on her feet, brushing off her sweater and pulling the hair caught in her horns back into place. She wanted to look perfect when the King appeared, as she craved attention and affection as much as she desired people and things. And if her mother taught her anything, only those that were perfect got what they wanted… or needed.
  3. Kaenko: Mersina walked the halls of the castle, a duster in her hand as she tried to remember if she'd already dusted what felt like the 500th painting on the wall. She sighed, deciding to leave it alone for now. She had too many rooms to clean to worry about this. She entered the library as quietly as she could, making sure to focus on her her work. She noticed a figure inside, and kept her eyes down, having learned rather early to excercise the manners of someone in her position. She went down a few of the many aisles of bookcases, dusting them gently with her tool. After a bit, she began to get a bit turned around.She couldn't remember if she'd already cleaned a particulat case and stared at it for a moment. She sighed heavily, brushing some of her hair away from her face before lifting her skirts enough to allow her to stand on her toes and get a closer look. Just as she got close to it, she heard the clamouring of the other servants. They never rushed around like this before it was time too prepare meals or set up for a party, she knew it was time for neither of those things. As realization dawned on her, she became flustered and began to focus harder on her work, waiting for an opportunity to slip away with the rest of the servants.
  4. QnDebShadow: -Deb used the portal at SaM to come and visit her brother. She was in a mood to just get away for awhile. Maybe a talk with her sometimes grumpy brother would help. The portal closed behind her as she ended up outside the village. She decided to walk through the village before going to the castle to see her brother. Her demon wanted out as soon as she entered his realm, but she held her back. She didnt need her out as of now, she could take care of herself just fine. All the demoness wanted was to cause mayhem and damage. She didnt want to cause her brother any headaches. She walked through the shops, not really needing anything, just browsing. There were quite a few items she didnt have in her realm, but decided to wait until she went back home. If she remembered that is. She finished window shopping and made her way to the castle. Most knew who she was when she got to the steps. She waited as the door was opened for her. She walked in and looked around, feeling out for her brothers energy. She would chuckle.- "Oh Brother dear, your sister is home. Come out, Come out, wherever you are."
  5. Saitoka Sai was just in the middle of reading his brothers notes when he heard the doors opening to his home. Who could it be this time? His eyes rose from the book and he could smell his sisters scent flow into the room. “Ah… Deb. What a lovely surprise.” His tail began to sway, signifying his satisfaction if not his usual nonchalant facial expression. He closed his book and his eyes caught sight of a newer maid he had not met just yet. Though Sai had many servants he did try to keep up with ones who weren’t exactly food… His mind wandered for a moment as he stared at the woman but then he turned and walked over to his sister who was calling for him. Once he approached her he cracked a sly smirk and tilted his head, crossing his arms across his chest as he greeted her. “Well well well, what bring you all the way down here? SAM getting too cold for ya?” He chuckled darkly and gestured for her to come sit in the lounging area. “Would you like a drink sister? I may not have the… exotic beverages your kingdom has to offer but at least it will get you nice and full.” Sai began to recognize Lady greed approaching them as well and he gestured for her to come join them. He wanted to ask her about the new maid, if she even cared enough about the servants to notice. He didn’t like new people who didn’t introduce themselves, no matter their significance.
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