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Jan 29th, 2015
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  1. app/console
  2. Symfony version 2.3.24 - app/dev/debug
  4. Usage:
  5. [options] command [arguments]
  7. Options:
  8. --help -h Display this help message
  9. --quiet -q Do not output any message
  10. --verbose -v|vv|vvv Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
  11. --version -V Display this application version
  12. --ansi Force ANSI output
  13. --no-ansi Disable ANSI output
  14. --no-interaction -n Do not ask any interactive question
  15. --shell -s Launch the shell.
  16. --process-isolation Launch commands from shell as a separate process.
  17. --env -e The Environment name.
  18. --no-debug Switches off debug mode.
  20. Available commands:
  21. help Displays help for a command
  22. list Lists commands
  23. assetic
  24. assetic:dump Dumps all assets to the filesystem
  25. assets
  26. assets:install Installs bundles web assets under a public web directory
  27. cache
  28. cache:clear Clears the cache
  29. cache:warmup Warms up an empty cache
  30. config
  31. config:dump-reference Dumps default configuration for an extension
  32. container
  33. container:debug Displays current services for an application
  34. debug
  35. debug:swiftmailer Displays current mailers for an application
  36. fos
  37. fos:user:activate Activate a user
  38. fos:user:change-password Change the password of a user.
  39. fos:user:create Create a user.
  40. fos:user:deactivate Deactivate a user
  41. fos:user:demote Demote a user by removing a role
  42. fos:user:promote Promotes a user by adding a role
  43. generate
  44. generate:bundle Generates a bundle
  45. generate:controller Generates a controller
  46. init
  47. init:acl Mounts ACL tables in the database
  48. propel
  49. propel:acl:init Initialize "Access Control Lists" model and SQL
  50. propel:build Hub for Propel build commands (Model classes, SQL)
  51. propel:database:create Create a given database or the default one.
  52. propel:database:drop Drop a given database or the default one.
  53. propel:fixtures:dump Dump data from database into YAML fixtures file.
  54. propel:fixtures:load Load XML, SQL and/or YAML fixtures
  55. propel:form:generate Generate Form types stubs based on the schema.xml
  56. propel:graphviz:generate Generates Graphviz file for your project
  57. propel:migration:generate-diff Generates SQL diff between the XML schemas and the current database structure
  58. propel:migration:migrate Executes the next migrations up
  59. propel:migration:status Lists the migrations yet to be executed
  60. propel:model:build Build the Propel Object Model classes based on XML schemas
  61. propel:reverse Generate XML schema from reverse-engineered database
  62. propel:sql:build Build the SQL generation code for all tables based on Propel XML schemas
  63. propel:sql:insert Insert SQL for current model
  64. propel:table:drop Drop a given table or all tables in the database.
  65. router
  66. router:debug Displays current routes for an application
  67. router:dump-apache Dumps all routes as Apache rewrite rules
  68. router:match Helps debug routes by simulating a path info match
  69. server
  70. server:run Runs PHP built-in web server
  71. sp
  72. sp:bower:install Install all bower dependencies.
  73. sp:bower:list List available packages
  74. sp:bower:update Update all bower dependencies.
  75. sp:bower:warmup Warm up all bower mapping dependencies.
  76. swiftmailer
  77. swiftmailer:debug Displays current mailers for an application
  78. swiftmailer:email:send Send simple email message
  79. swiftmailer:spool:send Sends emails from the spool
  80. translation
  81. translation:update Updates the translation file
  82. twig
  83. twig:lint Lints a template and outputs encountered errors
  85. [02:24 PM]-[vagrant@packer-virtualbox-iso]-[/var/www/urbika]-[git master]
  86. $
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