
Guess i got fire

Nov 14th, 2023
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  1. Idk what happened since i do everything from behind here someone thinks they can make me say things for them to pretend like i forced them to but how did i get involved with them if i was always on the computer and working someone must have had people invite me right LOL invite me and set me up to look bad since its too easy you need to make me have fake power that only dose bad things i about the things i complain about but ive had no friends since 2014 how is that even a good plan ? Just involve a cop and get him to take it seriously with a bunch of false criminal entries
  3. Weird how i had Time to get this network while working fulltime and doing my taxes while keeping to myself and learning at the library no hard to get a coalition of people to believe something thats so easily racially charged i look like someone who would pull these types of crimes but i speak with too much knowledge and no accent or sounds of anxiety so i know what im talking about LOL i dont kno how to small talk about anything long enough to take the topic off of business dont try it
  5. Doing that that to make me look dangerous so people leave us or me alone would be cool if. Wasnt already being fruaded to make someone believe i needed it when its redundant given my true history too many layers of protection that make all tht useless
  6. Actually grew up with people and made friends with people of colourful backgrounds
  7. Actually live on the internet because of intelligence and online pursuits monitored
  8. Actually bad enough as a kid and at risk enough to be overly educated
  9. Trying something that doesnt make sense regardless of how you look at it trying to find something to do for me when everything’s been done but need to have a reason or else just criminal stalking which is only reason since why else would family pictures get deleted if not hacked by this weirdo as a kid and forced to make friends with people who played outside all day which happened to best for my mental illness and development but ment to incriminate me now because someone fuc**ed up LMFAO no shot back to fight this weirdo on the computer because i know better about his past and people he’s screwed over didnt make same mistake and took tax route so they had to do anything lowest hanging fruit my identity and hostage BS that doesn't make sense because business numbers LMFAOOO not a front man to these weirdos playing weird ass games with people in real life
  11. Seems weird to think i have gang affiliation but not in the way they are trying to make it look since your always safe just doing the drugs and having a good time as long as your grades dont drop we can do the knuckle dusting thing too but if its not signed i wont waste my time and if you force me im going to keep trying and make a habit out of seeing how many times i can try
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