

Dec 16th, 2020
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  1. night elf at pre­sent the pop­u­la­tion over 40,000, have ar­rived at Chaos City from Wind For­est these days, and joins the night elf elf quan­tity still to con­tinue to in­crease.
  2. The Tex­tile Mill scale is huge, more­over does not need to be wor­ried about the sale, but de­pends on the ef­fec­tive­ness of steam spin­ner, at pre­sent only makes more than 10,000 elf com­plete the em­ploy­ment.
  3. Nat­u­rally, by the Tex­tile Mill cur­rent op­er­a­tional state, has def­i­nitely been able to bear the night elf daily ex­penses.
  4. Only suf­fices the ex­penses is not cer­tainly good, Irina as the supreme leader, is­sued: ‚Multi- points blos­som, rush to well-off!’ The high­est in­struc­tion , to pro­mote the night elf multi-di­rec­tion de­vel­op­ment.
  5. This los­ing weight medica­ment pre­vi­ous Mag comes time, just hears Ash­ley and Irina was dis­cussing.
  6. Said that is the los­ing weight medica­ment, is ac­tu­ally elf race in­her­ited one herbal med­i­cine for­mula that passes sleek/moist stom­ach, in­deed has cer­tainly re­duces the body fat the ef­fect . More­over the side ef­fect is min­i­mum, even lit­tle elf will drink one cup every day, main­tains un­ob­structed of stom­ach.
  7. Irina they planned that im­proves this for­mula, then turns into the los­ing weight medica­ment to trade.
  8. This point Mag ap­pre­ci­ates the Irina vi­sion, in the ex­pense de­spises on the chain, the woman oc­cu­pies the ab­solute throne.
  9. No mat­ter puts on, uses, eats, plays, the women have the strongest con­sumer buy­ing power.
  10. As for at chang­ing beau­ti­ful this mat­ter, the woman is will­ing to pay more money and time for this rea­son, this point from tofu pud­ding can be in­ferred bestly-sell­ing.
  11. One type can make your non- move­ment in the sit­u­a­tion be­come thin, more­over these de­pends on hav­ing di­ar­rhea the beau­ti­ful in­ex­pen­sive goods that with the mar­ket in re­duces the mois­ture con­tent are com­pletely dif­fer­ent, the toxic side ef­fect al­most does not have the los­ing weight medica­ment, once ap­pears on the mar­ket, the en­thu­si­asm of woman can be imag­ined.
  12. How­ever Mag is smelling this taste, a brow wrin­kle.
  13. Women to change at­trac­tive, this slight de­fect can eas­ily ac­cept.
  14. But to make all the peo­ple to sell well it, mar­ket broad na­tional healthy drinks, but not only con­cen­trates on the los­ing weight de­mand of woman, this is per­haps in­suf­fi­cient.
  15. Mag at­tracted sev­eral drops of green liq­uids with the straw, rais­ing head drops one­self mouth.
  16. The green grass taste is rich, bit­ter and as­trin­gent . More­over the feel­ings of some im­pu­ri­ties, the taste is ex­tremely bad.
  17. „How ef­fect does not know for the time being, but in this taste and fla­vor, I thought that you best make some im­prove­ments again.” Mag cov­ers the medica­ment bot­tle, looks at Ash­ley say­ing: „ Fil­tra­tion ex­poses to the sun the net to be closer, or is smaller, at least who the im­pu­rity hits to have the ob­vi­ous pel­let feel­ing.
  18. The fla­vor re­gard­ing the av­er­age per­son should not be very friendly, your elf is quite pos­si­bly easy to ac­cept the fra­grance of this green grass, but some­what ir­ri­tates the nose re­gard­ing av­er­age per­son, more­over is a lit­tle bit­ter and as­trin­gent, can through in­creas­ing some tar­taric acid and sweet­en­ing agents im­proves the fla­vor. ”
  19. Ash­ley puts out the small book high-speed record, pon­dered a meet­ing, asked: „Are the tar­taric acid words, what fruit with ap­pro­pri­ate? Now this sea­son seems dif­fi­cult to find the fresh fruit in Chaos City.”
  20. „Lemon, or­ange and apple...... you can at­tempt much, the fresh fruit is ac­tu­ally not dif­fi­cult to look, Chaos City snow and ice not, but the Demon Is­lands like spring all year round, by your pre­sent con­di­tions, the cam­ou­flage gets down Demon Is­lands is not the dif­fi­cult mat­ter.” Mag said with a smile: „Does busi­ness, must have the global con­scious­ness.”
  21. Ash­ley eyes lit up, is smil­ing the nod say­ing: „okay, many thanks Mis­ter Mag di­rec­tion.”
  22. „Is im­po­lite, I just have the mat­ter to look for you and Princess Irina, goes to chat to­gether.” Mag said.
  23. „okay.” Ash­ley re­ceives the small book, re­ceived the medica­ment bot­tle, en­tered the of­fice with Mag.
  24. Mag will build the plan of night elf print­ing shop say­ing that if can the color print­ing large-scale ap­pli­ca­tion, this should be a very huge in­dus­try, lets Irina and Ash­ley is some­what joy­ful.
  25. „ Be­cause was wor­ried that was kept think­ing, there­fore I plan to de­clare to the out­side this tech­nol­ogy is your night elf con­trol, will then pos­si­bly have many peo­ple to ask you to co­op­er­ate.
  26. How­ever at pre­sent our ca­pac­ity is lim­ited, only makes some high-qual­ity pic­ture books, there­fore co­op­er­ates first to re­ject com­pletely in­suf­fi­cient by the ca­pac­ity re­gard­ing these, the cus­tomer ma­te­r­ial can re­main, later after wait­ing for our ca­pac­ity ex­pan­sions, then es­tab­lishes the co­op­er­a­tion with them. ” Mag said.
  27. „okay.” The Ash­ley nod takes down.
  28. „Cur­rently out­side the en­trance has a per­son, is Eat­ing All and Eat­ing Well Boss, he wants to seek the co­op­er­a­tion, you press this to an­swer him, the per­son is I brings.” Mag is say­ing with a smile.
  29. „Per­son who you lead, re­jects?” Ash­ley is some­what sur­prised.
  30. „He flung the pot to us.” Irina curls the lip, wish­ful think­ing that saw through Mag.
  31. Ash­ley look­ing pen­sive, but has not dis­liked.
  32. Mis­ter Mag is the night elf most im­por­tant part­ner, helped them be sep­a­rated from the block­ade ini­tially, ar­rives at a se­ries of sup­port after Chaos City, mak­ing them stand firm here, makes night elf pre­sent him for the guest suf­fi­ciently.
  33. Now he such an im­por­tant in­dus­try will give them, this trust and at­ten­dance, but keeps off trou­bles, the na­ture is bounden.
  34. ......
  35. Hakut ob­tained in­vi­ta­tion that en­ters Fac­tory, more­over re­ceives his per­son is head Miss Ash­ley in print­ing shop, beau­ti­ful solemn elf.
  36. How­ever waited for him say­ing that re­quest of co­op­er­a­tion, to con­ve­nient turned down his co­op­er­a­tion by the ca­pac­ity in­suf­fi­cient.
  37. „Boss, what kind of?” Gar­land looks Hakut that one will then come out, asked low voice.
  38. „Has not be­come.” Hakut shook the head, looked at eye that an­tique Fac­tory front door, sigh­ing, „said that was the ca­pac­ity is in­suf­fi­cient, at pre­sent only con­tin­ues the pic­ture books of some high-qual­ity goods, after wait­ing for the later pro­duc­tiv­ity im­prove­ment, co­op­er­ated with us again.”
  39. „Then...... the ca­pac­ity was all oc­cu­pied by Boss Mag.” Gar­land is a lit­tle sur­prised, but said com­fort­ably: „Not is too bad, at least after the op­po­site party com­plies with and other pro­duc­tiv­ity im­prove­ments, can co­op­er­ate with us, seized an op­por­tu­nity.”
  40. Hakut nods , can only com­fort it­self like this.
  41. Mag walks from the front door, Hakut lifts the car(riage) cur­tain say/way hastily: „Mis­ter Mag, I de­liver you to go back.”
  42. „Has the work.” Mag was im­po­lite, sneaked in the warm com­part­ment, such cold day, he was also dis­in­clined to block the car(riage) to go back.
  43. „What kind of? Be­came?” Mag sits down op­po­site of Hakut, asked with a smile.
  44. „Holds the Mis­ter Mag cloth­ing/tak­ing, be­came half, said after is other pro­duc­tiv­ity im­prove­ments, can co­op­er­ate.” Hakut said with a laugh.
  45. „That is very good, lis­ten­ing to them say­ing that the ca­pac­ity in­deed was also not very high, a day also can only print the de­grees of 1000 vol­ume of pic­ture books.” Mag nods.
  46. „Yes, de­pends en­tirely on the Mis­ter Mag in­tro­duc­tion.” Hakut pat­ted a horse but­tocks, can a per­son con­tract all color print­ing the ca­pac­i­ties, even he adds money un­able to skid, ob­vi­ously the re­la­tions of Mag and night elf are very in­deed good, are worth the long-stand­ing and deep-rooted friend.
  47. Hakut pat­ted many flat­ters all the way, makes a veiled at­tack in­quired the news about color print­ing.
  48. The Mag horse but­tocks all re­ceives, ma­nip­u­la­tion that the news talked am­bigu­ously com­pletely in the past, the pot has flung in any case, he said that own any­thing does not know did not have the words to say.
  49. „This small in­ten­tion, buys the sugar to eat for two chil­dren, but also asked Mis­ter Mag cer­tainly to ac­cept.” Next car­riage time, Hakut also took for­mer that paper money, stop­per to the hand of Mag.
  50. Mag looked at his one eyes, thought that con­sid­ers that 1 mil­lion mag­a­zine sales vol­ume ad­di­tional pay­ments for pub­lished piece, on sat­is­fied ac­cepted this money.
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