
Com notes

Nov 21st, 2016
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  1. Language: A system of symbols used by people to communicate
  2. Equivocal Language: Language that is imprecise and can have more than one meaning
  3. Denotation:Explicit meaning found in the dictionary of a language community
  4. Connotation: Implied meaning associated with a word
  5. Euphemism: An expression used to soften the impact of its meaning
  7. Nonverbal communication
  8. Face and Eyes: Our face shows emotion and eyes can show our attention
  9. Voice: Pitch, Quality, Volume, Intonation, Vocalized Pause
  10. Touch: Haptics and range are used to show intimacy, and can be used to threaten based on physical differences
  11. Clothing: Colors and styles can show how they view themselves and project it towards others
  13. Proxemics: How space and distance communicate
  14. Chronemics: How we interpret the use of time- tardiness, punctuality
  15. Territoriality: the physical space over which we claim ownership
  17. Ethos:the characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as manifested in its beliefs and aspirations.
  18. Stages of Listening: Receiving, Attendint to, constructing meaning from, and responding to a message
  19. Psychological noise: The emotional state or status that affects one's interpretation of a message
  20. Empathic Listening: Identifying with the needs and attitudes of another and responding to them
  22. Communication Climate: the setting in which communication is taking place, which can be affected by internal or external factors
  23. Johari Window: Open, Blind, Secret, Unknown
  24. Factors Causing Relationship deterioration: Circumscribing, Stagnating, Avoiding, Terminating
  26. Expert Power: Power based on specialization and ability in a field
  27. Legitimate Power: Power based on formal position in office or hierarchy
  28. Coercive Power: Power based on the ability to take something away
  30. Parliamentary Procedure: Rules of conduct in a decision-making group.
  32. Two Kinds of Sexual Harassment
  33. -Quid Quo Pro
  34. -Oppressive Workplace
  35. Three Cs
  36. Comforter- Provides positive strokes and makes someone feel better.
  37. Clarifier- Helps you sort your words out.
  38. Confronter- Helps you make a decision but doesn't make it for you.
  40. Campbell Notes
  41. -Sensation
  42. -Recall
  43. -Imagination
  44. -Purity
  45. -Perspicuity
  46. -Imagination
  47. -Burden of Proof
  49. Logical Fallacies: Hasty Generalization, False Cause, Either/Or, Straw Man, Ad Hominem
  51. MOtivation Sequence
  52. Proposition of Policy
  53. Attention
  54. Need
  55. Satisfaction
  56. Visualization
  57. Action Appeal
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