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- // All code learned and modded from Jayden "ChickenParmis" fantastic site
- //
- // So Lets Make Robots! here's the place to do it
- //many thanks to all I welcome all idea to improve ossipee
- // add some libraries for ping and servo, OddBot recomends I just do a function,
- //planning on it
- #include <Servo.h>
- #include <NewPing.h>
- //some programming etiquette suggests constants, which #defines are, should be
- //all CAPS. It assists in reading the code. Also, having values defined at/near
- //the top of your program lets you make adjustments without having to search for
- //the "magic numbers" hidden in your code.
- #define USTrigger 7 //picks ping trigger pin
- #define USEcho 8 //picks ping recievor pin, signal in
- #define MaxDistance 100 // sets pings maximum range
- #define MINDISTANCE 20 //sets min distance for avoidance
- #define LED 13 // pin 13 for included led on board unused right now
- #define LEFTREV 0 // left servo full reverse
- #define LEFTFWD 180 // left servo full forward
- #define LEFTSTOP 90 // left servo stop
- #define RIGHTREV 180 // right servo full reverse
- #define RIGHTFWD 0 // right servo full forward
- #define RIGHTSTOP 90 // right servo stop
- #define DEADBAND 5 // value above/below center that will back robot out of corners
- #define SWEEPLEFT 130 // sweep servo face left
- #define SWEEPRIGHT 50 // sweep servo face right
- #define SWEEPCENTER 90 // center sweep servo
- //Create Left Servo object, lets arduino program know it has a left servo
- Servo leftServo;
- //Create Right Servo object, lets arduino program know it has right servo
- Servo rightServo;
- //Create sweep Servo object,
- //lets arduino program know it has a servo to sweep ping
- Servo servo;
- //Create ultrasonic object, arduino now know's it's got a ping
- NewPing sonar(USTrigger, USEcho, MaxDistance);
- //Below we are creating unsigned integer variables which we will use later on in
- //the code. They are unsigned as they will only have postive values
- //if you sign them they can have positive and negitive values, thanks 6677,
- //Birdmun also says that just using positive ones saves program space
- //this is going to be time between sending and getting signal back from ping,
- //gonna use it to make a distance
- //~ unsigned int duration; //no longer required
- //***variables moved to local functions
- //this is going to be the distance in cm we get from ping
- //~ unsigned int distance; //doesn't need to be global
- //~ //this is the number we get from a ping reading looking straight ahead
- //~ unsigned int FrontDistance;
- //~ //this is the number we get from a ping reading looking to the left,
- //~ //check servo is really looking left
- //~ unsigned int LeftDistance;
- //~ // same as above but looking right
- //~ unsigned int RightDistance;
- void setup() { //This part of the program runs 1 time at start up
- Serial.begin(9600); //required if you are going to send data via serial
- leftServo.attach(9); //Left servo connected to pin 9
- leftServo.write(LEFTSTOP); //Write the neutral position to that servo
- rightServo.attach(10); //Right servo connected to pin 10
- rightServo.write(RIGHTSTOP); //Write the neutral position to that servo
- servo.attach (6); // puts ping servo on pin 6
- }
- //This block repeats itself while the Arduino is turned on
- void loop() {
- //this is the number we get from a ping reading looking straight ahead
- unsigned int FrontDistance;
- servo.write(SWEEPCENTER); //position the ping servo to face ahead could have done above but like it here
- //Set the variable FrontDistance to
- //the value of the distance returned from the scan function
- FrontDistance = scan();
- Serial.println("Front distance = ");
- Serial.print(FrontDistance);
- //If there is nothing infront of the robot within 20cm or the distance value
- //is 0 (which for the newping libary means no ping was returned) then.
- if(FrontDistance > MINDISTANCE || FrontDistance == 0) {
- moveRobot(100, 100, 500); //move robot forward for 0.5 seconds
- //moveRobot(100, 100, 0); //delay may not be needed try both ways
- } else { //Else (if there is something infront of the robot within 40cm) then
- moveRobot(0, 0, 0); //Go to the moveStop function
- navigate(); //Go to navigate function
- }
- }
- //procedures can accept values. They must be declared properly.
- void moveRobot(int leftServoSpeed, int rightServoSpeed, int dlay) {
- //the sevos are opposite on bot thus forwardon 1 = reverse on other
- //~ rightServo.write(180); //reverses right servo
- //~ leftServo.write(0); //reverses left servo
- int leftSpeed, rightSpeed;
- if (leftServoSpeed == 0) {
- leftSpeed = LEFTSTOP; //stop
- } else if (leftServoSpeed < 0) {
- leftSpeed = map(leftServoSpeed, -100, -1, LEFTREV, LEFTSTOP - 1); //reverse
- } else {
- leftSpeed = map(leftServoSpeed, 1, 100, LEFTSTOP + 1, LEFTFWD); //forward
- }
- if (rightServoSpeed == 0) {
- rightSpeed = RIGHTSTOP; //stop
- } else if (rightServoSpeed < 0) {
- rightSpeed = map(rightServoSpeed, -100, -1, RIGHTREV, RIGHTSTOP -1); //rev
- } else {
- rightSpeed = map(rightServoSpeed, 1, 100, RIGHTSTOP +1, RIGHTFWD); //forward
- }
- rightServo.write(rightSpeed);
- leftServo.write(leftSpeed);
- delay(dlay);
- }
- //functions can accept values as well as return values. The unsigned int means
- //it will return an unsigned int to the calling function. void means it returns
- //nothing.
- unsigned int scan() { //This function determines the distance things are away from the ultrasonic sensor
- unsigned int distance; //moved here. Does not need to be a global variable.
- Serial.println("");
- Serial.println("Scanning");
- //~ Time =;
- //~ distance = Time / US_ROUNDTRIP_CM;
- //newping lib will return cm, in, mSec
- //
- distance = sonar.ping_cm();
- delay(500); //why the delay?
- return distance;
- }
- void navigate() {
- //this is the number we get from a ping reading looking to the left,
- //check servo is really looking left
- unsigned int LeftDistance;
- // same as above but looking right
- unsigned int RightDistance;
- Serial.println("There's an obstacle!");
- servo.write(SWEEPLEFT); //Move the servo to the left (my little servos didn't like going to 180 so I played around with the value until it worked nicely)
- delay(1000); //delay(1000) = 1000 millaseconds, 1 second
- //scan(); //Go to the scan function
- LeftDistance = scan(); //Set the variable LeftDistance to the distance on the left
- Serial.println("Left distance = ");
- Serial.print(LeftDistance);
- servo.write(SWEEPRIGHT); //Move the servo to the right
- delay(1000); //Wait a second for the servo to get there
- //scan(); //Go to the scan function called above
- RightDistance = scan(); //Set the variable RightDistance to the distance on the right
- Serial.println("Right distance = ");
- Serial.print(RightDistance);
- if(abs(RightDistance - LeftDistance) < DEADBAND) { //DEADBAND can be changed above
- //~ moveBackward(); //Go to the moveBackward function
- //~ delay(200); //Pause the program for 200 milliseconds to let the robot reverse
- //~ moveRight(); //Go to the moveRight function
- //~ delay(100); //Pause the program for 200 milliseconds to let the robot turn right
- moveRobot(-100, -100, 200); //reverse for 200 mS
- moveRobot(100, -100, 200); //rotate right for 200 mS
- } else if(RightDistance < LeftDistance) { //If the distance on the right is less than that on the left then...
- //~ moveLeft(); //Go to the moveLeft function
- //~ delay(100); //Pause the program for half a second to let the robot turn
- moveRobot(-100, 100, 500); //rotate left for 500 mS
- } else { // you have already checked for the other two possibilities
- //~ else if(LeftDistance < RightDistance) //Else if the distance on the left is less than that on the right then...
- //~ {
- //~ moveRight(); //Go to the moveRight function
- //~ delay(100); //Pause the program for half a second to let the robot turn
- moveRobot(100, -100, 500); //rotate right for 500 mS
- }
- }
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