
[Just for Fun] Hotline Anonymous

Apr 11th, 2014
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  1. Today I found a thread about Anon getting a job as a phone sex operator in Equestria. The following were my contributions.
  3. "Hello and thank you for calling. My name is Anonymous. How may I-"
  4. >Look over at a list pasted on the side of your cubicle and sigh.
  5. "Full-filly your fun-tasy today?"
  6. >"Hi Anon! It's Pinkie Pie!"
  7. "Pinkie, you know this is anonymous, right?"
  8. >"Of course I do! You told me you name already, silly."
  9. "No Pinkie, I mean the service. The service is anonymous."
  10. >"Whatever you say, Nonny."
  11. >Sigh.
  12. >"Well, what can I do for you?"
  13. >"Can you make me a cake?"
  14. "Pinkie, this is a sex line, not a delivery service. And aren't you the baker here?"
  15. >"No silly. I mean make me into a cake." Her voice turns sultry. "And bake me as fast as you can."
  16. >You hear wet noises from the other side of the line.
  17. "I ugh... Okay... I set you into the oven, I guess?"
  18. >"No, no, no. You have to mix the ingredients first."
  19. "Umm, okay... I get out a bowl and pour some flour, eggs, and-"
  20. >"Oh yeah, Nonny! Crack my eggs!" she pants.
  21. "And then I... start whisking?"
  22. >"Mmm, yeah! Stir me up good!"
  23. "Then I stick you in the oven..."
  24. >"Unf, I hope you preheated it first." she moans, echoed by slick sounds.
  25. "Sure."
  26. >"Ooh, then what Anon?"
  27. "Then I... wait 20 minutes?"
  28. >"Mm, yeah. That's the best part." her voice quivers.
  29. "And then when you're done I... frost you?"
  30. >"Yessss Anon, yessssssssssss!"
  31. >You hear what sounds like a small explosion and a few party noisemakers go off.
  32. >"Thanks Anon, byee~!"
  33. >The line goes quiet.
  34. "The fuck just happened?"
  35. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. >Phone rings.
  38. "Hello this is... Anonymous Pleasure. How may I service you today?"
  39. >"..."
  40. "Hello?"
  41. >No response.
  42. >About to hang up when you hear something quiet on the other end of the line.
  43. >"I-It's my fir..."
  44. >Strain to hear what she has to say.
  45. "I'm sorry, Miss, but you'll have to speak up."
  46. >"I said it's my first time calling..."
  47. "That's okay, Miss. I'll be gentle and we can start off slow."
  48. >Hear a relieved sigh. "Okay. That sounds good."
  49. "So... what are you wearing?"
  50. >Momentary silence. "Umm... Nothing...?"
  51. "Oh right, ponies. I forgot."
  52. >"I could go get my mailbag if you want?"
  53. "No, no. That's alright. Umm... what is it you're into?"
  54. >"Well, I like... kissing... and hugging."
  55. "Sure. I scoop you up and give you a big hug and a kiss on the cheek."
  56. >"Ooh, kiss me on the lips next."
  57. "I adjust you in my arms, stroke your cheek and passionately kiss you on the lips."
  58. >"And... and tell me that- Tell me that you like me."
  59. "After pulling back from the kiss, I lean down and say 'You know, I'm quite fond of you, Miss...' ugh..."
  60. >"Ditzy!"
  61. "Miss Ditzy."
  62. >"Actually, tell me that you love me."
  63. "I love you, Ditzy."
  64. >"And hold me tight."
  65. "I snuggle you close."
  66. >"And call me pretty..."
  67. "You're beau-"
  68. >"Even though 'No one'll ever love a freak with messed-up eyes...'"
  69. >There's muted sobbing.
  70. "You're absolutely gorgeous, Ditzy."
  71. >She sniffles. "Thanks Anon."
  72. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  74. >Day 3
  75. >Phone rings.
  76. "Hello, you've reached Anonymous Pleasure. What can I do for you?"
  78. "I'm sorry, what?"
  80. "Uhh... right... of course. Could I start by asking that you lower your voice please?"
  81. >"YOU DO NOT MAKE DEMANDS OF YOUR PRIN- ahem... Right, of course... Excuse us."
  82. "Us? Is this a three-way?"
  83. >"UHH, NO, I UHH- There is only I- Only me, that is."
  84. >You hear a nervous laugh.
  85. "Okay... What do you want to talk abou-"
  87. "When I wha-"
  89. "What are you talking about?! I still have all my-"
  91. >There's a long silence.
  92. "Princess Luna, have you been watching me in my dreams?"
  93. >"..."
  94. "..."
  95. >"I m..."
  96. "What was that?"
  98. >The phone goes dead and another one starts ringing.
  99. >Or maybe that's just the tinnitus...
  100. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  102. >Day 4
  103. >Phone rings.
  104. "Hello, this is Anonymous Pleasure. How may I satisfy your needs today?"
  105. >"Hahaha! What a dweeby voice you have!"
  106. >Oh great...
  107. "Well then, let's just get to it then, shall we?"
  108. >"Hmm, I don't know if I can get off to NERDS!"
  109. >More laughing.
  110. "I'm sorry, Miss. If I'm not going to be satisfactory, perhaps I could transfer you to another operator?"
  111. >"NO!" -ahem- "I- I mean... I'm always up for a challenge..."
  112. "Right... So what's your fetish?"
  113. >"Woah, woah! Slow down there, dingus. H-How about some romance first?"
  114. "Okay... So I'll come over with some flowers and a box of-"
  115. >"Sardines!"
  116. "Sure. And we can go out-"
  117. >"No, no. Let's stay inside."
  118. "Alright, fine. We can light some candles and-"
  119. >"And curl up on the windowsill when the sun hits it just right." she moans softly.
  120. "Uhh... okay..."
  121. >"And after dinner we can get physical."
  122. "Alright. I'll start unbuttoning-"
  123. >"I'll give you a laser pointer and you can shine it anywhere you want."
  124. "Ooh yeah, I- Wait, what?"
  125. >"And I'll chase it and chase it." Her voice jumps up a pitch.
  126. "Uhh..."
  127. >"And... and then I'll curl up in your lap and you can scratch behind my ears."
  128. "Sure... I'll scratch all you want."
  129. >There's some heavy breathing and then a tense, shrill gasp.
  130. >After a few moments you hear what you think might be... purring?
  131. >Anon, that was amaz- I mean... I guess that was worth it."
  132. "Right... Have a nice night, Miss."
  133. >"Later. Dweeb..."
  134. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  136. >Day 5
  137. >Phone rings.
  138. "Hello this is Anonymous Pleasure. What dreams can I wet for you today?"
  139. >"Darling, that's not a very appealing first line."
  140. "I know, Miss. I don't write this stuff."
  141. >"Well, no matter. Let's just get started, yes?"
  142. "Sure. Umm... where do you want to start?"
  143. >"Why not start with the cliche, hmm? Tell me what you're wearing, Darling."
  144. "Okay. I've got nothing on other than a barely-adequate banana hammock and I've got myself all nice and oiled up for you."
  145. >"No, no, dear. That'll never do. Tell me what you're actually wearing."
  146. "What? You mean right now?"
  147. >"Yes dear. Do go on."
  148. "O...kay... I'm just wearing a T-shirt and some jeans."
  149. >"Ugh, how dreadful," she whines. "Tell me about the shirt"
  150. "It's uhh... blue?"
  151. >You hear wet sounds.
  152. >"Any design?"
  153. "Just some text."
  154. >The mare pants. "What does it say?"
  155. "Hold I, I have to check... 'How do you keep an idiot distracted? See other side.'"
  156. >She moans again. "What does the other side say?"
  157. "The same thing..."
  158. >"Simply horrendous." Her breathing becomes shallower. "Anything else?"
  159. "It doesn't say any-"
  160. >"Are you -wearing- anything else?"
  161. "Well, I've got my shoes on..."
  162. >"Tell me! Tell me about them!"
  163. "They're uhh... They're sandals?"
  164. >She squeals and whinnies harshly at the other end on the line.
  165. >"Oh Anon, that was the greatest fashion faux pas I've ever heard. Thank you, Darling."
  166. >She hangs up.
  167. "Yeah..."
  168. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  170. >Day 6
  171. >Phone rings.
  172. "Hello, this is Anonymous Pleasure where-"
  173. >Flip through today's notes.
  174. >Oh god...
  175. "if you have a plump rump, I'm good to pump."
  176. >Your soul...
  177. >"Umm, yes. Right, then. I hear that this is the place mares call when they want to be umm... 'serviced?'"
  178. "That's right, Miss. How can I help you this evening?"
  179. >"Well, I'd really love it if you'd sing to me."
  180. >It's not the worst thing you've been asked to do.
  181. "Sure, I can do that. What would you like? The Ponytones? Some Hay Fever?"
  182. >"I'd like some Buck please."
  183. "Buck? You mean Johann Buck? Like... classical music?"
  184. >"Yes please."
  185. "Uhh... sure. One moment."
  186. >Walk over to the ponygraph (fuck the puns in this place) and find a Buck record.
  187. >Set the needle down and place your receiver down next to it.
  188. >Moments later, hear the faint sounds of ecstasy from the nearby phone.
  189. 'Fucking ponies..."
  190. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  192. >Day 7
  193. >Phone rings.
  194. >And rings.
  195. >And rings.
  196. >Please Celestia, let this be the day you die.
  197. "Good evening, this is Anonymous Pleasure. I'm Anon, the steed that needs to feed you my seed.
  198. >God damnit...
  199. >"Yes, hi?" a slightly deep, yet dulcet feminine voice carries itself across the wire.
  200. >Sounds like an older mare. Maybe today will be a good day after all.
  201. "Yes Miss. What can I do for you this evening?"
  202. >"Well, I... I umm... I have this role play idea I'd like to act out, if that's okay."
  203. "Of course, ma'am. I'm quite adept at role play. What did you have in mind?"
  204. >There's a short pause as the mare takes a deep breath. "It's a bit embarrassing..."
  205. "Go on, Miss. Everything here is strictly between us."
  206. >"Well, if you say so. I'd like it if I could pretend to be your tutor."
  207. >You smirk. Kinky.
  208. "Alright Miss, I think I see where you're going with this. How old should I be?"
  209. >"Oh! Umm... a young colt, please."
  210. "A young colt? But what could a colt possibly need a tutor for?"
  211. >"Oh, you're right! This is so silly. I'll just figure something else out."
  212. >Your boss' cash sense goes off and he glares at you from across the office.
  213. "No, no! It's fine. I'm sorry. It's your fantasy, Miss...?"
  214. >"Cheeri- err... Happy...bruce?"
  215. >You barely manage to stifle your giggle before you switch pitch and begin.
  216. "So Miss Happybruce, what are you going to teach me today?"
  217. >"Well, little Anon, I thought we could start with a little pop quiz concerning what we learned last time."
  218. "Okay, Miss Bruce, but I might not remember..."
  219. >"That's okay, Anon. Just do your best. Do you remember what apple plus apple is?"
  220. "Uhh... two apples?"
  221. >There's a faint clap from the other end of the phone. "That's good, Anon."
  222. >She follows with a light moan. "Very~ good."
  223. "Heh... thanks..."
  224. >"Now how about the name of the forest outside Ponyville?"
  225. "It's the Eva... Ever..."
  226. >You purposefully stumble, leading your partner on for a moment.
  227. >Her lewd sopping quiets for a bit as she hangs on your next word.
  228. "The Everfree, right?"
  229. >"Ooooh, yessssssss! That's so good, Anon! You're so smart!"
  230. "Hah... yay..."
  231. >Her breathing is heavy and labored. She's close.
  232. >"Oh Anon! Did you practice your colo-coloring while I was a-away?"
  233. "I uhh... I sure did Miss Bruce. Here, let me show you."
  234. >"Oh Celestia, the colors! And you stayed in the linessssssss!"
  235. >Her whinnies of climax cause you to pull your headset away as you her tidal wave to ebb.
  236. >A handful of seconds later, she's regained enough of her composure to speak again.
  237. >"Oh, thank you Anon. That was... just wonderful."
  238. >You smile and crack your penis knuckles.
  239. "Anything for a hard-working teacher-mare."
  240. >"I'll call back on Friday."
  241. "Have a nice day, ma'am."
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