

Dec 20th, 2020
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  1. Mag saw that sup­ports by the arm Cin­della of car­riage by Vanessa and palace maid, the look sim­i­larly a lit­tle sur­prise.
  2. In his mem­ory, this queen is the solemn el­e­gant ap­pear­ance, the speech in a soft voice slow lan­guage, gen­tle Shuwan.
  3. But she now is seem­ingly pale, de­scribed skin­nyly, sent can also see the in­dis­tinct sil­ver thread, prob­a­bly all of a sud­den old more than ten years old in gen­eral.
  4. Mag has thought of the rea­son, wants to come is the Josh death, brought the huge sad­ness to her.
  5. What kind of demon no mat­ter he in the world eyes is, may in her at heart, be she is preg­nant even­tu­ally gives birth in Oc­to­ber/ten months, suf­fers great hard­ships the child who raises.
  6. To such a mother, Mag can­not live the mood that any­thing loathes, in­stead some­what ab­sent-minded thinks one­self was drowned, did not know that in­dif­fer­ent woman whether also sad sad.
  7. Mag is side­ways to make way, looks that Vanessa and palace maid sup­ported by the arm Vanessa to pass through the gate, ar­rive at in­side po­si­tion to sit down.
  8. In restau­rant is open­ing the warm air, the tem­per­a­ture is very com­fort­able.
  9. Vanessa helps Cin­della untie the fox fur coat, throws over on the chair, en­abling her to be able com­fort­able by chair­back.
  10. „What can eat?” Mag gave their mother and daugh­ter but ac­tu­ally two cups of luke­warm water, in­side added two drops of Water of Life.
  11. „Was trou­ble­some.” Cin­della to Mag slightly nod­ded, the hand of ice-cold holds the crys­tal cup, felt the tem­per­a­ture, one­self car­ried the drink­ing glass to drink one.
  12. Fresh tast­ing Water of Life bumps into the split lip, is nour­ish­ing mildly, the light del­i­cate fra­grance slips into the throat, the prob­a­bly dry land ob­tained nour­ish­ing of fresh-tast­ing spring water sud­denly, lets her fa­cial fea­tures com­fort­able stretch/leisurely de­vel­op­ment.
  13. Water of Life in the royal fam­ily is not what pre­cious thing, but slug­gish drinks up one cup of water, Cin­della felt one­self lived.
  14. She felt the hunger, felt weak of body, re­gard­ing the hope of food.
  15. „Royal Mother you looked, what you do want to eat?” Vanessa ad­vanced the Cin­della front the menu, own vi­sion is also tak­ing a fast look around in the menu, sees that sev­eral types of new dish, can­not bear swal­low the saliva.
  16. „You come.” Cin­della said with a smile.
  17. Vanessa watched a meet­ing, said: „That gives you first 0.1 Pre­served Egg Lean Con­gee, then comes two soup-filled bun and one cup of Soy milk, soup-filled bun is the new prod­uct, I have not eaten, but seems like should be very good.”
  18. „Good.” Cin­della nods.
  19. Mag looks at Vanessa to close the menu, said with a smile: „You? What that you eat?”
  20. „I?” Vanessa is sur­prised, shakes the head say­ing: „Now is not the busi­ness hour, can­not trou­ble Boss Mag to pre­pare food to me, you can pre­pare food to my Royal Mother are good.”
  21. „Tries the noo­dles, the new prod­uct that first tal­ent has, comes two soup-filled bun again.” Mag turned around with a smile kitchen, has not given the op­por­tu­nity of Vanessa re­jec­tion.
  22. This girl, looks ob­vi­ously the menu time eyes was green, ac­tu­ally must bear say that do not eat.
  23. „This Mis­ter Mag, is re­ally a good per­son.” Cin­della looks at Mag’s back, gen­tle say­ing with a smile, may see he takes up the kitchen knife the time, ac­tu­ally stares slightly, as if thought that looks his pro­file is some­what fa­mil­iar, ac­tu­ally can­not re­call likely any­one.
  24. „Is, Boss Mag is a super big good per­son , he I have not been able to eat the thing now.” Vanessa ig­nites the head, hold­ing the chin to look at Mag in kitchen, in the eye is in his hand changes the trans­form con­di­tion pasta un­ceas­ingly.
  25. The pasta was send­ing last night ahead of time, but the steamed stuffed bun and noo­dles must do on the spot.
  26. 【Book friend ben­e­fits】 Reads then a cash or coin, iPhone12, Swith wait/etc. you pulled out! Pays at­ten­tion to vx pub­lic num­bers 【Book pow­der base】 May lead!
  27. Is good is boil­ing in the pot to garbage col­lec­tor Pre­served Egg Lean Con­gee, this just will be ap­pro­pri­ate, then first gave Queen Cin­della abun­dantly one bowl of ends to go out, mak­ing her first front the pad belly.
  28. Just had/left Pre­served Egg Lean Con­gee of pot, brav­ing the steam, in the sur­face to scat­ter sev­eral light green minced green onions, the meat fra­grance had headed on.
  29. Good sev­eral days not to have eaten the thing Cin­della to smell the meat to be fra­grant, the belly un­con­trolled rum­ble has cried out, the vi­sion is star­ing at front gruel.
  30. Se­lects the point lean meat silk to hide in the snow white gruel, dur­ing the Cen­tury egg frag­ment of one after an­other amber sense of re­al­ity em­bell­ishes, the light green minced green onion makes the color bright bright.
  31. „Is a lit­tle hot, the Royal Mother is more care­ful.” Vanessa takes the ladle to put in the bowl, the low voice urg­ing said.
  32. „Un.” Cin­della feels some­what fun­nily, al­ways her re­minds the lit­tle fel­low to burn in child­hood care­fully, now on the con­trary was in turn, felt warm.
  33. Scoops up one spoon of gruel with the ladle, blows gen­tly, then feeds the mouth.
  34. warm hot/iron gruel, en­trance, qual­ity of ma­te­r­ial vis­cous, but taste ac­tu­ally Shun es­pe­cially slides, the shred­ded meat is also soft, bites open gen­tly, meat fra­grance in mouth reck­lessly, fresh fra­grant de­li­cious.
  35. After swal­low­ing, only thought that the warm cur­rent slipped into the stom­ach fol­low­ing the throat to­gether slowly, was suf­fered hun­grily in the stom­achs of many days one warm, felt that the whole per­son be­comes com­fort­able.
  36. Cen­tury egg taste elas­tic­ity, there is a spe­cial fra­grance, gave this bowl of gruel deeper taste.
  37. Orig­i­nally re­gard­ing the food re­sis­tance feel­ing, com­pletely rout in this gruel.
  38. „Queen ate the thing!” Nearby palace maid cov­ered one­self mouth pleas­antly sur­prised, must know that this sev­eral days im­pe­r­ial palace chefs rack brains to give the queen to make var­i­ous food, but her has not eaten, never ex­pected that now be­cause ac­tu­ally one bowl of sim­ple gruel opened the jade mouth.
  39. „Re­ally the Royal Mother will eat food that Boss Mag makes!” Vanessa is also the great hap­pi­ness, is ex­cited, is good be­cause of does not turn to any doc­tor one can find when crit­i­cally ill, oth­er­wise she does not know how should con­fess to im­pe­r­ial fa­ther.
  40. Cin­della mouth­ful after mouth­ful, the time, one bowl of Pre­served Egg Lean Con­gee then get into the stom­ach be­fore long.
  41. Looks the gruel bowl that bot­toms gawked star­ing, she re­al­ized one­self just un­ex­pect­edly some ap­pear­ances of wolf­ing down, is a lit­tle em­bar­rassed.
  42. Is good does not have oth­ers in restau­rant, Mag this will also be bustling about in kitchen, should not see.
  43. „De­li­cious?” Vanessa helped her clean cor­ners of the mouth with the silk hand­ker­chief, asked with a smile.
  44. „Is I have eaten most de­li­cious gruel.” Cin­della is smil­ing the nod.
  45. This bowl of gruel get into the stom­ach, Cin­della only thought that the whole body strength re­stored, the spirit also be­comes ac­tive, the haze in heart also sweeps away, as if thought that the life be­came has the ex­pec­ta­tion.
  46. If the sun­light of that bunch of ini­tial rises gives the courage that she started in the morn­ing, that this bowl of gruel, made her feel the hap­pi­ness of life.
  47. The tem­per­a­ture warmed her heart, but de­li­cious brought the happy feel­ing to her.
  48. „This is soup-filled bun, in the menu has sim­ple way of eat­ing to in­tro­duce, in­side cook­ing liquor is very hot, care­ful ed­i­ble.” Mag car­ries two cage soup-filled bun to come out, cage three, place Cin­della and Vanessa front re­spec­tively.
  49. „Thanks Boss Mag!” Vanessa to his flut­ter­ingly blinked, in the heart ap­pre­ci­ates.
  50. Mag smiles, turned around kitchen.
  51. Josh is the homi­cide, but new en­mity long stand­ing grudge over­lay, and rid­ding the peo­ple of an evil, Mag re­gard­ing this ac­tu­ally not guilty sen­ti­ment.
  52. This break­fast is the friend­ship, to Vanessa , there is noth­ing to do with Josh.
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