
TIFU By watching anime with my wife

Apr 26th, 2020
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  1. Necessary, actually happened today, a few hours ago.
  3. As a background, my wife and I watch very different shows in our alone time. I watch anime, or things like Ozark/Sherlock/etc. She like Housewives, Once Upon a Time, and other things. We don't care what the other watches, but we rarely find similar ground to get invested in a show together. This makes watching TV together basically her watching on the TV with me watching on my phone (so we can still be in the same room) or rewatching The Office again together, which admittedly we both love.
  5. Now for the fuck up. I decided to watch my show on the TV so she could see what I like and maybe get her into watching it too. Well, since I had just gotten into 7 Deadly Sins, and figured it wasnt too weird, save for Meliodas's (a protagonist) pervertness, and fairly simple to follow, I asked her to watch along.
  7. WELL. In this particular episode. Maybe 7? I can't remember. One of the characters, Diane (she's in love with Meliodas but is 30' tall so they cant.. Ya know) gets shrunk down. APPARENTLY this means she thinks she can now have sex with Meliodas so she *flashes her fucking panties and tells Meliodas to fuck her*. Then a naked, very tiny, Elizabeth (another protag) shows up and frankly its all VERY awkward. My wife is a slew of "What the fuck?" "Why do you watch this" "What is going on?" Etc. Well I tried to explain how this isnt the normal show and how I was just as shocked by this but she really wasn't buying it. Needless to say it got turned off and she now is very concerned about the TV shows I watch. I'm pretty sure she'd rather me watch real hardcore porn honestly.
  9. TL;DR: Watched 7 Deadly Sins with my wife and the episode where Diane shrinks, ends up naked, and asks Meliodas to make babies with her came on. She is now worried about my show interest.
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