
ClueScrolls - FarmToMine

Dec 21st, 2018
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  1. farmtomine:
  2. items: 5
  3. clueCount: 4
  4. expire: -1
  5. scroll:
  6. title: '&a&lFarming &8to &b&lMining Scroll'
  7. lore-prefix:
  8. - ''
  9. - '&a&lCLUES:'
  10. lore-suffix:
  11. - ''
  12. cross-out-completed: true
  13. one-clue-show: false
  14. material: PAPER
  15. hide-first-clue:
  16. enabled: false
  17. lore:
  18. - ''
  19. - '&4Right click in hand to reveal.'
  20. receiveMessage: '&a&l+ %amount% Farming to Mining Clue Scroll'
  21. bind: false
  22. crystal:
  23. title: '&a&lFarming to Mining Crystal'
  24. lore:
  25. - '&7Click onto a &a&lFarming to Mining Clue Scroll &7to'
  26. - '&7skip the current clue'
  27. material: NETHER_STAR
  28. receiveMessage: '&a&l+ %amount% Farming to Mining Crystal'
  29. clues:
  30. clue0:
  31. lore: '&f* Harvest %amount% Wheat: %completed%'
  32. clueType: harvest
  33. amount: 256
  34. objective: Harvest %amount% wheat
  35. clueName: Wheat
  36. data:
  37. material: wheat
  38. clue1:
  39. lore: '&f* Plant %amount% Wheat Seeds: %completed%'
  40. clueType: place
  41. amount: 256
  42. objective: Plant %amount% wheat seeds
  43. clueName: Seeds
  44. data:
  45. material: WHEAT_SEEDS
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