
Helix BaneBlast Champion

Sep 17th, 2022
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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <PathOfBuilding>
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  28. <PlayerStat stat="ManaPercentPerSecondCost" value="0"/>
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  31. <PlayerStat stat="ESPercentPerSecondCost" value="0"/>
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  35. <PlayerStat stat="ReqDex" value="183"/>
  36. <PlayerStat stat="Int" value="171"/>
  37. <PlayerStat stat="ReqInt" value="155"/>
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  67. <PlayerStat stat="ProjectileEvadeChance" value="71"/>
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  69. <PlayerStat stat="Spec:ArmourInc" value="248"/>
  70. <PlayerStat stat="PhysicalDamageReduction" value="90"/>
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  72. <PlayerStat stat="SpellBlockChance" value="0"/>
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  74. <PlayerStat stat="SpellDodgeChance" value="0"/>
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  79. <PlayerStat stat="ColdResistOverCap" value="36.4616"/>
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  97. <PlayerStat stat="EnduranceChargesMax" value="4"/>
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  99. </Build>
  100. <Import/>
  101. <Calcs>
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  185. <URL>
  186. https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABgQDZxjvW6_AGtct1fgB51D6hJRuaRXs_Esb-lO7DY3Tb5LQxKTGqo9ge9QFLfZIZU2LpvR8Pfw8W3fjTiqGYKQZhO9hs-lGvTaK8IzPsR3vDhQg8OK8nzboVskpJHTtuR3YYKluvqfawUp96dobRt6HWGO_1RRNsKvsXEnVR36HdoTZZ6BjcC5TXz8SMBHVUEe1t8EEeWjURBebGJHqfwHcYEHEgm87g3kJu-RRRmlM_xLhXbBXl_I_8KLDMZAKeu-HKSXf8CaJcUMx829YrxPJFATTAMAA5wDQANQEwATQBNkAwgTCAOkA0gDiBMQA5QDEAOAA2gDmAOoGNb1Q-vt99Hy6GmGz6iDURHpjg3k20PI_
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  203. <Items activeItemSet="1" useSecondWeaponSet="false">
  204. <Item variant="2" id="1">
  205. Rarity: UNIQUE
  206. Cospri&apos;s Will
  207. Assassin&apos;s Garb
  208. Evasion: 2109
  209. EvasionBasePercentile: 1
  210. Variant: Pre 3.0.0
  211. Variant: Current
  212. Selected Variant: 2
  213. Assassin&apos;s Garb
  214. Quality: 20
  215. Sockets: B-G-G-G-G-G
  216. LevelReq: 68
  217. Implicits: 1
  218. 3% increased Movement Speed
  219. {range:0.5}(120-160)% increased Evasion Rating
  220. {range:0.5}+(17-29)% to Chaos Resistance
  221. Enemies can have 1 additional Curse
  222. Your Hexes can affect Hexproof Enemies
  223. {variant:1}Poison Cursed Enemies on hit
  224. {variant:2}60% chance to Poison on Hit against Cursed Enemies
  225. <ModRange range="0.5" id="1"/>
  226. <ModRange range="0.5" id="2"/>
  227. <ModRange range="0.5" id="3"/>
  228. <ModRange range="0.5" id="4"/>
  229. <ModRange range="0.5" id="5"/>
  230. <ModRange range="0.5" id="6"/>
  231. <ModRange range="0.5" id="7"/>
  232. </Item>
  233. <Item variant="2" id="2">
  234. Rarity: UNIQUE
  235. Breath of the Council
  236. Carnal Sceptre
  237. Variant: Pre 3.0.0
  238. Variant: Current
  239. Selected Variant: 2
  240. Carnal Sceptre
  241. Quality: 20
  242. Sockets: R-B-B
  243. LevelReq: 66
  244. Implicits: 1
  245. 32% increased Elemental Damage
  246. {range:0.5}(260-310)% increased Physical Damage
  247. {variant:1}{range:0.5}(60-80)% increased Chaos Damage
  248. {variant:2}{range:0.5}(80-100)% increased Chaos Damage
  249. 10% increased Area of Effect of Area Skills
  250. 40% increased Chaos Skill Effect Duration
  251. <ModRange range="0.5" id="1"/>
  252. <ModRange range="0.5" id="2"/>
  253. <ModRange range="0.5" id="3"/>
  254. <ModRange range="0.5" id="4"/>
  255. <ModRange range="0.5" id="5"/>
  256. <ModRange range="0.5" id="6"/>
  257. </Item>
  258. <Item variant="2" id="3">
  259. Rarity: UNIQUE
  260. Breath of the Council
  261. Carnal Sceptre
  262. Variant: Pre 3.0.0
  263. Variant: Current
  264. Selected Variant: 2
  265. Carnal Sceptre
  266. Quality: 20
  267. Sockets: R-B-B
  268. LevelReq: 66
  269. Implicits: 1
  270. 32% increased Elemental Damage
  271. {range:0.5}(260-310)% increased Physical Damage
  272. {variant:1}{range:0.5}(60-80)% increased Chaos Damage
  273. {variant:2}{range:0.5}(80-100)% increased Chaos Damage
  274. 10% increased Area of Effect of Area Skills
  275. 40% increased Chaos Skill Effect Duration
  276. <ModRange range="0.5" id="1"/>
  277. <ModRange range="0.5" id="2"/>
  278. <ModRange range="0.5" id="3"/>
  279. <ModRange range="0.5" id="4"/>
  280. <ModRange range="0.5" id="5"/>
  281. <ModRange range="0.5" id="6"/>
  282. </Item>
  283. <Item id="5">
  284. Rarity: RARE
  285. Armour/Evasion Gloves
  286. Dragonscale Gauntlets
  287. Armour: 145
  288. ArmourBasePercentile: 0
  289. Evasion: 196
  290. EvasionBasePercentile: 0
  291. Crafted: true
  292. Prefix: {range:1}LocalBaseEvasionRatingAndLife2
  293. Prefix: None
  294. Prefix: {range:0.243}IncreasedLife8
  295. Suffix: {range:0.901}Dexterity7
  296. Suffix: {range:0.268}FireResist2
  297. Suffix: {range:0.944}LifeRegeneration2
  298. Quality: 20
  299. Sockets: B-B-R-R
  300. LevelReq: 67
  301. Implicits: 0
  302. +42 to Dexterity
  303. +42 to Evasion Rating
  304. +110 to maximum Life
  305. Regenerate 7.7 Life per second
  306. +13% to Fire Resistance
  307. {tags:unveiled_mod,damage}{crafted}{range:0.146}(37-43)% increased Damage while Leeching
  308. <ModRange range="0.5" id="1"/>
  309. <ModRange range="0.5" id="2"/>
  310. <ModRange range="0.5" id="3"/>
  311. <ModRange range="0.5" id="4"/>
  312. <ModRange range="0.5" id="5"/>
  313. <ModRange range="0.146" id="6"/>
  314. </Item>
  315. <Item id="7">
  316. Rarity: RARE
  317. New Item
  318. Sinner Tricorne
  319. Evasion: 668
  320. EvasionBasePercentile: 1
  321. Searing Exarch Item
  322. Eater of Worlds Item
  323. Crafted: true
  324. Prefix: {range:0.394}LocalIncreasedEvasionRating7_
  325. Prefix: {range:0.761}IncreasedLife6
  326. Prefix: {range:0.289}ItemFoundRarityIncreasePrefix2
  327. Suffix: {range:0.141}ChanceToSuppressSpells1_
  328. Suffix: {range:0.127}FireResist4
  329. Suffix: {range:0.423}LightningResist5
  330. Quality: 20
  331. Sockets: B-B-G-G
  332. LevelReq: 64
  333. Implicits: 0
  334. +8% chance to Suppress Spell Damage
  335. +132 to Evasion Rating
  336. +67 to maximum Life
  337. 14% increased Rarity of Items found
  338. +25% to Fire Resistance
  339. +32% to Lightning Resistance
  340. <ModRange range="0.5" id="1"/>
  341. <ModRange range="0.5" id="2"/>
  342. <ModRange range="0.5" id="3"/>
  343. <ModRange range="0.5" id="4"/>
  344. <ModRange range="0.5" id="5"/>
  345. <ModRange range="0.5" id="6"/>
  346. </Item>
  347. <Item id="4">
  348. Rarity: RARE
  349. New Item
  350. Two-Toned Boots (Armour/Evasion)
  351. Armour: 174
  352. ArmourBasePercentile: 1
  353. Evasion: 174
  354. EvasionBasePercentile: 1
  355. Crafted: true
  356. Prefix: {range:0.208}IncreasedLife8
  357. Prefix: None
  358. Prefix: None
  359. Suffix: {range:0.746}FireResist2
  360. Suffix: {range:0.69}ColdResist6
  361. Suffix: {range:0.673}Dexterity6
  362. Quality: 20
  363. Sockets: R-G-R-R
  364. LevelReq: 70
  365. Implicits: 1
  366. {tags:elemental,fire,cold,resistance}{range:0.695}+(8-12)% to Fire and Cold Resistances
  367. +36 to Dexterity
  368. +82 to maximum Life
  369. +16% to Fire Resistance
  370. +39% to Cold Resistance
  371. {tags:unveiled_mod,speed}{crafted}{range:0.585}(18-20)% increased Movement Speed
  372. {tags:unveiled_mod,speed}{crafted}{range:0.5}(8-12)% chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill
  373. <ModRange range="0.695" id="1"/>
  374. <ModRange range="0.5" id="2"/>
  375. <ModRange range="0.5" id="3"/>
  376. <ModRange range="0.5" id="4"/>
  377. <ModRange range="0.5" id="5"/>
  378. <ModRange range="0.585" id="6"/>
  379. <ModRange range="0.5" id="7"/>
  380. </Item>
  381. <Item id="6">
  382. Rarity: RARE
  383. New Item
  384. Citrine Amulet
  385. Crafted: true
  386. Prefix: {range:1}IncreasedLife8
  387. Prefix: None
  388. Prefix: None
  389. Suffix: {range:0.014}ColdResist4
  390. Suffix: {range:0.5}LifeGainPerTarget2
  391. Suffix: {range:0.937}LifeGainedFromEnemyDeath3
  392. Quality: 0
  393. LevelReq: 43
  394. Implicits: 1
  395. {crafted}Allocates Path of the Savant
  396. +89 to maximum Life
  397. +24% to Cold Resistance
  398. +3 Life gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks
  399. +14 Life gained on Kill
  400. {tags:chaos_damage,damage,chaos}{custom}{range:0}(20-30)% increased Chaos Damage
  401. {tags:unveiled_mod,damage}{crafted}{range:0.5}(10-12)% increased Area of Effect
  402. {tags:unveiled_mod,damage}{crafted}{range:0.5}(14-16)% increased Area Damage
  403. <ModRange range="0.5" id="1"/>
  404. <ModRange range="0.5" id="2"/>
  405. <ModRange range="0.5" id="3"/>
  406. <ModRange range="0.5" id="4"/>
  407. <ModRange range="0.5" id="5"/>
  408. <ModRange range="0" id="6"/>
  409. <ModRange range="0.5" id="7"/>
  410. <ModRange range="0.5" id="8"/>
  411. </Item>
  412. <Item id="8">
  413. Rarity: RARE
  414. New Item
  415. Iolite Ring
  416. Crafted: true
  417. Prefix: {range:0.239}IncreasedLife7
  418. Prefix: {range:0.782}AddedPhysicalDamage1
  419. Prefix: None
  420. Suffix: {range:0.789}FireResist1
  421. Suffix: {range:0.975}AllResistances3
  422. Suffix: None
  423. Quality: 0
  424. LevelReq: 80
  425. Implicits: 1
  426. {tags:chaos_damage,damage,chaos}{range:0}(17-23)% increased Chaos Damage
  427. Adds 1 to 2 Physical Damage to Attacks
  428. +72 to maximum Life
  429. +11% to all Elemental Resistances
  430. +10% to Fire Resistance
  431. {tags:chaos_damage,damage,chaos}{custom}{range:0.951}(23-26)% increased Chaos Damage
  432. {tags:unveiled_mod,damage}{crafted}{range:0.5}(15-17)% increased Damage
  433. <ModRange range="0" id="1"/>
  434. <ModRange range="0.5" id="2"/>
  435. <ModRange range="0.5" id="3"/>
  436. <ModRange range="0.5" id="4"/>
  437. <ModRange range="0.5" id="5"/>
  438. <ModRange range="0.951" id="6"/>
  439. <ModRange range="0.5" id="7"/>
  440. </Item>
  441. <Item id="9">
  442. Rarity: RARE
  443. New Item
  444. Vermillion Ring
  445. Crafted: true
  446. Prefix: {range:0.901}IncreasedEnergyShield8
  447. Prefix: {range:0.085}IncreasedLife6
  448. Prefix: {range:0.011}IncreasedEvasionRating2
  449. Suffix: {range:0.606}Intelligence8
  450. Suffix: {range:0.817}DamageTakenGainedAsLife1___
  451. Suffix: None
  452. Quality: 0
  453. LevelReq: 80
  454. Implicits: 1
  455. {tags:resource,life}{range:1}(5-7)% increased maximum Life
  456. +47 to Intelligence
  457. +11 to Evasion Rating
  458. +31 to maximum Energy Shield
  459. +61 to maximum Life
  460. 6% of Damage taken Recouped as Life
  461. {tags:physical_damage,chaos_damage,unveiled_mod,damage,physical,chaos}{crafted}{range:0.085}(14-16)% increased Global Physical Damage
  462. {tags:physical_damage,chaos_damage,unveiled_mod,damage,physical,chaos}{crafted}{range:0.171}(14-16)% increased Chaos Damage
  463. <ModRange range="1" id="1"/>
  464. <ModRange range="0.5" id="2"/>
  465. <ModRange range="0.5" id="3"/>
  466. <ModRange range="0.5" id="4"/>
  467. <ModRange range="0.5" id="5"/>
  468. <ModRange range="0.5" id="6"/>
  469. <ModRange range="0.085" id="7"/>
  470. <ModRange range="0.171" id="8"/>
  471. </Item>
  472. <Item id="10">
  473. Rarity: RARE
  474. New Item
  475. Stygian Vise
  476. Crafted: true
  477. Prefix: {range:0.521}IncreasedLife8
  478. Prefix: {range:0.972}IncreasedPhysicalDamageReductionRating4
  479. Prefix: None
  480. Suffix: {range:0.606}LightningResist2
  481. Suffix: {range:0.923}ChaosResist5
  482. Suffix: None
  483. Quality: 0
  484. Sockets: A
  485. LevelReq: 52
  486. Implicits: 1
  487. Has 1 Abyssal Socket
  488. +136 to Armour
  489. +85 to maximum Life
  490. +15% to Lightning Resistance
  491. +30% to Chaos Resistance
  492. {tags:armour,evasion,unveiled_mod,defences}{crafted}{range:0.878}+(214-285) to Armour and Evasion Rating
  493. <ModRange range="0.5" id="1"/>
  494. <ModRange range="0.5" id="2"/>
  495. <ModRange range="0.5" id="3"/>
  496. <ModRange range="0.5" id="4"/>
  497. <ModRange range="0.5" id="5"/>
  498. <ModRange range="0.878" id="6"/>
  499. </Item>
  500. <Item id="11">
  501. Rarity: RARE
  502. New Item
  503. Searching Eye Jewel
  504. Crafted: true
  505. Prefix: {range:0.803}AbyssJewelAddedLife1
  506. Prefix: None
  507. Suffix: {range:0.979}AbyssAddedLightningSuffixJewel4
  508. Suffix: {range:1}AbyssAttackSpeedJewel1_
  509. Quality: 0
  510. LevelReq: 51
  511. Implicits: 0
  512. Adds 4 to 39 Lightning Damage to Attacks
  513. 5% increased Attack Speed
  514. +24 to maximum Life
  515. <ModRange range="0.5" id="1"/>
  516. <ModRange range="0.5" id="2"/>
  517. <ModRange range="0.5" id="3"/>
  518. </Item>
  519. <Item id="12">
  520. Rarity: MAGIC
  521. Physician&apos;s Divine Life Flask of Alleviation
  522. Crafted: true
  523. Prefix: {range:0.954}FlaskChanceRechargeOnCrit2
  524. Suffix: {range:1}FlaskBleedCorruptingBloodImmunity2
  525. Quality: 20
  526. LevelReq: 60
  527. Implicits: 0
  528. 20% chance to gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike
  529. Grants Immunity to Bleeding for 11 seconds if used while Bleeding
  530. Grants Immunity to Corrupted Blood for 11 seconds if used while affected by Corrupted Blood
  531. </Item>
  532. <Item id="13">
  533. Rarity: MAGIC
  534. Continuous Granite Flask of Infliction
  535. Crafted: true
  536. Prefix: {range:0.25}FlaskChargesAddedIncreasePercent2_
  537. Suffix: {range:0.915}FlaskBuffFreezeShockIgniteChanceWhileHealing4_
  538. Quality: 20
  539. LevelReq: 57
  540. Implicits: 0
  541. 22% increased Charge Recovery
  542. 34% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite during Flask effect
  543. <ModRange range="0.5" id="2"/>
  544. <ModRange range="0.5" id="3"/>
  545. </Item>
  546. <Item id="14">
  547. Rarity: MAGIC
  548. Abundant Jade Flask of Stinging
  549. Crafted: true
  550. Prefix: {range:0.134}FlaskExtraCharges4__
  551. Suffix: {range:0.915}FlaskBuffCriticalChanceWhileHealing1_
  552. Quality: 20
  553. LevelReq: 49
  554. Implicits: 0
  555. +28 to Maximum Charges
  556. 31% increased Critical Strike Chance during Flask Effect
  557. <ModRange range="0.5" id="2"/>
  558. <ModRange range="0.5" id="3"/>
  559. </Item>
  560. <Item id="15">
  561. Rarity: MAGIC
  562. Physician&apos;s Basalt Flask of the Impala
  563. Crafted: true
  564. Prefix: {range:0.919}FlaskChanceRechargeOnCrit2
  565. Suffix: {range:1}FlaskBuffEvasionWhileHealing4
  566. Quality: 20
  567. LevelReq: 67
  568. Implicits: 1
  569. Taunts nearby Enemies on use
  570. 20% chance to gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike
  571. 60% increased Evasion Rating during Flask effect
  572. <ModRange range="0.5" id="4"/>
  573. </Item>
  574. <Item id="16">
  575. Rarity: MAGIC
  576. Practitioner&apos;s Sulphur Flask of the Eagle
  577. Crafted: true
  578. Prefix: {range:0.482}FlaskChargesUsed3__
  579. Suffix: {range:0.817}FlaskBuffAttackSpeedWhileHealing2_____
  580. Quality: 20
  581. LevelReq: 49
  582. Implicits: 1
  583. {tags:flask}Creates Consecrated Ground on Use
  584. 21% reduced Charges per use
  585. 14% increased Attack Speed during Flask effect
  586. <ModRange range="0.5" id="2"/>
  587. <ModRange range="0.5" id="3"/>
  588. <ModRange range="0.5" id="4"/>
  589. </Item>
  590. <Item id="17">
  591. Rarity: RARE
  592. Chaos Damage
  593. Large Cluster Jewel
  594. Crafted: true
  595. Prefix: {range:0.5}AfflictionNotableWickedPall_
  596. Prefix: {range:0.5}AfflictionNotableTouchofCruelty_
  597. Suffix: {range:0.5}AfflictionJewelSmallPassivesGrantChaosRes2
  598. Suffix: {range:0.5}AfflictionJewelSmallPassivesGrantLightningRes
  599. Cluster Jewel Skill: affliction_chaos_damage
  600. Cluster Jewel Node Count: 9
  601. Quality: 0
  602. LevelReq: 54
  603. Implicits: 3
  604. {crafted}Adds 9 Passive Skills
  605. {crafted}2 Added Passive Skills are Jewel Sockets
  606. {crafted}Added Small Passive Skills grant: 12% increased Chaos Damage
  607. Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +4% to Chaos Resistance
  608. Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +3% to Lightning Resistance
  609. 1 Added Passive Skill is Touch of Cruelty
  610. 1 Added Passive Skill is Wicked Pall
  611. <ModRange range="0.5" id="1"/>
  612. <ModRange range="0.5" id="2"/>
  613. <ModRange range="0.5" id="3"/>
  614. <ModRange range="0.5" id="4"/>
  615. <ModRange range="0.5" id="5"/>
  616. <ModRange range="0.5" id="6"/>
  617. <ModRange range="0.5" id="7"/>
  618. </Item>
  619. <Item id="18">
  620. Rarity: RARE
  621. Chaos Damage over Time
  622. Medium Cluster Jewel
  623. Crafted: true
  624. Prefix: {range:0.5}AfflictionNotableUnwaveringlyEvil
  625. Prefix: {range:0.5}AfflictionNotableCirclingOblivion
  626. Suffix: {range:0.5}AfflictionJewelSmallPassivesGrantStr2_
  627. Suffix: {range:0.5}AfflictionJewelSmallPassivesGrantFireRes
  628. Cluster Jewel Skill: affliction_chaos_damage_over_time_multiplier
  629. Cluster Jewel Node Count: 6
  630. Quality: 0
  631. LevelReq: 54
  632. Implicits: 3
  633. {crafted}Adds 6 Passive Skills
  634. {crafted}1 Added Passive Skill is a Jewel Socket
  635. {crafted}Added Small Passive Skills grant: 12% increased Chaos Damage over Time
  636. Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +3% to Fire Resistance
  637. Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +5 to Strength
  638. 1 Added Passive Skill is Circling Oblivion
  639. 1 Added Passive Skill is Unwaveringly Evil
  640. <ModRange range="0.5" id="1"/>
  641. <ModRange range="0.5" id="2"/>
  642. <ModRange range="0.5" id="3"/>
  643. <ModRange range="0.5" id="4"/>
  644. <ModRange range="0.5" id="5"/>
  645. <ModRange range="0.5" id="6"/>
  646. <ModRange range="0.5" id="7"/>
  647. </Item>
  648. <Item id="19">
  649. Rarity: RARE
  650. Max Life
  651. Small Cluster Jewel
  652. Crafted: true
  653. Prefix: {range:0.5}AfflictionNotableSage_
  654. Prefix: None
  655. Suffix: {range:0.345}AfflictionJewelSmallPassivesGrantColdResSmall3
  656. Suffix: {range:0.345}AfflictionJewelSmallPassivesGrantFireResSmall3_
  657. Cluster Jewel Skill: affliction_maximum_life
  658. Cluster Jewel Node Count: 3
  659. Quality: 0
  660. LevelReq: 58
  661. Implicits: 2
  662. {crafted}Adds 3 Passive Skills
  663. {crafted}Added Small Passive Skills grant: 4% increased maximum Life
  664. Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +6% to Cold Resistance
  665. Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +6% to Fire Resistance
  666. 1 Added Passive Skill is Sage
  667. <ModRange range="0.5" id="1"/>
  668. <ModRange range="0.5" id="2"/>
  669. <ModRange range="0.5" id="3"/>
  670. <ModRange range="0.5" id="4"/>
  671. <ModRange range="0.5" id="5"/>
  672. </Item>
  673. <Item id="20">
  674. Rarity: RARE
  675. Damage over Time
  676. Medium Cluster Jewel
  677. Crafted: true
  678. Prefix: {range:0.5}AfflictionNotableStudentofDecay
  679. Prefix: {range:0.5}AfflictionNotableBrewedforPotency
  680. Suffix: {range:0.5}AfflictionJewelSmallPassivesGrantLifeRegen___
  681. Suffix: None
  682. Cluster Jewel Skill: affliction_damage_over_time_multiplier
  683. Cluster Jewel Node Count: 4
  684. Quality: 0
  685. LevelReq: 40
  686. Implicits: 3
  687. {crafted}Adds 4 Passive Skills
  688. {crafted}1 Added Passive Skill is a Jewel Socket
  689. {crafted}Added Small Passive Skills grant: 10% increased Damage over Time
  690. Added Small Passive Skills also grant: Regenerate 0.1% of Life per Second
  691. 1 Added Passive Skill is Brewed for Potency
  692. 1 Added Passive Skill is Student of Decay
  693. <ModRange range="0.5" id="1"/>
  694. <ModRange range="0.5" id="2"/>
  695. <ModRange range="0.5" id="3"/>
  696. <ModRange range="0.5" id="4"/>
  697. <ModRange range="0.5" id="5"/>
  698. <ModRange range="0.5" id="6"/>
  699. </Item>
  700. <Item id="21">
  701. Rarity: RARE
  702. Reservation Efficiency
  703. Small Cluster Jewel
  704. Crafted: true
  705. Prefix: {range:0.5}AfflictionJewelSmallPassivesHaveIncreasedEffect
  706. Prefix: None
  707. Suffix: {range:0.5}AfflictionJewelSmallPassivesGrantElementalResSmall
  708. Suffix: {range:0.5}AfflictionJewelSmallPassivesGrantColdResSmall
  709. Cluster Jewel Skill: affliction_reservation_efficiency_small
  710. Cluster Jewel Node Count: 3
  711. Quality: 0
  712. LevelReq: 0
  713. Implicits: 2
  714. {crafted}Adds 3 Passive Skills
  715. {crafted}Added Small Passive Skills grant: 6% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
  716. Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +3% to Cold Resistance
  717. Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +2% to Elemental Resistance
  718. Added Small Passive Skills have 25% increased Effect
  719. <ModRange range="0.5" id="1"/>
  720. <ModRange range="0.5" id="2"/>
  721. <ModRange range="0.5" id="3"/>
  722. <ModRange range="0.5" id="4"/>
  723. <ModRange range="0.5" id="5"/>
  724. </Item>
  725. <Item id="22">
  726. Rarity: RARE
  727. Dusk Sliver
  728. Cobalt Jewel
  729. Crafted: true
  730. Prefix: {range:0}PercentIncreasedLifeJewel
  731. Prefix: {range:0.5}WandDamageJewel
  732. Suffix: {range:1}AttackSpeedJewel
  733. Suffix: None
  734. Quality: 0
  735. LevelReq: 0
  736. Implicits: 0
  737. 5% increased Attack Speed
  738. 5% increased maximum Life
  739. 15% increased Damage with Wands
  740. <ModRange range="0.5" id="1"/>
  741. <ModRange range="0.5" id="2"/>
  742. <ModRange range="0.5" id="3"/>
  743. </Item>
  744. <Item id="23">
  745. Rarity: RARE
  746. poison duration
  747. Crimson Jewel
  748. Crafted: true
  749. Prefix: {range:1}PercentIncreasedLifeJewel
  750. Prefix: None
  751. Suffix: {range:0.512}PoisonChanceAndDurationForJewel
  752. Suffix: {range:0}AttackSpeedJewel
  753. Quality: 0
  754. LevelReq: 0
  755. Implicits: 0
  756. 3% increased Attack Speed
  757. 7% increased maximum Life
  758. 7% increased Poison Duration
  759. 4% chance to Poison on Hit
  760. <ModRange range="0.5" id="1"/>
  761. <ModRange range="0.5" id="2"/>
  762. <ModRange range="0.5" id="3"/>
  763. <ModRange range="0.5" id="4"/>
  764. </Item>
  765. <Slot name="Weapon 1" itemId="2"/>
  766. <Slot active="true" name="Flask 3" itemId="14"/>
  767. <Slot name="Gloves" itemId="5"/>
  768. <Slot name="Belt" itemId="10"/>
  769. <Slot active="true" name="Flask 5" itemId="16"/>
  770. <Slot name="Helmet" itemId="7"/>
  771. <Slot name="Flask 1" itemId="12"/>
  772. <Slot name="Belt Abyssal Socket 1" itemId="11"/>
  773. <Slot active="true" name="Flask 4" itemId="15"/>
  774. <Slot active="true" name="Flask 2" itemId="13"/>
  775. <Slot name="Weapon 2" itemId="3"/>
  776. <Slot name="Ring 2" itemId="9"/>
  777. <Slot name="Body Armour" itemId="1"/>
  778. <Slot name="Ring 1" itemId="8"/>
  779. <Slot name="Boots" itemId="4"/>
  780. <Slot name="Amulet" itemId="6"/>
  781. <ItemSet useSecondWeaponSet="false" id="1">
  782. <Slot name="Weapon 1Swap Abyssal Socket 5" itemId="0"/>
  783. <Slot name="Weapon 1 Abyssal Socket 2" itemId="0"/>
  784. <Slot name="Weapon 1" itemId="2"/>
  785. <Slot name="Boots Abyssal Socket 5" itemId="0"/>
  786. <Slot name="Weapon 1Swap Abyssal Socket 2" itemId="0"/>
  787. <Slot name="Belt Abyssal Socket 2" itemId="0"/>
  788. <Slot active="true" name="Flask 3" itemId="14"/>
  789. <Slot name="Weapon 2Swap Abyssal Socket 3" itemId="0"/>
  790. <Slot name="Weapon 1 Abyssal Socket 5" itemId="0"/>
  791. <Slot name="Weapon 2 Abyssal Socket 5" itemId="0"/>
  792. <Slot name="Weapon 2 Abyssal Socket 4" itemId="0"/>
  793. <Slot name="Weapon 1 Abyssal Socket 6" itemId="0"/>
  794. <Slot name="Weapon 2 Abyssal Socket 6" itemId="0"/>
  795. <Slot name="Weapon 2Swap Abyssal Socket 1" itemId="0"/>
  796. <Slot name="Boots Abyssal Socket 3" itemId="0"/>
  797. <Slot name="Helmet Abyssal Socket 1" itemId="0"/>
  798. <Slot name="Belt Abyssal Socket 6" itemId="0"/>
  799. <Slot name="Helmet Abyssal Socket 2" itemId="0"/>
  800. <Slot name="Gloves" itemId="5"/>
  801. <Slot name="Helmet Abyssal Socket 3" itemId="0"/>
  802. <Slot name="Weapon 1Swap Abyssal Socket 1" itemId="0"/>
  803. <Slot name="Helmet Abyssal Socket 4" itemId="0"/>
  804. <Slot name="Weapon 2 Abyssal Socket 1" itemId="0"/>
  805. <Slot name="Weapon 1 Abyssal Socket 4" itemId="0"/>
  806. <Slot name="Belt" itemId="10"/>
  807. <Slot name="Gloves Abyssal Socket 4" itemId="0"/>
  808. <Slot name="Boots Abyssal Socket 4" itemId="0"/>
  809. <Slot name="Weapon 2 Abyssal Socket 2" itemId="0"/>
  810. <Slot active="true" name="Flask 5" itemId="16"/>
  811. <Slot name="Boots Abyssal Socket 2" itemId="0"/>
  812. <Slot name="Belt Abyssal Socket 3" itemId="0"/>
  813. <Slot name="Body Armour Abyssal Socket 1" itemId="0"/>
  814. <Slot name="Gloves Abyssal Socket 1" itemId="0"/>
  815. <Slot name="Helmet Abyssal Socket 5" itemId="0"/>
  816. <Slot name="Helmet Abyssal Socket 6" itemId="0"/>
  817. <Slot name="Helmet" itemId="7"/>
  818. <Slot name="Flask 1" itemId="12"/>
  819. <Slot name="Gloves Abyssal Socket 5" itemId="0"/>
  820. <Slot name="Body Armour Abyssal Socket 2" itemId="0"/>
  821. <Slot name="Boots Abyssal Socket 6" itemId="0"/>
  822. <Slot name="Weapon 1 Abyssal Socket 3" itemId="0"/>
  823. <Slot name="Weapon 2 Abyssal Socket 3" itemId="0"/>
  824. <Slot name="Belt Abyssal Socket 4" itemId="0"/>
  825. <Slot name="Weapon 2Swap Abyssal Socket 2" itemId="0"/>
  826. <Slot name="Belt Abyssal Socket 1" itemId="11"/>
  827. <Slot name="Body Armour Abyssal Socket 3" itemId="0"/>
  828. <Slot active="true" name="Flask 4" itemId="15"/>
  829. <Slot active="true" name="Flask 2" itemId="13"/>
  830. <Slot name="Belt Abyssal Socket 5" itemId="0"/>
  831. <Slot name="Weapon 1Swap Abyssal Socket 3" itemId="0"/>
  832. <Slot name="Weapon 2" itemId="3"/>
  833. <Slot name="Weapon 2Swap Abyssal Socket 6" itemId="0"/>
  834. <Slot name="Boots Abyssal Socket 1" itemId="0"/>
  835. <Slot name="Body Armour Abyssal Socket 4" itemId="0"/>
  836. <Slot name="Weapon 2Swap Abyssal Socket 4" itemId="0"/>
  837. <Slot name="Weapon 2 Swap" itemId="0"/>
  838. <Slot name="Weapon 1 Swap" itemId="0"/>
  839. <Slot name="Weapon 1Swap Abyssal Socket 6" itemId="0"/>
  840. <Slot name="Ring 2" itemId="9"/>
  841. <Slot name="Gloves Abyssal Socket 2" itemId="0"/>
  842. <Slot name="Body Armour Abyssal Socket 6" itemId="0"/>
  843. <Slot name="Weapon 1 Abyssal Socket 1" itemId="0"/>
  844. <Slot name="Body Armour" itemId="1"/>
  845. <Slot name="Gloves Abyssal Socket 3" itemId="0"/>
  846. <Slot name="Ring 1" itemId="8"/>
  847. <Slot name="Weapon 1Swap Abyssal Socket 4" itemId="0"/>
  848. <Slot name="Body Armour Abyssal Socket 5" itemId="0"/>
  849. <Slot name="Gloves Abyssal Socket 6" itemId="0"/>
  850. <Slot name="Boots" itemId="4"/>
  851. <Slot name="Weapon 2Swap Abyssal Socket 5" itemId="0"/>
  852. <Slot name="Amulet" itemId="6"/>
  853. </ItemSet>
  854. </Items>
  855. <Config>
  856. <Input name="overrideEnduranceCharges" number="4"/>
  857. <Input name="siphoningTrapAffectedEnemies" number="5"/>
  858. <Input name="enemyIsBoss" string="None"/>
  859. <Input name="conditionOnConsecratedGround" boolean="true"/>
  860. <Input name="conditionHitRecently" boolean="true"/>
  861. <Input name="pantheonMajorGod" string="Lunaris"/>
  862. <Input name="bandit" string="None"/>
  863. <Input name="conditionLeeching" boolean="true"/>
  864. <Input name="multiplierNearbyEnemies" number="10"/>
  865. <Input name="conditionEnemyCursed" boolean="true"/>
  866. <Input name="buffFortification" boolean="true"/>
  867. <Input name="multiplierPoisonOnEnemy" number="6"/>
  868. <Input name="sigilOfPowerStages" number="7"/>
  869. <Input name="conditionStationary" number="7"/>
  870. <Input name="lifeRegenMode" string="AVERAGE"/>
  871. <Input name="MoltenShellDamageMitigated" number="1000"/>
  872. <Input name="useEnduranceCharges" boolean="true"/>
  873. <Input name="multiplierWitheredStackCount" number="15"/>
  874. <Input name="buffOnslaught" boolean="true"/>
  875. <Input name="multiplierWarcryPower" number="10"/>
  876. <Input name="conditionEnemyHindered" boolean="true"/>
  877. <Input name="pantheonMinorGod" string="Gruthkul"/>
  878. <Input name="conditionTauntedEnemyRecently" boolean="true"/>
  879. <Input name="overrideFortification" number="20"/>
  880. <Input name="conditionBeenHitRecently" boolean="true"/>
  881. <Placeholder name="enemySpeed" number="700"/>
  882. <Placeholder name="enemyCritDamage" number="30"/>
  883. <Placeholder name="enemyCritChance" number="5"/>
  884. <Placeholder name="enemyPhysicalDamage" number="1294"/>
  885. </Config>
  886. </PathOfBuilding>
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