
ZephyrXRainbowXFluttershy Poker Fun, Pt 1 (Unfinished)

Jan 30th, 2018
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  1. >>31774734
  2. >You are Zephyr Breeze
  3. >Hottest pegasus at flight school
  4. >All the fillies love you, you know you can get any you want
  5. >Definitely, for sure, if only you tried
  6. >But you only have eyes for the bestest flier at school
  7. >She also happens to be your sister's best friend
  8. >So you had the bright idea to crash one of their get togethers
  9. >With some help, of course
  10. >And now here you are, watching the two enter the playroom
  11. >Rainbow Dash looks a bit annoyed, but she's like that every time you're with her
  12. >Fluttershy just gives you a long glare
  13. >Sometimes you wish she was shy with you instead
  14. "Hey there, Rainbows!"
  15. >You move up towards Rainbow Dash, grinning at her
  16. >She just rolls her eyes, leaning forwards a bit
  17. >You shrug and start getting behind her, her legs instinctively spreading
  18. >You land your body on top of her, her warm fur and feathery wings quickly rubbing against you
  19. >Your usual greeting
  20. >"So is this it?"
  21. >"Mom says-"
  22. "I thought you were here for the whole day?"
  23. >Your interruption leaves Fluttershy glaring at you
  24. >There's a brief moment's pause as you navigate yourself towards her entrance
  25. >Your shaft starts to slowly come to life, rubbing against her warmth
  26. >"You know you're not getting any farther than - ugh - this, right?"
  27. >She lets out a small grunt as your shaft, now full mast, pushes against her
  28. >She's not quite wet, so you end up making a few small thrusts
  29. >"Mom says we have to play some games with you this evening, that's it."
  30. "Over at the table over there!"
  31. >You feel hooves on your body, pushing back against you
  32. >Rainbow lifts her back, sliding you slowly off
  33. >"Then can we do this over there instead?"
  34. >No difference to you
  35. >A little slower than usual, but she looks like she's in a rush
  36. >More time for family poker
  37. >With a little less family and more Rainbow
  38. >You stroll over to the small table to the side of the room
  39. >Rainbow takes her seat
  40. >Fluttershy looks over the card and bits on the table
  41. >You take your familiar place behind Rainbow Dash
  43. >"You know mom lets you win, right?"
  44. >Of course that's a lie
  45. >You shrug
  46. "Think you can beat me this time, big sis?"
  47. >Your hoof naturally moves towards Rainbow's wings
  48. >She pulls them away and gives you a jab
  49. >Maybe not yet
  50. >You sink yourself into her, your tip spreading her tight lips
  51. >She's still not wet, but you keep going
  52. >Her body presses against the table, and the resistance hardens your shaft
  53. >Fluttershy is looking over the bits, fake little bits your family uses
  54. >She's divying them out evenly
  55. >You take the prerogative
  56. "Twenty is a wingjob, fifty a blowjob?"
  57. >Fucks being free, but anything more intimate is a different matter
  58. >"Whatever you owe me is -ngh- a day you don't talk to me."
  59. >Rainbow Dash is gritting her teeth as you start to slowly make way
  60. >Her warm insides squeeze against your tip as you finally bring yourself in
  61. >Her natural lubrication starts working, making the rest of the trip easier
  62. >You give a whistle, considering the offer
  63. >"It's set up. I'll deal."
  64. >Your sister can be crazily efficient
  65. "Wait-"
  66. >"The only way I'm agreeing to consider a blowjob to you is-"
  67. "Fine! Just deal!"
  68. >You feel Rainbow's hoof jab at your face, and Fluttershy seems to be holding off
  69. >"No way you're -unf- gonna cheat! Hurry and finish uuuuup!"
  70. >Her voice rises a bit as you give her a particularly hard thrust
  71. >Despite her reluctance, she helps you along a bit
  72. >She squeezes her legs together, her warmth covering your cock
  73. >The juices are making it easier to thrust, as you place your hooves against the table
  74. >It takes your weight as your hips move harder
  75. >The fake bits on the table clatter around, and Fluttershy just watches
  76. >"You don't last this long with mo-"
  77. "Stop bringing her up!"
  78. >You close your eyes, leaning in amidst Rainbow Dash's protests
  79. >Just close enough to get a whiff of her mane
  80. >The smell sends you over the edge soon enough
  81. >You give a long moan as your cum shoots out into her womb
  83. >Rainbow Dash shivers as your liquids coat her insides
  84. >She doesn't take much of it, the fluids leaking out the sides of her pussy
  85. >It starts to trail down her legs as she gives a sigh
  86. >One of her hooves push you off, getting your cock to slip out of her with a plop
  87. >"Can we just start now?"
  88. >You don't really listen, you just take the moment to admire her spread lips
  89. >Pink, wet, with a white stream flowing out of it
  90. >Her tail swishes in front of you, slapping you across the face
  91. >You regain your senses, standing up, and make your way to the table
  92. >It's not even a dinner table, just one of the small ones for colts and fillies to play on
  93. >The cards have already been dealt
  94. >Rainbow Dash is still breathing fairly heavily
  95. >Focusing on her breaths makes you realize you're breathing pretty hard too
  96. >You both take a few moments to recover while Fluttershy looks over her cards
  97. >A quick scan of the table shows that Fluttershy evenly divided 100 bits each
  98. >There's a mix of colors to make things easier
  99. >Just the standard fare
  100. >Rainbow Dash grasping her cards slowly with her hoof prompts you to look at your own
  101. >You cough to stifle a laugh
  102. >Pocket kings!
  103. >What luck!
  104. >You quickly glance around the table
  105. >Rainbow Dash winces
  106. >She obviously doesn't have much experience
  107. >Your sister has a poker face
  108. >She's real good at the game
  109. >Rainbow places the big bind
  110. >You follow with the small
  111. >Fluttershy matches
  112. >Rainbow raises to 10
  113. >Screw it
  114. >You raise to 50
  115. >There's no way you'll lose, right?
  117. ~~~
  119. >Both you and Fluttershy stare in silence at the last card
  120. >A second king
  121. >Rainbow scoops the pot again, this time with a full house
  122. >You've only managed a few wins since the first round, when she pulled those pocket aces out of nowhere
  123. >Fluttershy is cleaned out
  124. >You have 127
  125. >Rainbow has 173
  126. >Rainbow Dash is laughing, slapping the table as she counts the bits
  127. >Your sister just looks at her friend with newfound awe
  128. >You clear your throat
  129. "A-a bet's a bet, right?"
  131. >Your house rules have always been simple
  132. >Whatever you lost is divided proportionally
  133. >Whatever you lost to someone was converted into whatever rules were set
  134. >It was easy with 3 ponies
  135. >Rainbow Dash waives Fluttershy's debt
  136. >She doesn't seem to care
  137. >You don't owe her anything, and she does seem a bit annoyed at that after the high wore off
  138. >Now, there's the debt between you and your sister
  139. >A wingjob was no small matter
  140. >It was usually something reserved for much more closer ponies
  141. >Something you had wished had happened between you and Rainbow
  142. >The two of you look at each other
  143. >You've been in her a few times before, but that was nothing compared to this
  144. >Rainbow gives a nervous chuckle
  145. >"You, uh, you serious about that?"
  146. >You hadn't really been with another filly like this before
  147. >Fluttershy is silent
  148. >She's like when she's with ponies who weren't family
  149. >Soft and silent
  150. "Yeah."
  151. >You slide slowly towards her side of the table
  152. >Your hoof moves up to clasp hers
  153. >Rainbow Dash gasps at the lewd gesture
  154. >Fluttershy blushes deeply, almost pulling back at the sensitive touch
  155. >But you grip it
  156. >Maybe this way you'll show Rainbow what she's missing
  157. "A bet's a bet, big sis."
  158. >Once more, with more confidence
  159. >She blushes
  160. >Something about that stirs your loins
  161. >She's never like that with you
  162. >She's shy around all the other fillies at school, but never with you
  163. >You tug her gently towards you as Rainbow Dash shuffles uncomfortably
  164. >You hear the scraping of the dried cum on her fur against the chair
  165. >"T-this is my first..."
  166. >It's like she's transformed
  167. >To be fair, you've never played with high stakes like this before
  168. "Me too."
  169. >"Should've known you were just bragging."
  170. >Rainbow Dash gives a small laugh
  171. >Just to make the air a bit less awkward for herself
  172. >You ignore her jab as you pull Fluttershy towards you
  173. >Your body flies back off the chair, your wings gliding you down to the floor
  174. >Fluttershy lands on top of you
  175. >You both pause
  177. >There's just silence in the air as your heart beats against hers
  178. >Your shaft throbs with the rhythm of your blood, pressed between the two of you
  179. >It takes a few beats, a few moments, but your throbbing matches her heart's
  180. >She pulls back, slowly, her movements a bit stilted
  181. >Her wings slowly extend, feather tips reaching towards your shaft
  182. >The soft tip brushes against your shaft
  183. >Like a light breath, washing across your skin
  184. >Your cock shudders in the air
  185. >Fluttershy is focused on it
  186. >Maybe it's to help her feel a little less nervous about the entire thing
  187. >You hear clattering and shuffling at the table
  188. >Rainbow Dash has turned away, quickly occupying herself at readying the table again
  189. >The gliding of tickling feathers against your shaft draws your attention back
  190. >Your tip is leaking from the stimulation and the intimacy
  191. >She's obviously not used to using her wings much
  192. >That doesn't matter to you, though
  193. >The jagged motions, sudden force and immediate, careful withdrawal
  194. >Everything about it makes it hers
  195. >The feathers soon cover your entire shaft
  196. >She holds a hoof up to her mouth
  197. >Almost, just almost looking away
  198. >She doesn't, though
  199. >She holds her gaze, stroking you with more vigor as she gains more confidence
  200. >Each stroke is like kisses across your cock
  201. >Warmth spreads throughout your body, unlike anything you've felt before
  202. >Your cock throbs
  203. >Her grip tightens
  204. >You groan out
  205. >She gasps
  206. >Your cum spurts out in a thick stream upwards, spraying towards her face
  207. >Her wings catch some of the fluids, splattering it across her feathers as you praise her with more spurts
  208. >A few long strands of your thick fluids paint her muzzle and face
  209. >Her chest is visibly moving as she looks at you
  210. >There's a moment of silence
  211. >You smile
  212. >She smiles
  213. >And Rainbow Dash coughs
  215. >Fluttershy turns around, and from her profile, you see a few strands of cum dangling from her muzzle to her chest
  216. >She slowly gets off of you, getting up to the table
  217. >Rainbow Dash had set it all again
  218. >The cards are neatly stacked
  219. >The piles of bits are neatly stacked
  220. >This wasn't normal Rainbow Dash, you knew that much
  221. >"I thought you'd want a rematch."
  222. >Rainbow Dash looks over at Fluttershy
  223. >She gives a small smile
  224. >Fluttershy just nods, glancing back at you
  225. >"Y-yeah."
  226. "Yeah. Let's play again."
  227. >Fluttershy sits down at her seat
  228. >Your cum is slowly sliding down her fur
  229. >A drop falls onto the table
  230. >Luckily nothing hits the cards
  231. >It does land on a bit, though
  232. >Fluttershy doesn't seem to notice
  233. >You hear the riffling of cards
  234. >As the cards are dealt to you, you barely notice
  235. >Your eyes are on your sister
  236. >Something weird is stirring inside you
  237. >You hear Rainbow Dash coughing again
  238. >You had barely noticed she was done
  239. >Somehow you find your hoof snaking its way towards your sister's
  240. >You glance at your cards
  241. >A three and four
  242. >There's no way to win
  243. >You place your small bind
  244. >Fluttershy places her big bind with the cumdropped bit
  245. >Somehow you had switched positions
  246. >Rainbow Dash matches
  247. >Fluttershy goes all in
  248. >She squeezes your hoof
  249. >Rainbow Dash folds, but not without a scoff
  250. >You almost fold
  251. >You feel another squeeze
  252. >Your hoof moves to your bits
  253. >You match and Rainbow Dash laughs
  254. >Fluttershy reveals and she stops laughing
  255. >A two and a seven
  256. >The cards fly out, and with each one you find yourself further surprised
  257. >You end up winning with a pair of threes, and Fluttershy moves up close to you
  258. >You figure she's out, but she seems to just rest at the table, crawling underneath you
  259. >Actually, more than that, she's rubbing her rear against your flaccid shaft
  260. >It's not flaccid any more
  262. >Your cock pokes against her slit
  263. >It's pretty wet, something you're not at all used to
  264. >Even your mom was never this wet
  265. >She pushes against you, grinding her rear as her tail flicks against your side
  266. >Rainbow Dash shrugs, picking up the deck to hand it to you
  267. >You pause as you feel your sister sliding herself onto your shaft
  268. >Your hooves naturally reach down to grip her rear, guiding her in
  269. >The warmth is much warmer than Rainbow Dash was
  270. >Her muscles squeeze you much more actively
  271. >It runs up and down your shaft
  272. >Almost like she's milking you
  273. >You shake your head, focusing on the game
  274. >It's your turn to deal
  275. >You shake with each card as Fluttershy thumps her body against yours
  276. >It takes some time, but you finally get the next hand out
  278. ~~~
  280. >Your advantage and dumb luck finally did it
  281. >You chuckle as you take the last of the bits
  282. >By your count, that's two blow jobs
  283. >You grin over at Rainbow
  284. >And it only took-
  285. >However long it took for you to finish three times in your sister
  286. >As her body continues to bounce against yours, you feel your fluids pushing against your shaft
  287. >She's panting, her motions are much slower than earlier
  288. >But still she's sliding herself up and down across your now once more erect shaft
  289. >Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes
  290. >"Ugh, fine, can we just get this over fast?"
  291. >Your hoof moves down to Fluttershy
  292. >You squeeze her flank, before giving her a soft pant
  293. "You can rest now, sis, your brother's got a date!"
  294. >Your words sound a little hollow to yourself
  295. >"Don't forget I owe you some too, Zephyr."
  296. >Your cock twitches inside of her
  297. >Yeah, she did cop out really early, didn't she?
  298. >You hesitate
  299. >Fluttershy doesn't, though
  300. >She pulls out, ahead of you
  301. >And falls onto the ground
  302. >She's just resting, panting heavily
  303. >Your cum started leaking out of her almost immediately as she fell onto the floor
  304. >Rainbow Dash starts walking over to you, almost scowling at you
  305. >Time for your reward
  308. >Despite her scowl, there's a slight blush on her face
  309. >She knows the intimacy of the gesture
  310. >You know the level of intimacy required
  311. >You know very well, dreaming of this day for as long as you remember
  312. >Her hoof shoves you hard, pushing you against your back
  313. >Somehow she knocks the wind out of your chest
  314. >"This is just a bet, don't get any ideas."
  315. >Her hoof not so gently spreads your legs
  316. "Ya sure? You look pretty into it, Rainbows-"
  317. >You let out a moan as she grips your shaft with her hoof
  318. >Her face rests before your tip
  319. >Your cock bobs in front of her, twitching from the warmth of her hoof
  320. >No doubt she's smelling the scent of both your's and your sister's cum
  321. >She slows down
  322. >Her eyes are focused on your tip
  323. >From the angle, she looks a little cross-eyed
  324. "Well?"
  325. >"I'm gonna do it, just shut it for a moment."
  326. >You lay back, waiting
  327. >Your sister seems to have recovered, starting to roll onto her stomach to watch
  328. >"Do you want me to go-"
  329. >"No, I can do it."
  330. "Then-"
  331. >Rainbow Dash takes a quick gasp
  332. >Rears back her head
  333. >And dives
  334. >You shudder as you feel her warm mouth wrap around your shaft
  335. >Her tongue laying idle in her mouth, but rushing against your underside as she brings her head down
  336. >It's almost too big for her cheeks
  337. >They puff out, enunciating her blushing
  338. >Already you're feeling close to finishing
  339. >You've never had one of these before
  340. >The mouth is so different
  341. >Her eyes look up at yours
  342. >So intimate, so warm
  343. >You reach your hoof out to brush at her mane
  344. >She eyes it, coming closer
  345. >Just as you're about to reach it, she smacks your hoof
  346. >Hard
  347. >Like, really hard
  348. >You jolt back, and she rears back, moving your cock out of her mouth with a plop
  349. >"It's just a blowjob! You don't get to do anything else with me."
  350. >Her words shatter the strand of saliva connecting you
  351. >She'll appreciate you soon enough
  352. >You shrug, leaning back, waving your cock in front of her
  353. >She gives a grunt
  354. >Rolls her eyes
  355. >And leans back down
  357. >There's no enthusiasm about it
  358. >She's just going through what she thinks would help speed it along
  359. >It doesn't really matter though
  360. >You're finally inside Rainbow Dash!
  361. >She runs her mouth down against your shaft, reaching further
  362. >Her lips form a suction seal, her tongue scoops up the leftover fluids from your sister
  363. >Cum is quickly replaced by her saliva as she continues to clean you off
  364. >Beyond moving up and down, she's not really doing much else
  365. >Just the same bobbing motion over and over
  366. >You reach a hoof out, hoping to guide her
  367. >She narrows her eyes
  368. >You withdraw it
  369. >Fluttershy seems to have scooted up to take a closer look
  370. >It goes on
  371. >And on
  372. >Each time she reaches further than she had gone
  373. >Your tip pokes against the roof of her mouth
  374. >Pushing backwards into her throat
  375. >Or as far as you can go
  376. >Soon enough she pulls off
  377. >Her hoof squeezes against your shaft
  378. >"Hey, are you falling asleep? How long are you gonna take?"
  379. "I-it would be faster if I-"
  380. >"I didn't sign up for mane brushing, you get a blow-"
  381. "But you'll-"
  382. >She just growls and brings her mouth down on your shaft again
  383. >Her movement is more aggressive
  384. >Her tongue doesn't quite move, but she's sucking with more effort
  385. >It feels so different not being in charge
  386. >Is this what intimacy is?
  387. >You watch as she slowly coaxes you further towards your orgasm
  388. >But that's not what you want
  389. >You only get two
  390. >You don't want to finish so early
  391. >You glance over at Fluttershy
  392. >She's watching the action intensely
  393. >Her cheeks are bright red
  394. >That's not helping
  395. >You feel your cock twitch and throb inside Rainbow
  396. >The blue filly seems to notice
  397. >Upping her pace, trying her best
  398. >Your hooves are to your side
  399. >You feel warmth on one of them
  400. >Your sister has reached out again
  401. >Touching your hoof
  402. >Holding your hoof
  403. >The lewdness of it shoots you over the edge
  405. >The first wave shoots inside her mouth
  406. >You feel the richochet of the shot bouncing off the roof of her mouth
  407. >Your cock gets a hit of the cum you spurt into her
  408. >It happens in a split second
  409. >You almost see it happening in slow motion
  410. >First her eyes squint
  411. >They squeeze close
  412. >Her wings curl
  413. >She pulls back
  414. >Your cock feels cold air
  415. >Cum spills out her mouth
  416. >Her body rears back for a cough
  417. >And at that precise moment your second spurt launches at her
  418. >The thick strand lands on her face as she coughs
  419. >Time continues as normal
  420. >You give two more spurts, two more strands on her cerulean fur
  421. >She's still hacking, coughing, spitting the cum out onto the ground
  422. >You just lean back, satisfied
  423. >You had finally conquered the mare you've wanted
  424. >You've reached the peak of intimacy with her
  425. >Things could only-
  426. >You jolt back into reality as you feel a familiar wet warmth around your shaft
  427. >Your sister has her lips wrapped around your flaccid shaft
  428. >Her tongue is lapping slowly against your underside
  429. >It swirls to the sides of your shaft as she reaches further down
  430. >The smooth tongue wraps around your cock as she moves back up
  431. >It's not flaccid any more when she pulls off with a pop
  432. >She glacnes over at Rainbow
  433. >"Since you owed two, I thought it would be faster to do it now.."
  434. >Rainbow's answer is interrupted by the sound of the door opening
  435. >"Hey, dinner's in half an hour, hope you all are having fun!"
  436. >She smiles at the three of you
  437. >Your sister's cum coated face gives a smile
  438. >Rainbow's cum soaked face gives a nonchalent grunt
  439. >Fluttershy leans back down to lick at your shaft
  440. >The door closes
  441. >You now have a time limit
  442. >Rainbow Dash is sure as hell not going to remember the bet tomorrow
  444. >Your sister is putting in a lot more effort than Rainbow did
  445. >A small part of you wonders if she's done it before
  446. >"So this counts, right?"
  447. >Rainbow watches her friend licking your shaft, holding back
  448. "What do you mean?"
  449. >Your body gives an involuntary shudder as her tongue flick times perfectly with her hoof squeezing
  450. >"I mean, if we both do it, then it counts for both of us, right?"
  451. >That's some pretty shady bet-dodging
  452. >You glance down at Fluttershy, her mane bouncing as her head travels along her shaft
  453. >A brief image of Rainbow's head right next to her sends your shaft throbbing
  454. >The tip leaks, and your sister quickly moves up to lick at it
  455. "Yeah."
  456. >"You mean it?"
  457. "Yeah."
  458. >She keeps your gaze
  459. >"Promise it."
  460. "Yeah, yeah, I promise, it'll count."
  461. >Your hoof waves towards your shaft
  462. >She hesitates, watching Fluttershy complete another cycle of licks against your shaft
  463. "It won't count if-"
  464. >She leans in, reaching her tongue out slowly
  465. >The tip of it flecks against your shaft
  466. >For the briefest of moment, both of their wet muscles presses against your cock
  467. >Of course, as soon as you could think about it, the moment was gone
  468. >Fluttershy is still making her rounds, licking up and down your shaft
  469. "Well?"
  470. >This time, when your sister reaches the top of your shaft, she takes the tip briefly in her mouth
  471. >You feel her tongue swirling around the tip
  472. >Once
  473. >Twice
  474. >And then off she goes
  475. >She brings her tongue down your shaft again, making some room for Rainbow
  476. >The filly gives a long sigh before leaning in again
  477. >Her lips touch against your tip
  478. >She licks down your shaft, running on the other side from her friend
  479. >Her tongue flicks, you can tell she's making the barest of efforts
  480. >It's more like awkwardly reaching out and moving her head down
  481. >Your hips are still shuddering from all the stimulation
  482. >You thrust from the stimulation, running against their tongues
  483. >You feel your climax building, getting so close
  485. >Rainbow's rhythm is slightly off from Fluttershy
  486. >As you keep yourself going, as the stimulation builds, both of them reach up at the same time
  487. >Their tongues touch each other as they simultaneously reach the tip
  488. >Fluttershy pulls back, giving a squeak
  489. >Rainbow Dash jerks back, blushing bright red
  490. >Your climax pulls away
  491. >The air stays silent
  492. >Both fillies are covering their mouths
  493. >Looking awkwardly at each other
  494. >You yourself feel it
  495. >Ponies just don't kiss random ponies
  496. >That was one of the most intimate things you could do
  497. >You scratch your mane
  498. >Looking away from them
  499. >The silence helps a bit
  500. >Maybe just not talking for a while will let it go away
  501. >"I-I...we can do it one at a time instead."
  502. >Surprisingly your sister is the first to break the silence
  503. >Rainbow Dash still seems in temporary shock
  504. >"Okay."
  505. >Fluttershy's hoof reaches towards your shaft
  506. >You hadn't even noticed your cock was flaccid
  507. >It's not after she leans her head in again
  508. >She doesn't bother with the slow licking
  509. >She takes all of it into her mouth
  510. >Her tongue swirls around your cock, her mouth sucking against you
  511. >You feel the fluids, all the saliva, being pulled into her depths
  512. >Rainbow Dash seems a bit more recovered
  513. >Her usual scowl returns as she realizes she has to do it again
  514. >Your sister reaches a hoof around your base
  515. >She grips against it, squeezing it as she runs her mouth against you
  516. >Whatever saliva she sucked away is now back in full force
  517. >Your entire cock feels warm, wet
  518. >Her lips form a cleaning seal around your shaft
  519. >Whatever saliva she deposits, she scoops and pools in her mouth as she bobs
  520. >You feel your cock's throbbing making waves in the pool of saliva
  521. >Your back curls, arches as you feel yourself getting closer
  522. >This is too fast
  523. >You make a noise
  524. >That's all you can do, really
  525. >Your sister pauses
  526. >Her big eyes stare up to yours
  527. >Somehow, the trails of cum from before had missed them, running trails on her nose and cheeks instead
  529. >She gives you time to recover
  530. >You glance up at the other pegasus
  531. >This is a good time to switch
  532. >Rainbow's turn
  533. >You gesture towards her
  534. >She gives a groan
  535. >Your sister pulls back, making her tongue run along your shaft as she does
  536. >Her tongue tickles against your underside, making her exit as grand as her entrance
  537. >She pulls off with a pop, licking her lips, watching her friend
  538. >Her hoof grips your cock tightly, pointing it towards Rainbow
  539. >The pegasus frowns, before slowly leaning down again
  540. >Her eyes are trained on yours
  541. >They'd both be narrowed but your cum from the last time is starting to drip over one eye
  542. >Whatever effect she was trying to make, it ends up looking like a cute little wink
  543. >Her mouth wraps around your tip again
  544. >You still feel Fluttershy's hoof squeezing around the base of your shaft
  545. >She's gently stroking, keeping you stimulated while Rainbow pushes down
  546. >After the sensations your sister was giving you, her tongue feels plain in comparison
  547. >Its soft, a bit dry, laying idle underneath your shaft
  548. >You feel her moving it, but it's mostly moving it to the side in an attempt to not taste you
  549. >Her face winces as she keeps going
  550. >You smile at her
  551. >She's tasting her friend, your shaft, your cum, and her earlier saliva all at once
  552. >You give her a little thrust with your hips
  553. >Your cock pushes just as she was taking the last plunge
  554. >It pushes towards her throat
  555. >You feel it tighten
  556. >Her mouth is smaller than your sister's
  557. >The sudden warmth feels different, wetter
  558. >You only feel it for a brief moment before she pulls back
  559. >All the way out, leaving your cock in the cold
  560. >She hacks, coughs, turns away
  561. >Flecks of your partially dried cum fly off her face in her motion
  562. >"What-"
  563. "Hey, just an accident, nothing more."
  564. >You give her a winning smile
  565. >She opens her mouth to speak
  566. >You can tell she's about to fight
  567. >Your sister, ever the peacemaker, leans back down
  568. >She gives your tip a lick
  569. >"I-I can do that so she won't have to."
  571. >Rainbow wipes her hoof against her eyes
  572. >It just ends up smearing the cum, keeping her eye closed
  573. >"We never agreed to this!"
  574. >Fluttershy doesn't answer
  575. >She can't
  576. >Her lips are already around your tip, sinking herself lower
  577. >"You said blowjob, not-"
  578. "I-it's okay - "
  579. >You also can't really say more
  580. >She's trying really hard, pushing herself down as far as she could
  581. >Her lips press hard against the base of your shaft
  582. >You feel the tip pressing against her throat
  583. >Her tongue's motion massages your shaft
  584. >Right where her hoof was during Rainbow's attempt
  585. >Her throat squeezes around you, the texture completely different
  586. >It's like a several smaller tongues, squeezing their muscles around you
  587. >Rainbow crosses her hooves, growling
  588. >"No way I'm doing that, and you said this counts, so I'm done."
  589. >She starts wiping off the cum off her face
  590. >Or tries to, she just ends up smearing it
  591. >Some of it gets on her hoof, and she just ends up wiping it on her fur
  592. >Her futile attempt just sends your cock throbbing further
  593. >She notices your reclining body, your upturned head
  594. >In the corner of your vision, she scowls in disgust, stopping what she was doing
  595. >It doesn't really matter any more
  596. >You reach deep into your sister, depths you've never thought possible
  597. >The combination of warmth and squeezing muscles finally send you over the edge
  598. >You give a groan as your cum shoots out once more
  599. >You feel your sister squeezing your shaft, milking you for all you had
  600. >Your spurts come, one by one, and she swallows all of it
  601. >Almost as soon as they come out, you feel her suction cleaning you off
  602. >You see her throat, moving as she drinks your seed, letting you track each swallow
  603. >You finally calm down
  604. >Your breaths are heavy, your body is shaking from the pleasure
  605. >Fluttershy stays there for a while longer, prompting Rainbow to roll her eyes
  606. >"So that's it, right? We're square?"
  607. >One, two, three breaths pass by
  608. >You feel her eyes - eye - on you
  609. "No, that was sis' first."
  611. >If it wasn't Rainbow, you could've sworn her wings were flared in arousal
  612. >She gets up on all fours, legs spread in a fighting stance
  613. >"WHAT?"
  614. >Fluttershy starts to pull off of you
  615. >You try really hard to answer the filly in that moment
  616. >The sensations of her soft tongue leads to a soft moan in response
  617. >"You PROMISED!"
  618. >Your sister takes some time to pull off of you
  619. >It might also just be your imagination, or your sensitivity, or both
  620. >It's several aggravating moments before her head is finally pulled off
  621. >Your shaft, flaccid from all the activity, lays in front of your aggressor
  622. "Look, I said-"
  623. >"You *said* that it counted for BOTH of us!"
  624. "You didn't do anything!"
  625. >"I-"
  626. "And I finished inside her, you still owe me one more!"
  627. >She clenches her teeth in front of you
  628. >Her body seems poised to leap at you
  629. >Whatever threat she might've tried to show is hurt a bit by the dried cum streaks on her
  630. >"I think he's right."
  631. >Her stance softens, her face shifts to surprise
  632. >"What?"
  633. >"You said we didn't agree to it, and I gave more than what we agreed to."
  634. >Fluttershy glances back at you
  635. >"I still owe you two, I don't think that one counted. For either of us."
  636. >You're also a bit surprised
  637. >Nothing compared to Rainbow Dash's jaw drop
  638. >She quickly settles down
  639. >She settles back, sitting down
  640. >A few moments pass by as you both await her reaction
  641. >The pause is interrupted by a call from your mom
  642. >"Dinner's ready!"
  643. >"I'm not going-"
  644. "If you're leaving after, we can do it during dinner."
  645. >A bet's a bet, right?
  646. "Fluttershy can give me what she owes me tonight. You're not leaving-"
  647. >"Fine!"
  648. >She turns away, towards the door, just bolting out
  649. >Fluttershy gets up first, and you follow
  650. >Come to think of it, it'd been a while since you've been with mom
  651. >Your head is full of ideas as you head on towards dinner
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