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- #define DIRECT
- using System;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Drawing;
- using System.Drawing.Imaging;
- using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
- using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
- using Ionic.Zip;
- #if DIRECT
- #if MONO
- using libftdi;
- #else
- using D2XXDirect;
- #endif
- #else
- using FTD2XX_NET;
- #endif
- namespace FTDIUSBGecko
- {
- public class ByteSwap
- {
- public static UInt16 Swap(UInt16 input)
- {
- if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
- return ((UInt16)(
- ((0xFF00 & input) >> 8) |
- ((0x00FF & input) << 8)));
- else
- return input;
- }
- public static UInt32 Swap(UInt32 input)
- {
- if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
- return ((UInt32)(
- ((0xFF000000 & input) >> 24) |
- ((0x00FF0000 & input) >> 8) |
- ((0x0000FF00 & input) << 8) |
- ((0x000000FF & input) << 24)));
- else
- return input;
- }
- public static UInt64 Swap(UInt64 input)
- {
- if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
- return ((UInt64)(
- ((0xFF00000000000000 & input) >> 56) |
- ((0x00FF000000000000 & input) >> 40) |
- ((0x0000FF0000000000 & input) >> 24) |
- ((0x000000FF00000000 & input) >> 8) |
- ((0x00000000FF000000 & input) << 8) |
- ((0x0000000000FF0000 & input) << 24) |
- ((0x000000000000FF00 & input) << 40) |
- ((0x00000000000000FF & input) << 56)));
- else
- return input;
- }
- }
- public class Dump
- {
- public Dump(UInt32 theStartAddress, UInt32 theEndAddress)
- {
- Construct(theStartAddress, theEndAddress, 0);
- }
- public Dump(UInt32 theStartAddress, UInt32 theEndAddress, int theFileNumber)
- {
- Construct(theStartAddress, theEndAddress, theFileNumber);
- }
- private void Construct(UInt32 theStartAddress, UInt32 theEndAddress, int theFileNumber)
- {
- startAddress = theStartAddress;
- endAddress = theEndAddress;
- readCompletedAddress = theStartAddress;
- mem = new Byte[endAddress - startAddress];
- fileNumber = theFileNumber;
- }
- public UInt32 ReadAddress32(UInt32 addressToRead)
- {
- //dumpStream.Seek(addressToRead - startAddress, SeekOrigin.Begin);
- //byte [] buffer = new byte[4];
- //dumpStream.Read(buffer, 0, 4);
- if (addressToRead < startAddress) return 0;
- if (addressToRead > endAddress - 4) return 0;
- Byte[] buffer = new Byte[4];
- Buffer.BlockCopy(mem, index(addressToRead), buffer, 0, 4);
- //GeckoApp.SubArray<byte> buffer = new GeckoApp.SubArray<byte>(mem, (int)(addressToRead - startAddress), 4);
- //Read buffer
- UInt32 result = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0);
- //Swap to machine endianness and return
- return ByteSwap.Swap(result);
- }
- private int index(UInt32 addressToRead)
- {
- return (int)(addressToRead - startAddress);
- }
- public UInt32 ReadAddress(UInt32 addressToRead, int numBytes)
- {
- if (addressToRead < startAddress) return 0;
- if (addressToRead > endAddress - numBytes) return 0;
- Byte[] buffer = new Byte[4];
- Buffer.BlockCopy(mem, index(addressToRead), buffer, 0, numBytes);
- //Read buffer
- switch (numBytes)
- {
- case 4:
- UInt32 result = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0);
- //Swap to machine endianness and return
- return ByteSwap.Swap(result);
- case 2:
- UInt16 result16 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, 0);
- //Swap to machine endianness and return
- return ByteSwap.Swap(result16);
- default:
- return buffer[0];
- }
- }
- public void WriteStreamToDisk()
- {
- string myDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\searchdumps\";
- if (!Directory.Exists(myDirectory))
- {
- Directory.CreateDirectory(myDirectory);
- }
- string myFile = myDirectory + "dump" + fileNumber.ToString() + ".dmp";
- WriteStreamToDisk(myFile);
- }
- public void WriteStreamToDisk(string filepath)
- {
- FileStream foo = new FileStream(filepath, FileMode.Create);
- foo.Write(mem, 0, (int)(endAddress-startAddress));
- foo.Close();
- foo.Dispose();
- }
- public void WriteCompressedStreamToDisk(string filepath)
- {
- ZipFile foo = new ZipFile(filepath);
- foo.AddEntry("mem", mem);
- foo.Dispose();
- }
- public Byte[] mem;
- private UInt32 startAddress;
- public UInt32 StartAddress
- {
- get { return startAddress; }
- }
- private UInt32 endAddress;
- public UInt32 EndAddress
- {
- get { return endAddress; }
- }
- private UInt32 readCompletedAddress;
- public UInt32 ReadCompletedAddress
- {
- get { return readCompletedAddress; }
- set { readCompletedAddress = value; }
- }
- private int fileNumber;
- }
- public enum EUSBErrorCode {
- FTDIQueryError,
- noFTDIDevicesFound,
- noUSBGeckoFound,
- FTDIResetError,
- FTDIPurgeRxError,
- FTDIPurgeTxError,
- FTDITimeoutSetError,
- FTDITransferSetError,
- FTDICommandSendError,
- FTDIReadDataError,
- FTDIInvalidReply,
- TooManyRetries,
- REGStreamSizeInvalid,
- CheatStreamSizeInvalid
- }
- public enum FTDICommand {
- CMD_ResultError,
- CMD_FatalError,
- }
- public enum WiiStatus {
- Running,
- Paused,
- Breakpoint,
- Loader,
- Unknown
- }
- public enum WiiLanguage {
- NoOverride,
- Japanese,
- English,
- German,
- French,
- Spanish,
- Italian,
- Dutch,
- ChineseSimplified,
- ChineseTraditional,
- Korean
- }
- public enum WiiPatches {
- NoPatches,
- PAL60,
- PAL50,
- }
- public enum WiiHookType {
- VI,
- WiiRemote,
- GamecubePad
- }
- public delegate void GeckoProgress(UInt32 currentchunk, UInt32 allchunks, UInt32 transferred, UInt32 length, bool okay, bool dump);
- public class EUSBGeckoException : Exception
- {
- private EUSBErrorCode PErrorCode;
- public EUSBErrorCode ErrorCode
- {
- get
- {
- return PErrorCode;
- }
- }
- public EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode code)
- : base()
- {
- PErrorCode = code;
- }
- public EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode code, string message)
- : base(message)
- {
- PErrorCode = code;
- }
- public EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode code, string message, Exception inner)
- : base(message, inner)
- {
- PErrorCode = code;
- }
- }
- public class USBGecko
- {
- #if DIRECT
- #if MONO
- private LFTDI PFTDI;
- #else
- private D2XXWrapper PFTDI;
- #endif
- #else
- private FTDI PFTDI;
- #endif
- #region base constants
- private const UInt32 packetsize = 0xF800;
- private const UInt32 uplpacketsize = 0xF80;
- private const Byte cmd_poke08 = 0x01;
- private const Byte cmd_poke16 = 0x02;
- private const Byte cmd_pokemem = 0x03;
- private const Byte cmd_readmem = 0x04;
- private const Byte cmd_pause = 0x06;
- private const Byte cmd_unfreeze = 0x07;
- private const Byte cmd_breakpoint = 0x09;
- private const Byte cmd_breakpointx = 0x10;
- private const Byte cmd_sendregs = 0x2F;
- private const Byte cmd_getregs = 0x30;
- private const Byte cmd_cancelbp = 0x38;
- private const Byte cmd_sendcheats = 0x40;
- private const Byte cmd_upload = 0x41;
- private const Byte cmd_hook = 0x42;
- private const Byte cmd_hookpause = 0x43;
- private const Byte cmd_step = 0x44;
- private const Byte cmd_status = 0x50;
- private const Byte cmd_cheatexec = 0x60;
- private const Byte cmd_nbreakpoint = 0x89;
- private const Byte cmd_version = 0x99;
- private const Byte GCBPHit = 0x11;
- private const Byte GCACK = 0xAA;
- private const Byte GCRETRY = 0xBB;
- private const Byte GCFAIL = 0xCC;
- private const Byte GCDONE = 0xFF;
- private const Byte GCNewVer = 0x80;
- private static readonly Byte[] GCAllowedVersions = new Byte[] { GCNewVer };
- private const Byte BPExecute = 0x03;
- private const Byte BPRead = 0x05;
- private const Byte BPWrite = 0x06;
- private const Byte BPReadWrite = 0x07;
- #endregion
- private event GeckoProgress PChunkUpdate;
- public event GeckoProgress chunkUpdate
- {
- add
- {
- PChunkUpdate += value;
- }
- remove
- {
- PChunkUpdate -= value;
- }
- }
- private bool PConnected;
- public bool connected
- {
- get
- {
- return PConnected;
- }
- }
- private bool PCancelDump;
- public bool CancelDump
- {
- get
- {
- return PCancelDump;
- }
- set
- {
- PCancelDump = value;
- }
- }
- public USBGecko()
- {
- #if DIRECT
- #if MONO
- PFTDI = new LFTDI();
- #else
- PFTDI = new D2XXWrapper();
- #endif
- #else
- PFTDI = new FTDI();
- #endif
- PConnected = false;
- PChunkUpdate = null;
- }
- ~ USBGecko()
- {
- if (PConnected)
- Disconnect();
- }
- protected bool InitGecko()
- {
- UInt32 FT_PURGE_RX = 1;
- UInt32 FT_PURGE_TX = 2;
- //Reset device
- ftStatus = PFTDI.ResetDevice();
- if (ftStatus != FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
- {
- Disconnect();
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIResetError);
- }
- //Purge RX buffers
- ftStatus = PFTDI.Purge(FT_PURGE_RX);
- if (ftStatus != FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
- {
- Disconnect();
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIPurgeRxError);
- }
- //Purge TX buffers
- ftStatus = PFTDI.Purge(FT_PURGE_TX);
- if (ftStatus != FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
- {
- Disconnect();
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIPurgeTxError);
- }
- return true;
- }
- public bool Connect()
- {
- if(PConnected)
- Disconnect();
- PConnected = false;
- UInt32 ftdiDeviceCount = 0;
- ftStatus = PFTDI.GetNumberOfDevices(ref ftdiDeviceCount);
- //Check if device query works
- if (ftStatus != FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
- {
- Disconnect();
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIQueryError);
- }
- //Check if devices availible
- if (ftdiDeviceCount == 0)
- {
- Disconnect();
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.noFTDIDevicesFound);
- }
- //Open USB Gecko
- ftStatus = PFTDI.OpenBySerialNumber("GECKUSB0");
- if (ftStatus != FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
- {
- // Don't disconnect if there's nothing connected
- #if !MONO
- Disconnect();
- #endif
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.noUSBGeckoFound);
- }
- //Set Timeouts to 2 seconds
- ftStatus = PFTDI.SetTimeouts(2000,2000);
- if (ftStatus != FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
- {
- Disconnect();
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDITimeoutSetError);
- }
- #if !MONO
- byte LatencyTimer = 2;
- ftStatus = PFTDI.SetLatencyTimer(LatencyTimer);
- if (ftStatus != FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
- {
- Disconnect();
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDITimeoutSetError);
- }
- #endif
- //Set Transfer rate
- ftStatus = PFTDI.InTransferSize(0x10000);
- if (ftStatus != FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
- {
- Disconnect();
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDITimeoutSetError);
- }
- //Initialise USB Gecko
- if (InitGecko())
- {
- System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(150);
- PConnected = true;
- return true;
- }
- else
- return false;
- }
- public void Disconnect()
- {
- PConnected = false;
- PFTDI.Close();
- }
- protected FTDICommand GeckoRead(Byte[] recbyte, UInt32 nobytes)
- {
- UInt32 bytes_read = 0;
- FT_STATUS ftStatus = PFTDI.Read(recbyte, nobytes, ref bytes_read);
- if (ftStatus == FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
- {
- if (bytes_read != nobytes)
- {
- return FTDICommand.CMD_ResultError; // lost bytes in transmission
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return FTDICommand.CMD_FatalError; // fatal error
- }
- return FTDICommand.CMD_OK;
- }
- protected FTDICommand GeckoWrite(Byte[] sendbyte, Int32 nobytes)
- {
- UInt32 bytes_written = 0;
- FT_STATUS ftStatus = PFTDI.Write(sendbyte, nobytes, ref bytes_written);
- if (ftStatus == FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
- {
- if (bytes_written != nobytes)
- {
- return FTDICommand.CMD_ResultError; // lost bytes in transmission
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return FTDICommand.CMD_FatalError; // fatal error
- }
- return FTDICommand.CMD_OK;
- }
- //Send update on a running process to the parent class
- protected void SendUpdate(UInt32 currentchunk, UInt32 allchunks, UInt32 transferred, UInt32 length, bool okay, bool dump)
- {
- if (PChunkUpdate != null)
- PChunkUpdate(currentchunk, allchunks, transferred, length, okay, dump);
- }
- public void Dump(Dump dump)
- {
- //Stream[] tempStream = { dump.dumpStream, dump.getOutputStream() };
- //Stream[] tempStream = { dump.dumpStream };
- //Dump(dump.startAddress, dump.endAddress, tempStream);
- //dump.getOutputStream().Dispose();
- //dump.WriteStreamToDisk();
- Dump(dump.StartAddress, dump.EndAddress, dump);
- }
- public void Dump(UInt32 startdump, UInt32 enddump, Stream saveStream)
- {
- Stream [] tempStream = { saveStream };
- Dump(startdump, enddump, tempStream);
- }
- public void Dump(UInt32 startdump, UInt32 enddump, Stream[] saveStream)
- {
- //Reset connection
- InitGecko();
- if (GeckoApp.ValidMemory.rangeCheckId(startdump) != GeckoApp.ValidMemory.rangeCheckId(enddump))
- {
- enddump = GeckoApp.ValidMemory.ValidAreas[GeckoApp.ValidMemory.rangeCheckId(startdump)].high;
- }
- if (!GeckoApp.ValidMemory.validAddress(startdump)) return;
- //How many bytes of data have to be transferred
- UInt32 memlength = enddump - startdump;
- //How many chunks do I need to split this data into
- //How big ist the last chunk
- UInt32 fullchunks = memlength / packetsize;
- UInt32 lastchunk = memlength % packetsize;
- //How many chunks do I need to transfer
- UInt32 allchunks = fullchunks;
- if (lastchunk > 0)
- allchunks++;
- UInt64 GeckoMemRange = ByteSwap.Swap((UInt64)(((UInt64)startdump << 32) + ((UInt64)enddump)));
- if (GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(cmd_readmem), 1) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- //Read reply - expcecting GCACK
- Byte retry = 0;
- while (retry < 10)
- {
- Byte[] response = new Byte[1];
- if (GeckoRead(response, 1) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIReadDataError);
- Byte reply = response[0];
- if (reply == GCACK)
- break;
- if (retry == 9)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIInvalidReply);
- }
- //Now let's send the dump information
- if (GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GeckoMemRange), 8) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- //We start with chunk 0
- UInt32 chunk = 0;
- retry = 0;
- // Reset cancel flag
- bool done = false;
- CancelDump = false;
- Byte[] buffer = new Byte[packetsize]; //read buffer
- while (chunk < fullchunks && !done)
- {
- //No output yet availible
- SendUpdate(chunk, allchunks, chunk * packetsize, memlength, retry == 0, true);
- //Set buffer
- FTDICommand returnvalue = GeckoRead(buffer, packetsize);
- if (returnvalue == FTDICommand.CMD_ResultError)
- {
- retry++;
- if (retry >= 3)
- {
- //Give up, too many retries
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.TooManyRetries);
- }
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCRETRY), 1);
- continue;
- }
- else if (returnvalue == FTDICommand.CMD_FatalError)
- {
- //Major fail, give it up
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIReadDataError);
- }
- //write received package to output stream
- foreach (Stream stream in saveStream)
- {
- stream.Write(buffer, 0, ((Int32)packetsize));
- }
- //reset retry counter
- retry = 0;
- //next chunk
- chunk++;
- if (!CancelDump)
- {
- //ackowledge package
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCACK), 1);
- }
- else
- {
- // User requested a cancel
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
- done = true;
- }
- }
- //Final package?
- while (!done)
- {
- //No output yet availible
- SendUpdate(chunk, allchunks, chunk * packetsize, memlength, retry == 0, true);
- //Set buffer
- // buffer = new Byte[lastchunk];
- FTDICommand returnvalue = GeckoRead(buffer, lastchunk);
- if (returnvalue == FTDICommand.CMD_ResultError)
- {
- retry++;
- if (retry >= 3)
- {
- //Give up, too many retries
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.TooManyRetries);
- }
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCRETRY), 1);
- continue;
- }
- else if (returnvalue == FTDICommand.CMD_FatalError)
- {
- //Major fail, give it up
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIReadDataError);
- }
- //write received package to output stream
- foreach (Stream stream in saveStream)
- {
- stream.Write(buffer, 0, ((Int32)lastchunk));
- }
- //reset retry counter
- retry = 0;
- //cancel while loop
- done = true;
- //ackowledge package
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCACK), 1);
- }
- SendUpdate(allchunks, allchunks, memlength, memlength, true, true);
- }
- public void Dump(UInt32 startdump, UInt32 enddump, Dump memdump)
- {
- //Reset connection
- InitGecko();
- //How many bytes of data have to be transferred
- UInt32 memlength = enddump - startdump;
- //How many chunks do I need to split this data into
- //How big ist the last chunk
- UInt32 fullchunks = memlength / packetsize;
- UInt32 lastchunk = memlength % packetsize;
- //How many chunks do I need to transfer
- UInt32 allchunks = fullchunks;
- if (lastchunk > 0)
- allchunks++;
- UInt64 GeckoMemRange = ByteSwap.Swap((UInt64)(((UInt64)startdump << 32) + ((UInt64)enddump)));
- if (GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(cmd_readmem), 1) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- //Read reply - expcecting GCACK
- Byte retry = 0;
- while (retry < 10)
- {
- Byte[] response = new Byte[1];
- if (GeckoRead(response, 1) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIReadDataError);
- Byte reply = response[0];
- if (reply == GCACK)
- break;
- if (retry == 9)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIInvalidReply);
- }
- //Now let's send the dump information
- if (GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GeckoMemRange), 8) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- //We start with chunk 0
- UInt32 chunk = 0;
- retry = 0;
- // Reset cancel flag
- bool done = false;
- CancelDump = false;
- Byte[] buffer = new Byte[packetsize]; //read buffer
- //GeckoApp.SubArray<Byte> buffer;
- while (chunk < fullchunks && !done)
- {
- //buffer = new SubArray<byte>(mem, chunk*packetsize, packetsize);
- //No output yet availible
- SendUpdate(chunk, allchunks, chunk * packetsize, memlength, retry == 0, true);
- //Set buffer
- FTDICommand returnvalue = GeckoRead(buffer, packetsize);
- if (returnvalue == FTDICommand.CMD_ResultError)
- {
- retry++;
- if (retry >= 3)
- {
- //Give up, too many retries
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.TooManyRetries);
- }
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCRETRY), 1);
- continue;
- }
- else if (returnvalue == FTDICommand.CMD_FatalError)
- {
- //Major fail, give it up
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIReadDataError);
- }
- //write received package to output stream
- //foreach (Stream stream in saveStream)
- //{
- // stream.Write(buffer, 0, ((Int32)packetsize));
- //}
- Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, memdump.mem, (int)(chunk * packetsize + (startdump - memdump.StartAddress)), (int)packetsize);
- memdump.ReadCompletedAddress = (UInt32)((chunk + 1) * packetsize + startdump);
- //reset retry counter
- retry = 0;
- //next chunk
- chunk++;
- if (!CancelDump)
- {
- //ackowledge package
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCACK), 1);
- }
- else
- {
- // User requested a cancel
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
- done = true;
- }
- }
- //Final package?
- while (!done)
- {
- //buffer = new SubArray<byte>(mem, chunk * packetsize, lastchunk);
- //No output yet availible
- SendUpdate(chunk, allchunks, chunk * packetsize, memlength, retry == 0, true);
- //Set buffer
- // buffer = new Byte[lastchunk];
- FTDICommand returnvalue = GeckoRead(buffer, lastchunk);
- if (returnvalue == FTDICommand.CMD_ResultError)
- {
- retry++;
- if (retry >= 3)
- {
- //Give up, too many retries
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.TooManyRetries);
- }
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCRETRY), 1);
- continue;
- }
- else if (returnvalue == FTDICommand.CMD_FatalError)
- {
- //Major fail, give it up
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIReadDataError);
- }
- //write received package to output stream
- //foreach (Stream stream in saveStream)
- //{
- // stream.Write(buffer, 0, ((Int32)lastchunk));
- //}
- Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, memdump.mem, (int)(chunk * packetsize + (startdump - memdump.StartAddress)), (int)lastchunk);
- //reset retry counter
- retry = 0;
- //cancel while loop
- done = true;
- //ackowledge package
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCACK), 1);
- }
- SendUpdate(allchunks, allchunks, memlength, memlength, true, true);
- }
- public void Upload(UInt32 startupload, UInt32 endupload, Stream sendStream)
- {
- //Reset connection
- InitGecko();
- //How many bytes of data have to be transferred
- UInt32 memlength = endupload - startupload;
- //How many chunks do I need to split this data into
- //How big ist the last chunk
- UInt32 fullchunks = memlength / uplpacketsize;
- UInt32 lastchunk = memlength % uplpacketsize;
- //How many chunks do I need to transfer
- UInt32 allchunks = fullchunks;
- if (lastchunk > 0)
- allchunks++;
- UInt64 GeckoMemRange = ByteSwap.Swap((UInt64)(((UInt64)startupload << 32) + ((UInt64)endupload)));
- if (GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(cmd_upload), 1) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- //Read reply - expcecting GCACK
- Byte retry = 0;
- while (retry < 10)
- {
- Byte[] response = new Byte[1];
- if (GeckoRead(response, 1) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIReadDataError);
- Byte reply = response[0];
- if (reply == GCACK)
- break;
- if (retry == 9)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIInvalidReply);
- }
- //Now let's send the upload information
- if (GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GeckoMemRange), 8) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- //We start with chunk 0
- UInt32 chunk = 0;
- retry = 0;
- Byte[] buffer; //read buffer
- while (chunk < fullchunks)
- {
- //No output yet availible
- SendUpdate(chunk, allchunks, chunk * packetsize, memlength, retry == 0, false);
- //Set buffer
- buffer = new Byte[uplpacketsize];
- //Read buffer from stream
- sendStream.Read(buffer, 0, (int)uplpacketsize);
- FTDICommand returnvalue = GeckoWrite(buffer, (int)uplpacketsize);
- if (returnvalue == FTDICommand.CMD_ResultError)
- {
- retry++;
- if (retry >= 3)
- {
- //Give up, too many retries
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.TooManyRetries);
- }
- //Reset stream
- sendStream.Seek((-1)*((int)uplpacketsize), SeekOrigin.Current);
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCRETRY), 1);
- continue;
- }
- else if (returnvalue == FTDICommand.CMD_FatalError)
- {
- //Major fail, give it up
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIReadDataError);
- }
- //reset retry counter
- retry = 0;
- //next chunk
- chunk++;
- //ackowledge package
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCACK), 1);
- }
- //Final package?
- while (lastchunk > 0)
- {
- //No output yet availible
- SendUpdate(chunk, allchunks, chunk * packetsize, memlength, retry == 0, false);
- //Set buffer
- buffer = new Byte[lastchunk];
- //Read buffer from stream
- sendStream.Read(buffer, 0, (int)lastchunk);
- FTDICommand returnvalue = GeckoRead(buffer, lastchunk);
- if (returnvalue == FTDICommand.CMD_ResultError)
- {
- retry++;
- if (retry >= 3)
- {
- //Give up, too many retries
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.TooManyRetries);
- }
- //Reset stream
- sendStream.Seek((-1) * ((int)lastchunk), SeekOrigin.Current);
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCRETRY), 1);
- continue;
- }
- else if (returnvalue == FTDICommand.CMD_FatalError)
- {
- //Major fail, give it up
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIReadDataError);
- }
- //reset retry counter
- retry = 0;
- //cancel while loop
- lastchunk = 0;
- //ackowledge package
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCACK), 1);
- }
- SendUpdate(allchunks, allchunks, memlength, memlength, true, false);
- }
- public bool Reconnect()
- {
- Disconnect();
- try
- {
- return Connect();
- }
- catch
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- //Allows sending a basic one byte command to the Wii
- public FTDICommand RawCommand(Byte id)
- {
- return GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(id), 1);
- }
- //Pauses the game
- public void Pause()
- {
- //Only needs to send a cmd_pause to Wii
- if (RawCommand(cmd_pause) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- }
- // Tries to repeatedly pause the game until it succeeds
- public void SafePause()
- {
- bool WasRunning = (status() == WiiStatus.Running);
- while (WasRunning)
- {
- Pause();
- System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100);
- // Sometimes, the game doesn't actually pause...
- // So loop repeatedly until it does!
- WasRunning = (status() == WiiStatus.Running);
- }
- }
- //Unpauses the game
- public void Resume()
- {
- //Only needs to send a cmd_unfreeze to Wii
- if (RawCommand(cmd_unfreeze) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- }
- // Tries repeatedly to resume the game until it succeeds
- public void SafeResume()
- {
- bool NotRunning = (status() != WiiStatus.Running);
- int failCounter = 0;
- while (NotRunning && failCounter < 10)
- {
- Resume();
- System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100);
- // Sometimes, the game doesn't actually resume...
- // So loop repeatedly until it does!
- try
- {
- NotRunning = (status() != WiiStatus.Running);
- }
- catch (FTDIUSBGecko.EUSBGeckoException ex)
- {
- NotRunning = true;
- failCounter++;
- }
- }
- }
- //Sends a GCFAIL to the game.. in case the Gecko handler hangs.. sendfail might solve it!
- public void sendfail()
- {
- //Only needs to send a cmd_unfreeze to Wii
- //Ignores the reply, send this command multiple times!
- RawCommand(GCFAIL);
- }
- #region poke commands
- //Poke a 32 bit value - note: address and value must be all in endianness of sending platform
- public void poke(UInt32 address, UInt32 value)
- {
- //Lower address
- address &= 0xFFFFFFFC;
- //value = send [address in big endian] [value in big endian]
- UInt64 PokeVal = ( ((UInt64)address) << 32) | ((UInt64) value);
- PokeVal = ByteSwap.Swap(PokeVal);
- //Send poke
- if (RawCommand(cmd_pokemem)!=FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- //write value
- if (GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(PokeVal), 8)!=FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- }
- //Copy of poke, just poke32 to make clear it is a 32-bit poke
- public void poke32(UInt32 address, UInt32 value)
- {
- poke(address, value);
- }
- //Poke a 16 bit value - note: address and value must be all in endianness of sending platform
- public void poke16(UInt32 address, UInt16 value)
- {
- //Lower address
- address &= 0xFFFFFFFE;
- //value = send [address in big endian] [value in big endian]
- UInt64 PokeVal = (((UInt64)address) << 32) | ((UInt64)value);
- PokeVal = ByteSwap.Swap(PokeVal);
- //Send poke16
- if (RawCommand(cmd_poke16) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- //write value
- if (GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(PokeVal), 8) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- }
- //Poke a 08 bit value - note: address and value must be all in endianness of sending platform
- public void poke08(UInt32 address, Byte value)
- {
- //value = send [address in big endian] [value in big endian]
- UInt64 PokeVal = (((UInt64)address) << 32) | ((UInt64)value);
- PokeVal = ByteSwap.Swap(PokeVal);
- //Send poke08
- if (RawCommand(cmd_poke08) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- //write value
- if (GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(PokeVal), 8) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- }
- #endregion
- //Returns the console status
- public WiiStatus status()
- {
- System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100);
- //Initialise Gecko
- if (!InitGecko())
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIResetError);
- //Send status command
- if (RawCommand(cmd_status) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10);
- //Read status
- Byte[] buffer=new Byte[1];
- if (GeckoRead(buffer, 1) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIReadDataError);
- //analyse reply
- switch (buffer[0])
- {
- case 0: return WiiStatus.Running;
- case 1: return WiiStatus.Paused;
- case 2: return WiiStatus.Breakpoint;
- case 3: return WiiStatus.Loader;
- default: return WiiStatus.Unknown;
- }
- }
- //Step to the next frame
- public void Step()
- {
- //Reset buffers
- if (!InitGecko())
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIResetError);
- //Send step command
- if (RawCommand(cmd_step) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- }
- #region breakpoint crap
- //Initialise a basic data breakpoint
- //address = Which address should the breakpoint be added on
- //bptype = how many bytes need to be added to the 8 byte aligned address - 5 for read, 6 for write, 7 for rw
- //exact = only break if the exact address is being accessed
- protected void Breakpoint(UInt32 address, Byte bptype, bool exact)
- {
- InitGecko();
- UInt32 lowaddr = (address & 0xFFFFFFF8) | bptype;
- //Actual address to put the breakpoint - the identity adder is applied to it
- bool useGeckoBP = false;
- if (exact)
- useGeckoBP = (VersionRequest() >= GCNewVer);
- if (!useGeckoBP) //classic PPC breakpoint
- {
- if (RawCommand(cmd_breakpoint) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- //Convert lowaddr to BigEndian
- UInt32 breakpaddr = ByteSwap.Swap(lowaddr);
- if (GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(breakpaddr),4)!=FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- }
- else //advanced exact Gecko breakpoint
- {
- if (RawCommand(cmd_nbreakpoint) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- UInt64 breakpaddr = ((UInt64)lowaddr) << 32 | ((UInt64)address);
- breakpaddr = ByteSwap.Swap(breakpaddr);
- if (GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(breakpaddr), 8) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- }
- }
- //Read breakpoint
- public void BreakpointR(UInt32 address, bool exact)
- {
- Breakpoint(address, BPRead, exact);
- }
- public void BreakpointR(UInt32 address)
- {
- Breakpoint(address, BPRead, true);
- }
- //Write breakpoint
- public void BreakpointW(UInt32 address, bool exact)
- {
- Breakpoint(address, BPWrite, exact);
- }
- public void BreakpointW(UInt32 address)
- {
- Breakpoint(address, BPWrite, true);
- }
- //Read/Write breakpoint
- public void BreakpointRW(UInt32 address, bool exact)
- {
- Breakpoint(address, BPReadWrite, exact);
- }
- public void BreakpointRW(UInt32 address)
- {
- Breakpoint(address, BPReadWrite, true);
- }
- //Execute breakpoints require a different command and different parameters
- //address = address to put the breakpoint on
- public void BreakpointX(UInt32 address)
- {
- InitGecko();
- //Unlike Data breakpoints Execute breakpoints are exact to 4 bytes
- UInt32 baddress = ByteSwap.Swap(((UInt32)(address & 0xFFFFFFFC) | BPExecute));
- //Send breakpoint execute command
- if (RawCommand(cmd_breakpointx) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- //Send address to handler
- if(GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(baddress),4) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- }
- //Returns true once a Breakpoint has hit
- //Function is depricated use status function instead - only for backwards compatibility with Delphi ports!
- public bool BreakpointHit()
- {
- Byte[] buffer = new Byte[1];
- if (GeckoRead(buffer, 1) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- return false;
- //did we receive a bphit signal?
- return (buffer[0] == GCBPHit);
- }
- //Cancels running breakpoints
- //doesn't work thanks to a malfunction of current gecko handlers!
- public void CancelBreakpoint()
- {
- if (RawCommand(cmd_cancelbp) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- }
- #endregion
- //Is this version code a correct Gecko version?
- protected bool AllowedVersion(Byte version)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < GCAllowedVersions.Length; i++)
- if (GCAllowedVersions[i] == version)
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- public Byte VersionRequest()
- {
- InitGecko();
- if (RawCommand(cmd_version) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- Byte retries = 0;
- Byte result = 0;
- Byte[] buffer = new Byte[1];
- //try to receive a version 3 times.. if it really does not return anything useful give up!
- do
- {
- if (GeckoRead(buffer, 1) == FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- {
- if (AllowedVersion(buffer[0]))
- {
- result = buffer[0];
- break;
- }
- }
- retries++;
- } while (retries < 3);
- return result;
- }
- public UInt32 peek(UInt32 address)
- {
- if (!GeckoApp.ValidMemory.validAddress(address))
- {
- return 0;
- }
- //address will be alligned to 4
- UInt32 paddress=address & 0xFFFFFFFC;
- //Create a memory stream for the actual dump
- MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
- //make sure to not send data to the output
- GeckoProgress oldUpdate = PChunkUpdate;
- PChunkUpdate = null;
- try
- {
- //dump data
- Dump(paddress, paddress + 4, stream);
- //go to beginning
- stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
- Byte[] buffer = new Byte[4];
- stream.Read(buffer, 0, 4);
- //Read buffer
- UInt32 result = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0);
- //Swap to machine endianness and return
- result = ByteSwap.Swap(result);
- return result;
- }
- finally
- {
- PChunkUpdate = oldUpdate;
- //make sure the Stream is properly closed
- stream.Close();
- }
- }
- #region register operations
- //Read registers in breakpoint cases
- public void GetRegisters(Stream stream)
- {
- //Check Gecko version
- bool includeFloatRegisters = (VersionRequest() >= GCNewVer);
- //In case we use a new Gecko we receive more data from the console:
- UInt32 bytesExpected;
- if (includeFloatRegisters)
- bytesExpected = 0x120;
- else
- bytesExpected = 0x0A0;
- //Send command
- if (RawCommand(cmd_getregs) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- //Read registers
- Byte[] buffer = new Byte[bytesExpected];
- if (GeckoRead(buffer, bytesExpected) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIReadDataError);
- //Store registers to output stream!
- stream.Write(buffer, 0, ((Int32)bytesExpected));
- }
- //Send registers
- public void SendRegisters(Stream sendStream)
- {
- InitGecko();
- //FP registers cannot be sent!
- const Int32 bytesExpected = 0xA0;
- if (sendStream.Length != bytesExpected)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.REGStreamSizeInvalid);
- //Fill buffer
- Byte[] buffer = new Byte[bytesExpected];
- sendStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
- sendStream.Read(buffer, 0, bytesExpected);
- //Initialize send command
- if (RawCommand(cmd_sendregs) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- //Check GCACK reply with 3 retries!
- Byte retries = 0;
- while (retries < 3)
- {
- Byte[] rpbuffer = new Byte[1];
- if (GeckoRead(rpbuffer, 1) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIReadDataError);
- if (rpbuffer[0] == GCACK)
- break;
- retries++;
- if (retries == 3)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIReadDataError);
- }
- retries = 0;
- while (retries < 3)
- {
- //Try to send data
- FTDICommand answer = GeckoWrite(buffer, bytesExpected);
- //Check answer
- if (answer == FTDICommand.CMD_ResultError)
- {
- retries++;
- if (retries >= 3)
- {
- //Too many retries, give up
- RawCommand(GCFAIL);
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- }
- RawCommand(GCRETRY);
- continue;
- }
- else if (answer == FTDICommand.CMD_FatalError)
- {
- //Major fail, give up!
- RawCommand(GCFAIL);
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region Cheat related stuff
- private UInt64 readInt64(Stream inputstream)
- {
- Byte[] buffer = new Byte[8];
- inputstream.Read(buffer, 0, 8);
- UInt64 result = BitConverter.ToUInt64(buffer,0);
- result = ByteSwap.Swap(result);
- return result;
- }
- private void writeInt64(Stream outputstream, UInt64 value)
- {
- UInt64 bvalue = ByteSwap.Swap(value);
- Byte[] buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(bvalue);
- outputstream.Write(buffer, 0, 8);
- }
- private void insertInto(Stream insertStream, UInt64 value)
- {
- MemoryStream tempstream = new MemoryStream();
- writeInt64(tempstream, value);
- insertStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
- Byte[] streambuffer=new Byte[insertStream.Length];
- insertStream.Read(streambuffer,0, (Int32)insertStream.Length);
- tempstream.Write(streambuffer, 0, (Int32)insertStream.Length);
- insertStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
- tempstream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
- streambuffer = new Byte[tempstream.Length];
- tempstream.Read(streambuffer, 0, (Int32)tempstream.Length);
- insertStream.Write(streambuffer, 0, (Int32)tempstream.Length);
- tempstream.Close();
- }
- public void sendCheats(Stream inputStream)
- {
- MemoryStream cheatStream = new MemoryStream();
- Byte[] orgData = new Byte[inputStream.Length];
- inputStream.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Begin);
- inputStream.Read(orgData, 0, (Int32)inputStream.Length);
- cheatStream.Write(orgData, 0, (Int32)inputStream.Length);
- UInt32 length = (UInt32)cheatStream.Length;
- //Cheat stream length must be multiple of 8
- if (length % 8 != 0)
- {
- cheatStream.Close();
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.CheatStreamSizeInvalid);
- }
- //Reset buffers
- InitGecko();
- //Make sure the stream ends with F0/F1
- cheatStream.Seek(-8,SeekOrigin.End);
- UInt64 data = readInt64(cheatStream);
- data = data & 0xFE00000000000000;
- if ( (data != 0xF000000000000000) &&
- (data != 0xFE00000000000000))
- {
- cheatStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
- writeInt64(cheatStream, 0xF000000000000000);
- }
- //Make sure it starts with 00D0C0...
- cheatStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
- data = readInt64(cheatStream);
- if (data != 0x00D0C0DE00D0C0DE)
- {
- insertInto(cheatStream, 0x00D0C0DE00D0C0DE);
- }
- cheatStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
- length = (UInt32)cheatStream.Length;
- if (GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(cmd_sendcheats), 1) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- {
- cheatStream.Close();
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- }
- //How many chunks do I need to split this data into
- //How big ist the last chunk
- UInt32 fullchunks = length / uplpacketsize;
- UInt32 lastchunk = length % uplpacketsize;
- //How many chunks do I need to transfer
- UInt32 allchunks = fullchunks;
- if (lastchunk > 0)
- allchunks++;
- //Read reply - expcecting GCACK
- Byte retry = 0;
- while (retry < 10)
- {
- Byte[] response = new Byte[1];
- if (GeckoRead(response, 1) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- {
- cheatStream.Close();
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIReadDataError);
- }
- Byte reply = response[0];
- if (reply == GCACK)
- break;
- if (retry == 9)
- {
- cheatStream.Close();
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIInvalidReply);
- }
- }
- UInt32 blength = ByteSwap.Swap(length);
- if (GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(blength), 4) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- {
- cheatStream.Close();
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- }
- //We start with chunk 0
- UInt32 chunk = 0;
- retry = 0;
- Byte[] buffer; //read buffer
- while (chunk < fullchunks)
- {
- //No output yet availible
- SendUpdate(chunk, allchunks, chunk * packetsize, length, retry == 0,false);
- //Set buffer
- buffer = new Byte[uplpacketsize];
- //Read buffer from stream
- cheatStream.Read(buffer, 0, (int)uplpacketsize);
- FTDICommand returnvalue = GeckoWrite(buffer, (int)uplpacketsize);
- if (returnvalue == FTDICommand.CMD_ResultError)
- {
- retry++;
- if (retry >= 3)
- {
- //Give up, too many retries
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
- cheatStream.Close();
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.TooManyRetries);
- }
- //Reset stream
- cheatStream.Seek((-1) * ((int)uplpacketsize), SeekOrigin.Current);
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCRETRY), 1);
- continue;
- }
- else if (returnvalue == FTDICommand.CMD_FatalError)
- {
- //Major fail, give it up
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
- cheatStream.Close();
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIReadDataError);
- }
- Byte[] response = new Byte[1];
- returnvalue = GeckoRead(response, 1);
- if ((returnvalue == FTDICommand.CMD_ResultError) || (response[0] != GCACK))
- {
- retry++;
- if (retry >= 3)
- {
- //Give up, too many retries
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
- cheatStream.Close();
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.TooManyRetries);
- }
- //Reset stream
- cheatStream.Seek((-1) * ((int)uplpacketsize), SeekOrigin.Current);
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCRETRY), 1);
- continue;
- }
- else if (returnvalue == FTDICommand.CMD_FatalError)
- {
- //Major fail, give it up
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
- cheatStream.Close();
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIReadDataError);
- }
- //reset retry counter
- retry = 0;
- //next chunk
- chunk++;
- //ackowledge package
- }
- //Final package?
- while (lastchunk > 0)
- {
- //No output yet availible
- SendUpdate(chunk, allchunks, chunk * packetsize, length, retry == 0,false);
- //Set buffer
- buffer = new Byte[lastchunk];
- //Read buffer from stream
- cheatStream.Read(buffer, 0, (int)lastchunk);
- FTDICommand returnvalue = GeckoWrite(buffer, (Int32)lastchunk);
- if (returnvalue == FTDICommand.CMD_ResultError)
- {
- retry++;
- if (retry >= 3)
- {
- //Give up, too many retries
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
- cheatStream.Close();
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.TooManyRetries);
- }
- //Reset stream
- cheatStream.Seek((-1) * ((int)lastchunk), SeekOrigin.Current);
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCRETRY), 1);
- continue;
- }
- else if (returnvalue == FTDICommand.CMD_FatalError)
- {
- //Major fail, give it up
- GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
- cheatStream.Close();
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDIReadDataError);
- }
- //reset retry counter
- retry = 0;
- //cancel while loop
- lastchunk = 0;
- //ackowledge package
- //GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCACK), 1);
- }
- SendUpdate(allchunks, allchunks, length, length, true,false);
- cheatStream.Close();
- }
- //Execute cheats
- public void ExecuteCheats()
- {
- if (RawCommand(cmd_cheatexec) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- }
- #endregion
- #region hooking crap
- //Hook command:
- public void Hook(bool pause, WiiLanguage language, WiiPatches patches, WiiHookType hookType)
- {
- InitGecko();
- //Hookpause command or regular hook?
- Byte command;
- if (pause)
- command = cmd_hookpause;
- else
- command = cmd_hook;
- //Perform hook command
- command += (Byte)hookType;
- if (RawCommand(command) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- //Send language
- if (language != WiiLanguage.NoOverride)
- command = (Byte)(language - 1);
- else
- command = 0xCD;
- if (RawCommand(command) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- //Send patches
- command = (Byte)patches;
- if (RawCommand(command) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
- throw new EUSBGeckoException(EUSBErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);
- }
- public void Hook()
- {
- Hook(false, WiiLanguage.NoOverride, WiiPatches.NoPatches, WiiHookType.VI);
- }
- #endregion
- #region Screenshot processing
- private static Byte ConvertSafely(double floatValue)
- {
- return (Byte)Math.Round(Math.Max(0, Math.Min(floatValue, 255)));
- }
- private static Bitmap ProcessImage(UInt32 width, UInt32 height, Stream analyze)
- {
- Bitmap BitmapRGB = new Bitmap((int)width, (int)height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
- BitmapData bData = BitmapRGB.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)width, (int)height),
- ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
- int size = bData.Stride * bData.Height;
- Byte[] data = new Byte[size];
- System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(bData.Scan0, data, 0, size);
- Byte[] bufferBytes= new Byte[width * height * 2];
- int y = 0;
- int u = 0;
- int v = 0;
- int yvpos = 0;
- int rgbpos = 0;
- analyze.Read(bufferBytes, 0, (int)(width * height * 2));
- for (int i = 0; i < width*height; i++)
- {
- yvpos = i * 2;
- //YV encoding is a bit awkward!
- if (i % 2 == 0) //Even
- {
- y = bufferBytes[yvpos];
- u = bufferBytes[yvpos + 1]; //U value is taken from current V block
- v = bufferBytes[yvpos + 3]; //Take V from next data YV block
- }
- else //Odd
- y = bufferBytes[yvpos];
- //u is taken from last pixel
- //v too!
- rgbpos = (i * 3);
- data[rgbpos] = ConvertSafely(1.164 * (y - 16) + 2.017 * (u - 128)); //Blue pixel value
- data[rgbpos + 1] = ConvertSafely(1.164 * (y - 16) - 0.392 * (u - 128) - 0.813 * (v - 128)); //Greeen pixel value
- data[rgbpos + 2] = ConvertSafely(1.164 * (y - 16) + 1.596 * (v - 128)); //Red pixel value
- }
- System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(data, 0, bData.Scan0, data.Length);
- BitmapRGB.UnlockBits(bData);
- return BitmapRGB;
- }
- public Image Screenshot()
- {
- MemoryStream analyze;
- //Dump video registers
- analyze = new MemoryStream();
- Dump(0xCC002000, 0xCC002080, analyze);
- analyze.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
- Byte[] viregs = new Byte[128];
- analyze.Read(viregs, 0, 128);
- analyze.Close();
- //Extract width, height and offset in memory
- UInt32 swidth = (UInt32)(viregs[0x49] << 3);
- UInt32 sheight = (UInt32)(((viregs[0] << 5) | (viregs[1] >> 3)) & 0x07FE);
- UInt32 soffset = (UInt32)((viregs[0x1D] << 16) | (viregs[0x1E] << 8) | viregs[0x1F]);
- if ( (viregs[0x1C] & 0x10) == 0x10)
- soffset <<= 5;
- soffset += 0x80000000;
- soffset -= (UInt32)((viregs[0x1C] & 0xF) << 3);
- //Dump video data
- analyze = new MemoryStream();
- Dump(soffset, soffset + sheight * swidth * 2, analyze);
- analyze.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
- if (sheight > 600) //Progressive mode!
- {
- sheight = sheight / 2;
- swidth = swidth * 2;
- }
- Bitmap b = ProcessImage(swidth, sheight, analyze);
- analyze.Close();
- return b;
- }
- #endregion
- }
- }
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