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Warriors Lucina x Lissa

a guest
Oct 1st, 2017
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  1. Lucina: Lissa, could you bring me that bow?
  2. Lissa: Sure thing! And what about this sword here?
  3. Lucina: Oh, yes, I haven't repaired that one-- Eek!
  4. Lissa: What is it?!
  5. Lucina: Th-there's...a bug! A huge bug, and it''s squirmy!
  6. Lissa: A bug? Where?!
  7. Lucina: It's right by your feet! Hold still, and I shall exterminate it!
  8. Lissa: It's near me?! Ahh, gross! What the... Ugh, yuck, it is squirmy! Lucina, help!
  9. Lucina: I will not let it bring you harm, Lissa! I will change your fate...and that of this bug!
  10. Lissa: Wait, Lucina! That's the Falchion!
  11. Lucina: Father's sword? I couldn't possibly sully it by slaying a bug...
  12. Lissa: It's coming for you! Our talking has given it an opening!
  13. Lucina: A crafty foe... N-no, don't come over here!
  14. Lissa: Ugh, it really is gross... But I guess it's up to me to defeat it! Have some of this!
  15. Lucina: Lissa, don't swing your axe so wildly! We're in a tent!
  16. Lissa: But these are desperate times!
  17. Lucina: My only recourse is to sacrifice my cape. I will immobilize the enemy and crush it!
  18. Lissa: But if you do that, you'll never be able to wear that cape again!
  19. Lucina: I won't let it lay a finger--leg--whatever--on you! Now, prepare your-- Wait... It's gone. Did it escape through an opening?Phew, what a relief. This whole ordeal has left me drained.
  20. Lissa: That was the most exhausting battle I've fought in ages.
  21. Lucina: I apologize I could not act sooner. Next time, I will obliterate it.
  22. Lissa: Heeheehee...
  23. Lucina: What are you laughing at?
  24. Lissa: It just dawned on funny it was for us to panic over a silly bug.
  25. Lucina: Hmm, you're right... For some reason, it was kind of fun. But I don't think it was the bug's doing. I have always hated them.
  26. Lissa: You're just like me--I can't stand them either. Playing around like this makes me feel like we're really family, Lucina.
  27. Lucina: Heh... That does have a nice ring to it. I wonder... Do we have any other similarities? A favorite food, or a talent?
  28. Lissa: We must! After all, you're my...time-travel...future-niece!
  29. Lucina: I'm sure you're right. We're alike in more ways than...
  30. Lissa: Hm? What's the matter? feet? Another bug?! Eek!
  31. Lucina: J-just leave it to me, Lissa! This time, I shall strike a fatal blow for sure!
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