

Mar 21st, 2023
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  1. Write a powershell script to read the email subject and email content stored in a outlook pst file.
  2. ai In order to read the email subject and email content stored in an Outlook PST file using PowerShell, you can use the following script:
  3. ```powershell
  4. # Load the Outlook COM object
  5. Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook
  6. # Create a new instance of the Outlook application
  7. $outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
  8. # Open the PST file
  9. $pst = $outlook.Session.AddStore("C:\path\to\pst\file.pst")
  10. # Get the root folder of the PST file
  11. $rootFolder = $pst.GetRootFolder()
  12. # Define a function to recursively iterate through all subfolders
  13. function Get-Folders($folder) {
  14. # Iterate through all the folders
  15. foreach ($subFolder in $folder.Folders) {
  16. # Call the function recursively to get all subfolders
  17. Get-Folders $subFolder
  18. }
  19. # Output the current folder
  20. $folder
  21. }
  22. # Get all the folders in the PST file
  23. $folders = Get-Folders $rootFolder
  24. # Iterate through all the folders and get the email subject and content
  25. foreach ($folder in $folders) {
  26. foreach ($item in $folder.Items) {
  27. # Check if the item is an email
  28. if ($item.MessageClass -eq "IPM.Note") {
  29. # Get the subject and content of the email
  30. $subject = $item.Subject
  31. $content = $item.Body
  32. # Output the subject and content
  33. Write-Host "Subject: $subject"
  34. Write-Host "Content: $content"
  35. }
  36. }
  37. }
  38. # Close the PST file
  39. $pst.Close()
  40. ```
  41. You will need to replace `C:\path\to\pst\file.pst` with the actual path to your PST file. You can also modify the output as needed, for example, by writing the results to a file or sending an email.
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