
Does a dog have Buddha-nature?

Mar 10th, 2017
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  1. A nasty answer to this one is also "Ask the dog!". This is in avoidance of "Mu!" which simply as it is a Japanese utterance of disdain towards Zen-Koan resulting in "satori". Similar one has "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" where the student answer it with "Try it!". Though these interpretations are proprietary to Zen-Buddhism.
  3. This is because the reason one in the start phase can not understand koans is due to introversion or introspection so one doesn't pseudo-telepathically (as in "para-physics") see the question as it simply is illustrated with the above koan. Once one's mind is centered and outwards looking the koan cease to become as they have been termed "illogical problems".
  5. Though using the koan through experience is another matter. It may very well make one's hair stand on end, to scream asking a dog if it has Buddha-nature (when it is not behaving i.e.). Likewise it may cause upset in one self when one shake hands with someone while also clapping (as some due to hand-shake from a Zen-master.).
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