
Gmod lua_shared Vtable Dump

Apr 21st, 2017
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  1. // Auto reconstructed from vtable block @ 0x0006D520
  2. // from "lua_shared.dylib", by ida_vtables.idc
  3. 0 CLuaInterface::Top(void)
  4. 1 CLuaInterface::Push(int)
  5. 2 CLuaInterface::Pop(int)
  6. 3 CLuaInterface::GetTable(int)
  7. 4 CLuaInterface::GetField(int,char const*)
  8. 5 CLuaInterface::SetField(int,char const*)
  9. 6 CLuaInterface::CreateTable(void)
  10. 7 CLuaInterface::SetTable(int)
  11. 8 CLuaInterface::SetMetaTable(int)
  12. 9 CLuaInterface::GetMetaTable(int)
  13. 10 CLuaInterface::Call(int,int)
  14. 11 CLuaInterface::PCall(int,int,int)
  15. 12 CLuaInterface::Equal(int,int)
  16. 13 CLuaInterface::RawEqual(int,int)
  17. 14 CLuaInterface::Insert(int)
  18. 15 CLuaInterface::Remove(int)
  19. 16 CLuaInterface::Next(int)
  20. 17 CLuaInterface::NewUserdata(unsigned int)
  21. 18 CLuaInterface::ThrowError(char const*)
  22. 19 CLuaInterface::CheckType(int,int)
  23. 20 CLuaInterface::ArgError(int,char const*)
  24. 21 CLuaInterface::RawGet(int)
  25. 22 CLuaInterface::RawSet(int)
  26. 23 CLuaInterface::GetString(int,unsigned int *)
  27. 24 CLuaInterface::GetNumber(int)
  28. 25 CLuaInterface::GetBool(int)
  29. 26 CLuaInterface::GetCFunction(int)
  30. 27 CLuaInterface::GetUserdata(int)
  31. 28 CLuaInterface::PushNil(void)
  32. 29 CLuaInterface::PushString(char const*,unsigned int)
  33. 30 CLuaInterface::PushNumber(double)
  34. 31 CLuaInterface::PushBool(bool)
  35. 32 CLuaInterface::PushCFunction(int (*)(lua_State *))
  36. 33 CLuaInterface::PushCClosure(int (*)(lua_State *),int)
  37. 34 CLuaInterface::PushUserdata(void *)
  38. 35 CLuaInterface::ReferenceCreate(void)
  39. 36 CLuaInterface::ReferenceFree(int)
  40. 37 CLuaInterface::ReferencePush(int)
  41. 38 CLuaInterface::PushSpecial(int)
  42. 39 CLuaInterface::IsType(int,int)
  43. 40 CLuaInterface::GetType(int)
  44. 41 CLuaInterface::GetTypeName(int)
  45. 42 CLuaInterface::CreateMetaTableType(char const*,int)
  46. 43 CLuaInterface::CheckString(int)
  47. 44 CLuaInterface::CheckNumber(int)
  48. 45 CLuaInterface::ObjLen(int)
  49. 46 CLuaInterface::GetAngle(int)
  50. 47 CLuaInterface::GetVector(int)
  51. 48 CLuaInterface::PushAngle(QAngle const&)
  52. 49 CLuaInterface::PushVector(Vector const&)
  53. 50 CLuaInterface::SetState(lua_State *)
  54. 51 CLuaInterface::CreateMetaTable(char const*)
  55. 52 CLuaInterface::PushMetaTable(int)
  56. 53 CLuaInterface::PushUserType(void *,int)
  57. 54 CLuaInterface::SetUserType(int,void *)
  58. 55 CLuaInterface::Init(ILuaCallback *,bool)
  59. 56 CLuaInterface::Shutdown(void)
  60. 57 CLuaInterface::Cycle(void)
  61. 58 CLuaInterface::Global(void)
  62. 59 CLuaInterface::GetObject(int)
  63. 60 CLuaInterface::PushLuaObject(ILuaObject *)
  64. 61 CLuaInterface::PushLuaFunction(int (*)(lua_State *))
  65. 62 CLuaInterface::LuaError(char const*,int)
  66. 63 CLuaInterface::TypeError(char const*,int)
  67. 64 CLuaInterface::CallInternal(int,int)
  68. 65 CLuaInterface::CallInternalNoReturns(int)
  69. 66 CLuaInterface::CallInternalGetBool(int)
  70. 67 CLuaInterface::CallInternalGetString(int)
  71. 68 CLuaInterface::CallInternalGet(int,ILuaObject *)
  72. 69 CLuaInterface::NewGlobalTable(char const*)
  73. 70 CLuaInterface::NewTemporaryObject(void)
  74. 71 CLuaInterface::isUserData(int)
  75. 72 CLuaInterface::GetMetaTableObject(char const*,int)
  76. 73 CLuaInterface::GetMetaTableObject(int)
  77. 74 CLuaInterface::GetReturn(int)
  78. 75 CLuaInterface::IsServer(void)
  79. 76 CLuaInterface::IsClient(void)
  80. 77 CLuaInterface::IsDedicatedServer(void)
  81. 78 CLuaInterface::DestroyObject(ILuaObject *)
  82. 79 CLuaInterface::CreateObject(void)
  83. 80 CLuaInterface::SetMember(ILuaObject *,ILuaObject *,ILuaObject *)
  84. 81 CLuaInterface::GetNewTable(void)
  85. 82 CLuaInterface::SetMember(ILuaObject *,float)
  86. 83 CLuaInterface::SetMember(ILuaObject *,float,ILuaObject *)
  87. 84 CLuaInterface::SetMember(ILuaObject *,char const*)
  88. 85 CLuaInterface::SetMember(ILuaObject *,char const*,ILuaObject *)
  89. 86 CLuaInterface::SetIsServer(bool)
  90. 87 CLuaInterface::PushLong(long)
  91. 88 CLuaInterface::GetFlags(int)
  92. 89 CLuaInterface::FindOnObjectsMetaTable(int,int)
  93. 90 CLuaInterface::FindObjectOnTable(int,int)
  94. 91 CLuaInterface::SetMemberFast(ILuaObject *,int,int)
  95. 92 CLuaInterface::RunString(char const*,char const*,char const*,bool,bool)
  96. 93 CLuaInterface::IsEqual(ILuaObject *,ILuaObject *)
  97. 94 CLuaInterface::Error(char const*)
  98. 95 CLuaInterface::GetStringOrError(int)
  99. 96 CLuaInterface::RunLuaModule(char const*)
  100. 97 CLuaInterface::FindAndRunScript(char const*,bool,bool,char const*,bool)
  101. 98 CLuaInterface::SetPathID(char const*)
  102. 99 CLuaInterface::GetPathID(void)
  103. 100 CLuaInterface::ErrorNoHalt(char const*,...)
  104. 101 CLuaInterface::Msg(char const*,...)
  105. 102 CLuaInterface::PushPath(char const*)
  106. 103 CLuaInterface::PopPath(void)
  107. 104 CLuaInterface::GetPath(void)
  108. 105 CLuaInterface::GetColor(int)
  109. 106 CLuaInterface::PushColor(Color)
  110. 107 CLuaInterface::GetStack(int,void *)
  111. 108 CLuaInterface::GetInfo(char const*,void *)
  112. 109 CLuaInterface::GetLocal(void *,int)
  113. 110 CLuaInterface::GetUpvalue(int,int)
  114. 111 CLuaInterface::RunStringEx(char const*,char const*,char const*,bool,bool,bool,bool)
  115. 112 CLuaInterface::GetDataString(int,void **)
  116. 113 CLuaInterface::ErrorFromLua(char const*,...)
  117. 114 CLuaInterface::GetCurrentLocation(void)
  118. 115 CLuaInterface::MsgColour(Color const&,char const*,...)
  119. 116 CLuaInterface::GetCurrentFile(std::string &)
  120. 117 CLuaInterface::CompileString(Bootil::Buffer &,std::string const&)
  121. 118 CLuaInterface::CallFunctionProtected(int,int,bool)
  122. 119 CLuaInterface::Require(char const*)
  123. 120 CLuaInterface::GetActualTypeName(int)
  124. 121 CLuaInterface::PreCreateTable(int,int)
  125. 122 CLuaInterface::PushPooledString(int)
  126. 123 CLuaInterface::GetPooledString(int)
  127. 124 CLuaInterface::AddThreadedCall(ILuaThreadedCall *)
  128. 125 aNil
  129. 126 aBool
  130. 127 aLightuserdata
  131. 128 aNumber
  132. 129 aString
  133. 130 aTable
  134. 131 aFunction
  135. 132 aUserdata
  136. 133 aThread
  137. 134 aEntity
  138. 135 aVector
  139. 136 aAngle
  140. 137 aPhysobj
  141. 138 aSave
  142. 139 aRestore
  143. 140 aDamageinfo
  144. 141 aEffectdata
  145. 142 aMovedata
  146. 143 aRecipientfilte
  147. 144 aUsercmd
  148. 145 aVehicle
  149. 146 aMaterial
  150. 147 aPanel
  151. 148 aParticle
  152. 149 aParticleemitte
  153. 150 aTexture
  154. 151 aUsermsg
  155. 152 aConvar
  156. 153 aMesh
  157. 154 aMatrix
  158. 155 aSound
  159. 156 aPixelvishandle
  160. 157 aDlight
  161. 158 aVideo
  162. 159 aFile
  163. 160 aLocomotion
  164. 161 aPath
  165. 162 aNavarea
  166. 163 aSoundhandle
  167. 164 aNavladder
  168. 165 aParticlesystem
  169. 166 aProjectedtextu
  170. 167 dword_0
  171. 168 aAcceptinput
  172. 169 aAdjustmousesen
  173. 170 aAllowplayerpic
  174. 171 aCalcmainactivi
  175. 172 aCalcview
  176. 173 aCalcviewmodelv
  177. 174 aCanexitvehicle
  178. 175 aCanplayerenter
  179. 176 aCanplayersuici
  180. 177 aChattext
  181. 178 aChattextchange
  182. 179 aCheckpassword
  183. 180 aCreateclientsi
  184. 181 aCreateentityra
  185. 182 aCreatemove
  186. 183 aDoanimationeve
  187. 184 aDoplayerdeath
  188. 185 aDrawmonitors
  189. 186 aDrawphysgunbea
  190. 187 aEndentitydrivi
  191. 188 aEntityemitsoun
  192. 189 aEntityfirebull
  193. 190 aEntitykeyvalue
  194. 191 aEntitynetworke
  195. 192 aEntityremoved
  196. 193 aEntitytakedama
  197. 194 aFinduseentity
  198. 195 aFinishchat
  199. 196 aFinishmove
  200. 197 aGuimousedouble
  201. 198 aGuimousepresse
  202. 199 aGuimousereleas
  203. 200 aGetfalldamage
  204. 201 aGetgamedescrip
  205. 202 aGetmotionblurv
  206. 203 aGetpreferredca
  207. 204 aGetteamcolor
  208. 205 aGravgunondropp
  209. 206 aGravgunonpicke
  210. 207 aGravgunpickupa
  211. 208 aGravgunpunt
  212. 209 aHudammopickedu
  213. 210 aHuddrawscorebo
  214. 211 aHuditempickedu
  215. 212 aHudpaint
  216. 213 aHudpaintbackgr
  217. 214 aHudshoulddraw
  218. 215 aHudweaponpicke
  219. 216 aInitpostentity
  220. 217 aInputmouseappl
  221. 218 aKeypress
  222. 219 aKeyrelease
  223. 220 aMove
  224. 221 aNeedsdepthpass
  225. 222 aNetworkentityc
  226. 223 aNetworkidvalid
  227. 224 aNotifyshouldtr
  228. 225 aOnachievementa
  229. 226 aOnchattab
  230. 227 aOncrazyphysics
  231. 228 aOndamagedbyexp
  232. 229 aOnentitycreate
  233. 230 aOnnpckilled
  234. 231 aOnphysgunfreez
  235. 232 aOnphysgunreloa
  236. 233 aOnplayerchat
  237. 234 aOnplayerhitgro
  238. 235 aOnviewmodelcha
  239. 236 aPhysgundrop
  240. 237 aPhysgunpickup
  241. 238 aPlayerauthed
  242. 239 aPlayerbindpres
  243. 240 aPlayerbuttondo
  244. 241 aPlayerbuttonup
  245. 242 aPlayercanhearp
  246. 243 aPlayercanpicku
  247. 244 aPlayercanpic_0
  248. 245 aPlayercanseepl
  249. 246 aPlayerconnect
  250. 247 aPlayerdeath
  251. 248 aPlayerdeathsou
  252. 249 aPlayerdeaththi
  253. 250 aPlayerdisconne
  254. 251 aPlayerdriveani
  255. 252 aPlayerendvoice
  256. 253 aPlayerenteredv
  257. 254 aPlayerfootstep
  258. 255 aPlayerhurt
  259. 256 aPlayerinitials
  260. 257 aPlayerleaveveh
  261. 258 aPlayernoclip
  262. 259 aPlayerpostthin
  263. 260 aPlayersay
  264. 261 aPlayerselectsp
  265. 262 aPlayershouldta
  266. 263 aPlayershould_0
  267. 264 aPlayersilentde
  268. 265 aPlayerspawn
  269. 266 aPlayerspray
  270. 267 aPlayerstarttau
  271. 268 aPlayerstartvoi
  272. 269 aPlayerstepsoun
  273. 270 aPlayerswitchfl
  274. 271 aPlayerswitchwe
  275. 272 aPlayertick
  276. 273 aPlayertraceatt
  277. 274 aPlayeruse
  278. 275 aPostcleanupmap
  279. 276 aPostdraw2dskyb
  280. 277 aPostdraweffect
  281. 278 aPostdrawhud
  282. 279 aPostdrawopaque
  283. 280 aPostdrawskybox
  284. 281 aPostdrawtransl
  285. 282 aPostdrawviewmo
  286. 283 aPostplayerdeat
  287. 284 aPostplayerdraw
  288. 285 aPostrender
  289. 286 aPostrendervgui
  290. 287 aPrecleanupmap
  291. 288 aPredraweffects
  292. 289 aPredrawhud
  293. 290 aPredrawopaquer
  294. 291 aPredrawskybox
  295. 292 aPredrawtranslu
  296. 293 aPredrawviewmod
  297. 294 aPreplayerdraw
  298. 295 aPrerender
  299. 296 aPreventscreenc
  300. 297 aPropbreak
  301. 298 aRenderscene
  302. 299 aRenderscreensp
  303. 300 aRestored
  304. 301 aSaved
  305. 302 aScalenpcdamage
  306. 303 aScaleplayerdam
  307. 304 aScoreboardhide
  308. 305 aScoreboardshow
  309. 306 aSetupmove
  310. 307 aSetupplayervis
  311. 308 aSetupskyboxfog
  312. 309 aSetupworldfog
  313. 310 aShouldcollide
  314. 311 aShoulddrawloca
  315. 312 aShoulddrawpart
  316. 313 aShowhelp
  317. 314 aShowspare1
  318. 315 aShowspare2
  319. 316 aShowteam
  320. 317 aShutdown
  321. 318 aSpawnicongener
  322. 319 aStartchat
  323. 320 aStartcommand
  324. 321 aStartentitydri
  325. 322 aThink
  326. 323 aTick
  327. 324 aTranslateactiv
  328. 325 aUpdateanimatio
  329. 326 aVguimousepress
  330. 327 aVguimousepre_0
  331. 328 aVehiclemove
  332. 329 aViewpunch
  333. 330 aWeaponequip
  334. 331 aBehaveupdate
  335. 332 aBlocked
  336. 333 aBodyupdate
  337. 334 aDeploy
  338. 335 aDodrawcrosshai
  339. 336 aDoimpacteffect
  340. 337 aDraw
  341. 338 aDrawtranslucen
  342. 339 aDrawweaponsele
  343. 340 aEndtouch
  344. 341 aEquip
  345. 342 aEquipammo
  346. 343 aExpressionfini
  347. 344 aFireanimatione
  348. 345 aFreezemovement
  349. 346 aGetattacksprea
  350. 347 aGetcapabilitie
  351. 348 aGetrelationshi
  352. 349 aGettracerorigi
  353. 350 aHandleanimeven
  354. 351 aHolster
  355. 352 aImpacttrace
  356. 353 aKeyvalue
  357. 354 aNpcshoot_prima
  358. 355 aNpcshoot_secon
  359. 356 aOncondition
  360. 357 aOncontact
  361. 358 aOnignite
  362. 359 aOninjured
  363. 360 aOnkilled
  364. 361 aOnlandonground
  365. 362 aOnleaveground
  366. 363 aOnnavareachang
  367. 364 aOnotherkilled
  368. 365 aOnstuck
  369. 366 aOntakedamage
  370. 367 aOnunstuck
  371. 368 aPassesdamagefi
  372. 369 aPassesfilter
  373. 370 aPassestriggerf
  374. 371 aPhysicscollide
  375. 372 aPhysicssimulat
  376. 373 aPhysicsupdate
  377. 374 aRunenginetask
  378. 375 aSetweaponholdt
  379. 376 aShoulddrawview
  380. 377 aShoulddropondi
  381. 378 aStartenginesch
  382. 379 aStartenginetas
  383. 380 aStarttouch
  384. 381 aTestcollision
  385. 382 aTouch
  386. 383 aTranslatefov
  387. 384 aUpdatetransmit
  388. 385 aUse
  389. 386 aViewmodeldrawn
  390. 387 aDrawhud
  391. 388 aDrawhudbackgro
  392. 389 aDrawworldmodel
  393. 390 aDrawworldmod_0
  394. 391 aOndrop
  395. 392 aOnremove
  396. 393 aPrimaryattack
  397. 394 aReload
  398. 395 aRenderscreen
  399. 396 aSecondaryattac
  400. 397 aActionsignal
  401. 398 aAllowinput
  402. 399 aApplyschemeset
  403. 400 aConsolemessage
  404. 401 aDoclick
  405. 402 aOnactivate
  406. 403 aOnbeginloading
  407. 404 aOncallback
  408. 405 aOnchangeaddres
  409. 406 aOnchangetarget
  410. 407 aOnchangetitle
  411. 408 aOnchildviewcre
  412. 409 aOncursorentere
  413. 410 aOncursorexited
  414. 411 aOncursormoved
  415. 412 aOndeactivate
  416. 413 aOndeletion
  417. 414 aOndocumentread
  418. 415 aOnfinishloadin
  419. 416 aOnfocuschanged
  420. 417 aOngetfocus
  421. 418 aOnkeycodepress
  422. 419 aOnkeycoderelea
  423. 420 aOnkeycodetyped
  424. 421 aOnlosefocus
  425. 422 aOnmousepressed
  426. 423 aOnmouserelease
  427. 424 aOnmousewheeled
  428. 425 aOnscreensizech
  429. 426 aOntextchanged
  430. 427 aPerformlayout
  431. 428 aResourceloaded
  432. 429 dword_0
  433. 430 `vtable for'__cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info
  434. 431 `typeinfo name for'CLuaInterface
  435. 432 `typeinfo for'ILuaInterface
  436. 433 dword_0
  437. 434 dword_0
  438. 435 `typeinfo for'CLuaShared
  439. 436 CLuaShared::~CLuaShared()
  440. 437 CLuaShared::~CLuaShared()
  441. 438 CLuaShared::Init(void * (*)(char const*,int *),bool,CSteamAPIContext *,IGet *)
  442. 439 CLuaShared::Shutdown(void)
  443. 440 CLuaShared::DumpStats(void)
  444. 441 CLuaShared::CreateLuaInterface(unsigned char,bool)
  445. 442 CLuaShared::CloseLuaInterface(ILuaInterface *)
  446. 443 CLuaShared::GetLuaInterface(unsigned char)
  447. 444 CLuaShared::LoadFile(std::string const&,std::string const&,bool,bool)
  448. 445 CLuaShared::GetCache(std::string const&)
  449. 446 CLuaShared::MountLua(char const*)
  450. 447 CLuaShared::MountLuaAdd(char const*,char const*)
  451. 448 CLuaShared::UnMountLua(char const*)
  452. 449 CLuaShared::SetFileContents(char const*,char const*)
  453. 450 CLuaShared::SetLuaFindHook(LuaClientDatatableHook *)
  454. 451 CLuaShared::FindScripts(std::string const&,std::string const&,std::vector<LuaFindResult,std::allocator<LuaFindResult>> &)
  455. 452 `vtable for'__cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info
  456. 453 `typeinfo name for'CLuaShared
  457. 454 `typeinfo for'ILuaShared
  458. 455 dword_0
  459. 456 dword_0
  460. 457 `typeinfo for'Bootil::Buffer
  461. 458 Bootil::Buffer::~Buffer()
  462. 459 Bootil::Buffer::~Buffer()
  463. 460 Bootil::Buffer::Clear(void)
  464. 461 Bootil::Buffer::EnsureCapacity(unsigned int)
  465. 462 `vtable for'__cxxabiv1::__class_type_info
  466. 463 `typeinfo name for'Bootil::Buffer
  467. 464 dword_0
  468. 465 `typeinfo for'Bootil::AutoBuffer
  469. 466 Bootil::AutoBuffer::~AutoBuffer()
  470. 467 Bootil::AutoBuffer::~AutoBuffer()
  471. 468 Bootil::AutoBuffer::Clear(void)
  472. 469 Bootil::AutoBuffer::EnsureCapacity(unsigned int)
  473. 470 `vtable for'__cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info
  474. 471 `typeinfo name for'Bootil::AutoBuffer
  475. 472 `typeinfo for'Bootil::Buffer
  476. 473 dword_0
  477. 474 dword_0
  478. 475 dword_0
  479. 476 dword_0
  480. 477 dword_0
  481. 478 _lj_str_free
  482. 479 _lj_func_freeuv
  483. 480 _lj_state_free
  484. 481 _lj_func_freeproto
  485. 482 _lj_func_free
  486. 483 _lj_trace_free
  487. 484 dword_0
  488. 485 _lj_tab_free
  489. 486 _lj_udata_free
  490. 487 dword_0
  491. 488 dword_0
  492. 489 dword_0
  493. 490 dword_0
  494. 491 dword_0
  495. 492 dword_0
  496. 493 dword_0
  497. 494 aNoValue
  498. 495 aNil
  499. 496 aBoolean
  500. 497 aUserdata
  501. 498 aNumber
  502. 499 aString
  503. 500 aTable
  504. 501 aFunction
  505. 502 aUserdata
  506. 503 aThread
  507. 504 aProto
  508. 505 aCdata
  509. 506 dword_0
  510. 507 dword_0
  511. 508 dword_0
  512. 509 dword_0
  513. 510 aNil
  514. 511 aBoolean
  515. 512 aBoolean
  516. 513 aUserdata
  517. 514 aString
  518. 515 aUpval
  519. 516 aThread
  520. 517 aProto
  521. 518 aFunction
  522. 519 aTrace
  523. 520 aCdata
  524. 521 aTable
  525. 522 aUserdata
  526. 523 aNumber
  527. 524 dword_0
  528. 525 dword_0
  529. 526 aAnd
  530. 527 aBreak
  531. 528 aContinue
  532. 529 aDo
  533. 530 aElse
  534. 531 aElseif
  535. 532 aEnd
  536. 533 aFalse
  537. 534 aFor
  538. 535 aFunction
  539. 536 aGoto
  540. 537 aIf
  541. 538 aIn
  542. 539 aLocal
  543. 540 aNil
  544. 541 aNot
  545. 542 aOr
  546. 543 aRepeat
  547. 544 aReturn
  548. 545 aThen
  549. 546 aTrue
  550. 547 aUntil
  551. 548 aWhile
  552. 549 a__
  553. 550 a___
  554. 551 asc_66A55
  555. 552 asc_66A58
  556. 553 asc_66A5B
  557. 554 asc_66A5E
  558. 555 asc_66A61
  559. 556 aNumber_0
  560. 557 aName
  561. 558 aString_0
  562. 559 aEof
  563. 560 dword_0
  564. 561 dword_0
  565. 562 dword_0
  566. 563 dword_0
  567. 564 dword_0
  568. 565 dword_0
  569. 566 _lj_str_cmp
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