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- // Action script...
- // [Action in Frame 1]
- var TIMELINE = new com.rockstargames.gtav.levelDesign.CUSTOM_WARNING_SCREEN();
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Action script...
- // [Initial MovieClip Action of sprite 6]
- #initclip 12
- Object.registerClass("WarningScreenListItem", com.rockstargames.gtav.levelDesign.WarningScreenListItem);
- #endinitclip
- ---------------------------------------------
- // Action script...
- // [Initial MovieClip Action of sprite 7]
- #initclip 11
- Object.registerClass("WarningScreenList", com.rockstargames.gtav.levelDesign.WarningScreenList);
- #endinitclip
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- // Action script...
- // [Initial MovieClip Action of sprite 18]
- #initclip 1
- class com.rockstargames.gtav.levelDesign.BaseScriptUI extends MovieClip
- {
- function BaseScriptUI()
- {
- super();
- } // End of the function
- function INITIALISE(mc)
- {
- TIMELINE = mc;
- CONTENT = TIMELINE.attachMovie("CONTENT", "CONTENT", TIMELINE.getNextHighestDepth());
- BOUNDING_BOX._visible = false;
- } // End of the function
- } // End of Class
- #endinitclip
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Action script...
- // [Initial MovieClip Action of sprite 19]
- #initclip 2
- class com.rockstargames.ui.core.BaseScreenLayout extends com.rockstargames.gtav.levelDesign.BaseScriptUI
- {
- function BaseScreenLayout()
- {
- super();
- } // End of the function
- function SET_DISPLAY_CONFIG(_screenWidthPixels, _screenHeightPixels, _safeTopPercent, _safeBottomPercent, _safeLeftPercent, _safeRightPercent, _isWideScreen, _isHiDef, _isAsian)
- {
- isWideScreen = _isWideScreen;
- if (isWideScreen)
- {
- screenWidthPixels = 1280;
- screenHeightPixels = 720;
- }
- else
- {
- screenWidthPixels = 960;
- screenHeightPixels = 720;
- } // end else if
- safeLeft = Math.round(screenWidthPixels * _safeLeftPercent);
- safeRight = Math.round(screenWidthPixels * _safeRightPercent);
- safeTop = Math.round(screenHeightPixels * _safeTopPercent);
- safeBottom = Math.round(screenHeightPixels * _safeBottomPercent);
- if (!isWideScreen)
- {
- Stage.scaleMode = "noBorder";
- } // end if
- isHiDef = _isHiDef;
- this.initScreenLayout();
- } // End of the function
- function getDisplayConfig(shouldSet)
- {
- if (shouldSet == undefined)
- {
- shouldSet = true;
- } // end if
- var _loc2 = new com.rockstargames.ui.utils.DisplayConfig();
- if (shouldSet)
- {
- this.SET_DISPLAY_CONFIG(_loc2.screenWidth, _loc2.screenHeight, _loc2.safeTop, _loc2.safeBottom, _loc2.safeLeft, _loc2.safeRight, _loc2.isWideScreen, _loc2.isCircleAccept, _loc2.isAsian);
- } // end if
- return (_loc2);
- } // End of the function
- function initScreenLayout()
- {
- } // End of the function
- function addMCToScreenLayout(linkageID, instanceName, containerMC, position, onPixel)
- {
- var _loc3 = containerMC.getNextHighestDepth();
- var _loc2 = containerMC.attachMovie(linkageID, instanceName, _loc3);
- this.positionToScreenLayout(_loc2, position, onPixel);
- return (_loc2);
- } // End of the function
- function positionToScreenLayout(mc, position, onPixel)
- {
- var _loc4 = mc._width;
- var _loc5 = mc._height;
- var _loc3 = 0;
- var _loc2 = 0;
- switch (position)
- {
- case "LT":
- case "xLT":
- {
- _loc3 = safeLeft;
- _loc2 = safeTop;
- break;
- }
- case "RT":
- {
- _loc3 = safeRight - _loc4;
- _loc2 = safeTop;
- break;
- }
- case "LB":
- {
- _loc3 = safeLeft;
- _loc2 = safeBottom - _loc5;
- break;
- }
- case "RB":
- {
- _loc3 = safeRight - _loc4;
- _loc2 = safeBottom - _loc5;
- break;
- }
- case "CC":
- {
- _loc3 = FILE_WIDTH / 2 - _loc4 / 2;
- _loc2 = safeTop + (safeBottom - safeTop) / 2 - _loc5 / 2;
- break;
- }
- case "CB":
- {
- _loc3 = safeLeft + (safeRight - safeLeft) / 2 - _loc4 / 2;
- _loc2 = safeBottom - _loc5;
- break;
- }
- case "CT":
- {
- _loc3 = safeLeft + (safeRight - safeLeft) / 2 - _loc4 / 2;
- _loc2 = safeTop;
- break;
- }
- case "xRT":
- {
- _loc3 = safeRight;
- _loc2 = safeTop;
- break;
- }
- case "xLB":
- {
- _loc3 = safeLeft;
- _loc2 = safeBottom;
- break;
- }
- case "xRB":
- {
- _loc3 = safeRight;
- _loc2 = safeBottom;
- break;
- }
- case "xCC":
- {
- _loc3 = FILE_WIDTH / 2 - _loc4 / 2;
- _loc2 = safeTop + (safeBottom - safeTop) / 2;
- break;
- }
- case "xCB":
- {
- _loc3 = FILE_WIDTH / 2 - _loc4 / 2;
- _loc2 = safeBottom;
- break;
- }
- case "xCT":
- {
- _loc3 = FILE_WIDTH / 2 - _loc4 / 2;
- _loc2 = safeTop;
- break;
- }
- } // End of switch
- if (onPixel)
- {
- _loc3 = Math.round(_loc3);
- _loc2 = Math.round(_loc2);
- } // end if
- mc._x = _loc3;
- mc._y = _loc2;
- } // End of the function
- var FILE_WIDTH = 1280;
- var screenWidthPixels = 1280;
- var screenHeightPixels = 720;
- var safeTop = 54;
- var safeBottom = 666;
- var safeLeft = 96;
- var safeRight = 1184;
- var isWideScreen = true;
- var isHiDef = true;
- var isMultiplayer = false;
- var SD_CLIPPING = 0.125000;
- } // End of Class
- #endinitclip
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Action script...
- // [Initial MovieClip Action of sprite 20]
- #initclip 3
- class com.rockstargames.ui.utils.DisplayConfig
- {
- var screenWidth, screenHeight, safeTop, safeBottom, safeLeft, safeRight, isWideScreen, isCircleAccept, isHiDef, isAsian;
- function DisplayConfig()
- {
- screenWidth = 1280;
- screenHeight = 720;
- safeTop = 0.500000;
- safeBottom = 0.950000;
- safeLeft = 0.050000;
- safeRight = 0.950000;
- isWideScreen = true;
- isCircleAccept = false;
- isHiDef = true;
- isAsian = false;
- } // End of the function
- } // End of Class
- #endinitclip
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Action script...
- // [Initial MovieClip Action of sprite 21]
- #initclip 4
- class
- {
- function GameInterface()
- {
- } // End of the function
- static function call()
- {
-, arguments);
- } // End of the function
- static var GENERIC_TYPE = 0;
- static var SCRIPT_TYPE = 1;
- static var HUD_TYPE = 2;
- static var MINIMAP_TYPE = 3;
- static var WEB_TYPE = 4;
- static var CUTSCENE_TYPE = 5;
- static var PAUSE_TYPE = 6;
- static var STORE = 7;
- } // End of Class
- #endinitclip
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Action script...
- // [Initial MovieClip Action of sprite 22]
- #initclip 5
- class com.rockstargames.gtav.levelDesign.INSTRUCTIONAL_BUTTONS extends com.rockstargames.ui.core.BaseScreenLayout
- {
- var _leadingSize, lineYPosition, spaceBetweenInstructions, spaceBetweenSpaceAndButton, maxLines, dataArray, DispConf, getDisplayConfig, buttonList, backgrounds, backgroundMCS, instructionalTextFormat, FOUR_THREE_PADDING, container, respawn_spinnerMC, savingIconID, screenWidthPixels, background, screenHeightPixels, CONTENT, backgroundColours, FILE_WIDTH;
- {
- super();
- } // End of the function
- {
- _leadingSize = 2;
- lineYPosition = 0;
- spaceBetweenInstructions = 12;
- spaceBetweenSpaceAndButton = 6;
- maxLines = 20;
- dataArray = [];
- DispConf = new com.rockstargames.ui.utils.DisplayConfig();
- DispConf = this.getDisplayConfig(true);
- } // End of the function
- function INITIALISE(mc)
- {
- super.INITIALISE(mc);
- buttonList = [];
- backgrounds = [];
- backgroundMCS = [];
- instructionalTextFormat = new TextFormat();
- instructionalTextFormat.font = "$Font2";
- instructionalTextFormat.size = 12;
- var _loc4 = new com.rockstargames.ui.utils.HudColour();
- com.rockstargames.ui.utils.Colour.setHudColour(com.rockstargames.ui.utils.HudColour.HUD_COLOUR_WHITE, _loc4);
- instructionalTextFormat.color = com.rockstargames.ui.utils.Colour.RGBToHex(_loc4.r, _loc4.g, _loc4.b);
- var _loc3 = new com.rockstargames.ui.utils.HudColour();
- com.rockstargames.ui.utils.Colour.setHudColour(com.rockstargames.ui.utils.HudColour.HUD_COLOUR_INGAME_BG, _loc3);
- this.SET_BACKGROUND_COLOUR(_loc3.r, _loc3.g, _loc3.b, _loc3.a);
- } // End of the function
- function initScreenLayout()
- {
- if (!DispConf.isWideScreen)
- {
- Stage.scaleMode = "noBorder";
- DispConf.screenWidth = 960;
- } // end if
- container._x = FOUR_THREE_PADDING + DispConf.safeRight * DispConf.screenWidth;
- container._y = DispConf.safeBottom * DispConf.screenHeight;
- var _loc6;
- var _loc5;
- var _loc4;
- var _loc3;
- for (var _loc2 = 0; _loc2 < backgroundMCS.length; ++_loc2)
- {
- _loc4 = backgrounds[_loc2];
- if (_loc2 < 1)
- {
- _loc4 = _loc4 + PADDING * 2;
- } // end if
- _loc6 = FOUR_THREE_PADDING + (DispConf.safeRight * DispConf.screenWidth - _loc4);
- _loc5 = DispConf.safeBottom * DispConf.screenHeight - (iconSize + _leadingSize) * _loc2 - iconSize;
- if (backgroundMCS[_loc2] != undefined)
- {
- _loc3 = backgroundMCS[_loc2];
- _loc3._x = _loc6;
- _loc3._y = _loc5;
- } // end if
- } // end of for
- } // End of the function
- function SET_DISPLAY_CONFIG(_screenWidthPixels, _screenHeightPixels, _safeTopPercent, _safeBottomPercent, _safeLeftPercent, _safeRightPercent, _isWideScreen, _isCircleAccept)
- {
- DispConf.isCircleAccept = _isCircleAccept;
- DispConf.isWideScreen = _isWideScreen;
- DispConf.safeBottom = _safeBottomPercent;
- DispConf.safeLeft = _safeLeftPercent;
- DispConf.safeRight = _safeRightPercent;
- DispConf.safeTop = _safeTopPercent;
- DispConf.screenHeight = _screenHeightPixels;
- DispConf.screenWidth = _screenWidthPixels;
- this.initScreenLayout();
- } // End of the function
- function debug()
- {
- this.SET_DISPLAY_CONFIG(960, 720, 0.050000, 0.950000, 0.050000, 0.950000, false, true);
- this.SET_DATA_SLOT(0, 44, "Leaderboard ending... 60");
- this.SET_DATA_SLOT(1, 30, "ACCEPT");
- this.SET_DATA_SLOT(2, 31, "BACK");
- } // End of the function
- function saveSpinerFrame()
- {
- if (typeof(respawn_spinnerMC) == "movieclip")
- {
- var _loc2 = respawn_spinnerMC.spinner;
- if (_loc2 != undefined)
- {
- respawn_spinner_frame = _loc2._currentframe;
- } // end if
- } // end if
- } // End of the function
- function SET_SAVING_TEXT(iconEnum, saveStr)
- {
- savingText = saveStr;
- savingIconID = iconEnum;
- var _loc9 = 0;
- var _loc5 = 1;
- var _loc8 = 2;
- var _loc10 = 3;
- var _loc7 = 4;
- var _loc6 = 5;
- if (saveStr == undefined)
- {
- saveStr = "";
- } // end if
- var _loc2 = 48;
- if (iconEnum == _loc5)
- {
- _loc2 = 50;
- } // end if
- if (iconEnum == _loc7)
- {
- _loc2 = 49;
- } // end if
- if (iconEnum == _loc6)
- {
- _loc2 = 48;
- } // end if
- if (is_saving)
- {
- } // end if
- dataArray.unshift([_loc2, saveStr]);
- this.CLEAR_RENDER();
- is_saving = true;
- } // End of the function
- function REMOVE_SAVING()
- {
- if (is_saving)
- {
- dataArray.shift();
- this.CLEAR_RENDER();
- } // end if
- is_saving = false;
- } // End of the function
- function CLEAR_ALL()
- {
- this.saveSpinerFrame();
- buttonList = [];
- backgrounds = [];
- dataArray = new Array();
- if (is_saving)
- {
- this.SET_SAVING_TEXT(savingIconID, savingText);
- } // end if
- } // End of the function
- function CLEAR_RENDER()
- {
- this.saveSpinerFrame();
- buttonList = [];
- backgrounds = [];
- backgroundMCS = [];
- } // End of the function
- function OVERRIDE_POSITION(newX, newY, alignBottomRight)
- {
- if (alignBottomRight == undefined)
- {
- alignBottomRight = false;
- } // end if
- container._x = -screenWidthPixels + (screenWidthPixels - background._x);
- container._y = -screenHeightPixels + (screenHeightPixels - background._y);
- container._x = container._x + newX;
- container._y = container._y + newY;
- if (alignBottomRight)
- {
- container._x = container._x - container._width;
- container._y = container._y - container._height;
- } // end if
- } // End of the function
- function SET_CLEAR_SPACE(clearSpace)
- {
- this.SET_MAX_WIDTH((DispConf.screenWidth - clearSpace) / DispConf.screenWidth);
- } // End of the function
- function SET_LEADING(newLeading)
- {
- } // End of the function
- function SET_DATA_SLOT()
- {
- var _loc3 = arguments[0];
- if (is_saving)
- {
- ++_loc3;
- } // end if
- dataArray[_loc3] = arguments.slice(1);
- } // End of the function
- function SET_DATA_SLOT_EMPTY()
- {
- this.CLEAR_ALL();
- } // End of the function
- {
- if (container)
- {
- container.removeMovieClip();
- } // end if
- container = CONTENT.createEmptyMovieClip("container", 100, {_x: 0, _y: 0});
- } // End of the function
- {
- for (var _loc2 = 0; _loc2 < backgroundMCS.length; ++_loc2)
- {
- backgroundMCS[_loc2].removeMovieClip();
- } // end of for
- backgroundMCS = [];
- } // End of the function
- {
- fullWidth = 0;
- if (layoutType == 1)
- {
- this.SET_MAX_WIDTH(0);
- } // end if
- if (layoutType == -1)
- {
- this.SET_MAX_WIDTH(1);
- }
- else
- {
- } // end else if
- if (layoutType == undefined)
- {
- this.SET_MAX_WIDTH(1);
- layoutType = 0;
- } // end if
- stackType = layoutType;
- if (dataArray.length > 0)
- {
- lineYPosition = 1;
- buttonList = [];
- backgrounds = [];
- backgroundMCS = [];
- this.createLineOfButtons(0, 0);
- } // end if
- return (1);
- } // End of the function
- function createLineOfButtons(Xpos, startIndex)
- {
- var _loc11;
- var _loc3 = startIndex;
- var _loc6 = 0;
- var _loc9 = 0;
- var _loc10;
- var _loc2;
- var _loc4;
- var _loc12;
- var _loc5;
- for (var _loc3 = startIndex; _loc3 < dataArray.length; ++_loc3)
- {
- _loc2 = this.createItem(dataArray[_loc3]);
- buttonList.push(_loc2);
- if (_loc3 > 0)
- {
- _loc4 = buttonList[_loc3 - 1];
- _loc2._x = _loc4._x - (_loc2._width + spaceBetweenInstructions);
- _loc2._y = _loc4._y;
- _loc5 = _loc2._width + spaceBetweenInstructions;
- if (_loc5 + fullWidth <= _maxWidth)
- {
- fullWidth = fullWidth + (_loc2._width + spaceBetweenInstructions);
- }
- else
- {
- backgrounds.push(fullWidth);
- fullWidth = 0;
- ++numberOfLines;
- _loc2._y = _loc4._y - _leadingSize - iconSize;
- _loc2._x = Xpos - (_loc2._width - 6);
- fullWidth = fullWidth + (_loc2._width + spaceBetweenInstructions);
- this.createLineOfButtons(0, _loc3 + 1);
- return (0);
- } // end else if
- }
- else
- {
- fullWidth = fullWidth + _loc2._width;
- } // end else if
- if (_loc6 > maxLines)
- {
- return (0);
- } // end if
- } // end of for
- backgrounds.push(fullWidth);
- } // End of the function
- function createItem(item)
- {
- item.reverse();
- ++numberOfItems;
- var _loc4 = [];
- var _loc10 = [];
- var _loc5 = container.createEmptyMovieClip("item" + numberOfItems, container.getNextHighestDepth());
- _loc5._y = -iconSize;
- var _loc8;
- var _loc12 = 0;
- var _loc6 = 0;
- var _loc7;
- var _loc11;
- for (var _loc2 = 0; _loc2 < item.length; ++_loc2)
- {
- if (typeof(item[_loc2]) == "string")
- {
- _loc10.push(true);
- var _loc9 = -1;
- if (typeof(item[_loc2 + 1]) == "number")
- {
- _loc9 = item[_loc2 + 1];
- } // end if
- _loc7 = this.generateTextField("TF_" + _loc2, item[_loc2], _loc5, _loc9);
- fullTextHeight = _loc7.textHeight;
- _loc7._y = _loc7._y + fullTextHeight / 5;
- _loc4.push(_loc7);
- } // end if
- if (typeof(item[_loc2]) == "number")
- {
- _loc10.push(false);
- _loc11 = this.createButtonIcon(item[_loc2], _loc5);
- _loc4.push(_loc11);
- } // end if
- if (_loc2 > 0)
- {
- _loc8 = _loc4[_loc2 - 1];
- if (_loc10[_loc2 - 1])
- {
- _loc6 = _loc8.textWidth;
- }
- else
- {
- _loc6 = _loc8._width;
- } // end else if
- _loc4[_loc2]._x = _loc8._x + _loc6 + spaceBetweenSpaceAndButton;
- }
- else
- {
- _loc4[_loc2]._x = -iconSize / 2;
- } // end else if
- _loc5._x = _loc5._x - (_loc6 + spaceBetweenSpaceAndButton) - PADDING;
- } // end of for
- item.reverse();
- return (_loc5);
- } // End of the function
- function createButtonIcon(buttonID, buttonParent)
- {
- {
- if (DispConf.isCircleAccept)
- {
- if (buttonID == 30)
- {
- buttonID = 31;
- }
- else if (buttonID == 31)
- {
- buttonID = 30;
- } // end if
- } // end if
- } // end else if
- var _loc3 = buttonParent.attachMovie("button_" + buttonID, "button_" + buttonID, buttonID, {_width: 20, _height: 20, _x: 2, _y: 2});
- if (buttonID == 44)
- {
- respawn_spinnerMC = _loc3;
- respawn_spinnerMC.spinner.gotoAndPlay(respawn_spinner_frame);
- } // end if
- return (_loc3);
- } // End of the function
- function ADD_OUTLINE(tf)
- {
- } // End of the function
- function SET_BACKGROUND()
- {
- var _loc6;
- var _loc5;
- var _loc3;
- var _loc4;
- for (var _loc2 = 0; _loc2 < backgrounds.length; ++_loc2)
- {
- _loc3 = backgrounds[_loc2];
- if (_loc2 < 1)
- {
- _loc3 = _loc3 + PADDING * 2;
- } // end if
- _loc6 = FOUR_THREE_PADDING + (DispConf.safeRight * DispConf.screenWidth - _loc3);
- _loc5 = DispConf.safeBottom * DispConf.screenHeight - (iconSize + _leadingSize) * _loc2 - iconSize;
- _loc4 = CONTENT.attachMovie("backgroundShape", "background" + _loc2, 10 + _loc2, {_width: _loc3, _x: _loc6, _y: _loc5, _height: iconSize});
- backgroundMCS.push(_loc4);
- com.rockstargames.ui.utils.Colour.Colourise(_loc4, backgroundColours[0], backgroundColours[1], backgroundColours[2], backgroundColours[3]);
- } // end of for
- var _loc11 = (iconSize - fullTextHeight) / 2;
- this.initScreenLayout();
- } // End of the function
- function generateTextField(textFieldName, textString, parentMovieClip, buttonID)
- {
- var _loc2 = parentMovieClip[textFieldName];
- if (_loc2 == undefined)
- {
- _loc2 = parentMovieClip.createTextField(textFieldName, parentMovieClip.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, 10, 10);
- } // end if
- _loc2.embedFonts = true;
- _loc2.autoSize = true;
- if (textString != undefined)
- {
- if (buttonID < 48 || buttonID > 50)
- {
- textString = textString.toUpperCase();
- } // end if
- _loc2.text = textString;
- } // end if
- _loc2.setTextFormat(instructionalTextFormat);
- return (_loc2);
- } // End of the function
- function SET_PADDING(top, right, bottom, left)
- {
- PADDING = top;
- } // End of the function
- function SET_BACKGROUND_COLOUR(r, g, b, a)
- {
- backgroundColours = [r, g, b, a];
- if (background)
- {
- com.rockstargames.ui.utils.Colour.Colourise(background, r, g, b, a);
- } // end if
- } // End of the function
- function SET_TEXT_COLOUR(r, g, b)
- {
- } // End of the function
- function OVERRIDE_RESPAWN_TEXT(id, txt)
- {
- if (is_saving)
- {
- ++id;
- } // end if
- var _loc2 = buttonList[id].TF_0;
- _loc2.text = txt.toUpperCase();
- _loc2.setTextFormat(instructionalTextFormat);
- } // End of the function
- function SET_MAX_WIDTH(maxWidth)
- {
- _maxWidth = maxWidth * DispConf.screenWidth;
- } // End of the function
- function getFourThreeSafeZoneOffset(screenWidthPixels)
- {
- var _loc2 = 0;
- if (FILE_WIDTH >= screenWidthPixels)
- {
- _loc2 = (FILE_WIDTH - screenWidthPixels) / 2 / 2;
- } // end if
- return (_loc2);
- } // End of the function
- var PADDING = 6;
- var respawn_spinner_frame = 1;
- var numberOfItems = 0;
- var iconSize = 24;
- var fullWidth = 0;
- var fullTextHeight = 0;
- var _maxWidth = 1280;
- var numberOfLines = 1;
- var is_saving = false;
- var savingText = "";
- var stackType = 0;
- } // End of Class
- #endinitclip
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- / Action script...
- // [Initial MovieClip Action of sprite 23]
- #initclip 6
- class com.rockstargames.ui.utils.HudColour
- {
- var r, g, b, a;
- function HudColour()
- {
- r = 255;
- g = 255;
- b = 255;
- a = 100;
- } // End of the function
- static var HUD_COLOUR_PURE_WHITE = 0;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_WHITE = 1;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_BLACK = 2;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_GREY = 3;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_GREYLIGHT = 4;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_GREYDARK = 5;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_RED = 6;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_REDLIGHT = 7;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_REDDARK = 8;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_BLUE = 9;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_BLUELIGHT = 10;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_BLUEDARK = 11;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_YELLOW = 12;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_YELLOWLIGHT = 13;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_YELLOWDARK = 14;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_ORANGE = 15;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_ORANGELIGHT = 16;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_ORANGEDARK = 17;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_GREEN = 18;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_GREENLIGHT = 19;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_GREENDARK = 20;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_PURPLE = 21;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_PURPLELIGHT = 22;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_PURPLEDARK = 23;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_PINK = 24;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_RADAR_HEALTH = 25;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_RADAR_ARMOUR = 26;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_RADAR_DAMAGE = 27;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER1 = 28;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER2 = 29;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER3 = 30;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER4 = 31;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER5 = 32;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER6 = 33;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER7 = 34;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER8 = 35;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER9 = 36;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER10 = 37;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER11 = 38;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER12 = 39;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER13 = 40;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER14 = 41;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER15 = 42;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER16 = 43;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER17 = 44;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER18 = 45;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER19 = 46;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER20 = 47;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER21 = 48;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER22 = 49;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER23 = 50;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER24 = 51;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER25 = 52;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER26 = 53;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER27 = 54;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER28 = 55;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER29 = 56;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER30 = 57;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER31 = 58;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER32 = 59;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_MENU_BLUE = 61;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_MENU_GREY_LIGHT = 62;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_MENU_YELLOW = 64;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_MENU_YELLOW_DARK = 65;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_MENU_GREEN = 66;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_MENU_GREY = 67;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_MENU_GREY_DARK = 68;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_MENU_HIGHLIGHT = 69;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_MENU_STANDARD = 70;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_MENU_DIMMED = 71;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_BRIEF_TITLE = 73;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_MID_GREY_MP = 74;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER1_DARK = 75;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER2_DARK = 76;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER3_DARK = 77;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER4_DARK = 78;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER5_DARK = 79;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER6_DARK = 80;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER7_DARK = 81;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER8_DARK = 82;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER9_DARK = 83;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER10_DARK = 84;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER11_DARK = 85;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER12_DARK = 86;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER13_DARK = 87;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER14_DARK = 88;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER15_DARK = 89;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER16_DARK = 90;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER17_DARK = 91;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER18_DARK = 92;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER19_DARK = 93;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER20_DARK = 94;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER21_DARK = 95;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER22_DARK = 96;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER23_DARK = 97;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER24_DARK = 98;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER25_DARK = 99;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER26_DARK = 100;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER27_DARK = 101;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER28_DARK = 102;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER29_DARK = 103;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER30_DARK = 104;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER31_DARK = 105;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER32_DARK = 106;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_BRONZE = 107;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_SILVER = 108;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_GOLD = 109;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_PLATINUM = 110;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_GANG1 = 111;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_GANG2 = 112;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_GANG3 = 113;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_GANG4 = 114;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_SAME_CREW = 115;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_FREEMODE = 116;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_PAUSE_BG = 117;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_FRIENDLY = 118;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_ENEMY = 119;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_LOCATION = 120;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_PICKUP = 121;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_FREEMODE_DARK = 123;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_DAMAGE = 125;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_PINKLIGHT = 126;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_SCRIPT_VARIABLE = 128;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_YOGA = 129;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_TENNIS = 130;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_GOLF = 131;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_SHOOTING_RANGE = 132;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_FLIGHT_SCHOOL = 133;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_NORTH_BLUE = 134;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_PLATFORM_BLUE = 136;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_PLATFORM_GREEN = 137;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_PLATFORM_GREY = 138;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_FACEBOOK_BLUE = 139;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_INGAME_BG = 140;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_DARTS = 141;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_WAYPOINT = 142;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_MICHAEL = 143;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_FRANKLIN = 144;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_TREVOR = 145;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_GOLF_P1 = 146;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_GOLF_P2 = 147;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_GOLF_P3 = 148;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_GOLF_P4 = 149;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_WAYPOINTLIGHT = 150;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_WAYPOINTDARK = 151;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_PANEL_LIGHT = 152;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_MICHAEL_DARK = 153;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_FRANKLIN_DARK = 154;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_TREVOR_DARK = 155;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_OBJECTIVE_ROUTE = 156;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_PAUSEMAP_TINT = 157;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_PAUSE_DESELECT = 158;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_PM_WEAPONS_LOCKED = 160;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_END_SCREEN_BG = 161;
- static var HUD_COLOUR_CHOP = 162;
- } // End of Class
- #endinitclip
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Action script...
- // [Initial MovieClip Action of sprite 24]
- #initclip 7
- class com.rockstargames.ui.utils.Colour
- {
- function Colour()
- {
- } // End of the function
- static function Colourise(movieClip, r, g, b, a)
- {
- r = (255 - r) * -1;
- g = (255 - g) * -1;
- b = (255 - b) * -1;
- var _loc1 = new flash.geom.Transform(movieClip);
- var _loc4 = new flash.geom.ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, r, g, b, 0);
- _loc1.colorTransform = _loc4;
- movieClip._alpha = a;
- } // End of the function
- static function setHudColour(hudColourEnum, hudColourObject)
- {
-"GET_HUD_COLOUR",, hudColourEnum, hudColourObject);
- } // End of the function
- static function ColouriseB(my_mc, r, g, b, a)
- {
- var _loc1 = new Color(my_mc);
- var _loc2 = {ra: 100, rb: r, ga: 100, gb: g, ba: 100, bb: b, aa: 100, ab: 100};
- _loc1.setTransform(_loc2);
- } // End of the function
- static function RGBToHex(r, g, b)
- {
- var _loc2 = r.toString(16);
- var _loc1 = g.toString(16);
- var _loc3 = b.toString(16);
- if (_loc2 == "0")
- {
- _loc2 = "00";
- } // end if
- if (_loc1 == "0")
- {
- _loc1 = "00";
- } // end if
- if (_loc3 == "0")
- {
- _loc3 = "00";
- } // end if
- var _loc4 = "0x" + _loc2 + _loc1 + _loc3;
- return (Number(_loc4));
- } // End of the function
- static function HexToRGB(hex)
- {
- var _loc1 = hex >> 16;
- var _loc2 = hex - (_loc1 << 16);
- var _loc3 = _loc2 >> 8;
- var _loc4 = _loc2 - (_loc3 << 8);
- return ({r: _loc1, g: _loc3, b: _loc4});
- } // End of the function
- static function ApplyHudColour(mc, colourId)
- {
- var _loc1 = new com.rockstargames.ui.utils.HudColour();
- com.rockstargames.ui.utils.Colour.setHudColour(colourId, _loc1);
- com.rockstargames.ui.utils.Colour.Colourise(mc, _loc1.r, _loc1.g, _loc1.b, _loc1.a);
- } // End of the function
- static function ApplyHudColourToTF(tf, colourId)
- {
- var _loc1 = new com.rockstargames.ui.utils.HudColour();
- com.rockstargames.ui.utils.Colour.setHudColour(colourId, _loc1);
- tf.textColor = com.rockstargames.ui.utils.Colour.RGBToHex(_loc1.r, _loc1.g, _loc1.b);
- } // End of the function
- } // End of Class
- #endinitclip
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Action script...
- // [Initial MovieClip Action of sprite 25]
- #initclip 8
- class com.rockstargames.gtav.levelDesign.CUSTOM_WARNING_SCREEN extends com.rockstargames.gtav.levelDesign.INSTRUCTIONAL_BUTTONS
- {
- {
- super();
- CONTENT.DividerMC._visible = false;
- CONTENT.WarningScreenListMC.reset();
- } // End of the function
- function INITIALISE(mc)
- {
- super.INITIALISE(mc);
- } // End of the function
- {
- var _loc12 = CONTENT.HeaderTF;
- var _loc13 = CONTENT.DescriptionTF;
- var _loc10 = CONTENT.WarningScreenListMC;
- var _loc15 = CONTENT.Divider1MC;
- var _loc14 = CONTENT.Divider2MC;
- var _loc11 = arguments[6];
- var _loc3;
- com.rockstargames.ui.utils.Colour.ApplyHudColour(CONTENT.HeaderTF, com.rockstargames.ui.utils.HudColour.HUD_COLOUR_YELLOW);
- _loc12.text = arguments[7];
- _loc13.text = arguments[8];
- _loc10.reset();
- for (var _loc3 = 0; _loc3 < _loc11; ++_loc3)
- {
- _loc10.setItem(arguments[_loc3]);
- } // end of for
- var _loc16 = 10;
- var _loc17 = 0;
- var _loc6 = new Array();
- _loc6.push([_loc12, 5]);
- _loc6.push([_loc15, _loc16]);
- _loc6.push([_loc13, _loc16]);
- _loc6.push([_loc10, 5]);
- _loc6.push([_loc14, 0]);
- var _loc9 = _loc6.length;
- var _loc7 = 0;
- for (var _loc3 = 0; _loc3 < _loc9; ++_loc3)
- {
- var _loc5 = _loc6[_loc3];
- _loc7 = _loc7 + _loc5[0]._height;
- _loc7 = _loc7 + _loc5[1];
- } // end of for
- var _loc8 = (BOUNDING_BOX._height - _loc7) * 0.500000;
- for (var _loc3 = 0; _loc3 < _loc9; ++_loc3)
- {
- _loc5 = _loc6[_loc3];
- var _loc4 = _loc5[0];
- _loc4._y = _loc8;
- _loc8 = _loc8 + (_loc4._height + _loc5[1]);
- } // end of for
- _loc10.setSelectedItem(0);
- CONTENT._visible = true;
- _loc12._visible = true;
- _loc13._visible = true;
- _loc15._visible = true;
- _loc14._visible = true;
- CONTENT.WarningScreenListMC._visible = true;
- } // End of the function
- {
- CONTENT.WarningScreenListMC.reset();
- CONTENT._visible = false;
- CONTENT.HeaderTF._visible = false;
- CONTENT.DescriptionTF._visible = false;
- CONTENT.DividerMC._visible = false;
- CONTENT.WarningScreenListMC._visible = false;
- } // End of the function
- {
- CONTENT.WarningScreenListMC.setSelectedItem(arguments[0] - 1);
- } // End of the function
- function debug()
- {
- CONTENT.HeaderTF.text = "TITLE";
- CONTENT.DescriptionTF.text = "MESSASGE";
- CONTENT._visible = true;
- CONTENT.HeaderTF._visible = true;
- CONTENT.DescriptionTF._visible = true;
- CONTENT.DividerMC._visible = true;
- } // End of the function
- } // End of Class
- #endinitclip
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Action script...
- // [Initial MovieClip Action of sprite 26]
- #initclip 9
- class com.rockstargames.gtav.levelDesign.WarningScreenList extends MovieClip
- {
- var CurrentIndex, ItemCounter, getNextHighestDepth, attachMovie;
- function WarningScreenList()
- {
- super();
- CurrentIndex = 0;
- ItemCounter = 0;
- } // End of the function
- function setItem(text)
- {
- if (text != "")
- {
- var _loc2 = this.attachMovie("WarningScreenListItem", "Option" + ItemCounter + "MC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
- Elements[ItemCounter] = _loc2;
- _loc2.setText(text);
- _loc2._y = ItemCounter * (_loc2._height + 2);
- ++ItemCounter;
- } // end if
- } // End of the function
- function setSelectedItem(selectedItem)
- {
- var _loc2 = Elements[CurrentIndex];
- _loc2.setActive(false);
- CurrentIndex = selectedItem;
- _loc2 = Elements[CurrentIndex];
- _loc2.setActive(true);
- } // End of the function
- function reset()
- {
- for (var _loc2 = 0; _loc2 < ItemCounter; ++_loc2)
- {
- Elements[_loc2].removeMovieClip();
- Elements[_loc2] = null;
- } // end of for
- Elements = [];
- CurrentIndex = 0;
- ItemCounter = 0;
- } // End of the function
- function debug()
- {
- ItemCounter = 6;
- } // End of the function
- var Elements = [];
- } // End of Class
- #endinitclip
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Action script...
- // [Initial MovieClip Action of sprite 27]
- #initclip 10
- class com.rockstargames.gtav.levelDesign.WarningScreenListItem extends MovieClip
- {
- var ListItemTextTF, BackgroundMC;
- function WarningScreenListItem()
- {
- super();
- ListItemTextTF._visible = false;
- BackgroundMC._visible = false;
- this.INITIALISE();
- } // End of the function
- function INITIALISE(mc)
- {
- super.INITIALISE(mc);
- } // End of the function
- function getActive()
- {
- return (BackgroundMC._visible);
- } // End of the function
- function setActive(_bActive)
- {
- BackgroundMC._visible = _bActive;
- ListItemTextTF.textColor = _bActive ? (4278190080.000000) : (4294967295.000000);
- } // End of the function
- function setText(_text)
- {
- ListItemTextTF.text = _text;
- ListItemTextTF._visible = true;
- ListItemTextTF.textColor = 4294967295.000000;
- } // End of the function
- function getText()
- {
- return (ListItemTextTF.text);
- } // End of the function
- function getEnabled()
- {
- return (ListItemTextTF._visible);
- } // End of the function
- function reset()
- {
- ListItemTextTF.text = "";
- ListItemTextTF._visible = false;
- BackgroundMC._visible = false;
- } // End of the function
- function debug()
- {
- this.setText("TEST OPTION");
- this.setActive(false);
- } // End of the function
- } // End of Class
- #endinitclip
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