

Feb 7th, 2021
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  1. “GUAAAAAAH! Curse you, humans!”
  3. They were harvesting not produce and fruit, but the head of a nobleman of dark nights who had grown fat from drinking the blood of the people, a Vampire.
  5. “Guh, how did you know about this place, about our existence?!” shouted a man named Chipuras. He had served as the Sub-Master of the Commerce Guild for ten years, retired due to old age and was now a good-natured old man who provided advice for young, aspiring merchants.
  7. But none would consider him a good-natured old man if they could see him now, crimson-eyed and baring his fangs like a beast.
  9. “It’s all thanks to a good-willed informant,” said Heinz.
  11. “Tch! Those traitors?! They sold us out after receiving Ternecia-sama’s blessings?!” Chipuras, who was no longer acting like a merchant, readied his claws with a movement unbefitting of his obese body.
  13. Most of the Subordinate Vampires and Noble-born Vampires working under Chipuras had already been defeated by Heinz’s companions. He had very few allies remaining now. But although his eyes showed hatred, they didn’t show despair.
  15. “I could have forgiven you if you were simply keeping that Dhampir as a pet, but now that you have caused me so much disgrace, I shall kill all of you and present your heads as a present to Ternecia-sama!” he shrieked.
  17. Chipuras’s movements were far quicker than one would expect from his appearance, but Heinz saw through it immediately and his magic sword sliced deep into Chipuras’s stomach.
  18. “Blue Light Flame Blade!”
  20. This was a martial skill of Radiant God Swordsmanship, Heinz’s awakened superior skill that he had gained after moving to the Orbaume Kingdom and becoming a part of Alda’s peaceful faction.
  22. The martial skill that unleashed Heinz’s light-attribute and life-attribute Mana in addition to the magic sword’s normal attack power would cause a fatal blow to a Vampire even with a light graze.
  24. This martial skill had sliced deep into Chipuras’s round belly. Even a Vampire with an astounding amount of Vitality wouldn’t be able to resist this.
  26. “Gufuh, gufufufuh, that will not work on me~! Diamond Rend!”
  28. “What?!”
  30. Instead of being defeated, Chipuras sneered and used an advanced martial skill of the Unarmed Fighting Technique in an attempt to tear Heinz to pieces. He swung his claws with the strength of a Colossus; Heinz barely managed to use the Swordsmanship martial skill, Flowing Willow, to stop the attack and opened his eyes wide in shock to see that Chipuras was unharmed.
  32. “Kuhaha! Because of the divine protection of Hihiryushukaka, the Evil God of Joyful Life, I have been granted the Light/Life-Attribute Nullification skill!” Chipuras cackled. “Your sword technique has no effect!”
  34. It was probably because of this skill that Chipuras, who was supposed to be a Vampire, remained unharmed despite the fact that the mansion’s walls had been destroyed and the sunlight was hitting him directly.
  36. “Hahahaha! I am a Vampire Marquis! I am one of Ternecia’s three most powerful chief vassals; even if you are A-class, did you think that a human like you could defeat…” Chipuras faltered mid-sentence, a suspicious look on his face. “You bastard, what are you playing at?”
  38. Heinz had raised his sword, facing Chipuras directly.
  39. “Are you listening to what I am saying? Your powerful Radiant God Swordsmanship and your light and life-attribute magic will not work against me!”
  41. Ignoring Chipuras, Heinz focused and sharpened his mind.
  43. “… Transcend Limits… Transcend Limits – Magic Sword…”
  45. The image in his mind was one of a single blade.
  47. “… Familiar Spirit Descent!”
  49. Heinz was enveloped in a pillar of light that descended from the sky, and wings made of light sprouted from his back, a sign that a Familiar Spirit of Alda had descended upon him.
  51. “Y-you bastard! Can you not tell that your efforts are futiiiiiile!” Chipuras shouted.
  53. Against Chipuras, who possessed the Light/Life-Attribute Nullification skill, there was little meaning in Alda’s Familiar Spirit descending upon Heinz.
  55. However, it was angry words rather than scornful laughter that were coming from Chipuras’s mouth. Unable to withstand the pressure that grew stronger as Heinz’s power became greater, Chipuras activated his own Transcend Limits skill, giving his body an explosive increase in physical strength.
  56. “Diiie! Endless Twin Claw-Blades! Ice Beast Pack Assault!”
  58. Chipuras used a martial skill in which the claws of both of his arms were swung in rapid succession, with beasts of ice conjured by water-attribute magic filling in the gaps between his attacks with their claws and fangs.
  60. This was Chipuras’s consecutive attack that would result in certain victory. This was the trump card that he had used to climb the ranks of the Vampires’ twisted society, where one couldn’t survive on resourcefulness alone.
  62. The moment this swarm of blades reached Heinz, he swung his magic sword.
  64. “Evil-Crushing Blue Radiant Flash!”
  66. Chipuras’s claws, which were harder than Adamantite, fell apart as if they were made of glass, along with the beasts of ice. The blade of the magic sword sank into his body as if being absorbed, and silently pierced through it!
  68. This fearsome slash didn’t stop there. The ceiling and walls of the mansion were cut apart and erased.
  70. “Im… possible…”
  72. Heinz heard the two pieces of Chipuras, who had been cut in half in a line from his head to his crotch, falling to the ground behind him. He exhaled and returned his magic sword to its sheath.
  74. “Even if you have a nullification skill that transcends resistance skills, I won’t lose so long as I have a will to carry out justice,” he murmured.
  76. “That’s all well and good, but I wish you’d fight a little better,” whispered Delizah, the female Dwarf Shield-Bearer.
  78. She had charged into the mansion with Edgar and the others; she was looking not at Chipuras, whose two separate halves were burning in blue flames, but at the place where the mansion’s walls had been.
  80. The mountain beyond that spot had also been cut. It had been cleanly split in two.
  82. “The mountain beyond the mansion belongs to Chipuras; there aren’t any people there so it should be fine,” said Heinz.
  84. “That’s not the problem, is it, now?” said Delizah.
  86. “I only split the mountain; I haven’t cut down too many trees, so Diana probably won’t be angry, will she?” said Heinz.
  88. Delizah put her face in her hands. “Ah, you justice meathead.”
  90. Heinz undid his Familiar Spirit Descent. “Justice meathead” was his nickname among his companions.
  92. In reality, he had defeated Chipuras, an enemy whose nullification skill that rendered everything ineffective except for the attack power of the magic sword itself, by repeatedly strengthening himself a ridiculous number of times before unleashing the most powerful attack possible in order to cut through with raw power.
  94. The shockwave he had produced wasn’t that great, but it had been enough to cut through a mountain.
  96. “You did it, or maybe I should say, you’ve gone and done it,” Delizah muttered.
  98. “Edgar, where are Jennifer and Diana?” asked Heinz.
  99. “They’re gathering Magic Stones from the Vampires we defeated,” Edgar replied. “As for the big one there…” He looked towards Chipuras’s corpse disappointedly before returning to his usual, serious expression. “I don’t think we’re getting anything out of him.”
  101. “But how many Noble-born Vampires is that now? I’m sure that informant called Kinarp can go to heaven now,” said Delizah.
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