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Nov 23rd, 2014
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  1. kioaun
  2. [rl/drama/mute] In retrospect, pretty much I hope the person on my list leaking things gets cancer and I hope it's the bad kind <3
  3. kioaun
  4. I'm sorry I vented about the boyfriend. God forbid anyone get irritated. Also I'm glad to be rid of him because if you're willing to take an anonymous person's word over your SO's?
  5. kioaun
  6. And happily accept the violation of their privacy?
  7. kioaun
  8. So to tealdeer, pretty much, someone went through my plurks from over a year ago where I made vague references to being out of town. Claimed I was obviously boning some other guy.
  9. kioaun
  10. Admitting to it on a plurk where several of my RL friends, and quite a few mutual friends can see it?
  11. kioaun
  12. And then somehow having an affair in Seattle when someone was with me 99% of the time and can attest to the fact I did nothing but complain and eat pizza
  13. Pumpkjenn
  14. :\\\\\\\\
  15. SHSL Turk
  16. woooooooow yeah, someone has issues here and I'm pretty sure that someone is not you
  17. kioaun
  18. And pretty much every one who knows me irl who I've told has laughed and gone "Oh my God you don't even like people in general"
  19. SHSL Turk
  20. and yeah, if he's willing to believe that over you then you're better off without
  21. kioaun
  22. Which is true. I hate people. I have like five people I ever do things with
  23. kioaun
  24. Mostly I'm still just because who cares that much over RP?
  25. kioaunhas
  26. to be someone from Scorched because they copied plurks that were locked to that game.
  27. Pumpkjenn
  28. Yeah, seriously.....
  29. kioaun
  30. By the way the incriminating plurks were that I was in a house full of men and had my period and obviously I was cheating
  31. Pumpkjenn
  32. That was their first mistake.
  33. kioaun
  34. Spoiler I was with my dad and his highschool buddy in bumfuck Ohio
  35. вαмвαмღвιт¢н
  36. so you broke up with boy?
  37. kioaun
  38. It's mostly just, I can verify my whereabouts with someone if he'd bothered to check?
  39. вαмвαмღвιт¢н
  40. //so out of loop
  41. kioaun
  42. I don't drive more than two hours by myself.
  43. kioaun
  44. I don't go anywhere by myself
  45. Pumpkjenn
  46. .... Jesus how would you even be able to have a libido
  47. ary
  48. wow what
  49. ary
  50. scorched was forever ago, i can't even...
  51. ary
  52. why would someone from rp be that invested
  53. kioaun
  54. Out of the loop he called me a cheating whore and I told him to go fuck himself and never speak to me again
  55. вαмвαмღвιт¢н
  56. wow
  57. kioaun
  58. Then I cancelled all his birthday presents and left him with a bill in the multiple hundreds for a vacation he can't refund
  59. вαмвαмღвιт¢н
  60. dude after the way he's acted i gotta say you are so fuckin better off without him what a dick
  61. вαмвαмღвιт¢н
  62. this the same guy who whines about cons and stuff, yeah?
  63. kioaun
  64. Yeah and then afterward I find out that girls leave him sexy messages on his facebook all the time
  65. kioaun
  66. And he lets them sit on his lap when I'm not there
  67. kioaun
  69. вαмвαмღвιт¢н
  70. you know what that is? guilty conscience
  71. commandbro
  72. God I'm still so angry about this on your behalf.
  73. kioaun
  74. I'm like 90% sure I know who it was now
  75. kioaun
  76. Based on what they had access to and where they live
  77. вαмвαмღвιт¢н
  78. ^this
  79. kioaun
  80. I've never met this girl in person
  81. kioaun
  82. We had CR in one game several years ago. She was in Scorched briefly but I never interacted with her there
  83. commandbro
  84. Do you really?
  85. Pumpkjenn
  86. Urghhhhh. At least you have a good idea.
  87. SHSL Turk
  88. yeah, I agree it's guilty conscience at play and trying to make himself feel better by thinking you're doing it too or worse. Because he's a dick
  89. Pumpkjenn
  90. Yeah, he's definitely a sexist dick that applies double standards
  91. kioaun
  92. Like I saw one guy he doesn't like when I was in Ohio. I went to dinner with him AND HIS CRAZY GIRLFRIEND
  93. kioaun
  94. I didn't tell him because I had an awful time and didn't want him to tell me "I told you so"
  95. kioaun
  96. But still. Jesus. Who the fuck goes through an account to over a year ago and why am I supposed to remember when I get a condescending call with "WHO WERE YOU WITH LAST HALLOWEEN?"
  97. kioaun
  98. The answer is I was at work. It's on the work facebook page if he didn't believe me. I AM IN A PHOTO OF OUR HALLOWEEN PARTY
  99. kioaun
  100. And mostly it sucks having someone go through everything you post with the purpose of hurting someone else
  101. NSFWizards
  102. god that's so fucked up, who the hell even does that
  103. kioaun
  104. It's such a 6th grade girl thing to do. But then RPers and why am I surprised they are not mentally mature?
  105. kioaun
  106. So pretty much the ex boyfriend insulted me. Three of our mutual friends by apparently thinking they wouldn't tell him and thinking one of them actually was the one doing it
  107. kioaun
  108. My parents who had just bought him an expensive luggage set for his birthday.
  109. kioaun
  110. He used to tell me how stupid it was for me to get upset if someone was mean to me. How people could say mean things and it doesn't make them true so why get your feelings hurt
  111. kioaun
  112. Well he sure got his delicate little feelings hurt easily.
  113. NSFWizards
  114. it's bullshit but to be honest you're probably better off in the end not being in a relationship with someone who doesn't trust you (and that you've had problems with already)
  115. kioaun
  116. And I can honestly say if I met a couple at a con and the guy messaged me telling me how much he disliked his girlfriend and how he was going to break up with her? I would block him
  117. kioaun
  118. And if someone sent me an anon message saying "Hey your boyfriend is posting things about you, want to see?" I would say no
  119. kioaun
  120. Because if you were my friend, you would be up front about it
  121. Pumpkjenn
  122. Yeah, seriously. This is fucked up in multiple ways.
  123. «kate»
  124. what the fuck, man
  125. Always Naked
  126. Ugh >:T
  127. Goblin King
  128. This whole thing is still baffling to me, to do such things over a brief time that you might have rp'ed together. And that he would prefer to believe anon messages as opposed to you.
  129. kioaun
  130. But oh well. I can go to Disney with other people
  131. Goblin King
  132. Exactly. When are good hours to call, since I don't know what normal people hours are?
  133. cσsmσgαsmíc
  134. That is still the craziest shit I've ever heard
  135. ko♏ix
  136. wow
  137. ko♏ix
  138. But yeah, no wonder he was so eager to think you were cheating
  139. kioaun
  140. It's pretty crazy because wtf. When irl I have issues with even casual contact with people
  141. kioaun
  142. Like shaking hands with someone can make me retch with the feeling of my skin crawling
  143. ko♏ix
  144. Yeah but people who are doing something wrong - and he is - are going to assume their behavior is 'normal' and stuff
  145. ko♏ix
  146. So if HE is borderline cheating then CLEARLY it makes sense you would cheat because he isn't a bad person!
  147. Pumpkjenn
  148. Sad part is that the person who tried to hurt you actually probably did you a major favor.
  149. Goblin King
  150. Karma, perhaps.
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