
TIFU by Almost Sending my Friend to Heaven

Mar 18th, 2020
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  1. This happened earlier in the day and my friend finally felt ready to get in an uber and go home.
  3. A little backstory. I recently turned 19 which is the age you can drink and use canabis in Ontario Canada. I bought some edibles off a local dispensary and all was good. One small detail that would nearly kill my friend is that I didn’t realize the bag the edibles came in had a ziplock and I cut it under the ziplock rendering the back useless. I proceeded to put all 15-20 edibles in a container and leave then in the pantry.
  5. Fast forward to today, and my friend comes to visit me so we can watch a movie. (ik I should be isolating myself but we’re both pretty busy and this was the only chance in a while to see eachother.) Now me and my friend (we’ll say J) have known each other since we were in preschool and we’re super comfortable around each other. Before the movie, I decided I want to make a pan pizza based on a Binging with Babish video I saw. Anyways, I get to cooking and my friend is roaming around my house and without my knowledge goes into the pantry for a snack. I’m guessing he sees the “mini cookies” and decides to eat them. Thats right, THEM as in plural. He grabs the container and starts roaming again while eating them like chips. After a while, he comes to the kitchen to ask me if I need any help and thats when I see the container in his hand. My entire face goes white and I just ask him” J.... how many of those did you have?” He replies with: “uhhh.... idk like 8-9?” (For reference, each cookie is 40mg and J has never touched any marijuana. We just stare at each other for what felt like 10 minutes before I come to my senses. In a state of panic, I explain the situation to him which immediately makes him panic.
  7. All I remembered after that was I told him we have less than an hour to get ready for him to be send into orbit. I turn off the stove and prep myself to trip sit him. I get blankets, Bowl to throw up in, water, lots and lots of water. We decide to go to the basement and just start watching our movie and hope for the best. After a while, I notice him start to go and get ready to start pulling him down so he doesn’t float away. He was so incredibly high that he felt and acted more drunk than high. He then goes into ultimate panic mode where he tells me that his heart is not beating and that he’s gonna go any minute now. Fast forward through a couple hours of him panicking and me trying to both help him and not laugh at this situation. At around 10:45pm (he came around 1:30pm) he finally started to sober up and stop panicking enough that I could call him an uber and send him home. Luckily everything is fine now and he messaged me saying he’s ok and going to bed.
  9. TL;DR: Switched the container for my edibles and didn’t leave a label. Friend thought they were a snack and ate around 360mg worth of edibles.
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