
Weirdos man i swear fucking weird

Jan 24th, 2024
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  1. stopped me from workin evicts me now they try to force me to do the work i was already doing fucking stupid dont you think i woudl be doing it if i didnt have a legitimate reason
  3. Maybe i actually live through a genocide and all the shit they made me go through has finally started to take its tole on me where are the random ideas and burst of work ethic ?
  • s1337668
    124 days
    # text 1.51 KB | 0 0
    1. It’s almost like the schedule and medication i had myself on was professionally assessed and prescribed after weeks of research and studying only to be ruined by people trying to put me on a stupid fuc*ing 9 to 5 schedule they’re lucky im not just reading and taking notes in my book fuc*ing stupid poeple tryna claim some brownie points only getting shit on for ruining a perfect system fuck adapting to inefficient schedules devised by mental illness generation i was getting shit done now i get to cope and chill due to shit fuc*ing goofy ass schedule fuc*ing with my insomnia and creativity legit regressing and downgrading while they complain like im supposed to be able to do more a fucked up system not made for me but the system i made for myself worked so well they had to create problems thinking i was lying about my diagnosis’s i hope i dont ever get any ideas to work and i just follow through on all my court claims since DUHHHHH WHY THE FUCK ARENT I WORKING ON SMOETHING IM PASSIONATE ABOUT FUC*ING IDIOTS MAKING ME TAKE THEM TO COURT WHILE THEY B*TCH ABOUT FORCING ME TO FOLLOW THROUGH CHOKE ON MY D*CK already fucked with my brain chemistry fuck my life up and kill me already fuc*
    3. I dont care make me a scum bag who sues people that fuck with me maybe other will learn to leave well enough alone so i can get real work done instead of this fuck shit even i dont like tryna create or be the reason for my success when i was good alone watch what i do if they give me money just so they have no input on any of my business
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. Ohhh i get it now goofy wanted to see how bad i wanted it instead of seeing how academically easy its going to be for me to do this instead since they over complicated my shit because of their own insecurities i couldnt give a fuck one way or another actually have problems actually dont care so tell me what the actuall problem is because i was always fine my known internet quote since 2013
    3. “ Life is easy, its other people who complicate it “
    5. So be more mad for over complicating your life tryin to be secure about some shit that had nothing to do with you ego fuckfaced ass hat clown goofs
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. The best part is how much anime i used to watch for decompression so they can stop the downloads and videos idc more time for me to update the Hello Kitty with more documentation and files from 2020 when this shit started working on formatting right now
  • s1337668
    124 days
    # text 0.71 KB | 0 0
    1. Cause more delays im good remember my life was shit idk what yall have going on but i was already working towards independence never needed to prove anything couldnt care about a fly scared of how a spider rider lives his life
    3. https://github.com/SC36-11-1/-/blob/✨🔥🌈⛄❄/Plaid%20Hello%20Kitty%20(PHK-UX).md
    5. Not enough videos to decompress my mind so i stay triggered and focused of fuc*ing shit up to the ends
    7. Take another basic necessity away from someone from a different generation because your own mental illness is fuc*ed idc i already know everything about these people generation couldnt care x2 because all the illnesses they gave me making me work as a child 🤣 its funny now you can laugh
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. all work and no play aka no anime no jokes no fun just knives and throats knives and throats
    3. It’s like living with my mom again easy as fuck just work on documenting the atrocities
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. I was working on art i want to do art but seems to be too many stress chemicals in my mind and no time to decompress while they complain about me not doing work they cause its a goof system at play they clowning themselves
    2. Laughing stock cant even make good soup no sustenance
    4. Force me to affiliate with a criminal and now they mad at me for doing what I think is best 🤣
    6. Ofc hes incriminating Ofc you think im bad im black remember that automatically means im a bad guy did yall forget how racism is systematic and preprogrammed into these peoples minds ? I dont have to humouring the reality since i prefer to be generally happy about my day and smile but they want to see me frowning it wont be for the reason they expect
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. Everythign has its priority order dont need ChatGPT to tell me how to structure counter harassment just need to let them do the dew drink my Mountain Dew bitch its micro dosed
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. That’s going to be the basis of the claim since its obvious he wanted to steal my identity for the protected status and spoof my identity and location to take all my benefits under the assumption i was lying to faking but hey show me your evidence and ill show you mine ?LMFAOOO actually fuck you ill just post my shit 🤣
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. Ouuu so dangerous goes library to look at memes and download Netflix good luck justifying anything 🤣
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. I love how reversal of energy means them trying to stop me from doing something means someone else will do it worse and in a bad way so it’ll happen anyway like how they weirdo tried extorting me while thinking i was extorting him when really i couldnt care less since im always in my own world them trying to keep me here and in this reality or stop something they don’t understand is exactly how you make the thing your trying to stop happen counter intuitive STOP THE PRESSES boomer style back up clog and wait while art imitates life and life imitates art the art i type about actions to take due to this means a worse reality will happen where im heard for not anything i did but everything i documented them doing in spite of me being transparent and more responsible then them all more learned in therapy and in education LOL im here for it go go go stopping something you dont understand is like trying to control the wind only to find out it exists due to earth rotation LMFAO (builds water dam to slow rotation of earth
    3. Did you know -
    5. The Three Gorges Dam in #China is so massive in scale that it has slowed down the earth’s rotation!
    7. When the dam is at its maximum, the reservoir holds 42 billion tons of water. A shift in mass that size does affect Earth, increasing the length of a day by 0.06 microseconds.
    9. Made of steel and concrete, the steel dam is 7,661 feet long and almost 600 feet high.
    11. Engineers needed 510,000 tons of steel to construct the massive dam. To put that in perspective, you could build 60 different Eiffel Towers with the same resources.
    13. I love that my messages are fun and harmless but them being afraid and stopping everything causes the real scary stuff to happen without me being involved 🤣
    15. So im not complaining or else you’d think i care just putting this here to say i told you so. And to laugh
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. Make a friend and ask to use their phone ? See if these posts are server specific or public ? Hmm not a difficult task
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. Yeah i dont actually care cant keep me from internet just delaying a basic necessity and things that’ll happen anyway probably some girl throwing a bi*ch fit and employing assistance
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. Glad i have what i have about myself online just need to keep self harming since harassment is keeping me from internet and thats only thing that keeps me decompressed so hospital trip soon knowing i have the academic foundation for therapy means NO EXCUSE jus passing the buck right how many times can i go hospital before they tell me its for emergencies only like when i called the police on the security guard just gotta keep pissing everyone off since i cant get mad just double it and send it to someone else why am i being fucked with in the first place isnt for me to question its my place to plan options for myself
  • s1337668
    124 days
    # text 0.51 KB | 0 0
    1. Gotta love my mom for being so bad these people look like kittens 🤷🏿‍♂️ when you expect nothing and your still let down find out what I love like its not obvious keep me from them with problems that dont matter while i give you problems that do looks like my little brother sucks i cant be a decent human gotta suicide bomb the people trying to cause a suicide thinking im emotional enough to kill myself instead of already so cold i had to promise not to do it with ocd since i wouldnt fail if i attempted
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. Suicide isnt supposed to be able to go through weird
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. Closed network just print the page when i have money and post who cares give me more useless work you’ll have to explain to your supervisor since aint no way someone this stupid can do things alone definitely told what to do
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. burn the hosue with me in it wait till fire big enough for fire department get on news…yes ancient fire spirit we will leave this option for 3rd last resort play {Y} so they can interview me and why then ill direct them to my social media and remind them to like and subscribe good thing this is the route they led me down from not being able to decompress plus is my MO so people from my childhood will remember the house I burned in Vancouver because of Netflix right LMFAOOO
    3. Malcom in the middle voice * i just used that as a jumping off point *
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. well cross that bridge when we get to it for now keep making empty threats For them to look insanely stupid on TV for 🤣
    3. I know how big to let the fire get so an extinguisher wont do anything stock up on chemical so its a chemical Fire and Water cant put it out ? Why because i cant watch Netflix while i decompress so i can do work 🤷🏿‍♂️ idk they’re doing this for reasons that dont matter what matters is being productive cant be evil if it changes my situation for the better knowing im in a bad place on purpose because people believed a goof they call suck my fat chode of a dick
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. It’ll be Just arson fee since ill be able to afford it just gotta start certain things and make them pending before LMFAO where’s the ridiculousness in this plan ? The fact they think im an actor or liar at this point being dead will put nails in their coffin allowing a protected person to be in a situation whos already the nicest person ever. Let that bit*h fuck my whole life up im not the only one just another one
  • s1337668
    124 days
    # text 0.41 KB | 0 0
    1. Who cares about a hospital fire they already fucked up and are trying to cover up the mistake with harassing me Because they think im not capable of getting loud i only they really should of googled me since that other goof has no proof other than the problems he caused to make them believe but wait till we get more witnesses instead of fake stolen legacy accounts and internet bullshit go old school to cable news at 6
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. Yeah fuck being random about it ill plan to embarrass the country for this fuck up
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. Fuck a hospital fire
    3. Yikes using synchronicities for gauging costs of crimes i can get away with weird coincidence
    5. https://www.ontario.ca/page/rental-housing-offences
    6. a fine of up to $50,000 for an individual
    7. up to $250,000 for a corporation
    9. https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/2015-r022/index-en.aspx
    11. Arson
    12. $45,958 – $49,807
    14. Thanks for allowing my mind to wonder ill be planning instead of decompressing negativity ill use it creatively to get out of this situation 😌
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. http://criminalnotebook.ca/index.php/Arson_(Offence)
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. I hope they never stop so i can plan this into existence what do i have to hide letting them know is how i follow up with a counter claim
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. Wonder why i cant do anything productive maybe they think you attract more flies with vinegar than with honey
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. Not my place to care
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. Cant do anything productive or positive anyway remember they just cause problems everywhere we already learned and we already know they think im faking my identity but wont own up to it throw shit into their fan
  • s1337668
    124 days
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  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230120005442/en/Kerecis-Announces-New-Fish-Skin-Burn-Products
    3. Call me Micheal Jackson again make more jokes
  • s1337668
    124 days
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    1. Ouuu where de the previous post go that we dont care about now that we about to relive our childhood due to trafficking rapis*s
  • s1337668
    124 days
    # text 0.04 KB | 0 0
    1. https://pasteboard.co/P6QNW1gMPxv6.jpg
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